#vaugely based on something one of my friends said to me a while ago
leftistaco · 2 years
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trying to figure out what I want people to say to me
ok 2 rb if ya want
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submissivelynick · 5 years
The Interview | 2/7/19
Tagging: @dommateolopez, @submissivelynick, @miss-sue-sylvester, and @headmaster-shue, with mentions of @jamie-beiste Date: Thursday, February 7th, 2019 Summary: Mateo and Nick go through their exit interview for their trial claim.
Will went through his papers, getting his notebook ready as it became 1pm and he signalled to have Mateo brought in to the room with him and Sue. “Mr. Lopez, please have a seat,” he said, motioning to the chair across from the desk. “Alright, so let’s start simply - how do you feel your last 30 days went?”
“Jesus, William, did you bathe in aftershave today or just fuck the bottle?” Sue rolled her eyes and clicked her pen as the Dom walked in. “Yes, and please, don’t bore us.”
Mateo sat in front of them, hoping he didn’t look as nervous as he felt. His lips pressed together to keep from laughing at the Headmistress’s comment. “Well, Sir and Miss, l believe they went very well. Nick and I have already established a bond as Dom and sub, and I think a few things we discussed during our trial helped solidify that. I can’t speak directly for Nick on this of course, but I think it was confirmation that we are heading down the right path together.”
Will noted, jotting down his notes, “And what were these things that were discussed during your trial? And we are looking for your answers and your opinions on where you both are at. We’ll get his later.”
Sue yawned, a bit over dramatically. “Yes Darling, give us the gory details.”
He let out a soft breath. “A few things come to mind. Particularly his desire to continue scenting with other Dominants, which is within his rules with a few stipulations. Even though I didn’t quite rule in favor of him wanting to do a particular scene for the first time with another Dominant, he accepted it with understanding. It also led to us putting more effort into exploring the other’s likes outside of our own main desires when it comes to kink. I think those realizations helped strengthen our relationship.”
“It’s a safe space Lopez, no need for the vaug-ities. What stipulations. What was the scene. Who was it with. What did you two discuss. What things did you explore. Details are important,” she said, leaning forward because she was genuinely interested. This trail would b a tricky one. A Dom who’s already had a failed claim and a submissive who’s been showing promise, but lacks so much confidence. Not to mention, that this was a graduation on the line for the submissive. She wanted the details, all of them.
He fought the urge to raise an eyebrow. A safe space? Hm. “From what I understand, Sam Evans offered to do a scene with him involving degredation and humiliation, to a more intense degree than Nick has experienced. When he came to me to talk about it, I was hesitant, as he has confidence issues and I was concerned that such behavior, even in the context of a scene, would be detrimental to his mental health. So I suggested that we do a similar scene together first, to make sure it would be something he could handle before doing so with another Dominant. No matter how capable the Dominant might be.”
Will hummed with a nod, enjoying the more specific information now, which would be the most beneficial over all. “And how did that scene with you go? Also, did the scene with Mr. Evans happen and if so, do you believe your work with Nick made it more successful?”
“It has not yet but I believe Nick will be capable of handling it without my presence. I have faith in him to determine if and when he might need to use his safewords, should things get too intense for him.”
“So you had mentioned Mr. Duval’s lack of confidence. How have you been dealing with that and what have you been doing to assist in his gaining of confidence?”
“In addition to him speaking with a therapist, I always try to communicate with him about how he’s doing. Whenever he tries to internalize things, if he feels he’s failed or done something wrong, I encourage him to open up about it and explain why he’s feeling such things. Talking them out usually helps him, and if he internalizes too badly, I’ll put him through a scene, usually something sensory or power exchange related. It helps him get out of the negative train of thought and reminds him that he’s not the horrible person he thinks he is. It helps with his confidence as well, since his submission is something he’s very good at and comes naturally to him.”
Will listened, nodded and took notes as he usually did, listening to Mateo’s answer. “Very interesting. How long did it take the two of you to figure out what would help him through his issues with self confidence?”
He paused for a minute to think, cocking his head. “I think… apologies, I’m trying to recall exactly. There was something he was very upset about, I don’t remember what. It was a while ago. He wasn’t responsive to anything I was saying, and was defying me, so I ordered him over for a punishment. I had him kneel and write lines, something positive and affirming - I apologize that I can’t remember precisely what. But it seemed to help break the chain of negative thoughts, and I think he realized it wasn’t exactly a punishment - just a way to get his mind out of that negative place by reminding him that he isn’t the terrible person he thinks he is. Since then it’s been a bit easier tugging him out of that mindset.”
“Sounds like there’s been a lot of trial and error,” Will agreed with a nod, “It’s good to see you were able to work through these things. Now, tell me Mr. Lopez, what do you feel is different about this claim than your previous one?”
“There has been, but I believe we’ve come to a good place.” Mateo let out a sigh, rubbing his hands on his pants to try and calm himself. He knew this was coming. “I feel much more confident in my role in this claim. My previous one… it felt as though I wasn’t the Dominant at times because I was tentative in demonstrating that outside of scenes for fear I would be resented. This time, especially after our trial, I don’t feel that way. Nick and I have a deeper bond, that I’m extremely sure about. He and I are compatible as Dom and submissive because he understands the decisions I make are always in his best interest, which I don’t believe my previous claim understood.”
