theninthdoor · 5 months
Do one for skz please
I genuinely thought I had done this request already but instead it has been sitting here for 24 years, growing roots and fruits 🤡
request: What attracts them first in a person?
Bang Chan || nine of swords rx: When someone is clearly uninhibited, but not unruly - that always catches his attention. How capable someone is to talk about absolutely everything and anything, no matter how embarassing or taboo, as it is part of life and nothing more.
Lee Know || king of wands: Confidence, essentially. Self-assurance, a strong will and (measured) forthrightness. Doesn't mean that the person needs to be an extrovert or super outgoing, just that they should be confident in who they are & what they want. (biiig leo energy, by the way)
Changbin || ten of swords rx: People who refuse to play the victim or accept a defeat, attract him right away. When someone turns bad situations into favourable ones on their own accord, for example, or when they speak of a failure as a good lesson learnt. Strength, all around.
Hyunjin || the chariot: He likes it when someone just looks like they have no time or patience to waste on him?? People who are so focused on their own path and goals, that everything else disappears from their sight. So, basically, independence and determination.
Han || temperance: Gentleness, patience and open-mindedness. Kindness and understanding, overall, is the way to his heart, really. Not only is that a good thing to witness, but it also makes it easier for him to approach them.
Felix || the high priestess: He always feels pulled towards that one person who's unassuming, calm and wise. Also, highly intuitive people, who can always read the room and see the truth in others' words and actions (including his, of course). Style wise, modesty.
Seungmin || ten of wands: I got a very strong ISFJ/ESFJ energy from this, to be honest... Someone who's capable of handling a lot of responsibilities, yet is always open to take on more if needed. Helpful, organized and focused people. Generosity. Traditional looks, too, perhaps.
I.N || the devil: He always feels attracted to individuals who give off that impression that they are their own master. The sort of person who's familiar with both the light & the shadow sides of themselves, and know when to play which cards. Cunningness. Also, darker aesthetics/styles are likely to pull him in as well.
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
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theninthdoor · 6 months
Straykids mtl to be affectionate with their partner?
Bang Chan || strength rx: At times he may actually overdo it and become overbearing. Chan's just a very warm and expressive person overall.
Seungmin || three of cups rx: Very much so. Seungmin is, for sure, the clingy type.
Hyunjin || wheel of fortune rx: Not naturally, but at some point in the relationship he definitely finds himself not being able to control that part of himself. Like Chan, it may become a little too much at times.
Lee Know || three of pentacles: He is affectionate but his way of showing his "affection" tends to be more practical - through acts of service or words of affirmation, for example.
Felix || two of pentacles rx: Felix can either be too affectionate and clingy or quite distant - there's no in between.
Changbin || ace of swords: He is, but not too much.
I.N || five of cups rx: Not too much. Only if he's really in the mood for it.
Han || six of cups rx: Not really. He might've been quite affectionate in the past, but he's growing out of that phase.
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
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theninthdoor · 9 months
Could you do how skz members deal with jealousy, which of them are overprotective and possessive ?
Bang Chan || six of swords, seven of wands: At first he tries to be pretty logical about it and maintain a good line of communication between him and the other person, yet fails every time. This gives me the same type of feeling as of a little kid who runs away, screaming, to hide their toys as soon as they see some other child looking at them - like "it's mine! you're not touching it. don't even think about it!". The though of sharing might've crossed his mind for a split second, but it's gone just as quick.
Lee Know || the hermit, six of swords: He might be the type to distance himself, so the other person is "forced" to seek his attention once again. Once that happens, he'll speak up - yet very coldly - about his jealousy, plus set some boundaries such as, "I would prefer if you didn't hang out with that person" or "I would rather get a text message from you telling me you're going out with that group of people instead of having to find out through social media", etc.
