#webbverse rp
parkersbite · 1 month
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At some point, I just-- I stopped pulling my punches. I got rageful. I got bitter. I just don't want you to end up like me.
indie PETER PARKER of sony's THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 1 & 2 and insomniac's SPIDER-MAN SERIES. as loved by em.
rules verses starters @noahsresources @supersources
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oscxrpceo · 5 months
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Sure, sure, I get it. 20-year-old kid, $200 billion company, what was Dad thinking? I mean, you're all lawyers, right? Surely someone must've questioned his sanity in the end. Someone must've thought about having him declared "legally incompetent". It would've made this conversation a lot easier.
indie HARRY OSBORN of sony's THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2. as loved by em.
rules verses twitter starters playlist @noahsresources @jaynedits
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roleplay-today · 1 year
I write a canon muse (Katniss Everdeen) that I have a lot of verses for where I write her into other fandoms / write verses inspired by other fandoms. Searching the tags for indie accounts that have verses in those fandoms hasn't done me much good due to the sheer amount of rp group posts I keep being greeted with, so I'm trying my search here.
I'm 25+, looking for 21+ writers who are okay with long term world building of pretty much any genre (though angst does seem to be the most reoccurring theme), and in the case of any mxf romantic chemistry, are also okay with smut-free (or fade-to-black) slow burns.
The fandoms I'm looking for other writers in are Marvel/MCU, DCEU/Arrowverse/other DC Comics tv properties, The Amazing Spider-Man (Webbverse), Top Gun/Top Gun: Maverick, Peter Pan, The Phantom of the Opera, and more.
And in case of any ships, I'm most interested in Katniss x Pietro Maximoff, Katniss x Jordan Mahkent, and Katniss x Bob Floyd, but I am open to other mxf pairings if good writing chemistry happens.
Please leave a comment or message me directly as I no longer know if likes on these equal genuine interest what with all the bots that have been around lately. Thank you!
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oscxrpceo · 12 days
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Sure, sure, I get it. 20-year-old kid, $200 billion company, what was Dad thinking? I mean, you're all lawyers, right? Surely someone must've questioned his sanity in the end. Someone must've thought about having him declared "legally incompetent". It would've made this conversation a lot easier.
indie HARRY OSBORNS of sony's THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 & disney's MARVEL CINEMATIC SPIDER-MAN. as loved by em.
rules tasm mcu starters playlist @noahsresources @jessource
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