“That seems appropriate and understandable,” he agreed. Will hummed in agreement as Mateo spoke, remembering some of the same concerns during his last interview. “So you feel that you and Mr. Duval have been able to connect better and more effectively? What makes you believe Mr. Duval is so much more understanding of your thought process and Dominance?”
“I believe because we started out with a D/s mindset, it’s different. True this is also a romantic claim, however, Nick and I began our relationship as Dom and sub, as well as friends. There was nothing romantic between us for the first half of our knowing each other - it was purely D/s. The romance came after that. I think that secured our roles a bit more clearly in our minds as opposed to my last claim where our roles were… well, in his mind, an afterthought. Nick sees me as his Dominant first and foremost, and he is my submissive first and foremost.”
Hearing the magic words twitched Will’s ears a bit. “So as a romantic and D/s claim, it sounds like you both have  a good understanding of the definition between the two. Has this always been the case? Meaning, has there been a time where there has been a struggle between your D/s side and the romantic side? Perhaps a romantic moment that he may have felt was ‘ruined’ by D/s stepping in?”
Mateo shook his head. “Not with Nick. Things with us have always been based in that D/s mindset. The romance evolved from that, but no. I don’t feel as though there’s been a struggle between us in balancing the two.”
Will nodded, “Alright. Sue, anything else before we send in Mr. Duval?”
“Just a simple thing, describe for me what your think the future will look like for the two of you. Will you work, will he? Will there be another claim? Any slaves? Will you see both of your families? Explain.”
“I intend to study law and become a lawyer. Nick is not sure what he would like to do, but if he would like to work, I won’t stop him. I intend to claim another sub, of which Nick is fully aware. As is Jamie. I won’t keep either of my claims from their families, and I will keep in touch with my sisters. My… my grandmother is no longer in touch with me. And as of now, it looks like we might try to settle in California, though nothing has been decided.”
Sue simply nodded. She was satisfied. “Alright then. Send the submissive in on your way out. Thank you Mr. Lopez”
“Thank you, Headmaster and Headmistress, for your time.” Mateo nodded and got up, heading out and pressing a kiss to Nick’s cheek. “Your turn, my love,” he murmured, squeezing his hand.
Nick let out a shaky breath when he saw Mateo, but he smiled at the kiss. “Thank you, Sir,” he said. He bit his lip and gave his boyfriend a nod before turning and heading into the room with the headmasters. He looked uncertainly around him before stepping into the middle of the room. “Hello, Sir, Miss. Um, may I kneel for this? Or, um-- where do you want me?”
Will watched as the exchange occurred, and Nick walked in. “Take a seat, Mr. Duval,” he explained, motioning to the chair in front of the table, quickly jotting down a few notes. “Alright, let’s start off with the basics, how do you feel your trial went? Please keep in mind that we are looking for specifics about this.”
Nick swallowed and moved over to the chair, his heart pounding in his chest. He was nervous, and he knew it showed, but there was nothing he could do to hide it. He took a deep breath to try to steady himself before he answered. “I think it went well, Sir,” he said, slipping his hands beneath his thighs to keep them from fidgeting. “The rules we came up with when we started helped a lot, I think. I knew what was expected of me in terms of scenes with other people, and it was nice knowing I’d be getting a couple scenes a week with Mr. Mateo, no matter what. I tried hard to represent him well this past month, and I mean… I can’t say for sure how other people saw it, but I think I did a pretty good job of that, Sir?”
Will nodded along, jotting down notes as Nick spoke, taking in the information he was getting. “Well, why don’t you tell us why you think you have represented him well? I’m not interested in what other people saw, I’m interested in how you feel you did this.”
“Yes, Sir,” Nick said, giving a little nod. “I mean, I always try to be a good submissive, so I’m not sure it made much of a difference, but the collar around my neck definitely reminded me that my actions reflected on Mr. Mateo, too. I don’t think there was anything specific that happened where I would have done or said something I shouldn’t if I hadn’t been wearing that collar, but it was still something I thought about. If, um, that makes sense, Sir? And I like that feeling. I like knowing that the things I say and do could come back and reflect one way or the other on Mr. Mateo.”
“Buttchin might want to dance around it, but I’m more of a get to the piont kinda gal. How’s your brain Nick? Still convinced you’re the worst ever and every problem is your fault, or has Mr. Lopez actually helped with your self esteem issues?”
Nick flushed at the headmistress’s commentary about him, but it wasn’t inaccurate. “I think… I still struggle sometimes, Miss,” he replied. “Talking to my therapist helps, and talking to Mr. Mateo does, too. I know he won’t lie to me. If something really is my fault, he’ll tell me. But if he says it’s not, I have to believe him. I don’t know if I’ll ever not have some sort of self-esteem issues, but… he helps. He knows how to talk me down and how to make me see things from a more neutral perspective.”