Changbin || six of swords, queen of swords: (our 3rd 6oS?? wow) Changbin is very, very straightforward. He'll speak up, no matter where or when; if something is bothering him, he'll say it, very honestly and clearly. He doesn't even need to raise his voice or make a scene - it's all about being forthright and getting his "competition" to recognize him as the winner of that little battle. If his partner doesn't collaborate, though, then I expect him to give them the cold shoulder and distance himself, for sure.
Hyunjin || the fool, four of cups: He comes off as quite immature + turbulent when it comes to these things… Playing it cool only makes matters worse for everybody, yet he never learns his lesson and just keeps pulling that card on them over and over again. What I mean is: he's definitely one to get upset/jealous easily, specially when he feels ignored or like the other person is enjoying someone else's presence over his; once that happens, he then becomes very careless with his words by mixing jokes with his true, raw feelings. This attitude here not only leads him to become more and more frustrated, but it might also annoy the other person quite a lot, causing then a big misunderstanding between the two.
Han || judgement, three of wands: Han starts seeking the other person's attention and approval immediately! He needs to feel seen and to feel heard! Although it might take a lot to make him jealous + to get him to admit his jealousy, it does happen. I think, in his case, it's much more an issue of him feeling less interesting or important than others - that's what makes him jealous… he doesn't want to be replaced.
Felix || strength, the hierophant: Felix seems to have a good level of self-control, to be honest. I see him being the type to use physical touch as means of getting the attention back to him - like holding hands, playing with his partner's/friend's hair, hugging them, etc -, instead of words. He just needs to feel like the connection hasn't been broken or damaged, that's all.
Seungmin || the hanged man, five of wands: He can go from giving the other person the silent treatment to loudly confronting them, in a split second. You never know what you're gonna get with him… One to get jealous quite easily, I feel like.
I.N || we've gone over him here > X, X and X. Our conclusion from all of that: my dude just wants attention; don't embarass him; he's an immature little one sometimes lol.
(Disclaimer: All readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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theninthdoor · 8 months
hello, how is everything going right now ? I hope you are doing well and that life hasn’t been too hard on you (Venus retrograde has been hitting us all HARD this year I feel)
I was wondering if you could do a reading on how other idols perceive stray kids ? I’m just curious because, despite their pretty big popularity, it kinda feels like they’re a bit isolated and don’t really seem to interact with many other idols as much as I would expect. Also their sound is kinda atypical (especially in their earlier days) in the K-pop sphere so I wonder what other idols would think of that?
thank you so much!
cards: death, eight of cups, temperance, the star
SKZ live very much in their own little world, and it's extremely hard for others to find a way in. I see them walking in sync, finishing each other's sentences, spending all free time with each other backstage at music shows and such… Idols admire their level of closeness, for sure, but it also intimidates them (because they're pretty much like a wolf pack, essentially). Besides, they are clearly on a whole new wave; they have built (not found!) their place in the industry and that, too, tends to keep others away - here, we must consider the competition between groups, the jealousy and insecurity, as well. Groups that aren't as settled and confident as them, as they take in their energy, might, naturally, find themselves feeling intimidated, resentful and/or self-conscious. But, overall, others just see them as a very harmonious, kind and talented group of individuals. No one stands out as rude, greedy or problematic.
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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theninthdoor · 2 months
Also I was just wondering are the older and newer male K-pop groups as close as they seem to be? Like got7, exo, seventeen, bts, ATEEZ, stray kids, ph1harmony etc
Got7 || the magician rx, knight of pentacles: I don't think they ever were extremely close, but it was never because they didn't like each other or didn't get along. It was definitely more of a personality thing, and keeping some distance was what worked the best for them. Some members might've still been very close, though.
EXO || strength rx, knight of wands: I heard "we've been through so much together". Even if they tried to go their separate ways and not be close, it just wouldn't be possible because they've been such a big part of each other's lives up until this point. I don't think they share absolutely everything with the other members, and may even go without talking for ages (for no reason - just life), but they'd still consider themselves very close friends. The energy I'm getting is very sibling-like. Also, some may be closer than others, but that's not shocking either.
