#verse: wolf shaped stigmata
savagewolffury · 4 years
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A couple more HI3 au hcs that I’ve just thought of:
Yuri can sense Repede at all times when Repede’s materialized, since it’s with Yuri’s power that Repede’s not back in the Quantum Sea
Repede’s appearance is a good indicator of how much stamina Yuri has. If he disappears, Yuri won’t be able to sense him anymore and will know that he either needs to use whatever energy he has left to finish the fight or hurry and retreat
Yes, Repede knows Yuri’s limits better than Yuri himself does. Repede’s the best partner, obviously
Repede disappearing is a little like a power boost? But not really, it’s just conserving whatever power Yuri usually uses to keep Repede materialized
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savagewolffury · 4 years
Okay so HI3 au stuff---
Age: ??? somewhere between 18 and 21, on estimation
Age being 19 has vine potential though like can you imagine
Theresa: Yuri, can you read number 3 for the class? Yuri: No I cannot Yuri: What up, I’m Yuri, 19, and I never fucking learned how to read
Just kidding he can kinda read. Maybe. Debatable.
Don’t bother trying to read his handwriting it hecking sucks
Rank B, on the verge of being A rank purely based on his combat skills. Only reason he isn’t is because his writing sucks too much to be graded right and [gestures at plot]
A rank Bio battlesuit though, customized to fit his needs as he hasn’t gone through top surgery yet and also partly to monitor his stigmata (and also tracking device bc he never comes back to HQ on time really)
Idk battlesuit name yet, Crescent Shadow maybe
Evasion’s name is Moonlight Eclipse, causes Time Fracture as well as Impair (later on it’s Velvet Shadow, which causes Time Fracture as well as some damage via Repede)
Ultimate has the same name as his Mystic Arte (and this blog lmao), non-elemental attack featuring multiple slashes to the closest enemies (later on it’s Heavenly Bladewing, one big Quantum-type AOE attack with paralysis)
After Sirin reawakened in K423, he ditched Schicksal and followed Anti-Entropy to Arc City
Found the group there and also learned that his battlesuit had a tracking device, so he ditched it immediately 
Was provided another battlesuit by Einstein and Tesla, in the testing stages tho
Had to stick around a bit bc he still hasn’t had top surgery yet even tho he wants to and the battlesuit had to be adjusted to fit him
New battlesuit is A rank Quantum type, named Howling Fenrir
Similar function to his old battlesuit in that it increases his speed but now it also boosts his attack a lot more than before
We rewind back to before Sirin and yeah he lives in the same dorm as the main charas, helps Mei with cooking
By default, he knows all my HI3 muses on specialgels aside from Sirin and is the dorm big bro to Bronya and Mei
Has no loyalty to Schicksal, only to his dorm pals really, it’s why he yeeted immediately following Sirin
Has no possibility of becoming a Herrscher (... probably)
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savagewolffury · 5 years
Someone in the hi3 au: if you're more powerful if you don't use your stigmata then why-
Hi3 Yuri, likely: fuck you Repede's my partner he's staying
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savagewolffury · 5 years
[Can't add my honkai impact 3 au officially onto Yuri's verses page so I'm typing it down here first.]
Born a few years before the second Honkai Impact occurred, the town Yuri was born in was destroyed by Honkai beasts. Though valkyries were deployed to destroy the Honkai beasts, they came too late and found no survivors. Yuri was not found, having ended up far away from the town thanks to a dog-like being who had carried him away. The child grew up with no one but that being for company, and managed to survive through the years.
Being by himself for all those years, there was no one to teach him how his body would end up growing. The dog-like being—Repede—was no help for obvious reasons. Yuri’s teenage years were spent the same way as all the years before, only with the added need for bandages to bind his chest with.
There had always been a strange birthmark on the back of his neck, hidden by his hair and shaped like a wolf within a crescent moon. It was only after he and Repede stumbled into a nest of Honkai beasts. and was lucky enough to be saved by valkyries that he learned what the birthmark was.
It was a natural stigmata, one that increased his resistance to Honkai energy and gave him the power of Summon, allowing him to call upon certain creatures that roamed the Sea of Quanta to aid him. Repede is one such creature, able to appear into the world when Yuri’s town was destroyed in order to save him.
Due to his natural stigmata and potential to become a strong valkyrie, he was dragged into St. Freya and forced to learn everything that a valkyrie should know. Though he excelled in battle, everything that involved reading and writing was… difficult, as he’s had no proper education before. Occasionally he would be subject to tests involving his stigmata, but such times were becoming rarer thanks to the fact that little knowledge could be gleaned from it.