Sue jotted a few notes but didn’t let anything on. She loved making the students squirm and wonder what she was writing, even if most of the time she was just drawing inappropriate pictures and making a list of new nicknames for Will. So far today she’d come up with “Sir Sings-a-lot and Q-tip,” but she didn’t like either of them and scratched them out as she spoke again. “Glad to hear it, that was getting annoying. So what would you say your relationship with Mr. Lopez is like? Why do you want him to claim you?”
Nick blinked, these questions catching him off guard entirely. He chewed on his lower lip for a couple of seconds while he gathered his thoughts. “Our relationship is very much based in Domination and submission, Miss. I don’t know if we’ve ever really interacted without our marks coming into play in some way. He kind of… completes me. Well, he and Mr. Jamie do, together. And I hope Mr. Jamie eventually joins our claim, but right now, I want Mr. Mateo to be my Dom officially because I really don’t know what I’d do without him. He calms me. He makes me into a better person. I want to spend the rest of my life taking care of him and having him there to take care of me, too.”
“Mmmhmm mmhmm” she hummed, hating the part where these kids would prattle on about being missing puzzle pieces and destiny. “Jamie. Yes. Let’s talk about him It’s clear Mr. Lopez wants a second claim, possibly Jamie. What do you think about that?”
“Mr. Jamie has been a part of our relationship for a long time now, Miss,” Nick said, feeling relatively confident in this topic. He’d known it would be coming, especially with how Jamie had been mentioned in their rules when they’d applied for the trial. “I want Mr. Mateo to claim him, too. Honestly, it felt kind of weird doing a trial claim on my own, because he’s such an important part of our relationship. I’d still want Mr. Mateo to claim me even if Mr. Jamie weren’t in the picture, and I’d be open to exploring a second claim option for Mr. Mateo if things somehow didn’t work out with Mr. Jamie, but… I think all three of us are in agreement about Mr. Mateo claiming us both.”
“And how will that work exactly? Would Jamie be your Dom as well in some ways or on equal footing with you?”
“Well, I mean… legally, he’d be a sub just like me, Miss,” Nick replied, giving a little shrug. “The plan right now is that he’d get to exercise his Dominance in scenes with me on occasion, but Mr. Mateo would be the one with the final say in everything. We all know he’ll officially be a sub just like me, though, Miss, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Now i’m interested in something,” Will said with a cleared throat, “what happens if the second claim isn’t James? What does that change for you in your acceptance of a second claim?”
Nick frowned. “Then something very strange happens between now and then, Sir,” he said, his gut clenching automatically at the thought of being in a claim with anyone else but Mateo and Jamie. “But, if something were to happen, I think Mr. Mateo and I would have to talk it through and figure out what works best for us both. I know he wants two claims, and I’m okay with that, but I’d want there to be a lot of communication between the two of us first and then between all three of us. I know Mr. Mateo would want to make sure I’m comfortable with what was happening with the second claim, and I think we have a really good foundation in open, honest communication that would help us figure that situation out. And it will be good for any other road bumps that life throws our way.”
“Stranger things have happened,” he said simply, jotting a few notes. “So in this life with two claims - regardless of who - do you see yourself and the other claim on the same level? Or do you expect to have something over the other one?”
Nick blinked before shaking his head slowly. “No, Sir,” he replied, before quickly adding, “I mean yes. Yes, we’d be on the same level, but no, I wouldn’t have anything over the other one. With Mr. James, it’s a romantic relationship between all three of us. With another sub… it may be that I only have that romantic connection with Mr. Mateo, but in terms of submission, the other sub and I would be complete equals. I wouldn’t say that the romantic connection gives me anything ‘over’ the other sub, Sir, no.”
Will hummed and nodded, thinking through the boy’s answer. “Alright, back to about your trial claim itself - what did you find during this trial that you believe either you, Mr. Lopez or the two of you still need to work on?”
Nick took a deep breath when he realized they were changing pace again, and he shifted a little in his seat. “The only thing that really comes to mind is working on how we handle our kinks and what happens when we can’t meet the other’s needs entirely. Like… I’m not into pain play as much as Mr. Mateo is, and we’re working on getting me to like it, but I think we might also need to discuss opportunities for him to get those kinds of scenes elsewhere sometimes. If that makes sense, Sir?”
“And how does that make you feel Nick? That you can’t fulfil your Dom’s needs fully? That he seeks outsiders to do what you can’t?” Sue pressed what she was sure was a sore button for Nick, but she wanted to see how he’d react.
Heat rose to Nick’s cheeks and he looked down for a few seconds while he gathered his thoughts. “It… doesn’t really feel great, Miss,” he admitted softly. “We’re compatible in so many ways, and I do wanna learn to like everything he likes, but it’s gonna be a long process and it may not ever happen, really. But I’m trying. And I want him to be happy and fulfilled, and if that has to be with other people sometimes, that’s okay, Miss. I’ll probably have to do that too, sometimes. But we’re honest with each other about our scenes with other people, and that helps with the jealousy some.”
