#top CBSE schools in kolkata
sismaheshtala · 1 month
Top 10 CBSE Schools In Kolkata Organize 5 Types Of Competitions
Explore the dynamic range of competitions organized by the top CBSE schools in West Bengal, promoting holistic growth in Kolkata's educational landscape.
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bdminternational · 2 years
Ecological Education
Frequently, through the media and schools in south Kolkata English medium, we are informed that our planet is in a process of destruction. We are asked and advised, educated at the best CBSE board school in south Kolkata or thanks to non-governmental organizations to be careful how we manage the resources we have at our disposal: not to cut down trees, not to destroy nature, not to consume too much electricity etc. All these indications are about how NOT to do it. But, if we want to educate our children about what should be done we should seek admission in CBSE schools in Kolkata.
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Here are some suggestions for ecological education from best CBSE board school in south Kolkata:
1. The home is the best environment in which the child can learn the first notions of ecological education.
2. Teach him to unplug electronic devices when not in use. The light bulbs go out, as well as the TV and the computer, not only from the remote control or the stand-by button but from the socket.
3. Schools in south Kolkata English medium recommend setting a goal for the family this month: reduce water and electricity by at least 5%. It will be difficult, but you will be satisfied in the end because you will have less to pay, and the remaining money can be used for other purposes.
4. Teach the little ones to throw the waste into the 3 categories: plastic, paper and glass.
5. Make together the "recycled box", a cardboard box in which to collect various things that have broken or that seem to be no longer possible to use. At the end of the week, build a painting, and various decorative objects from scraps. Sometimes wonderful things can come out of what until now you used to throw away.
6. When you go shopping, choose only bags that are ecological to promote degradation in the earth when they are thrown away.
7. Seek admission in CBSE schools in Kolkata where the teaching includes ecological education.
8. Go on a trip and learn together what it's like to live without the comforts of home. What's it like to sit without bed, in the middle of the forest, or what's it like not to have the TV remote control or the computer close at hand. At the end of the day, collect all the remaining garbage and take it with you either to the city to throw it in a garbage can, or in the specially arranged places that should exist in any forest where tourism is practiced.
 9. Visit areas protected by law to learn more about environmental conservation and ecology.
10. Read together, from the Internet or from various available sources, how ecology can be applied at school or in your home environment.
Remember that ecological education refers to the provision of information and the formation of skills and abilities with the aim of protecting and conserving the environment that surrounds us. So, try to combine information with practice when you propose to teach your little one to protect the environment in which he lives.
What information did you give your child about this field? What do you think is the best way to teach the child more about ecology?
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bodhibhavans · 4 months
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lakepointschool · 4 months
If you want to secure good marks in your CBSE board exam, make sure to follow these tips by the teachers of the top CBSE school in Kolkata.
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mitaliroy · 4 months
The Future of Education: Exploring Innovative Teaching Methods Beyond Good Schools
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In recent years, the world of education has been witnessing tremendous changes and innovation. Schooling has come a long way from the traditional classroom setup. With the introduction of technology and innovative methods of teaching, the learning process has become even more exciting and interactive. The world is now looking to leave behind the era of blackboards and chalks to embrace a new way of learning. So, what does the future of education look like, in addition to the good schools near Kodalia and the best nursery school near Narendrapur? This blog aims to explore innovative teaching methods that are here to stay and change the landscape of education for good. KNOW MORE>> https://bestcbseschoolnearme.wordpress.com/2023/12/13/the-future-of-education-exploring-innovative-teaching-methods-beyond-good-schools/
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schoolmykidsparenting · 8 months
Schools in Delhi Ncr
Explore schools in Delhi NCR with SchoolMyKids. Find detailed information, reviews, and ratings to make informed decisions for your child's education. Discover the best educational opportunities and institutions in the Delhi NCR region, curated for your convenience. Trust SchoolMyKids to guide you to the right school for your child's bright academic journey.
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admissiontree · 9 months
ICSE and CBSE schools in Kolkata - admissiontree
Explore top ICSE and CBSE schools in Kolkata with admissiontree. Find admission details, fees, and more for your child's education. Find the best education options for your child.
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campuscredo · 10 months
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Things To Remember While Applying For CBSE School Admission | CampusCredo
CBSE schools are one of the prestigious education boards in India. It is also the most popular school boards with parents and students alike because of its comprehensive way of teaching. At CampusCredo you an enjoy hassle-free admission process. Enrol right now.
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bhsmukundapurteam · 2 years
3 Must-Have Amenities in a Good English Medium School
As you look for top schools in Kolkata to shortlist the best school for your kid, you need to ensure they have the basic yet necessary amenities like a playground, sports facilities, auditorium and libraries. If you find these amenities in a school, it means they are committed to providing your child with the best education they can. But are these all? We doubt. Read on to find out what else you should look for in a good school.
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Science Lab
One of the most important aspects of a good English medium school is its science lab. This can be a place where students can learn about the world around them, experiment with new ideas and concepts, and learn how to think critically about their surroundings. Science labs are essential because they allow students to explore their natural curiosity and give them a safe space to do so. A well-equipped science lab will have all of the necessary equipment for experiments and materials for observations about the outside world.
