#swtor npc spotlight
swtorpadawan · 2 years
NPC Profile: Lerrek Serrus
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Standard intro, 101.
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Uli is logical like that.
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Spoiler: He is not proud his family are slaves.
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I mean... even the Imperials call it an occupation.
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This guy is having a bad day. (Don’t worry, dude. Zenith is about to shoot you.)
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We all have to accept when we’ve made poor life choices.
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Serrus only gets 45 seconds of screen time, but he leaves an impression. Even as a Sith Apprentice, he realizes that his actions are not going to work out. His semi-independence - he’s out on assignment guarding Imperial officers while he should probably kept on a shorter leash - is a rare mis-step for Darth Lachris, one of my favorite Sith from the game.
Its also telling on how the Sith Empire actually operates.
Unfortunately, we don’t get any follow-up concerning Lerek Serrus, and that’s a pity.
The Jedi Consular story is full of NPCs who get interesting introductions, and then are tossed aside without follow-up.
Honestly, things like this are one of my biggest issues with the J.C. story.
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anchanted-one · 7 months
Alliance Commander Ask Game
I saw this interesting post by @consularmain , and thought I'd do it too!
1. Who’s your Alliance Commander? What class are they? Alignment? Random other facts you wanna share?
That would be Vajra Devarath, Jedi Knight. He's mostly Light-Sided, but gets very attached to people. During his 'funeral' after he and the rest of Braga's strike team went MIA, my Consular thought he was a bad Jedi, but a really great person.
His story deviates greatly from the game, but I'll be referring to that rather than the game. I'm currently writing it on AO3, but I'm on Shadow of Revan, at the moment. I'm a long way from writing about his Commander days.
2. What’s a reason or two you like that this character is your Commander?
Vajra is decisive and clearheaded. He doesn't always know what's best, but on these occasions, he's very quick to ask Lana, Theron, Koth, Jorgan, Beywan, Scourge, Kira, or anyone else for their opinions. And choosing the one he things is the best one.
He has a good reputation in the galaxy. Most ordinary people see him as the ultimate white knight errant; honest (more than he actually is), self-sacrificing, and a winner. The Sith and both sides' High Command (including Acina) acknowledge his strength. The Jedi acknowledge his commitment to the galaxy, and perhaps even the Force. I should say, Vajra didn't ask for this, his legend just grew on its own thanks to him getting a lot of spotlight missions.
3. What’s a reason or two you don’t like about them being Commander?
Vajra was permanently affected by the carbonite. It's a source of chronic pain for him, to the point of knocking him out when he least expects it. He does cope somewhat after accepting both Sides of the Force thanks to Satele and Marr, but fifteen years after his return, he's got quite the litany of health problems.
He also has an old problem with mental health. He does deal with it on Rishi, thanks to Lana, but killing or losing allies can hit him hard.
4. Why did this character of all your OCs become Commander?
I've always been partial to the Knight-Errants, and the Jedi Knight felt like the natural anti-Emperor crusader. I thought that once they kill the Emperor in chapter 3, they're already the strongest boss in the galaxy, with few able to stand against them. In addition, Kotfe-et always felt like a Force-user storyline to me. It doesn't translate well for the others. I mean, Smuggler and Bounty Hunter are basically criminals, and Cipher Nine is a spy, not a poster model. And there are the fights against Arcann and Vaylin too...
5. Who did they side with? Did they stay loyal or go saboteur? Or maybe you headcanon they defect properly?
By the time of the Iokath conflict, my universe is far divorced from SWTOR storyline. In fact, the reverse happened. With the Fleet and the Gravestone under his command, Vajra attempts to put an end to fighting. He more or less strongarms both sides into going along with it. Acina and Chancellor Rans are the ones who have to choose, and they choose 'surrender.'
6. Are there any NPC’s from the class stories you’d like to see/HC join the Alliance? Ex: Master Timmns, Ardun Kothe, Watcher One, etc.
The following are part of my Alliance: Shara Jenn (remote worker), Watcher One (secretly), Praven, Bengel, and a bunch of others.
7. How’s your OC feeling about the current Malgus situation?
Doesn't happen. Vajra has the habit of decapitating enemies. Malgus was killed on Ilum, and there was nothing could be salvaged from the station's self-destruct.
