#until it finally dawned on me that i don't need to make the shadows plural
cto10121 · 15 days
Learned Rudolf's part and now I can't remember the main melody. đź«  Only me, I guess. Anyhoo, I'm shocked by how okay this turned out; I thought this would be a harder song to sing. It only took me long because I decided to learn Rudolf's harmony like an idiot.
The Shadow's Growing Longer (Die Schatten werden länger)
Death Now it’s time to break the silence  Time to offer you some guidance You’ve known me, yes, you’ve known me Cold, alone, still, you have known me  Even as a boy you’ve shown me What you could be if you’d at last decide
Rudolf Death, you’ve come when I most need you  Dearest friend, I knew you’d be true In this world of madness, greed, you—
Death Am here To be your guide
Both The shadow’s growing longer But mankind is blind to his own folly  The darkness growing stronger In his hate, his greed, his melancholy The shadow’s growing longer Either change the tide Or watch the whole world die
Rudolf Captain of a ship soon sinking Wracked by gales, so close to brinking  And I’m trapped, so helpless, thinking  I’m bounded Tied and grounded 
Death Still, you can prevent disaster If you’re brave enough to try it Though the tide moves ever faster
Rudolf It makes me long to die! 
All The shadow’s growing longer But mankind is blind to its own folly The darkness growing stronger In his hate, his greed, his melancholy The shadow’s growing longer Revolution’s nigh So why do you/I linger still? 
Death What are you waiting for? Do what you have to do Do what you must  To reach for power!
Rudolf Power?
All The shadow’s growing longer What must happen has to or it’s too late The darkness growing stronger  But the world is blind and deaf with hate The shadow’s growing longer Emperor Rudolf will soon make war with this fate
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alarajrogers · 2 years
Dream Log: The Moon and the Earth collection
These came from a number of different dreams, except for the ones that didn't.
The Moon reflects the Earth. You can see your own continent up there as a shadow on the Moon, with dots of light showing where the brightest spots are.
The Moon has a lensed reflection on Earth's sky that is ten times bigger than it. So you have the regular Moon, which you see in the sky, and then this gigantic image of it hanging in the sky. This is known to be an optical illusion.
It's dawn, and as I walk out from within shadows, the Moon starts looking like a lossy jpeg, as does its reflection. With every step I take the Moon looks less realistic. Finally it looks like an amorphous blob, and then within a couple of additional steps, it fades, nothing left but a weird shiny-ness in one part of the sky that you can't really make out.
Due to another optical illusion, the Moon appears to be dark blue, but the mares (how do we pluralize mare? It's a Latin word, pronounced ma-ray, not the word for a female horse) are white. This strikes me as funny because if it was real and not an optical illusion, and if it was caused by water, of course the mares would be blue and the rest of the moon white. The Moon is still as visible as it ever was and its colors are very distinct despite being dark blue against a night sky. I don't even notice the implausibility of this until I'm awake. (The last three of these are actually all from the same dream)
The Earth is covered in a field of reality that is kind of like saran wrap around an orange, with a small hole in it where the field does not quite reach itself. This hole is in Iowa. I go there, and there is a concrete, mostly empty room with a door that has opaque "clear" rubber strips, like the kind you see on a loading dock where they want to keep air conditioning or dust or something on one side but people need to move through. There is a teacher with a class who wants to cut in front of me because her number is higher than mine, but her students are lower and I refuse to wait for an entire class of kids to go through. I walk through and I am on another planet. It looks exactly like Earth except without any signs of human presence, and also the Moon is green and gigantic and probably not the same body that is in our sky at all. Being on this side fills me with a strange, hyper energy. (If this sounds familiar, it's because I wrote it as a story, Hole In The World, some time back.)
I'm on an airship heading to the North Pole and I'm super excited. No one has ever been to the other side of the planet before; it's in another dimension. My explorer group is going to be the first people to stand within the other dimension that's on the other side of Earth. We get attacked by unmarked black airships which are probably sent by the US government, and I want to help fight but I can't find a bathroom.
I go to the top floor of a building and look down. This building goes through the Earth in such a way that the gravity is reversed at the bottom; despite this, I can see all the way down and it looks like a normal building. I do not question this. When I take the elevator all the way "down" and I am now at the other top of the building, it looks like a very Soviet-era area with square concrete buildings covered in faded paint. (I wrote this one, too, To The Other Side Of The World, where I made it slightly more plausible by setting it on a flat planet.)
Earth Is Leaking
There is a spot that is somehow hot and desert-like but also a planetary pole where all the continents touch each other, just barely, and yet somehow it is in the middle of the ocean.
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