“And are there things that he is trying to be okay with for you? I would encourage you, Mr. Duval, to be careful about making yourself tolerate something for someone else. But it’s good to hear you know and understand your limits.” He agreed, looking to Sue for more questions and the eyeroll he knew was coming.
“Yes, Sir,” Nick replied. “He and I have started exploring humiliation some. It’s something I know I like and he’s unsure about. But we definitely always have safewords, and I’m actually even starting to like some kinds of pain play. I wouldn’t keep doing it if I hated it, but I hope I can start to enjoy even more of it as Mr. Mateo and I work through it together.”
“Alright, well Sue, is there anything else before we bring Mateo back in?”
“Nah, let’s get the two little daisies back together before their petals fall off,” she sighed as she set her notes aside. She prefered shooting from the hip for the last part of the interview.
When both boys were once again sitting in front of her, she made a show of looking them over. Sometimes her gut told her everything she needed to know and if a couple didn’t look right together, she almost never gave her stamp of approval. “Well, Mr. Lopez, I certainly think that Nick is a /better/ match for you than your last submissive. I’m not sure he’s perfect, but neither was the last one. Tell me, why should I put my name on this claim? Why will you two work when so many others failed- yourself included.”
Mateo sat next to Nick, immediately sliding his hand into his submissive’s to squeeze gently, a reassuring smile flashed in his direction. “We will work because we’re both on the same page about it working. We’re both… sure of what we’re getting into. And we both know what the other wants out of our claim and our future.”
Nick felt relief wash over him when he saw Mateo again, and he squeezed his hand back, not letting go for anything. He bit his lip at the question but nodded along as Mateo responded, not wanting to say anything himself unless he was directly spoken to.
Sue glared nearly the whole time Mateo spoke, merely to intimidate him and maybe even confuse the both of them. “Mr. Duval. What would Mateo say is your best quality as a submissive?”
Nick swallowed hard and did his best not to completely shrink down into his chair at Sue’s gaze. Mateo’s hand in his helped. “I, um,” he started before looking at Mateo, as if he could help him out here. What would his Dom say was his best quality as a submissive? His obedience? That felt almost trite to say. He bit his lip again before looking back at the heads. “Maybe my loyalty?” he replied. “He knows I’m his, and he can trust me to act as such. Or— well, he trusts me because he knows I’m honest with him, Miss. I know it’s kind of cheating to say two qualities, but loyalty and honesty, really.”
Sue was more interested in watching Nick’s response than hearing it. Could the sub actually admit something positive about himself, and not just that, but admit that he saw what Mateo saw in him.  She picked up her pen and again scribbled some notes before looking to Will. “Well? Anything to add Shoeleather?”
Mateo tried to ignore how Sue was glaring at him, but he had to admit it made his spine a little like liquid. Still, he squeezed Nick’s hand again, a silent praise for his answer. His gaze turned to the Headmaster, curious for his final words.
Will put his pen down, taking a moment to go over his notes. “I think you both have explained yourselves well and overall, things seem to have gone well and I am optimistic that will continue. Keep in mind - it does need to continue. Whatever happens here does not mean your relationship is perfect and that you can do no better. Though, you both seem to understand that. Congratulations, we will be putting in the paperwork for the legal claim. Additional congratulations to Mr. Duval who will effectively be graduating at the end of the semester. Keep up the good work.”
Nick’s mouth dropped open, and he felt tears spring to his eyes. He had been so stressed over the last couple of days that hearing that his claim had been approved was almost too much relief for him to handle. “Thank you, Sir-- Miss,” he said as he scrambled to his feet, pulling Mateo up with him. He wrapped his Dominant up in a hug, holding onto him as if he’d never get to do this again, even though the exact opposite was the case.
Mateo could hardly believe what he was hearing. He hugged his submissive tightly, scarcely daring to breathe “Thank you… thank you, Headmaster, Headmistress. Thank you,” he breathed, looking at the two of them over Nick’s shoulder.
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Used Car insurance cost?
If i buy a 2010 ford escape used will insurance be any cheaper than if i buy it new, considering im 25 and have a clean driving record""
How long do I have to take traffic school after i receive a speeding ticket in the state of California?
I already paid for the ticket that I received last December but my insurance went up, can i still take traffic school to get it off my record? If not, are there any ways I can lower my insurance?""
People are force to pay for car insurance but been force to pay for health insurance is a problem?
You get fine for not having car insurance, car will get impounded, n you can go to jail for it also. Where is the logic here?""
95 Jeep Grand Cherokee insurance Cost?
New driver, just got my licence at 18 years old.""
Help with auto insurance?!?
So, I'm 17 and just recently bought my first car (2000 Dodge Neon), but I'm unable to drive it due to the lack of car insurance. I'm getting reeaaally frustrated because I don't know where to start! There's so many policies... I'm also running on a budget, so a cheap policy would be awesome. Any suggestions???""
Camaro 69 Car Insurance...?
