#trans girl kakyoin OHUGHGUH brian molecules flying all over the damn place
cassyapper · 2 years
hi! i'm v interested in knowing what you like about trans girl yoin,,, please tell us the headcanons im so curious
HI thank u for sending this ask in i'm sorry i didn't get to it now <3 but yes trans girl yoin...
god idk kakyoin is so very gnc and as a trans* person myself i love any hc where he's not cis like look at that fucking guy and tell me he's cis. he's not holy shit the way he even talks about himself is so gnc but anyway
idk if i could describe why i like the hc so much exactly..i just think kakyoin. it makes more serotonin molecules float in my brain soup than trans man kakyoin
AS for thoughts about specific scenarios i think she'd like skirts a lot...like she'd like skirts anyway even if she wasnt trans cause she got long dancer legs so they look good on her no matter what but combined w the gender euphoria whew. she likes long flowy skirts the best. the Drama if u will of long flowy airy cloth...
other than that idk if kakyoin would care All that much about passing in terms of . society at large. but her body type is fairly ambiguous so that helps. she might have hierophant steal some estrogen packages just so she can get a Little more curves but i can't see her going all that far re medically transitioning. she's mostly focused on the social transition me thinks
when she comes out to polnareff polnareff is like "i have a little sister again (:" and kakyoin is like "my coming out is not abt u" "oh...right..sorry" "...but thanks i guess" ":)"
t4t jotakak: trans girl kakyoin and trans boy jotaro flavored also does a lot to my brain. soooo many serotonin molecules. also, in the words of my friend jade, "here's how jotaro can still be straight" HAHAHAHAHA
joseph would treat her a lot like he treated holly as a kid and it kinda disgruntles kakyoin at first cause she is Not holly but also she's really pleased at the same time that joseph could make that mental switch so fast and so easily even if it means she's gotta be associated with holly for a bit
omgggggg ryoko being like "omg ur girl? so we can do girl things (:" cause shes like ten and kakyoin is like "...yes (:" and ryoko paints her nails like pink and stuff and it's SOOO STEROTYPICALY but kakyoin is just so happy her baby cousin is so cool and excited about it...
avdol and her relationship dont rlly change all that much but they'd def get closer as a result of him being so lax abt it. avdol would say some sweet philosophical thing abt "how wonderful, that u exhibit what it means to live in a dynamic world so perfectly kakyoin" and kakyoin's like "yeah. anyway i want tits" ;DJWN;J;SKD
also kakyoin would do this no matter what but when trans girl flavored, she really hones in on calling hierophant/herself "girlie"
okay that's all for now thank u for sending this in <3333
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