Seventeen || six of pentacles: Very straightforward and clear… yes, they are quite close.
BTS || eight of swords, the chariot rx: They have always been close, yes, but I just feel like they've been needing to go through a "detox period" of sorts. So much happened in the last few years, that I just see them having to take time for themselves now; take a step back from the group and all that energy. Whatever they have lived together in the past years have also resulted in some tension and misguided resentment, which I think is what this period has been good for - to clean it up, if you will.
ATEEZ || five of pentacles: Not right now?? Everyone is just kinda living their own life. I actually think some members are missing the times when they were closer.
Stray Kids || the hierophant rx, nine of wands: It's strange because I feel like some members are extremely close - in a family-like way -, and others just prefer to keep it more professional now, even if before they were that close to the rest/some of the rest too. I heard "we're growing up", so them maturing and settling into their adult lives may be the cause of it.
P1Harmony || three of wands: Yes, kinda Not extremely, but still. Some friendships here are very strong.
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theninthdoor · 7 months
Mtl in skz to prefer domestic kinda relationship like imagine the scenario “waking up and just spent the morning cuddling and existing in bed , doing each own thing but chilling” vs prefer going out / fancy dates ?
Seungmin || strength: Seungmin finds a lot of enjoyment in staying home and building a comfortable and cosy environment with his partner. He's big into cuddles, for sure.
Lee Know || eight of swords: He likes to stay still, at home, with no one else around to bother them. He doesn't like to feel suffocated, though... alone time is very important for him.
Hyunjin || five of wands rx: Staying at home is just better overall. His social battery can't handle too much going out with others. Plus, it also allows them a different kind of privacy.
Han || knight of cups: He's definitely open to going out, but I just think he would much rather stay in places that are familiar and comfortable to him.
Felix || the world rx: Felix really doesn't have a preference.
Changbin || six of pentacles: He takes into account his partner's preferences, of course, but he's definitely one to like taking them to special places (for him or in general) and having his partner do the same for him. It's part of a relationship.
Bang Chan || the star: He has a whole wishlist of things he wants to do and experience with his partner.
I.N || knight of wands: Pretty obvious that he prefers to be on the move.
Going Out
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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theninthdoor · 9 months
I see you've done this! Tysm. May I please request the same of stray kids as well? Have a nice day!!
request: Stray Kids' questionable/bad sides again… before you read: make sure that you take everything with a grain of salt and put your common sense to good use! no human being is 100% angel; no one is perfect + some of these things we, ourselves, do or think of doing from time to time. still, if anyone is expecting idols to be some sort of perfect demi-gods, the internet might not be for you 💘 also, of course, i’m not claiming anything as facts. feel free to dismiss my interpretations, if you wish.
Bang Chan || knight of swords rx, the chariot: Domineering. Wants to lead + to feel the strongest, even if it requires some gaslighting. Lacks tact, at times. May miss some social cues without realizing. Uses rudeness as a way to mask his insecurities. Uses his career achievements as his whole identity.
Lee Know || the hermit, the world: Keeps too many secrets; really bad at communicating and being honest about his thoughts and opinions. Silence is always the solution for him, just not for everybody else. It's never him that has to change, but others; others must adapt to him, not him to them. A know-it-all, too.
Changbin || nine of wands rx, two of cups: He wants his friends/family/partners to have the exact same opinions and tastes as him. Plus, he can't stand feeling left out, so bet he's going to be jumping through hoops to be everywhere all time just so they don't have a chance to keep things from him - he must be present and informed, at all times! Changbin is also very paranoid and overprotective, has poor boundaries and may sometimes become quite co-dependent. He simply can't be alone for too long.
Hyunjin || knight of cups, justice: He knows how to sweet-talk someone to get whatever he wants. Hyunjin will become whoever you wish him to become in order to accomplish his own goals. He's well aware of his image + the of the power he holds over others, and he's not afraid of using it. Besides that, he also gets way too invested in things, even to the point of being completely unrealistic with his plans and expectations. Everyone is "the one" for him at least once.
