#wef bioterrorism
americanmysticom · 2 years
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The Great Reset | Pfizer CEO "I'm Hopeful to See Other Vaccines Other Than COVID-19 with mRNA." Thrivetime Show: The ReAwakening versus The Great Reset Published  May 29, 2022
Yuval Noah Harari is a lead advisor for Klaus Schwab, and a best-selling author who has been celebrated by Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates.
Watch the Original Full Length May 25th 2022 Video At: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ccd3LMNMl8
Who Is Leading the Great Reset? Yuval Noah Harari - Learn More Today At: https://timetofreeamerica.com/behind-the-great-reset/#scroll-content
Connect the Dots and Follow the Timeline Related to COVID-19 / The Great Reset At: https://timetofreeamerica.com/revelation
[The WEF (and PHARMA) are fools aiding the CCP. The mRNA concoctions are trash in the hands of fools -the same for their ill-imagined notions of humanity.]
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hjgdigitalmonster · 2 years
"Das ist erst der Anfang" - WEF-Mitglied warnt vor nicht enden wollenden Pandemien aufgrund des Klimawandels
CheckMateNews ♟, [30.05.2022 18:02]
[ Video ]
"Dies wird nicht die letzte Pandemie sein, die wir erleben werden. Wir werden mehr und mehr Pandemien sehen, die durch die Auswirkungen des Klimas und das Auftreten neuer Bakterien als Folge der erhöhten Treibhausgase und Methanemissionen entstehen, gegen die wir einfach keine Immunität haben, also denke ich, dass wir als Kollektiv alle über COVID gesprochen haben, aber okay, das ist COVID, und es wird bei uns bleiben, aber das ist erst der Anfang."
Abonniere und teile den Kanal ♟
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CheckMateNews ♟, [30.05.2022 20:02]
Bioterror-Forscher entwickeln tödlichere Mauspocken (Veröffentlicht 2003)
Wissenschaftler haben ein hochtödliches Virus geschaffen, um einen besseren Schutz gegen supervirulente Formen der Pocken zu entwickeln, die Terroristen gegen Menschen einsetzen könnten, sagten Forscher gestern.
Für die gentechnische Veränderung wurde ein als Mauspocken bekanntes Virus verwendet, das Mäuse infiziert, aber nicht dafür bekannt ist, Menschen zu verletzen. In dieses Virus spleißten die Wissenschaftler ein einzelnes Gen ein, das es supertödlich machte, und testeten es dann an Mäusen, die mit verschiedenen Kombinationen aus einem Pockenimpfstoff und Medikamenten behandelt wurden.
Die Wissenschaftler erklärten, die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die besten Abwehrmechanismen eine tödliche Erkrankung nicht nur bei Mäusen, sondern wahrscheinlich auch bei Menschen, die maßgeschneiderten Pocken ähnlicher Bauart ausgesetzt sind, recht wirksam verhindern.
Diese Art von Forschung ist seit Jahren umstritten, und Kritiker argumentierten auch gestern wieder, dass in Labors erzeugte Superviren Terroristen dazu inspirieren könnten, ihre eigenen tödlichen Krankheiten zu entwickeln. Die Mäusepocken-Wissenschaftler entgegneten, dass die Forschung zur Terrorismusabwehr beitragen könnte, indem sie die Entwicklung wirksamerer medizinischer Abwehrmechanismen demonstriert.
Die Mäusepockenforschung wurde an der Universität St. Louis im Rahmen eines vom National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases finanzierten Projekts durchgeführt, um neue Schutzmaßnahmen gegen die Pocken zu finden, an denen eines von drei Opfern stirbt.
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germanischer-junge · 3 years
Skandalöses UN-Strategie-Papier: Pandemien als Vorwand zur Überwachung
27. Mai 2021
Hinter dem harmlosen Titel „Covid-19: Make it the Last Pandemic“ verbirgt sich ein bedrohliches UN-Strategie-Papier.
Zur Vorbeugung künftiger Pandemien wird mehr Macht für die WHO empfohlen und der Aufbau eines weltumspannenden Warn- und Überwachungssystems gefordert.
An allen Ecken und Enden trieft das UN-Strategie-Papier auf 68 Seiten von globalistischen Machtfantasien.
Die Demokratie hat bereits schweren Schaden genommen. Mehr denn je stehen wir am Scheideweg zwischen Freiheit und Knechtschaft. Jetzt entscheidet sich das Schicksal der kommenden Generationen – Eine schonungslose Analyse »>.
