#took lots of inspiration from snakes mosquitoes and saber tooth tigers believe it or not
froglegsblogs · 3 months
Most vampires have specialized hollowed out teeth (and thin tubes lined with an connecting to said teeth that go just over the roof of their mouth and connect to the inside of the throat) most often the top canines for drinking blood directly from a victim though they may drink the blood normally in other circumstances such as from a cup. Because of how these teeth are connected deeper into the head any damage taken to them is extremely painful and proves more difficult to heal often leaving crack like “scars” on the teeth. These teeth are connected to more flexible gum tissue and can move around slightly for easier feeding. (a little bit similar to a snake)
These teeth also inject victims with a small amount of venom that calms and numbs victims when first bitten.
Similar to some venomous snakes this venom is mildly anti coagulant and will thin out blood. (The venom neutralizes in the human body within an hour)
Because of all this vampires have smaller nasal cavities, which isn’t really a big problem seeing that they are dead and don’t need what the nasal cavity offers quite as much. (respiratory protection, breathing, etc.)
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I might make a more anatomically accurate one later but for now you get my scribbles!
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