Big Library
A library is a place where students can sit and read books, learn new things, discuss topics, and do their assignments. The modern age has made it very convenient for students to get access to all kinds of information through the internet. However, they need to be able to understand what they are reading and use their imagination to visualize what they are reading about.
To achieve this goal, good English medium schools should have a spacious library with enough space for the students to sit comfortably while reading. There should be plenty of tables and chairs so that each student can comfortably sit down and read whatever book or article they want to read without any disturbance from others around them.
The library should also include computers with internet access so students can easily search for information on any topic that interests them or requires some research before writing their essays or projects at school or home."
Well-furnished Computer Lab
The students need to learn computer skills. The students can use computers in their daily lives. They can easily get information from the internet. Students should be taught how to use computers, especially in schools. Nowadays, all the offices and companies use computers. Students should learn how to use computers in their daily life to find a good job later on.
Choosing a good school is important, so you must look at the different amenities these schools offer. If you are looking for cbse school in kolkata admission, Birla School Mukundpur can be a great option. 
Do you have any questions or comments? Drop them in the comments section!
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sbgskol · 2 years
Happy parents make happy kids. A guide to peaceful parenting!
Parenting is one of the most rewarding experiences in life. Ask any parent, they would agree. But does that mean it is all rainbows and butterflies and happy Insta reels with your child? Certainly not. Children have a mind of their own and most definitely don’t hesitate before rebelling. Be it a new toy and the accompanying tantrum in a shopping mall or a vocal protest against broccoli, there is no end of situations where parents find it hard to keep calm.
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So, if you are a parent and are intrigued by the title of the blog, rest assure we have a bunch of easy tips on how to remain a peaceful parent even at the face of the biggest challenges put forth by your child. These tips are compiled by educators at one of the best CBSE girls’ school in Kolkata and are your ticket to nurturing a well-adjusted and emotionally intelligent young adult.
What is peaceful parenting?
Parenting styles different from person and person. But at their core, they all aim to guide parents so that they can raise their children in the best manner possible. Peaceful parenting is more about you than your child. Every child on planet Earth undergoes a ton of development stages and with it come a bag full of tantrums. Peaceful parenting is all about holding yourself back from lashing out impulsively and instead looking for a work-around that works both in your child’s and your favour.  
Some of the top CBSE girls’ school in Kolkata work in close association with parents to educate them on the art of being a zen parent. Read on to find out 3 such ways to practice it in your life. Happy reading!
3 Steps to Excel at Peaceful Parenting
1. Check your emotions
Easier said than done, we as humans are mostly guided by our emotions. Especially as parents, there are several hats you done. No matter how your day was, always try to not let your mood affect your interactions with your child. Children are extremely sentient beings and take cues from your behaviour every waking moment. So, instead of lashing out, try to reason with them.  
2. Build a connection with your kid
While this may seem like a redundant thing to say, but you’d be surprised to learn how few parents actually bond with their kids. One of the main requirements of peaceful parenting is logic-driven discussions. In order to bring your child up-to your level of understanding, you need to have an honest and inclusive bond with them.
3. Become their mentor
There’s a thin line between a mentor and a dictator. Don’t become the latter. While it is super easy to force something upon your kids, it does no good in the long run. Even some of the best CBSE girls’ school in Kolkata agree that parents need to create a happy place for kids where they can pour their hearts out. However, this doesn’t mean you don’t stop them from doing wrong. A change in tone or logic-driven discussions can greatly help in creating a neutral zone for your kids.
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navanalandaschool · 26 days
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The Stepping Stone to Success: Why Choose The Best CBSE Pre Primary School For Your Child
Choose the best CBSE pre-primary school in Kolkata for your child's success. Nava Nalanda Group of Schools offers top-quality education and a nurturing environment. Enroll your child now.
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sismaheshtala · 2 months
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Discover the top 10 CBSE board schools in Kolkata and explore the best ways to enroll your child for a quality education. Find the perfect fit today!
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bdminternational · 11 months
Tips for Encouraging Early Literacy
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The Importance of Early Literacy and Fostering a Love for Reading
 Early literacy and fostering a love for reading are crucial for individuals' overall development and success, having far-reaching benefits. By investing in early literacy and encouraging reading, at the best CBSE school near Garia Kolkata, we empower children to become well-rounded individuals who are equipped to navigate and thrive in an increasingly complex world.
Reading stimulates the brain and promotes cognitive development. Early exposure to books and reading activities helps children develop language skills, vocabulary, and comprehension abilities. It enhances their critical thinking, problem-solving, and reasoning skills, laying a strong foundation for their future academic and intellectual growth.
Reading books introduces children to various forms of language, expands their vocabulary, and improves their communication skills. It exposes them to different writing styles, sentence structures, and storytelling techniques, enabling them to express themselves more effectively.
Reading stimulates the imagination and fosters creativity. When children immerse themselves in books, they explore new worlds, characters, and ideas. This imaginative engagement enhances their creativity, problem-solving abilities, and abstract thinking. They learn to think beyond the obvious, develop empathy, and understand different perspectives.