On a meta level, I hate enemies that won't stay dead. It's lazy writing, and they already had Malora. They could've brought back Jadus, if they wanted nostalgia-bait, the community would've rejoiced. (You either die as a respected adversary, or live to become more nuisance than terror)
8. Are any of your other OC’s part of the Alliance? If yes what do they do for the Alliance? Do they get along with your Commander?
Most notably, Jasme Shan, Theron's twin sister. But she's not one of the starting classes. She's an Archivist first, combatant second. She's also Vajra's best friend.
Technically, Cipher Nine is a founding member, but only Vajra, Lana, Shara Jenn, and Watcher One know about it. Lana lets Theron and Jasme in on the secret at some point, but I don't know when.
Seraphim Abbot, who's a Jedi pilot and Kira's husband, also joins when she does (earlier, in my story).
Hekaten (Sith Inquisitor) joins the Alliance, in a way. They get along okay.
In addition, Roban Queens (Trooper) joins the Alliance early. But he's had a problem with Vajra for over a decade now.
Vajra encountered Commander Tavus on Taris, but didn't apprehend him, since Garza kept his defection secret. Roban hated him for it, somehow expecting the then-fifteen-year-old to somehow know how to tell a traitor. He picked a fight with Vajra, and lost. To add insult to injury, Vajra filed a formal complaint against him and Garza, which led to her losing trust, and getting a temporary demotion. He never forgave Vajra for that.
During the timeskip, Roban worked with Lana, and began to want her. But she wasn't interested, and he blamed Vajra for that (rarely admitting that he himself was the problem).
Oh, and um. Roban and his family are Zakuulan sleeper agents. He hates Arcann for killing them, but he's a Valkorionist through and through. So that's one more reason to hate Vajra.
9. How does your OC feel about Odessen? (Bonus: how do you feel about it)
Vajra loves it. The scenery is perfect, and it's balanced in the Force. In my story, Lana starts developing it as mroe than just a military base. It has cities, farms, industries, and even markets. They build a home on Odessen, and raise their kids there.
Personally, I love it. Only world I love more is Alderaan.
10. How does your Commander feel about being the Commander?
He accepts it. You have to understand though; he takes it to a whole new level. If you've ever heard of the Shogunate in Japan, that's what he becomes. A benign military dictator. He's able to bring peace to the galaxy thanks to this, but he hates how he's going against his teachings to be a dictator. In addition, he would've liked to have retired from fighting and leading. To spend the bulk of his time as a good husband and father.
11. Favorite place in the Alliance base?
The cliffs overlooking the base and valley beyond.
12. Favorite mission in KotFE?
Chapter 3. The escape from Zakuul, and getting rescued by Lana. On a personal note, I like how this mission frames Vaylin as a force of nature. Like the Dahaka from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. She was a better Vader, back in those days. Then she became a worse Kylo Ren...
13. Favorite mission in KotET?
The final one, though it's very different for Vajra. When he and Hekaten meet face-to-face for the first time, Valkorion realizes that the Sith has a super-strong pull on ghosts. He uses that to escape his 'cage' (Vajra) and transfer over to Hekaten. The final chapter, where you have to piece yourself together, takes place in Hekaten's mind rather than Vajra's. The Inquisitor escapes thanks to Vaylin's interference, and Vajra briefly resumes his role in containing Valkorion before destroying him for good using Tenebrae's original body.
14. Least favorite mission in either? Why?
From meta, the walker missions. In the game, Iokath. I hate everything about that world, but especially the conclusion. After everything SCORPIO did, having her arc resolved with a single choice like that is dumb. Personally, I resent SCORPIO blaming all organics for what only the Cabal did to her. And she's not fighting for droid rights; she has no problem treating HK-55 like a tool.
15. Is your Commander successful because they’re skilled? Or are they perhaps just really lucky?
Skill more than luck, but I can't stress on how important his friends/council are to his success.
16. From our OC’s point of view, SoR -> KotET wasn’t a fun experience, did they develop any fears as a result?
He was terribly upset by finding out that he lost five whole years. Especially because everyone he knew has changed and grown without him. Most importantly, Lana and Jasme. The latter lost the love of her life (Sith Warrior, Kairegane Rooks) and nearly gave up. He wished he'd been there for her, as she'd been for him.
He's also aware of just how hard his absence was for Lana, with whom he shares a powerful Force-Bond. It was almost dead for five years, which caused her no end of grief.
It doesn't help how he realizes that they've had five years of growth taken away from them, including the family they wished to start together.
And then there's Kira, who had a son while he was frozen.
