swtorpadawan · 2 years
NPC Profile: Lerrek Serrus
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Standard intro, 101.
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Uli is logical like that.
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Spoiler: He is not proud his family are slaves.
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I mean... even the Imperials call it an occupation.
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This guy is having a bad day. (Don’t worry, dude. Zenith is about to shoot you.)
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We all have to accept when we’ve made poor life choices.
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Serrus only gets 45 seconds of screen time, but he leaves an impression. Even as a Sith Apprentice, he realizes that his actions are not going to work out. His semi-independence - he’s out on assignment guarding Imperial officers while he should probably kept on a shorter leash - is a rare mis-step for Darth Lachris, one of my favorite Sith from the game.
Its also telling on how the Sith Empire actually operates.
Unfortunately, we don’t get any follow-up concerning Lerek Serrus, and that’s a pity.
The Jedi Consular story is full of NPCs who get interesting introductions, and then are tossed aside without follow-up.
Honestly, things like this are one of my biggest issues with the J.C. story.
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