Books provide a window into various emotions, experiences, and life situations. They help children understand and manage their own emotions while developing empathy towards others. By reading stories that explore different themes and characters, children learn about compassion, resilience, and emotional intelligence, which are essential for healthy emotional development.
At the top English medium school in Kolkata, fostering a love for reading in early childhood lays the foundation for a lifelong habit of learning. When children enjoy reading, they are more likely to continue reading and seeking knowledge throughout their lives. This habit opens doors to personal growth, continuous education, and intellectual curiosity. It also promotes a sense of lifelong learning and self-improvement.
Reading exposes children to diverse cultures, perspectives, and ideas beyond their immediate surroundings. It broadens their horizons, promotes tolerance, and cultivates a global mindset. By reading about different cultures, historical events, and societal issues, children develop a better understanding of the world and become more open-minded individuals.
 Ways Parents Can Encourage Early Literacy and Language Skills
 Parents play a crucial role in fostering early literacy and language skills in their children. Here are some effective ways parents of children from the top 10 CBSE schools in Kolkata 2023 can encourage and support their child's development in these areas:
Read Aloud: Read to your child regularly from an early age. Choose age-appropriate books with engaging illustrations and stories. Reading aloud helps children develop vocabulary, comprehension skills, and a love for reading.
Provide Access to Books: Create a home environment that is rich in books. Set up a dedicated bookshelf or corner where your child can easily access a variety of books. Visit libraries and bookstores together to expose them to different genres and authors.
Make Reading Interactive: Encourage your child to participate actively during reading sessions. Ask open-ended questions about the story, characters, and illustrations. Let them predict what might happen next and share their thoughts and feelings about the book.
Sing and Rhyme: Sing nursery rhymes, songs, and chants with your child. This helps them develop phonemic awareness and supports language acquisition. Encourage them to clap, dance, and repeat the rhymes with you.
Encourage Writing and Drawing: Provide opportunities for your child to practice writing and drawing. Offer them crayons, markers, and paper to express their ideas. Encourage them to scribble, draw pictures, and attempt to write their name or simple words.
Every child is unique, so adapt these strategies to suit your child's interests and developmental stage. The most important aspect, as per the top 10 CBSE schools in Kolkata 2023, is to create a nurturing and positive environment that encourages a love for language and literacy.
 How to help children develop early literacy skills in school
 Developing early literacy skills at the best English medium school in Kolkata is crucial for children's academic success and overall cognitive development. Here are some strategies the teachers use to help children develop early literacy skills:
Read Aloud: Read aloud to children regularly, exposing them to a variety of age-appropriate books and stories. This helps build vocabulary, comprehension, and phonemic awareness. Encourage active engagement by asking questions and discussing the story.
Phonics Instruction: Teach phonics systematically, focusing on letter-sound relationships. Help children understand how letters represent sounds and how to blend sounds together to form words. Use interactive activities, such as word-building games and phonics worksheets.
Sight Words: Introduce high-frequency sight words that are commonly found in early reading materials. Practice sight word recognition through flashcards, games, and repetitive reading exercises. This helps children read more fluently and increases their reading comprehension.
Writing Activities: Encourage children to practice writing through various activities. Start with letter formation and progress to simple words and sentences. Provide opportunities for creative writing, such as journaling or storytelling, to foster imagination and language expression.
Shared Writing: Engage children in shared writing experiences where they contribute to the writing process. Collaboratively create stories, class books, or other written projects. This helps children develop their understanding of writing conventions and strengthens their language skills.
Phonemic Awareness Activities: Include activities that focus on phonemic awareness, such as identifying and manipulating sounds in words. Use games, songs, and rhymes to reinforce these skills. Phonemic awareness lays the foundation for reading and spelling.
Differentiated Instruction: Recognize that children have different learning styles and abilities. Differentiate instruction by providing materials and activities at varying difficulty levels. Offer additional support to struggling readers and challenge advanced readers with more complex texts.
Home-School Connection: Foster a partnership with parents by sharing information about early literacy development and providing resources for home use. Encourage parents to read with their children and engage in literacy activities outside of school.
Developing early literacy skills is gradual, and consistency is key. By incorporating these strategies into our classroom routine at the best CBSE school near Garia Kolkata, we create a nurturing environment that supports children's literacy development and sets them on the path to becoming successful readers and writers.
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bodhibhavans · 5 months
Unlock your child's untapped potential with guidance from the teachers at the top CBSE school in South Kolkata. Read on to know more.
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lakepointschool · 5 months
Positive Reinforcement plays a crucial role in shaping students’ mindset. Read on to know how from the teachers of the top CBSE school in Kolkata.
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mitaliroy · 4 months
Unlocking Excellence: Swarnim International - Your Best Private School Near Me
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Discover unparalleled education at Swarnim International, the best private school near me. Our institution is committed to nurturing young minds, fostering academic brilliance, and providing a holistic learning experience. Explore a world-class curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities, and a supportive environment that empowers students to thrive. Choose Swarnim International for an educational journey that goes beyond the ordinary, preparing your child for a future of success and leadership. Enroll today and embark on a transformative educational experience at the forefront of excellence.
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