Skandalöses UN-Strategie-Papier: Pandemien als Vorwand zur Überwachung
Dieses UN-Strategie-Papier wurde vom sogenannten „Independent Panel on Pandemic Preparedness and Response“ ausgearbeitet.
Diesen Arbeitskreis leiten unter anderen die frühere neuseeländische Premierministerin Helen Clark, die ehemalige Präsidentin von Liberia, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, und andere Ex-Politiker.
Das Horrorszenario stammt nicht aus dem Drehbuch eines Hollywood-Blockbusters sondern direkt aus einem aktuellen Bericht aus dem Dunstkreis der Vereinten Nationen (UNO).
Die meisten der Überlegungen gehen in Richtung mehr Zentralisierung, Globalisierung und Totalitarismus – und weniger Souveränität, Mündigkeit und Freiheit.
Andernorts gab etwa Clark bereits zu, dass für sie nur ein „multilaterales System“ infrage kommt. Dieses sollte „handeln, um die Welt sicher zu halten“.
Seit Louis Pasteur und Robert Koch gilt es als unumstößliches Gesetz: Bakterien und insbesondere Viren sind für die meisten Krankheiten verantwortlich. Neueste Erkenntnisse widerlegen diese Behauptungen! Wie Krankheiten entstehen, wie sie sich verbreiten und wie sie zu Pandemien werden – hier weiter.
UN-Strategie-Papier: Sieben große Punkte für den Globalisten-Umbau
Ein maßnahmenkritischer Blog spricht davon, dass es im gesamten UN-Strategie-Papier nur so von „bürokratischen Doppelzüngigkeiten wimmelt“ und hebt sieben besonders alarmierende Punkte hervor.
1. Die Vorbereitung und Reaktion auf globale Gesundheitsbedrohungen soll nur mehr auf höchster Ebene geschehen, um ein „gerechtes, verantwortliches und Sektor-übergreifendes Handeln“ zu gewährleisten.
2. Die „Unabhängigkeit“ der WHO müsse ebenso wie ihre Autorität gestärkt werden, ihre Finanzierung besser abgesichert werden.
3. Bereits jetzt müsse in die Prophylaxe gegen Gesundheitsbedrohungen investiert werden. Dies diene dem Zweck, künftig „funktionsfähige Kapazitäten auf nationaler, regionaler und globaler Ebene zu schaffen“. Dezidiert meint dies auch Bedrohungen der „Umweltgesundheit“.
4. Es geht um die Einrichtung eines „verbesserten Systems der Überwachung und Alarmierung“ – und zwar auf internationaler Ebene. Dieses müsse auf der „vollen Transparenz aller Parteien“ basieren und auf „digitalen Werkzeugen am Stand der Technik“ aufbauen, die „Informations-Zentren weltweit verbinden“.
5. Es brauche die Einrichtung einer vorverhandelten Plattform zur Produktion von Impfstoffen, Diagnostika, Therapeutika und Medizinbedarf“ sowie deren „schnelle und gerechte Verteilung als wichtige globale Gemeingüter“.
6. Die Beschaffung neuer internationaler Finanzmittel für ebendiese „globalen Gemeingüter“, welche für die Pandemiebereitschaft und -reaktion wichtig seien.
7. Die Länder mögen eine nationale Koordinationsstelle auf höchster Ebene für die Pandemievorsorge und -reaktion einrichten (welche dann mutmaßlich die Befehle seitens der WHO empfängt und ausführt).
Globaler Pandemieplan seit Monaten im Raum
Selbst jene Punkte, die auf den ersten Blick harmlos aussehen, haben es in sich.
So ist die Idee eines globalen Pandemieplans, bei der alle Gesundheitsentscheidungen nur mehr auf höchster Ebene getroffen werden – bei gleichzeitiger Ausschaltung der Nationalstaaten (nach Clarks Ansicht waren „Nationalismen“ im Kampf gegen Corona schädlich) – nicht mehr neu.
Diese Idee wurde bereits vor einigen Monaten von den mächtigen Regierungschefs über einen Gastbeitrag in großen Tageszeitungen verlautbart.
Auch die Netzwerke rund um die Beschaffung, Verteilung und Vermarktung von Impfstoffen und weiteren Mitteln und „Werkzeugen“ direkt im Umfeld der Bill & Melinda Gates-Stiftung deckten wir bereits vor Monaten auf.