Ah... I just wanted to know, or get a general idea of how much car insurance would a 16 year old male pay monthly for a 69' Chevy Camaro. I am looking to get a vehicle sometime this year and wanted to know...because if the insurance would be too high, guess I will not get one then... thank you... just need a general idea...car insurance... -Chevy Camaro, muscle car, american dream...-""
How to get health insurance for children.?
I'm trying to find info on getting insurance for a child. Does anyone know how a father that is ordered to provide the health care for his child but does not have custody can apply for programs like CHIPS. No insurance is offered through his job and I'm not sure what programs he can apply for since the child does not live with him. We are in Texas. Any info would help. Btw the mother cant qualify because of the new husbands income.
Would it be better for our government to give everyone health insurance or?
Produce more health care resources by increasing funding for medical schools and work to flood the market in health care services thus making it more affordable for everyone?
I'm looking for free car insurance quotes?
As I'm a new driver, my parents told me to seek on the internet for insurances quotes, to help me handle my own things. So yeah i'm looking for websites that offer free car insurances quotes.""
How long does it take for a traffic ticket to show up on your driver's license and insurance?
So i got a ticket on july 17th (of this year) and the deadline to pay, contest, or do traffic school for it was september 17th, two days ago. i checked yesterday for the update because i thought i had a few more days and it said i can extend the ticket (to pay or to contest or to attend traffic school) to november 16th. i chose that and i will eventually go to traffic school but my question is, is point already on my record and will it affect my insurance rates? My friend was saying no because i extended the date and by doing so i havent plead guilty to the ticket (by paying it or attending traffic school for it) so right now because i have the date to fix the ticket extended by two months, it will not show up on my license or my insurance. What do you guys think? thanks a ton for any help :)""
Looking for cheap car insurance?
I havent done my test or anything yet but wanted to see how much a vaxhaull corsa 1998 or something was noone in my family drives and id park my car outside my front , i tried doin a quote to see how mch it would be and it came up the cheapest was 3 grand , im only 18 aswell , does somebody think im putting something in wrong or is it just really hard for me to find cheap insurance ?""
Does my mom need to add me to her car insurance?
So, I never got my permit. I have been waiting to turn 18. In the state of Florida. I do not need a permit 18 or over. My thing is . Her car insurance won't let me be on her insurance without a drivers permit or licence. I'm stuck now. I was wondering will the dmv require me to be on her insurance in order to take the drivers test ?""
How much will the auto insurance cost?
2010 Ford Focus Sedan, how much will the insurance cost?""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost in California?
Im 18 and i live in california, On average how much would insurace cost for me? . Also lets say i do get my license without purchasing a motorcycle, will my insurace rates still go down throughout the years even though i do not own or currently riding one?""
Insurance then registration? or Registration and then insurance?
Buying a used car privately, Gonna work on it for a bit to get it up and running, Wanna know if you buy insurance and then get it registered or get it registered and then buy insurance. Oh by the way, do I get it saftied and e-tested after I get it registered? or what's the order plaese help.""
Do you have to get health insurance under obamacare?
I'm 19 I have no job no money.. would I have to get health insurance ?
NJ Car Insurance? What do you think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.ne... Liberty Mutual Etc.?
NJ Car Insurance? What do you think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual Etc.
Teen Car Insurance in California?
My friends is asking about, How much is the insurance for a modified car for teens. ok let say I brought a modified car from the owner and I wan to insure it how much would be my insurance? I want to know in California I don't care about other states thanks!!!!""
Which auto insurance costs more?
Auto or commercial... My insurance company has my pickup labeled as a commercial vehicle but its an auto. Which is cheaper before i dispute?
Can my car insurance company raise my rates if my CA Drivers License was put on hold?
I'm just curious. Can they do that? I was pulled over in 2010 for driving without car insurance or registration and I was given a ticket. I never paid it (I didn't have the money at the time but I just paid it off as of Jan 2013) and I got a notice from the DMV saying my DL was going to be placed on hold (basically suspended) until I paid it then it would be released. At the time I found this out I was trying to insure my new car, and the company told me because of that my rates go up. I've seen my DMV record, it does state that my DL was placed on hold, but it didn't cost me any points. So I still have 0 points on my driving record. Can the charge me more for that? Also no judgement please, I dont want to go into a long story. The ticket from 2010 is a long story and partially caused by a controlling abusive ex. He is now gone, and I am almost finished cleaning up the wreckage he caused, the ticket being one of them.""
Are car insurance companies having a laugh?
Me and a friend were taking out some car insurance quotes the other day - entering his information in he got 1700 a year on an old '95 (i think) cincequento, which frankly was hilarious. Then, all we changed was the address so that he lived at my house. It pushed the insurance up to something like 2700. Now I dont get this - he lives in a pretty rough area in my town, right near where all the boy racers live and such. I however live in a small village about 2 miles away and just outside of the town. In my area, the population is about 90% seniors and it is very quiet. I thought insurance companies were supposed to weigh the risks of location against their policy? Why has mine come out a grand more?""
How can I get my first ever used car if I don't have any auto insurance b4?