As a result, he's very afraid of losing time. He's always in a hurry to get the work out of the way, so he can do what's really important to him--spending time with his loved ones. He's loath to let them out of his sight, like he's owrried they'll slip through some crack and vanish the moment he has his back turned. This also makes him very angry with Arcann, though he manages to put his feelings aside.
17. AU time! If your Commander wasn’t Commander, which of your other OCs would have likely taken their place?
Probably no one. Kairegane Rooks, the Wrath, was terminally ill. For her to survive, she'd have to not have a congenital disease. Hekaten is taken prisoner by the Eternal Empire, and Lana and Theron don't trust Roban due to his affiliation to Zakuul (in addition to his general creepy behavior). He proves them right by abandoning the Alliance when Valkorion takes over Hekaten. Smuggler and Bounty Hunter are far too removed from galactic politics to care. I suppose someone would've risen up, but it would've been a dark and bloody universe that ended up in an even worse place than where we are now.
18. Who’s someone your Commander hopes they never have to deal with again?
The Emperor, and Roban. That second guy especially. Creeped on his wife (Lana, whom he married way back during SOR), and joined Valkorion. He even had the temerity to pretend that Force Users have bad inner eyes, rather than accept that maybe Valkorion really was the Sith Emperor.
19. Does your Commander hold on to/still use any titles they earned before KotET?
He doesn't, but he finds them thrown his way very often. Some of the titles he has, which aren't in-game titles:
General, Jedi Marshal, and Crown Reaper (or just Reaper).
20. Share something, anything at all, you want about your Commander that you’ve not really gotten the chance to share before but really want to.
Honestly, I've either already written it, or will be writing when I get there in the story.
In the beginning, I intended for each of my OCs to correspond to a deadly sin:
Vajra: Pride (in his swordsmanship) Kairegane: Lust (thrill seeker) Roban: Envy Hekaten: Greed Mark Fordorn (Bounty Hunter): Wrath (He's an escaped Power Guard) Juun Stede (Smuggler): Gluttony Devel Nirol (Consular): Sloth.
But I did a poor job of keeping to it in most cases, so the 'sins' are a shadow of what they might have been, with the exception of Mark, who's still a very angry man.
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swtorpadawan · 3 years
NPC Spotlight : Mola Haxtor
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This is Mola Haxtor. She is/was a Republic xenozoologist on Taris, studying the Rakghouls. She a quest-giver on the Republic side.
She was later captured by the Sith Empire when they invaded. 
She is not having a good time.
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Melkor is mostly torturing her for giggles. She’s not lying or refusing to answer anything. 
Still - she does have some spirit left in her. 
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She also tells us about the nekghouls. 
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Later, Thana Vesh zaps her just because.... well, its Thana.
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In just two scenes, she makes quite the impact. But she has no dialogue after that. Mola’s fate is left uncertain.
In my Legacy built around Quoorah Beltane, Quoorah insists she take Mola off Malkor’s hands. She relates to Mola a lot, as she was another intelligent woman tormented by the Sith. (Quoorah had been in medical school before she had been arrested and sent to Korriban.) Afterwards, Quoorah frees Mola, and quietly sets her up on Nar Shaddaa, under the protection of her cult. They remained friends for years.
In my Halcyon Legacy, Mola sadly caught the eye of Lord Kael, the future Emperor’s Wrath. I have a WIP planned about that, but it doesn’t end well. 
Still - i wish we’d had some resolution to her story.
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
NPC Spotlight: Unaw Aharo
One of my favorite NPCs from the Jedi Knight story is Unaw Aharo. He’s not well developed or anything, but he actually has a meaningful character arc.
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When we meet Unaw, he’s a fellow young padawan on Tython. He bravely tried going after the Flesh Raiders, which doesn’t work out for him. 
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We bail him out of trouble. That’s basically what the Jedi Knight does.
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Orgus shows up, helps Unaw to a medic, and that’s the last we see of our new Bith friend. Until Corellia....
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He’s no longer a young padawan. Now he’s on Corellia, kicking ass and taking names, and feeling REALLY badly when the Empire is killing civilians around him.
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We exchange pleasantries, and honestly, its kind of cool. Callbacks to characters from early in the story are nice.