His battlesuit is designed more for speed than defense, allowing him to be equal to the lightning-fast Repede in terms of speed. While the battlesuit keeps his chest bound, it will automatically change if his heartbeat and breathing pattern proves that he’s straining himself too much and such a thing is necessary. Second Star is his preferred sword, making up for what he lacked in attack power and utilizing his stigmata to support Repede as well if need be.
Currently, he is able to keep Repede materialized and out of the Sea of Quanta all the time. He’s also able to summon another being from the Sea of Quanta, but that saps his energy too much in a short time, and both the being and Repede will disappear when his energy runs out, though Repede will reappear once Yuri’s had enough rest.
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savagewolffury · 4 years
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So Herrscher of Ice au thoughts are kinda vague, but it’s just a branch path where Yuri got recaptured and brought back to Schicksal post-HoV. His new room’s deep inside HQ or something, and he’s now treated more like a test subject for stigmata/Herrscher Cores and that stuff. 
Anger level keeps going up from being trapped, and tests are endless and sometimes painful. Eventually the tests run dry, and he's locked in his room for the last test. An experimental and artificial Honkai energy increase to Herrscher level to see if he would pass the test or die.
Given that he's pretty dang desperate to live along with Repede, he manages to evolve into the Herrscher of Ice. And immediately uses his newfound powers to break out of there and fly the heck away.
He spends some time wandering around in hopes of losing any pursuers, eventually ending up in Antarctica and just staying there to recover from injuries and trauma. Once he's in a more stable state of mind he has no trouble keeping any murderous feelings locked away deep inside him. Or takes it out on whatever he has to hunt to eat.
So! In Antarctica he befriends the penguins and also starts practicing to get better at his new powers. And a bit paranoid too in case there's a trap, but Repede helps out. His body temperature is low enough that he has no trouble just living in Antarctica with just his Herrscher of Ice battlesuit, too.
Still got trauma though, so he's staying all the way there in Antarctica. You'll have to track him down in order to find him.
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savagewolffury · 5 years
(From Roza) It would seem as though a mysterious pink box blocks Yuri's path, he better open it.
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Pause. Stare. 
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Kicks the box.
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savagewolffury · 4 years
HI3 Yuri can keep Repede out almost all the time, it's something he grew used to during the years before he was brought to Schicksal. He's increased his endurance to compensate for it too. Honestly, if Repede's in the Quantum Sea for the entire day, Yuri would be really restless, partly from lack of his trusty partner and partly from all the extra energy he doesn't know what to do with.
Yuri and Repede together is basically a duo team of an almost-A rank and a B rank, if only because Repede can't really use battlesuits. As a team, because they know and can fight with each other so well, they'd be on par with an actual A rank, probably.
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savagewolffury · 4 years
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Tbh there’s a very low chance of HI3 Yuri becoming a Herrscher, considering that all the Cores are accounted for. Bronya’s got Reason, Kevin’s got Desire, Kiana has Void and Lightning (Which I... assume is in Kiana’s body or something, thanks Sirin), Otto has Flame and Death, and uhhh that’s pretty much all of them.
So unless Otto takes Cocolia’s idea and tries to cause an artificial impact, or the Honkai God for some reason decides to pick Yuri as the next actual Herrscher (of Ice, according to the order on wiki), he ain’t gonna be one. 
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savagewolffury · 5 years
HI3 Yuri lives in the same dorm as the other valkyries, and has his own room (though I'm pretty sure everyone has their own rooms but whatever). He's a fast learner when it comes to language and strategizing, and very observant as well, but he still has a lot to learn with all his other studies. Especially writing.
He also has Mei-level cooking, and does help out with making meals. He's also sort of adopted the students as his lil sisters honestly. Though he isn't as nice to teachers like Himeko or Theresa.
After the chaos that was Herrscher Kiana, he leaves St Freya with Repede and goes solo for the most part. He doesn't ally himself with Anti-Entropy, but he does keep a close eye on them since the valkyries are there.
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savagewolffury · 5 years
Hi3 Yuri doesn't like Otto. At all. Not that he's met the guy all that much, but Otto's one of the first people he met when he was taken away from where he had been, and the person who signed off on experiments to be done so more would be known about his natural stigmata.
Repede also doesn't like Otto, and obviously Yuri tends to not like whoever his trusty partner dislikes. Otto's entire attitude sets him on edge, he feels like Otto's only giving him attention because of his stigmata, and that only. Not like he cares about what Otto thinks about him, but his stigmata isn't all he is, you know.
And since Yuri's just started being taught speaking properly and reading and writing, his uniform was selected for him for the sake of saving time for him to get prepared for school life. And despite how… curvy his body got at that point he doesn't like having nothing to bind his chest or having to wear a skirt. At all.
So he got into a fistfight with the person who gave him his clothes. And eventually he got what he wanted and could choose how his own uniform looked. And Repede got to go to St Freya with him, because he's not going anywhere without his partner.
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