Selbst der floskelhaft erscheinende Punkt mit der „höchsten Ebene“ ist eigentlich ziemlich pikant: Laut der Empfehlung des Papiers soll der WHO-Generaldirektor nach Gutdünken Pandemien ausrufen können.
UN-Strategie-Papier: Neue internationale Ordnung ist im Anmarsch
Besonders alarmierend mutet allerdings die Offenheit an, mit der dieser UN-Bericht nach mehr Überwachung der Bürger schreit.
Dies untermauern die Autoren von diesem skandalösen UN-Strategie-Papier im Lauftext sogar noch zusätzlich, indem sie Länder mit besonders restriktiven Corona-Maßnahmen loben und solche mit wenigen oder gar keinen Maßnahmen entgegen jedweder Datenlage pauschal abqualifizieren.
Auch mit den Hoffnungen, in der Folge der Pandemie eine neue „internationale Ordnung“ in Form eines „Multilateralismus“ erschaffen zu wollen, halten die Eliten längst nicht mehr hinter dem Berg.
Dass sich der Gründer des Weltwirtschaftsforums einst in totaler Enteignung gipfelnde Wiederaufbaustrategien (Stichwort: „Great Reset“) unter dem Deckmantel sogenannter Nachhaltigkeit vorstellen kann, ist längst kein Geheimnis mehr.
Und wie sich das etwa Merkel, Macron & die EU-Granden vorstellen, dürfte den meisten schon seit längerem bekannt sein. Bereits im Februar wechselten sich Überwachungs- und Zensurideen ab.
Das Internet müsse etwa so eingeschränkt werden, dass man keinen „Hass verbreiten“ kann – gemeint ist dabei am ehesten Kritik an ihrer Agenda.
UN-Strategie-Papier: Erfüllt die Politik die Globalisten-Vorgaben im Eiltempo?
Die Regulierung des schwer zu kontrollierenden Internets unter dem Vorwand der „Hassrede“ und die weitreichende Überwachung der Bürger durch die Sammlung einer Fülle an scheinbar nicht zusammenhängenden Daten – dies müsste jedem bereits hinreichend bekannt vorkommen.
Sowohl beim Kampf gegen vermeintlichen „Hass im Netz“ als auch beim „Grünen Pass“, der die Menschen in eine Zweiklassengesellschaft einteilt – Überwachte und Entrechtete – handelt es sich um aktuelle Prestigeprojekte der Corona-Politik. Ist es vorauseilender Gehorsam?
Unter dem Schein, dem Volk wohlgesonnen zu sein, pflegen die führenden Politiker von Deutschland und Österreich regelmäßig Kontakte zu wichtigen globalistischen Akteuren.
Über die Treffen mit WEF-Leiter Klaus Schwab, Impf- und Big-Tech-Guru Bill Gates und dem offen linke und liberale Projekte unterstützenden „Philanthropen“ George Soros wird jedoch der Mantel des Schweigens ausgebreitet.
Die Frage, worüber wirklich in diesen lockeren Gesprächen gemauschelt wurde, das will nie so recht an die Öffentlichkeit dringen. Mit Kalkül?
Der Weg in die neue Weltordnung war geplant
Durch das UN-Strategie-Papier wird immer deutlicher, dass die Coronakrise als Auslöser für einen globalen Staatsstreich von monumentalem Ausmaß genutzt wird.
Es ist die Einleitung in eine neue Ära, in der eine andere internationale Ordnung gelten soll – Event 201 war bereits die Generalprobe für die neue Weltordnung.
Die Freiheiten der Menschen werden weltweit dauerhaft vollständig eingeschränkt bleiben, denn die Corona-Politik hat das Ziel, um uns mit Zwang in eine „klima-intelligente“ und „gesunde“ Welt zu steuern.
Paul Schreyer zeigt im folgenden Video, dass die Politik in der Corona-Krise nicht aus heiterem Himmel kam. Der „Kampf gegen die Viren“ begann schon in den 1990er Jahren als „Kampf gegen den Bioterror“.
Pandemie-Planspiele – Vorbereitung einer neuen Ära
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paullassiterca · 5 years
The EPA's Biosolids Scam Threatens Us All
The use of sewage sludge as fertilizer for your food, renamed “biosolids” by slick industry PR firms, is a growing and under-publicized threat to human health. Sewage sludge is the residue generated during the treatment of domestic waste and contains a cocktail of hazardous substances from industry, hospitals and humans — anything that is discharged into the sewage system.