Han || knight of cups, eight of wands rx: Loses interest very quickly; starts or buys things on a whim, but forgets about them overnight. In love with the idea of love, but doesn't feel like going through all of the hard work that relationships require. Often lets his emotions control him more than he controls them; definitely keeps his rose tinted glasses close by. But, again, soon he's onto the next thing (or person of interest)…
Felix || the hanged man rx, two of pentacles: He's never happy with what he has; always thinks others have it easier or better than him. Very impulsive; regrets his decision as soon as he makes them. Felix never learns… he'll make the same mistake a thousand times and still not understand what he's doing wrong. Keeps busy to avoid certain people/situations/issues.
Seungmin || four of pentacles, queen of wands: Greedy; what's his is his, and he's not going to share it with anybody. Way too proud. Likes attention and compliments a little too much. Materialistic; uses material things to get the attention/compliments that he's looking for.
I.N || the tower rx, nine of cups rx: Tends to sweep things under the rug instead of facing his issues properly. I.N's always expecting the worst, so quite often he might run away before the situation has had time to develop. Hates change more than anything - even good and necessary change! Might throw a big ol' tantrum every now and then.
(Disclaimer: All readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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theninthdoor · 8 months
stray kids || #tqq masterlist
all readings: #tqqstraykids
▏ Individual Members
〉Bang Chan
⭒ Love Update (july, 23)
⭒ How JYPE view him/feel about him after the Chan's Room issue
⭒ Energy Check (aug, 23)
⭒ Is he close with Yeji?
⭒ Love Update (dec, 22)
⭒ As a boyfriend
⭒ Energy/career update (july, 23) ⭒ Likes/Turn Ons and Dislikes/Turn Offs
〉 Hyunjin
⭒ How does he feel about Troye Sivan crushing on him? ⭒ As a boyfriend
⭒ As a boyfriend - 1, 2, 3, 4 ⭒ His current crush (june, 2023) ⭒ Likes/Turn Ons and Dislikes/Turn Offs
〉Lee Know
⭒ Lee Know & Han - good friends off camera? ⭒ As a boyfriend ⭒ Relationship update (july, 23) ⭒ Love Update (dec, 22) ⭒ Likes/Turn Ons and Dislikes/Turn Offs
⭒ Love Update (july, 23) ⭒ Love Update (dec, 22)
| All members
⭒ Love Update (aug, 23) ⭒ Quick look into the rest of their 2023 (aug, 23) ⭒ 4th Gen boy groups on girl groups' success ⭒ How they deal with jealousy ⭒ Their feelings regarding Park Jin Young (JYP) ⭒ Their questionable sides ⭒ Would they ever get divorced? ⭒ Love Update (june, 23) ⭒ What solo opportunities would they like to get? ⭒ Most to Least modest/shy ⭒ Have they ever thought of dating another member's sister? ⭒ MTL to like the chase
⭒ MTL similar to their on-screen personality ⭒ Why are most JYPE groups not attending MAMA 2023? ⭒ MTL to be affectionate with their partner ⭒ MTL to prefer serious relationships over casual ones ⭒ Love Update (oct, 23) ⭒ MTL to consider living in the US ⭒ Who's more of a giver/provider vs Who likes to be taken care of ⭒ MTL to prefer a domestic relationship vs a going out/fancy dates type of relationship ⭒ Would they date someone older than them? ⭒ Who might renew their contract with JYPE? (sep, 23) ⭒ Kissing Styles ⭒ How other idols perceive them
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theninthdoor · 5 months
Update on straykids love life pls thank u
Bang Chan || queen of cups, the emperor: He's dating, and I think his partner might be an idol (since we have the World & 6oW at the bottom of the deck = same environment & fame). The relationship feels really stable and pretty serious too, to be honest. I think Chan is very determined to make the best of it and take it as far as he possible can. He just likes this person very much.
