#warning I overanalyze some random video on youtube because I cant breathe knowing people misunderstand falsettos everyday
abboii08 · 4 months
okay i know ive posted a lot lately but i just watched a falsettos song rating video with the most L takes ive ever seen and by L takes, i Mean. like really ick. the video itself wasnt awful and they did have some good commentary and opinions but. hmmm
they went on kind of a blurb about father to son and how plain and unimaginably Boring it is and then said they skip it every single time. like dude!!!! father to son isn't my favourite song either but to just completely disregard it is kind of weird If you ask me.
and then they gave what more can i say a 3/10 with no other reasoning other than "i fell asleep" okay 💀
lack of media literacy skills begin to show when they lowered the rating of canceling the bar mitzvah solely because, and i quote, "jason was being annoying" Do you even know why jason was upset. do you know why everyone was so stressed. it's supposed to be a difficult moment for everybody. jason is a child trying to cope with the fact that his loved one is sick and potentially dying in the hospital. he's 12 years old. he doesn't know how to process this, and neither do trina and mendel.
and then 1/10 for marvin hits trina because "marvin is mean" okay. we know what marvin did in that song was really really shitty but its not as simple as him just being a little meanie
BUT on the positive side!!! im really glad the video creator understood trinas character well and when it came to her songs, they gave pretty insightful commentary. more often than not new falsettos fans can tend to push trina off to the side unfortunately so im really glad they took the time to understand and appreciate her as a character bc she's wonderful. also towards the songs at the end they gave some better ratings so that was nice.
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