#[me: just a few hcs :)]
nova-rpv · 5 months
"i have a sister now! thank you, granpa! we are going to do so much stuff together!"
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(trans masc newborn shado btw. tag as ship and ill kill you)
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otaku553 · 7 months
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Quite frankly still obsessed with the three of them
A little procrastination doodle
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gremnda · 4 months
Hello. You made a post asking for some art requests.
How about some more salmon pearl? I love the design :D
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thank you so much for the request! <3
it makes me so so happy that people like my pearl design aaaahhh i'm very new to the fandom and i thought it'd be really hard to get my art out there since there's already a ton of super cool artists already but yall have been so incredibly kind to me since the start and i've met some really amazing people in here that i consider my friends :,)
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twisted-deal · 2 months
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ink tears; i just think he's neat
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ari-chime · 5 months
No one asked for this but
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A panel redraw from @minas-linkverse
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mysticqueer · 6 months
mammon x mc concept-
MC speaks a whole lot of human world languages. Mammon does not. They’re constantly calling him words he doesn’t understand, but when he asks them what they’re saying, they mischievously refuse to tell him. So he assumes they’re probably insults.
Then one day Mammon gets his hands on a potion that allows him to understand all languages, only to realize that they’ve been calling him the Sweetest, Cheesiest terms of endearment ever.
“my soul”
“my favorite”
“my treasure”
“light of my eyes”
“little sun”
I think he would combust.
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allgremlinart · 7 months
"wait why does only Sokka get to be chief of the SWT but not Katara :/" see but what you're missing is the fact that its never said she WASNT... in addition to Sokka...
like what I'm saying is its canonically an elected position and you're all sleeping on the very funny and entirely plausible concept that they did in fact run against each other in an election ...
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taichouu · 9 months
This might be kind of a loaded question but I'm genuinely curious. Mostly for my mutuals who self ship but obviously you're welcome to vote even if you don't self-ship.
There is absolutely no shame or malice directed in voting no, I'm trying to gauge how universal my own experiences are!
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ruporas · 1 year
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can’t help falling for you
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s1llycilantro · 6 months
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mfs will watch 60 episodes of hermitcraft and spontaneously decide to make and design keychains for Waffleduo
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I'm using human ages in () as a reference point/general age brackets
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spinnysocks · 2 months
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you ever get consumed in thought about a character who never even fucking speaks /silly
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
heya, could you deliver someone kate head canons on how’d she’d be in a relationship! i adore your stuff by the way!!!! Thank ya
Yeah, of course I can! Glad to hear people like my silly HCs, imagines and drabbles! Thank you for the request, I hope you can enjoy it!
General Dating HCs for Laswell
First things first: There’s a chance you might not see her as often as you’d like. She has a very high position at the CIA, and thus works a lot in other countries as well. While Laswell does her best to make time for you, this isn’t always possible due to her job. However, when she does finally have time for you she doesn’t particularly want to leave your side either. Regardless of whether the two of you are relaxing while sitting on the couch and drinking tea or you’re at an amusement park, chances are Laswell will be by your side.
She’s not a fan of PDA, and that’s something you’ll have to respect. Laswell, generally speaking, isn’t that into physical contact with other people, not even you. You can ask her to cuddle every once in a while, you can ask her for a hug too, she won’t mind that too much, but too much physical contact is just suffocating to her. Laswell prefers to show her affection through other means. She has an amazing memory and remembers just about anything you say that might be useful. If you ever wanted a certain gift, Laswell has the means and the money to get it for you, even if you just made an off-handed comment once a few months ago. It will be yours eventually. And because she has a good grasp on how people react to certain things, chances are most of her gifts to you will be something you’ll like.
While she may not be a chef, she’s a pretty alright cook too. Cooking isn’t something she does very often, not that she hates it either, but she, more often than not, doesn’t have the time for it. Usually she just gets something on the go, eats out or orders takeout, but with you, if cooking is something you like, she’s more than happy to help you out. Just give her the order to cook the noodles or cut the tomatoes and she’ll do it. While she does like to make some chit chat with you at appropriate times, especially during cooking, if you prefer silence so you can focus better, then that’s okay as well. When she thinks a meal turned out especially well then she’ll have you try it by spoonfeeding you a bit.