Lee Know || the lovers, judgement: Also dating. This has a very honeymoon-phase energy to it, plus I see them still being in the process of getting to really know each other + adapt to the other's life, too. Only now must they have started to call the other boyfriend/girlfriend, I'm pretty sure. They may not spend a lot of time together, but talk all the time through text or phone calls. Like, ALL THE TIME….
Changbin || five of pentacles, knight of wands: Changbin is single, for sure. He may be meeting some people here and there, or may even have a specific person that has been keeping him interested, but I just don't see him pursuing anything right now. He's totally focused on himself.
Hyunjin || the tower, four of swords: Officially, he's single. However, I still see him hanging on to some recent situationships and still actively engaging in conversations with those people (2, I believe, as we have the 2oW at the bottom of the deck). This is just a whole mess… The way I see it, one of these past flings must've tried to get involved in + sabotage this other relationship/situationship of his, and it all just went to shit from there on.
Han || two of wands, king of pentacles rx: He was starting to get acquainted with someone new but backed down from the connection because it (or even the person) overwhelmed him. I just think what they had to offer wasn't exactly aligned with what he's looking for in a relationship at the moment. He wouldn't be able to sustain something like that right now, is what he's thinking.
Felix || two of wands rx, the star: He's been getting plenty of offers, but nothing is good enough to make him deviate from the path he has chosen to focus on for the timebeing. For now, I see Felix working on his inner-self, on healing past wounds and also trying to figure out what is it that he should be pursuing going forward - both in love and life, in general.
Seungmin || nine of pentacles, justice: That relationship that he has been in for a couple of months now (or even longer, I don't know), seems to have halted. His partner may have asked for some time apart to focus on their work or studies, and Seungmin agreed to it, with complete understanding. For him, this is not a break up, but for his partner that might be something they are secretly considering for real.
I.N || the moon, eight of cups: Single, but still talking to people and keeping his options open. I just don't see him being in the mood for dating, honestly… there's nothing wrong with him, it's just how things are sometimes. It's temporary.
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
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theninthdoor · 6 months
Ooh, this is such a cool question! I was wondering if perhaps you could do the same reading with skz?
Thank you ❤️
request: MTL similar to their on screen personality behind cameras
Changbin || the world & Han || the magician: Both are totally the same on and off camera! Han might just be a little bit more communicative, though.
Bang Chan || six of wands: He's pretty much the same, just a bit more outgoing, I think. Behind the cameras he's more likely to let loose and really be himself without worries. But, still, he shows us exactly who he is, with no deceit.
Lee Know || queen of pentacles: Lee Know's the same, really. I guess the difference is just that we're not 100% aware of how much of a practical, caring person he really is in real life.
Seungmin || the wheel of fortune: He's pretty similar; just a little bit more outgoing and adventurous. Whether the fans are aware or not, he is a big risk taker.
I.N || four of wands: I just get the sense that behind the scenes he's way more agreeable and responsible. When on camera he really embodies the maknae role in all of its glory, but that doesn't usually extend into their private lives.
Felix || page of swords: Sort of. I've done a whole reading on that, so there's no need for me to repeat myself, I'll just link it > X
Hyunjin || the devil: For sure the most different. In real life he's way more intense; may seriously struggle with control issues, be quite blunt and impulsive, and get easily annoyed with others. On the other hand, I also see him feeling a lot more at ease when it comes to breaking rules and expressing his true self without caring for what others think. He's more "in charge" of himself, behind the scenes, for the better and for the worse.
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
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theninthdoor · 6 months
Heyy! Can I request an mtl with stray kids of who would prefer serious relationships over casual ones? (Like serious on the top, and casuals on the bottom)
take your time, thank you🫶
MTL to prefer a serious relationship
Bang Chan || king of pentacles: Chan is a reliable and grounded guy, who's very serious about every relationship he builds with others - business, friendship or romantic.