Today, city sewer lines run right to the factories, allowing them to dump their waste into the city’s sewage treatment plants. This saves industries a lot of money because once a regulated chemical or waste enters the sewer line, they’re suddenly exempt from EPA regulation.
While many, including myself, have highlighted the serious dangers posed by wide application of sewage sludge for decades, new awareness was created by a recent report from the U.S. Inspector General’s office (OIG) titled, “EPA Unable to Assess the Impact of Hundreds of Unregulated Pollutants in Land-Applied Biosolids on Human Health and the Environment.”
Beware the Biosolid Scam
A recent video, “Biosludged,”1 from the Health Ranger/Natural News, added more concerns to the already recognized biosolid threats of heavy metals, drugs, hormones and antibiotic resistance, namely bioterrorism. Anyone could introduce deadly substances into the sewage system, such as the Ebola virus, which would, courtesy of wide biosolids application, be disseminated to harm a large amount of people.
What people put down their toilet comes “right back on their dinner plate a few weeks later,” warns the video, citing the discovery of the blood thinner Warfarin, the toxic herbicide and endocrine disrupter atrazine, pesticides, fungicides, pharmaceuticals, recreational drugs, industrial drugs, chemical solvents, plasticizers and disinfectants in biosolids.
“If you wouldn’t put it in your garden, don’t flush it down toilet,” says Mike Adams, known as the Health Ranger, who adds that biosolids are the greatest environmental crime in America that most people have never heard of. While there is a Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act, a Clean Soil Act is sorely needed says Adams.
Adams and his website are admittedly controversial, but it’s indisputable that the application of massive amounts of biosolids containing nitrogen and phosphorus, combined with other nitrogen-rich fertilizers, have contributed to the growing algae blooms along U.S. coasts. This environmental destruction harms human and animal life as well as water quality. Unfortunately, many of the southern states experience greater use of biosolids as they accept excrement exported from other cities.
Serious Questions About EPA Regulation of Biosolids
In November 2018, the U.S. Inspector General’s office released a scathing indictment of how the EPA regulates — or more accurately, doesn’t regulate — the biosolids industry. The OIG charged that:2
“The controls over the land application of sewage sludge (biosolids), including laws, regulations, guidance, policies or activities, were incomplete or had weaknesses and may not fully protect human health and the environment.
The EPA consistently monitored biosolids for nine regulated pollutants. However, the agency lacked the data or risk assessment tools needed to make a determination on the safety of 352 pollutants found in biosolids. The EPA identified these pollutants in a variety of studies from 1989 through 2015.
Our analysis determined that the 352 pollutants include 61 designated as acutely hazardous, hazardous or priority pollutants in other programs. The Clean Water Act requires the EPA to review biosolids regulations at least every two years to identify additional pollutants and promulgate regulations for such pollutants.”
What are some of the harmful pollutants the Inspector General found in biosolids?
“Unregulated pollutants identified include pharmaceuticals (e.g., ciprofloxacin, diphenhydramine and triclocarban); steroids and hormones (e.g., campesterol, cholestanol and coprostanol); and flame retardants.
The agency also identified perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) in biosolids research … 32 are hazardous wastes under RCRA (four of which are acutely hazardous). 35 are EPA priority pollutants. 16 are NIOSH [National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health] hazardous drugs.”
Scientific Research Confirms the Dangers
Faced with the IOG’s 60-page paper detailing the dangers of biosolids, the EPA had few defenses beyond, “Hazard alone does not indicate risk,” and “Not all 352 pollutants found in biosolids lack data to evaluate risk. Those pollutants with sufficient data will be evaluated for risk” in the future. Is anyone relieved?
Scientific papers clearly confirm the dangers of biosolids from their persistence in the soil to their ability to enter the very crops you eat. Triclocarban, an antibiotic similar to triclosan (found in toothpaste and other consumer products) “remained years after biosolid application” says research in Environmental Science and Pollution Research.3
The antibiotics amoxicillin, ampicillin, erythromycin, oxytetracycline, sulfadimethoxine and others were detected “in sewage sludges after nearly a decade in frozen storage,” says research in Science of the Total Environment.4
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), man-made chemicals the EPA admits have “adverse human health effects”5 and flame retardants (HFRs and PBDEs) were detected in spinach, tomatoes and corn from biosolid-treated soil, according to research in Science Direct.6 Pharmaceuticals were believed to enter radish tissues according to Water Research,7 and lettuce readily absorbed estrogens, according to a study published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research.8
Antibiotic Resistance Is Also a Risk From Biosolids
It should surprise no one who reads my newsletter that using sewer sludge to grow food increases the already pressing problem of antibiotic resistance. The over-prescription of antibiotics to humans and livestock has created superbugs that kill thousands each year. The combination of human waste — which contains both antibiotics, pathogens and antibiotic-resistant pathogens — with hospital and industrial waste only worsens the deadly problem.