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See? He believes in us.  😁
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When we see him just a bit later, its like... we’ve kind of deputized him? I kind of feel like another cut-scene would have been well-served here. You’d be like “Well, Bengel is still recovering from his dark turn. Praven has been a Jedi for all of five minutes. Kiwiiks is helping relief efforts..... Yeah, okay. Unaw - you get the nod. Hold the line with these guys while i go know kick someone’s ass.” 
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So a little while later, he walks in to the room with 20 Jedi behind him. Its a cool scene. Var Suthra almost wets his pants. Awesome. You’re doing great Unaw.
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We get this cameo right after we take down Tol Braga. I took the time to animate the clip because its so sweet.  🤩 🤩 🤩 You’re a god-damned rock star, Unaw. We don’t get a follow up until this message sent after the Shadow of Revan prelude...
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Look at that. Our boy Unaw is now a Jedi Master. We knew each other back when we were Padawans.  And it makes sense. He shows actual leadership during his Corellia appearance, rather than just standing up and bellowing “The Jedi should stand for THIS!” or “The Jedi should eliminate THAT!”  Again - a minor NPC, I know. But he shows actual growth during the story. I hope he turns up again.
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
NPC Spotlight: Galen Besk
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To those who are unfamiliar, this is Galen Besk. He’s best known in the game for being the starting point to the bonus mission series on Tatooine on the Republic side.
Galen seems to know a lot about your OC and their mission. But he’ll ask you to stick around for just a bit to help out a local village that’s beset by the sand people. The quests weren’t particularly memorable, but that’s most bonus missions for you.
When you finish up, you have the option of asking Galen who he really is and how he knows so much about you.
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He’s a very interesting character. Corellan’s interaction with him was memorable.
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It was early in Corellan’s story at this point. I wouldn’t say he understood Galen’s motivations for going into ‘retirement’ like he has. But he never forgets the old Jedi, and i think, eventually, he starts to understand the appeal of leaving the Jedi life behind. 
He starts thinking about ‘after’. After the war. After Vitiate is gone and the galaxy is safe. He’ll go live out his life in anonymity and peace. Maybe on Alderaan or Rishi, as both hold sentimental value to him.
(As you might imagine, he’s rather hoping that Kira will want to join him when that time comes.) 
That’s not how it goes, of course. KOTFE/KOTET goes down and now he’s commanding the Eternal Alliance and controlling the Eternal Fleet. (My story deviates significantly from canon post-KOTET.) So he knows he has to spend the rest of his live trying to save a galaxy that is constantly trying to rip itself apart.
And he finds peace with that. In time.
But when i saw @hoiist​ post a new OC Q&A - “If your OC was an NPC” (which i heartily recommend btw) - i considered old Galen again, and how Corellan’s life might have played out.
As an NPC, i don’t think PCs could recruit Corellan. I think he’d be unrecognizable at first from the person he was before. I think he’d happily provide the player-characters with some training or possibly even equipment. And maybe even some words of advice - things he wishes someone had told him back in the day. 
But he would be all too happy to let a new generation take over. ( @theravenassassin95​ - I hope this counts as an answer to your question. :) )
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swtorpadawan · 5 years
SWTOR NPC Spotlight: Vanto Bazren / ‘Fuse’
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I kinda like Fuse. Its clear that Tavus and the old squad were basically his family; his support structure. They all got pissed about how the Republic treated them, and most of them had ruthless dispositions that made the Empire seem very palatable. (I’m looking at you, Needles.) Meanwhile, this is Fuse, about five minutes after he arrives on Tatooine and the Empire starts testing his bombs against local civilians -  
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First time i did Trooper, i went after Gorik. You don’t catch him. Fuse dies. And its b.s. you don’t get a follow up mission to deal with him. (Maybe that will be a future piece of F.F. ? Hmmm.) Anyway - not planning on doing that again. I *really* wish we could trade Tanno Vik for Fuse later on. I mean, what the hell, Garza?  😲 Also - i love racking up influence points with Elara. Bonus!  😍 😍 😍
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swtorpadawan · 5 years
SWTOR NPC Spotlight: Karrels Javis
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I actually like Karrels. Aside from one “alien” crack (not directed at the Agent or anyone else) he seems a relatively good egg on a place like Hutta, where everyone seems to be looking out for themselves.   You cultivate a relationship with him, a repoire, a connection. Then it all goes sideways because some random Sith decided to whack some random independent trader someplace.  I’ve run through this a bunch of times, always with regret. (I know you can spare him; i haven’t tried that yet.) The lesson should have been clear: Sith are a**holes, and are going to screw up a good thing.
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