Laswell is an older, but classy woman, she will want to go to fancy restaurants with you at some point just to drink some wine and maybe eat some fresh seafood. Naturally, you don’t have to eat some salmon and shrimp, but you don’t have to hold back either. If you want the pizza, the schnitzel or the burger, then that’s more than alright as well, but please, at the very least, consider the steak and the champagne. Considering the restaurants she picks are very expensive, it’s very likely that she’ll be paying for the food there. You can return the favor by paying next time you’re out to eat Chinese at the buffet or, if you want to, you can also just help her a bit with the chores and do a few more of them. This isn’t her trying to get out of doing them, though, she just wants to spoil you and show you the world of upper class people.
If you want to spoil Laswell as well, then I can tell you that unless your workplace pays you very well, you likely won’t be able to afford the things she likes. Whiskey or wine of several hundreds of dollars are not very cheap, so Laswell won’t mind you not getting her anything like it as well. However, she can appreciate you remembering the small things about her. You remember her liking lambs and got her a cute keychain? You made her the salmon filet she likes so much? Bought her favorite movie on DVD? Yeah, she notices and will be grateful. Those small things, however, might sometimes turn into something bigger with how she always likes to repay her “debts”. And so, an I love you has turned into a vacation in the Maldives at one point.
Will want you to be acquainted with either Nikolai, Price or both, preferably. Because she’s aware something bad can happen any time, she wants you to know them so that, in case something bad happens, you have someone to turn to. Besides, they’re her closest friends, she knows she can trust them with you. If you get along with them? Even better! That way she can invite you to the occasional drink with them and you can talk about anything and everything. And if you ever were in trouble and couldn’t reach her, then either of them would always pick up, no matter what. Your safety goes above all else, of course, but sometimes, some things can’t be prevented entirely, so it’s for the best you know them.
Overall, she’s a very caring partner, regardless of whether she’s your girlfriend, fiancée or wife, she’ll make sure you’re always happy. She’s been through enough herself to know what it’s like to be unhappy with where you are in life, so it doesn’t matter to her what she needs to do in order to see you smile again. Make sure to return the love and you’ll find yourself with one of the most loving, loyal partners out there. She’ll go to the end of the world and beyond to find you and make sure you’re okay. Make her a warm meal, give her some nice gifts and spend your time with her, the last thing is all that Laswell really wants in her life. As long as the two of you are together, she’s sure everything will be alright.
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tubbytarchia · 6 months
Embarrassing idea I don't have the capability to visualize the way I imagine it (maybe in the far future lol), but Tango deep in the Decked Out Castle, lights out, mobs frozen in time and him staggering on his feet as he feels the air leave his lungs one last time
"You're still here? It's over."
He fights the need to close his eyelids but as he inevitably does, he finds them weightless afterward, opening them back up with ease, sunny rays greeting him from behind Jimmy's silhouette over him. He says something with a concerned look, holds out his hand and Tango takes it as Jimmy guides them back to the ranch
"Go home."
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posletsvet · 10 months
A bunch of JJK season 2 headcanons:
(because I had nothing else to occupy my mind with while on a train trip)
Nanami has a few stomach problems, so he's very mindful about his diet. He eats bread on his cheat days. He also has mild lactose intolerance.
If there's anybody in the series with a 'my body is a holy temple' attitude, it has to be Gojo. He never smokes and rarely drinks because of that. Others used to make fun of him for 'being a princess with such delicate tastes', but he certainly did use it to his advantage by being insufferably annoying after parties/celebrations. He ended up not being invited.
Shoko smokes to wind down, so she sticks to some pleasant flavours. Her favourite ones are cherry and coffee, and she gets annoyed with tobacco shop workers for confusing the latter with chocolate.
During school Shoko carries around a handful of sugarless candy or gum to chew on in order to resist a tobacco craving. Gojo makes a habit of stealing a couple or more from her.
Geto smokes to numb his senses, so he usually goes for nasty foul things, nothing fancy at all. He also buys cheap cigarettes because he doesn't like the prospect of spending too much money on it. Once Shoko tried to snatch a cigarette from him, but ended up putting it out without finishing.
Geto actually hates the smell of cigarette smoke, so he has a separate set of clothes for this purpose. Gojo doesn't like it either, and he whines about it every single time Geto goes for a smoke because that means he can't hang out with him without smelling it.