The accumulation of a metabolite of the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole “in the solid phase is less bioavailable and is hard to be desorbed in the existence of microbial activities … and may lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and genes after discharge into the environment,” warn researchers in Environmental Science and Pollution Research.9
“Ampicillin-resistant bacteria increased in [biosolid] amended soils four months after amendment and remained at least one log 10 higher 24 months later,” says research in Science of the Total Environment. 10
The ubiquity of antibiotic use in medical, veterinary and agricultural practices “has instigated great environmental concern due to the toxicological effects associated with these compounds,” says research in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.11
“Some of the effects of antibiotics include development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, making it difficult to treat diseases, variation in natural microbial communities, and enzyme activities especially in aerobic and low and intermediate anaerobic plots due to small rates of decay.”
Strong Economic Forces Are Behind Biosolids
How did the deceptive term “biosolid” replace the more accurate term toxic sewer sludge? It was coined by the Water Environment Federation, says PR Watch.12
“The Water Environment Federation (WEF), the sewage sludge industry trade group that invented the Orwellian PR euphemism ‘biosolids’ for toxic sludge in 1991, is now 'rebranding’ sewage treatment plants as 'water resource recovery facilities.’
The PR spin conveniently glosses over the toxic sewage sludge removed from the water and then heated and dumped on land for crops and grazing as 'fertilizer’ or misleadingly called 'compost.’ The toxins in sludge can then bioaccumulate in the meat and dairy we eat and be taken up by the food plants that feed us.”
Sludge is big business and waste giant Synagro leads the industry. According to its website:13
“[Synagro] provide[s] solutions for all aspects of biosolids and residuals management needs, from land permitting and soil analysis by our nationwide technical services team to facilities development by our in-house engineering staff. Synagro provides a comprehensive scope of customer-focused solutions. We have built a reputation as a trusted provider of breakthrough, cost-effective solutions for biosolids and residuals management needs.”
Selling sludge as “fertilizer” is the least expensive way for municipalities to get rid of their biosolids and make room for more, says In These Times .14 Corporations that sign contracts with municipalities to remove and haul the sludge are also fans of the lucrative status quo, as are farmers who appreciate inexpensive “fertilizer.” But some communities are resisting.
We Don’t Want Your Poop, Say Community Activists
At a hearing held in November 2018 by the Pennsylvania State Council of Farm Organizations, Darree Sicher, founder of the United Sludge Free Alliance, said one of her main concerns is that biosolids are contaminated with pharmaceuticals and flame retardants, which could lead to birth defects in livestock.15 Much of Europe incinerates rather than spreads such waste, said others at the hearing.
In January, Florida state representative Erin Grall (R-Vero Beach) introduced a bill that would allow landowners to keep spreading imported biosolids if the landowner “can affirmatively demonstrate that the nutrients in the biosolids will not add to nutrient loadings in the watershed,” which was greeted by citizen resistance.16
Residents in Washington state have similarly spoken out.17 “There’s a saying that the biosolids flow downhill — I live downhill,” said James Brigham, who lives near the proposed biosolids site. Delivery of the biosolids would involve 50 trucks, it was revealed at the meeting.
In Michigan, the application of biosolids are suspected of containing the “forever chemicals” PFAS, linked to numerous health hazards and contamination of drinking water.18
Gardeners Beware
Toxic sewer sludge is not just an agricultural risk, “Biosludged” points out. Biosolids are also sold as lawn and garden fertilizer to homeowners despite their dangerous components.
Both Dillo Dirt and Milorganite present themselves as eco-friendly and environmentally-sound soil treatments, yet both carry warnings of serious risks to human health in their fine print. Dillo Dirt contains toxic sludge from Austin, and Milorganite is made with toxic sludge from Milwaukee, says Mike Adams. Both should be avoided at all costs.