So here is the conflict: I can't drive the used car off the lot if I don't have insurance. But to get the insurance, I need to have the car purchased first. Am I missing something here?""
How do I get an Insurance licens for California ?
I was wondering how can i get and insurance license in califronia ? Is their a web site where i can take a course to get one?
Buffalo North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58011
Buffalo North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58011
""20, female, just passed test.. cheapest car to insure?""
Hi, So I passed my test today :). But I want some ideas on cars cheap to insure.. either on my own or on my dads insurance with me as a second driver.. Also having a baby in 8 week so would be better being a 5 door, but I can cope with 3.. Some cars I've thought of are.. Corsa Clio Focus Fiester KA Polo Punto Any piston heads out there to help me out and give me some ideas of age and engine I'm best going for for cheap insurance please help :) Thanks""
Cost of 2005 bmw 745li insurance?
im 16 ill be gettin mine when im 17 whats the average insurance cost for a 2005 bmw 745li
Cheap UK car insurance for 22yr old?
Hi everyone, I'm looking for cheap UK car insurance for a 22 year old, who has had his license for 4 years, but with no NCB (been driving under company insurance). Any help would be greatly appreciated? Thanks, Matt""
CheapEST foreign cars to maintain? (Audi / Lexus / Volvo / Volkswagen )?
Which of these cars is cheapest to maintain? (Oil changes, brakes, tune ups, insurance, etc) I realize they're all foreign and they'll all cost more than a Ford would. But which is cheapest? Which is most expensive? Please help! I need someone with experience! Thank you so much!""
""Is there a type of independant health insurance that is cheap, or semi cheap? And that is not a fraud?
I am a student and Im poor!
Why do kids with lower grades pay more for car insurance?
And would a kid with a C average compared to a kid with a A average pay the same after 1 year of both them having a clean driving record and no accidents... if not that is bs.... grades shouldn't come into play it should be how good of a driver you are its unfair to do that I am so sick and tired of how good grades get you this that..... I have a c- average in high school and i dont do any drugs or alcohol or w/e.I workout on a daily basis,eat right, and i am extremely physically fit. I really just hate school and never put my mind to it.""
How much will motorcycle insurance cost me in CA?
I'm 20 years old college student, I'm getting the 2013 Ninja 300 (my first bike), I have had no accidents driving my car since I've started driving. I haven't gotten my motorcycle liciense yet, how much will it cost me on average..?""
Asking all under 25 female drivers in uk- whats a cheap car insurer?
Asking all female drivers under 25!! Does anyone know of or have been with any cheap car insurance companies? Ive already checked quite a few but they seem really expensive...Please help!
Insurance on SUVs?
How much is insurance on SUVs usually... like a Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo or a Chevrolet.. anyone know?
Car Insurance problems.?
so im in a situation where im having problems getting insurance on my vehicle. ive tried through brokers now, because ive been kicked off my insurance due to 5 tickets. i cant afford 21,000 insurance rates, but i need to be able to use my vehicle. my parents have been at this he last few days with nothing to help me. I was under their insurance but becase of the tickets i got kicked off. im trying to move out all at the same time and having a car would make things so much easier. any tips on what i can do, or how long i should wait before trying to see if i can get insured again. btw my tickets are from late last year and this year""
How much should I pay for liability insurance for a non-profit?
I'm from a non-profit volunteer organization that wants its volunteers to teach a 16-session class. Normally, we teach in a local high school, but given the time in the school year, I would like to teach in a public/community setting over the summer. In order to get a public place (library; community center) to host this class, I need to take out liability insurance. I've asked my supervisor whether our organization has liability (no response yet). If we don't currently have it, what is an affordable company to buy it from? How much should my organization pay for a minimal premium?""
How much would a Ferrari cost?
i want to save up for a ferrari and i need to know how much it would cost for a used and a new one
I have a WA state license and got a speeding ticket in NY state -- will my insurance rates go up?
The officer who issued the ticket in NY said that it was a 3 point violation (14 mph over the speed limit). But WA state does not have a points system. Will my insurance premiums go up? I have a bare bones Geico policy.
How does business insurance work in a lawsuit?
As a small business, I'm finally getting around to looking at business insurance. God forbid I should get sued, but that would be the only reason I would get insurance at this point. If I get sued (assuming I did nothing wrong that would terminate coverage), what are my responsibilities with regard to paying legal fees? What role will the insurance company play or what control will they have in the litigation process?""
Does anyone know what ppo health insurances don't have no deductible and no coinsurance ?
I've been looking for a good affordable health insurance cuz the doctor I need to see only takes ppo insurances :/ can someone give me a list of insurance that have no deductible and no coinsurance ? Please ! Help
How much would i pay for car insurance? Estimate?
I know that it depends on a lot of factors but can you estimate how much i would pay for car insurance on a monthly basis - I am 18 years old - will be driving either a 1999 or 2000 model - will be attending college after the summer - clear background - this will be my first car - I live in a very wired and exotic place called MARYLAND
How much would car insurance cost if you have two tickets?