Adults in Geto's life are usually fond of him, especially his past teachers, and his reputation of a model student is important to him. This is partly because his previous classmates tended to treat him as an outcast due to the rumors around him.
Haibara comes from a rural area and still has a great share of childlike wonder towards everything around him. He's more than excited to live in the capital city.
Haibara has a bunch of older siblings as well as a younger sister. By some miracle, he manages to get along with everyone. You guessed it: he is the miracle.
Utahime's hair tie is actually Shoko's gift.
Utahime's hairstyle was something that inspired Shoko to grow out her hair. She started by growing out her bangs. Before that, she had worn a bob haircut for as long as she could remember. Her mom insisted on it -- she thought longer hairstyle wouldn't suit her as her hair was rather thin. Turned out it wasn't true.
Shoko was raised by a single mom.
Nanami pierced his right ear, then backlashed by becoming too self-conscious about it and grew out his hair to hide the piercing.
Gojo is effortlessly good at everything he puts his mind to. When he started seriously studying chemistry in order to further improve his Limitless, he turned to Shoko for help, but then turned out to be a frustratingly quick learner. She would idly throw things at him for it.
Geto is a morning person to the marrow of his bone. His habit of getting up early stems from his childhood when he used to do so in order to get a few spare hours just for himself. He took to mindlessly cleaning up his room back then as well -- as a means to relax by organizing his life at least a little bit and feel in control of it.
Geto also cooks pretty well and is used to looking after himself. He's not that much of a foodie, though, and at some point of his life struggled with an eating disorder. He relapses during the Premature Death arc.
As someone who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Gojo doesn't know what household chores even are. After he takes Megumi and Tsumiki under his care, for quite some time it doesn't even occur to him that doing all the housework by themself isn't a normal childhood activity for an eight-year-old.
Gojo tries to give Geto a sweet tooth by being obnoxious about Geto having his drinks sugar-free and trying to sneak sugar in his beverages. It results in Geto gradually taking to drinking his tea/coffee with just one piece of sugar. Gojo thinks it's a win.
Gojo forgets to buy presents every single time. Untill he brings Geto and Shoko ridiculously expensive gifts that one time when they came to the decision they're not buying anything for each other this once due to low budget.
Gojo is an albino and has very sensitive skin. (That's why he was wearing a hoodie in Okinawa!!) Moreover, if it wasn't for the Six Eyes, he would have poor eyesight.
Geto's skin tans very quickly in the summer and he gets freckles easily. He ends up burrowing Satoru's sunscreen a lot.
Haibara is the only dog person of the group.
Shoko was involved in the jujutsu world from pretty early on since her technique is so rare and so valuable practically -- therefore her laid-back and nonchalant attitude.
Gojo has a severe case of being touch starved. He's constantly leaning in somebody's personal space and initiates touch a lot. Usually Geto doesn't mind it, but on bad days it rather unnerves him as he sometimes just needs his privacy.
Utahime used to chew on her lips when deep in thought or feeling nervous, and that made wearing lipstick a problem. She broke that habit after graduation as she started to gain confidence.
Geto and Utahime have the best handwriting among the group. Geto's is more graceful, swift with prolonged fine lines, and Utahime's is smaller, neat and round and with a lot of curves. Nanami's letters are refined and tidy, but somewhat formal as if it's typed rather than written. Shoko has pleasant handwriting as well, but she usually writes really fast and doesn't care whether it's nice to look at or not. She's got messy notes only she herself can navigate through. Haibara's writing is almost childish, big and legible and somehow brings to mind the image of a smile. Gojo's writing is like chicken scratch honestly. He couldn't care less and finds it funny when it's impossible to read.
Haibara more often than not forgets his lunch money. Nanami and Geto are usually the ones who share with him when it happens. Afterwards Gojo always demands that Geto share with him as well.
Last but not least: Gojo has migraines from time to time. He claims that laying his head in Geto's lap is the only thing that helps him.
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theroseyhues · 1 month
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DAY 1 of hermit-a-day-may 2024!!!!!! I am so unbelievably happy to be participating in this for the second year in a row C:
Day 1 is Beef, and I have to say I absolutely love his current skin its very pretty and I enjoy the colors a lot :D
@hermitadaymay <- tagging for day 1 so yall can check it out! Take care!!
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