#we both agreed to 1. fuck marcus (have you seen his leechsona?) 2. marry ashford (possibly the most normal; also has like... a huge estate)
fly-rye · 8 months
summary of what happened during the minecraft sesh with @wanderingmoonmen tonight:
i ran around in the desert getting assaulted by phantoms while she rambled about the shitty changes made to the birkins' story and personality in the remake of re2
"leon is ugly" "oh my god i was going to say that too! leon is ugly!"
a lot of other stupid resident evil discussion because we're insane
i had a mental breakdown about chickens. because a creeper snuck up to the edge of the chicken enclosure while i was facing away from it and blew up the fence. and then chickens got everywhere. and i had to scramble to put blocks up in the way but THE CHICKENS KEPT STANDING WHERE I WANTED TO PUT BLOCKS. so way too many escaped. and then i murdered all of the adult chickens left in the enclosure while ranting and raving like a lunatic and then ran into the forest to hunt down the ones that escaped. and then i made signs on pretty pink cherry wood about how much i hate the stupid chickens and also the creeper that started the debacle
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