So I just got my second speeding ticket today... -.- My first ticket was going 58 in a 35... (reckless driving) Ironically my second ticket was 58 in a 35 too... (reckless driving) I am 18 and live in the state of Virginia... I own a 2005 Nissan Xterra SE... Can anybody estimate how much my car insurance is gonna go up? Like how much my insurance will be every month now? I have state farm insurance by the way... If anymore information is need please ask me so I can get the estimates... I'm actually very scared to tell my parents... So I'd just like to know all this information before they do...
My daughters car insurance has more than doubled because she got 9 penalty points in the last year. she wants ?
me to get insurance on her car and then get her put on that insurance. if she gets more points while she is under my insurance would that affect the price of the insurance on my own cars or would only if she caused an accident make my insurance go up. i could get a years insurance on her car for less than the price of 1 monthly installment she would have to pay for her own insurance. what do you think. if she gets 3 more points she will be disqualified from driving . if that happened while she was on my insurance would that put my insurance prices up even though she would be off my insurance if she did get disqualified. what i have wrote might not make sense. i want to know if i do this for her and she gets disqualified while being on my insurance would that put my insurance prices up for all my cars or what or would it only effect my insurance if she causes an accident. while shes on my insurance. * 41 minutes ago * - 3 days left to answer. Additional Details 40 minutes ago we live in the UK. sorry this is very long i found it hard to write what i was really trying to ask. 33 minutes ago i know if she causes an accident while she is on my insurance ot would effect how much my insurance costs but if she was to get disqualified while she is on my insurance would that effect me inurances oin anyway. if she gets disqualified then she wont be on my insurance anymore. 14 minutes ago only 3 of her penalty points are for speeding. she told me the other 6 points are because there was a mix up with her insurance last time and she was uninured for 4 days and was caught by the police. she got 6 points for that in court a few months ago. she said she that she had phoned them and accepted the policy they sent her to renew it and thought it would continue automatically but she hadnt been to the office to sign for it so she got caught for that. she was only uninsured for 4 days because of her mistake that time. sorry if you already answerd this but i put it on US yahoo answers by a mistake and it didnt show up in UK yahoo answers so i needed answers from people who knows about car insurance in the UK
Car Insurance?
I know people will tell me to ring myu insurance company but i dont have my policy number with me or their number im at work today...... How much difference cost wise do you think it would be to change my policy so i can drive any car. I need to be able to drive my boyfriend, my dads and his dads cars? In the UK by the way""
Shopping for health insurance... un-insurable? ?
OK gang, here's a doozie. We've been shopping for health insurance and are continually declined because we consume more than 12 alcohol drinks per week.(I know! Are you kidding me??) We're perfectly healthy people who have a few beers after work each day, and a few more on the weekends. Can anyone assist me in finding the right company?""
How do i get health insurance on my own?
i am a senior in high school and i am about to graduate and go to college, I am currently in track so if i twist my ankle then i am done and I haven't have any kind of health insurance since my family immigrant here three years ago, my dad cant speak Eng so he stays home and my mom works really hard for my bro and me, i don't have car/health insurance and yet i drive and when ever i get sick i have to deal with it myself, I am really jealous when i see people can go to doctor when they get sick, I want to know how do i can a reliable and affordable health insurance and i am willing to work and pay for it in college..and i looked for the student insurance but it doesnt cover teeth and eyes....i def need to get my wisdom teeth out..cuz they hurt really bad sometime and there is nothing i can do about it, is it possible for me to work and pay my own car and health insurance? I just freaked out tonight cuz i feel so unprotected""
""Healthcare insurance is a good and necessary product, that can literally save your life...?
...in many situations. Why are Conservatives playing the ridiculous charade that Obama is some horrible tyrant for doing his best to make sure every American has it?
How much is your monthly car insurance bill?
indicate your age and if you have full coverage. I want to know if what I'm paying is average. I'm under 25 and I was involved in an accident.
Car Insurance Question?
I recently had an accident that caused my car to be written off. There have been no problems and I'm now waiting for a cheque from my insurers. My question is this. When the cheque comes and I buy a new car what happens with regard to insurance, will I have to take out a new policy, can I keep the existing policy and add my new car to it, will my monthly payments go up, or none of the above? I'm sure this is very simple for an expert but it confuses the hell out of me.""
16 year old car insurance?
Im turning sixteen and i promised my parents i would pay insuance if i got a truck. I HAVE to have a truck because I maintain the family ranch and team rope a lot. I'll need to be able to pull trailers and ill need the 4 wheel drive. Not to mention deer hunting. So im getting my dads truck. How much is insurance on a 2001 2500HD Chevrolet Silverado 4x4 6.0l gas engine?
Buffalo North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58011
Buffalo North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58011
Car insurance nightmare!?
21 year old new driver, any type of practical car (e.g. pug 307 1.9d), car insurance is stupid money. As that is kind of expected, what I need help with is bringing down the price. Any suggestions? ...Also, it was cheaper last month than it is this month - substantially. Why?!""
""I am moving from NJ to FL, what steps do i take to get florida plates, insurance, and registration?