Lee Know || the chariot: He thinks long-term and goes all in, for sure.
Han || king of swords: Kings are always very serious about everything they do. Casual relationships usually aren't worthy of his time or energy.
Changbin || queen of cups: He doesn't date unless he's already emotionally attached to the other person, but he's still a little less serious about it than the ones above.
I.N || the tower: He likes the drama and intensity of a very serious relationship, but might get tired of it pretty quickly. The beginning should be serious, but it's OK if it becomes more casual after a while - that might work a little better for him.
Seungmin || ace of swords: He's a go with the flow kind of person + partner, but does tend to be serious about it - unless they establish something else in the beginning.
Hyunjin || the hanged man: "Let's just see where this goes." He's open minded and a pretty independent person overall. Serious relationships tend to feel a little too stifling.
Felix || five of pentacles: At some point in the past he might've taken a rather serious approach to it all, but that just doesn't suit his current lifestyle. Casual relationships work much better for him right now.
MTL to prefer a casual relationship
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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theninthdoor · 8 months
Could you do skz kissing styles /making out ?
Tarottly ?
keeping it within my limits, but not boring 🫡
Bang Chan || four of pentacles, page of pentacles: Likes to hold his partner very close to him, keeping his hands on their waist and/or face. Their arms should be around his neck or torso, too. He prefers those long and slow kisses; hates the messy ones.
Lee Know || ten of pentacles, four of cups: There's something here about holding the other person's chin while kissing, so that could be something that he does or like his partner to do while they kiss. He also likes it to catch them by surprise with a slow, soft kiss on the cheek or on the lips (or both, one after the other). I also think he's big into kissing his partner's head/hair and forehead.
Changbin || page of swords, the wheel of fortune: He moves a lot! His head is always moving, and his hands too. Short, fast kisses. Not messy, just "dynamic"? lol
Hyunjin || ace of wands, justice rx: He loves starting the kiss only to pull away right away and watch the other person pursue his lips with theirs. He wants to feel desired - that's really it. He's also into french kisses and playing little games to get his partner beg for it.
Han || the world, two of pentacles rx: Inconsistent. He's into all types of kisses and doesn't have a specific style. He goes seems to enjoy holding his partner's waist and kissing their arms, shoulders and neck in between lip/mouth kisses.
Felix || three of cups, the moon: He's a playful yet sort of intense kisser. Wet? There's a lot of water in these cards, so… yeah. I think we can add that on. Not one to hold on to his partner or anything; the focus is on the lips and tongue, for sure.
Seungmin || three of cups, the magician: Talks between kisses. Loves to kiss his partner's cheeks and neck, and their hands too, I feel like. Also tends to laugh while kissing, at times. A kiss is never just a quiet, focused kiss for him.
I.N || six of pentacles rx, the high priestess: Likes to be pursued. Not into PDA that much, but would be the type to tease his partner in public by talking about their lips or something like that. Prefers to have his face held in their hands.
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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theninthdoor · 7 days
Who in stray kids is going to publicly date someone? 🐔🪶
ok so, I'm putting this as: dating someone more casually, with no marriage involved (as once they get married, that should inevitably become public, no?)
Bang Chan || four of cups: This is a solid No, but the energy feels a little strange, honestly… 5oC at the bottom of the deck = could be an after-the-fact type of situation? for example, the public/fans put two and two together and find out that he might've been dating X or Y at some point, and it's obvious but neither side confirms it nor denies it.
Lee Know || three of swords, eight of pentacles rx: I think he will avoid it at all costs, way up until when it's time for him to really settle down. Rumours might come up at some point, though.
Changbin || knight of cups rx: Highly doubt it. If it ever happens, it was an impulsive decision.
Hyunjin || king of pentacles, nine of swords: I keep seeing Jennie, so maybe sometime in the future (not soon - faaar into the future) he's going to find himself in a similar situation to the ones she's been through? Could be a V type of thing, where nothing is confirmed but everybody understands what's going on; or a GD type of thing, where no one really acknowledges what's happening. For him to confirm anything, the relationship will have to be quite serious, I feel like.
