#unrelated but i love your url and vivi icon!
se7ens-oc-heaven · 2 years
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@acornwizard-follows owo tysm for these!!
Ok so! Ritsu was originally a pokemon mystery dungeon red oc, and I mention this because he follows that canon of "used to be human, distinctly knows in his gut he is/was human. But can't remember jack shit about it." He just knows his name, and the fact that being a Cyndaquil during this is Wrong.
However, I feel like Legends:Arceus is kinder to the protag and leaves it open to the player! They Might remember their life before, or might not depending on how you choose to answer. I felt that narratively speaking, it makes most sense for Ritsu to remember his life in pmd. He does not, however, regain the memories he lost during that initial transition.
So tl;dr Ritsu WAS human, mostly forgot, got turned into a Cyndaquil, and sometime post-pmd gets plucked for pla.
He wakes up human, remaining memories intact, and finally things feel Right in some ways, that constant unease of "a human in a pokemon's body" is finally relieved. However uh. He spent so much time as a Cyndaquil/Quilava that he is. Having a hard time readjusting to the human body lmao. He's a shitty dodger and frequently forgets his center of balance is so high up, among other things.
As for how it feels.... it's jarring! He misses his pokemon friends and that sense of belonging he earned, and even though now he's with his 'own kind', it's not the time or place he originally came from so, like Ingo, he doesn't seem able to fully fit in, and what human memories he does have only serve to hammer that divide in (usually unhelpful knowledge like "pokeballs don't look like this" or even echoes of memes he doesn't even remember picking up. Those are world's most cryptic echolalia for him sometimes lol)
He also has picked up mannerisms, slang and the like from being in pmd that don't carry over, or worse makes it seem like he's from somewhere he's not, so on top of having a hard time readjusting physically he's having some culture shock and social adjustments to make too. He adapts well enough, this isn't his first isekai rodeo, but it's trying at first. He's fortunate that Akari and Laventon are the ones who found him in that they're very friendly and are fine accepting him for the oddball he is, and they help him adjust without too much judgement or pressure :')
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