I have a 2010 Hyundai Elantra. Which do i do first? What are the fees for each?
Car insurance rates in Ontario for new driver?
I plan to import my '01 Camry from USA to missisuaga. How much shd I expect to pay p.m. in car Insurance rates ? I have 3 yrs clean driving history in USA.Will my driving history in USA help with getting a better rate in canada ? Initially I will have only a US drivers license.Pls help shed light on my doubts .. Forgot to mention - I am married , age 30 yrs""
How much is car insurance in general?
I dont car about what it cost at a certain age, just want one solid answer""
Any reason for a sudden hike in insurance quote prices?
Hello i've been looking through insurance quotes as i have my renewal coming up, i was possibly thinking of getting a different car so been fishing around, especially on my current insurers website for quotes. A couple of days ago i was getting nice quotes i was happy with for all the cars i was searching including my own. However tonight the majority of the quotes i am getting have increased by 600-700? All my details are exactly the same, its actually made me quite depressed as i have no idea how this has happened. Would anyone know why this may be?""
How much would car insurance be for me?
I'm an 18 year old I'm male. I recently dropped out of high school and I have a 2005 Toyota matrix I live in colorado How much would full coverage be for me on average a month?
Im female, 19 years old, just got my license, will be driving a chrysler/sebring JXi. Im looking for the cheapest/minimum coverage in Bradenton, Florida.""
Car insurance Q??????????
Im 16 years old and Ill be geting my car In June that I paid $3,000 dlrs for Can I get the car title in my own name or do my parents half to also be on my title and when i get my car insurance will my parents be on that? im paying for every thing with my own money... And I live in the state of WI.""
Legal question about car insurance.?
My son was at a party, an aquaintance asked for his car keys to get some drink out of the boot. He then stole the car and crashed it. Only a provisional licence. The car, which is a company car, is a right off. The insurance company are saying that they may not pay out. Who ultimately is responsible.""
How much will my car insurance increase from my speeding ticket?
I currently pay $750 a year on my car insurance and i just got a speeding for 40km over the posted speed limit. i got 4 demerit points. also i live in ontario canada
Best insurance companies for 21 year old passed my test.?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 21 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
Homeowner's insurance?
if you own a duplex and reside in one half and rent the other half, is the homeowner's insurance only for the rental part or both?""
What questions can I expect if I want to get a car insurance?
Also how can I lower my insurance rate. Currently I have IP only (not the actual driver's license) but have recently purchased the car. I live in OH.
How much is home owners insurance in Scottsdale AZ?
How much is home owners insurance in Scottsdale AZ?
Lamborghini insurance cost?
In the next week or so I'm buying a lamborghini Reventn and I forgot to find out what the insurance will cost.
Why are so many Americans losing their health insurance plans due to the Affordable Health Care Act/Obamacare?
Is there serious corruption in the health insurance industry? Would that have something to do with it? Why would so many health care professionals like doctors and dentists have problems with the Affordable Health Care Act/Obamacare? By the way, I'm keeping my employer based plan.They're not changing it, and, it's through my union.No one else in my store is changing theirs,either.""
Lapsed insurance....?
ok so basically i sideswiped someone the other day and my insurance was lapsed, but their insurance is going to cover it but send me the bill right.... so how does that work?""
Will homeowner insurance rates go through the roof if Cap and Tax passes through the Senate?
HYPOTHETICALLY............If you are trying to sell a house, you get audited (like it says in the bill) and they say that you have to upgrade a whole lot of stuff that you can't ...show more""
Which car insurance companies should I look into?
I'm looking for car insurance and was wondering which companies you would suggest I look into and get quotes from? Which company do you have and what do you like / not like about them? Thanks!!
Does motorbike insurance after a while make your car insurance cheaper?
I'm getting a motorbike nd plan on having one for about 4 years and then get a car later. I'm just wondering if it will make my car insurance any cheaper later on? WILL RATE BEST AND MOST HELPFUL ANSWER, THANKS!""
How does Obamacare make health care more affordable when it only deals with insurance and not with costs?
The doctors and hospitals will still be charging an arm and a leg. How is regulating insurance going to lower what doctors and hospitals and pharmaceutical companies charge?
Car Insurance for Salvaged Vehicle?
Does anyone know if I can buy full coverage insurance for a salvaged vehicle?
Which is a better career..A realtor or A insurance agent ??
what the average income of a insurance agent?? who makes more money??
""When you have a deductible with car insurance, who do you pay the deductible to after getting into an accident
I was in a car accident with a hit and run driver and I have collision with a 500 deductible. So when and to who do I pay my deductible to? And who does my insurance pay their portion to; me or the repair shop for the repairs on my car??
Republicans: If your wife or mother died of breast cancer due to Blue Cross terminating her insurance on a?
flimsy excuse, how would you react? This is exactly what happened in California and several women died due to lack of treatment. As a Republican, would you Glad Hand the exectutive responsible for increasing profits, just take the court settlement and start your life over, or would you hunt down the exectutive responsible for her death and avenge it?""
Buffalo North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58011
Buffalo North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58011
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