Han || nine of wands: Another no. The thought of it brings him a lot of anxiety.
Felix || knight of swords, the moon rx: If he does, it's as an act of defiance?? Like, if people were to annoy him too much about his love life or try to control him/it, he would go public or would make it really obvious that he's dating someone. I think he'd regret it, though, as that's not usually how he is or thinks about things.
Seungmin || the star rx: Never with another famous person, but maybe with a non-celeb. I also don't think he would care too much to confirm anything unless the relationship is very serious.
I.N || queen of pentacles, the magician: At some point, he might. Could be an accident; something that's exposed and then has to be confirmed.
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
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theninthdoor · 7 months
Skz love update please
Bang Chan || temperance rx, knight of swords: Chan has someone, yes, but the relationship (if we can even call it that) is in a complete state of chaos. I just feel like he's being stubborn and is pushing forward with something that, deep down, he knows won't work. There's a lot of impatience here and lack of communication.
Lee Know || the empress, ace of wands: Lee Know has recently started seeing someone new. I don't think this person is in the industry, but they are definitely in some creative field. The relationship is very new, yet there is actually some great potential here.
Changbin || king of pentacles, queen of cups: Someone has been pursuing him lately. I don't think they are an actual couple as of yet because Changbin is wanting to take things slow, but the other person does have very strong feelings for him. He's been enjoying getting to know them, though.
Hyunjin || eight of swords, king of swords: He's most likely single. I just see him taking some time to rethink how he's been going about relationships + why his past ones might've failed. He's wanting to change his approach to it all.
Felix || nine of wands, ace of cups: I see a relationship developing here, but one or both of them being kind of hesitant of taking the next step. Felix does like the other person but it's nothing serious, at all.
Han || eight of swords, the hermit: Definitely single. There isn't a whole lot going on in his love life right now, to be honest. He's enjoying being by himself and focusing on his work and hobbies.
Seungmin || nine of swords, six of cups: There's trouble in paradise, it seems… Someone from the past might've recently made a comeback into his life, and their intentions worry him. A lot of past issues are being brought up along with that, too, and that's only adding on to the stress and fear of having his current relationship be ruined by the past person.
I.N || two of pentacles, the lovers: He's either torn between two people who've been trying to win him over OR he's torn between moving ahead with a relationship or giving it up for something else. A choice has to be made, and so he's been weighing the pros and cons of his options.
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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theninthdoor · 7 months
Stray Kids MTL to consider living in the States? (not full-time, just having property)
Han || three of wands: Might actually be one of this goals for the future.
I.N || four of wands: He likes home (a lot) but yes, he would be into that.
Hyunjin || wheel of fortune: It's a possibility, yes.
Seungmin || three of pentacles: Not against it, at all. If it proves itself to be useful or a good opportunity comes up, he'd do it. Seungmin takes a very practical approach to these things, it seems.
Felix || the hierophant: Could happen, but there would have to be a very good reason for him to do that. I don't think he's into having property in a bunch of places; just one or two places he calls "home".
Bang Chan || the hermit: If he were to have property elsewhere, it would be in Australia, not the US. He just prefers home/familiar places.
Lee Know || eight of cups: He has no interest in that.
Changbin || the emperor rx: Big no.
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
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theninthdoor · 7 months
Who do you think radiates more of a giver/provider boyfriend in skz maknae line vs who might like be the one to be taken care of ?!?
I pulled one card for each of the members
Provider/Giver: Bang Chan (ten of wands), Changbin (the hermit) and Seungmin (the hermit).
50/50 (or sometimes one and sometimes other): Lee Know (three of pentacles) and I.N (page of cups).
Likes to be taken care of: Felix (four of swords), Han (eight of cups) and Hyunjin (page of wands).
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies).
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