Unfortunately, companies do not have to disclose when biosolids are used in their compost or potting soil. Composted products can even have the USDA organic label on them, and still be loaded with toxic biosolids. Milorganite is just one example.
If you grow vegetables in your garden and want to avoid toxins contained in biosolids, your best bet is to buy organic potting soil and/or compost from a local nursery you know and trust that can guarantee no biosolids have been added.
from Articles http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/02/23/biosolids-scam.aspx source https://niapurenaturecom.tumblr.com/post/182996149996
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jakehglover · 5 years
The EPA's Biosolids Scam Threatens Us All
The use of sewage sludge as fertilizer for your food, renamed "biosolids" by slick industry PR firms, is a growing and under-publicized threat to human health. Sewage sludge is the residue generated during the treatment of domestic waste and contains a cocktail of hazardous substances from industry, hospitals and humans — anything that is discharged into the sewage system.
Today, city sewer lines run right to the factories, allowing them to dump their waste into the city's sewage treatment plants. This saves industries a lot of money because once a regulated chemical or waste enters the sewer line, they're suddenly exempt from EPA regulation.
While many, including myself, have highlighted the serious dangers posed by wide application of sewage sludge for decades, new awareness was created by a recent report from the U.S. Inspector General's office (OIG) titled, "EPA Unable to Assess the Impact of Hundreds of Unregulated Pollutants in Land-Applied Biosolids on Human Health and the Environment."
Beware the Biosolid Scam
A recent video, "Biosludged,"1 from the Health Ranger/Natural News, added more concerns to the already recognized biosolid threats of heavy metals, drugs, hormones and antibiotic resistance, namely bioterrorism. Anyone could introduce deadly substances into the sewage system, such as the Ebola virus, which would, courtesy of wide biosolids application, be disseminated to harm a large amount of people.
What people put down their toilet comes "right back on their dinner plate a few weeks later," warns the video, citing the discovery of the blood thinner Warfarin, the toxic herbicide and endocrine disrupter atrazine, pesticides, fungicides, pharmaceuticals, recreational drugs, industrial drugs, chemical solvents, plasticizers and disinfectants in biosolids.
"If you wouldn't put it in your garden, don't flush it down toilet," says Mike Adams, known as the Health Ranger, who adds that biosolids are the greatest environmental crime in America that most people have never heard of. While there is a Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act, a Clean Soil Act is sorely needed says Adams.
Adams and his website are admittedly controversial, but it's indisputable that the application of massive amounts of biosolids containing nitrogen and phosphorus, combined with other nitrogen-rich fertilizers, have contributed to the growing algae blooms along U.S. coasts. This environmental destruction harms human and animal life as well as water quality. Unfortunately, many of the southern states experience greater use of biosolids as they accept excrement exported from other cities.
Serious Questions About EPA Regulation of Biosolids
In November 2018, the U.S. Inspector General's office released a scathing indictment of how the EPA regulates — or more accurately, doesn't regulate — the biosolids industry. The OIG charged that:2
"The controls over the land application of sewage sludge (biosolids), including laws, regulations, guidance, policies or activities, were incomplete or had weaknesses and may not fully protect human health and the environment.
The EPA consistently monitored biosolids for nine regulated pollutants. However, the agency lacked the data or risk assessment tools needed to make a determination on the safety of 352 pollutants found in biosolids. The EPA identified these pollutants in a variety of studies from 1989 through 2015.
Our analysis determined that the 352 pollutants include 61 designated as acutely hazardous, hazardous or priority pollutants in other programs. The Clean Water Act requires the EPA to review biosolids regulations at least every two years to identify additional pollutants and promulgate regulations for such pollutants."
What are some of the harmful pollutants the Inspector General found in biosolids?
"Unregulated pollutants identified include pharmaceuticals (e.g., ciprofloxacin, diphenhydramine and triclocarban); steroids and hormones (e.g., campesterol, cholestanol and coprostanol); and flame retardants.
The agency also identified perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) in biosolids research ... 32 are hazardous wastes under RCRA (four of which are acutely hazardous). 35 are EPA priority pollutants. 16 are NIOSH [National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health] hazardous drugs."
Scientific Research Confirms the Dangers
Faced with the IOG's 60-page paper detailing the dangers of biosolids, the EPA had few defenses beyond, "Hazard alone does not indicate risk," and "Not all 352 pollutants found in biosolids lack data to evaluate risk. Those pollutants with sufficient data will be evaluated for risk" in the future. Is anyone relieved?
Scientific papers clearly confirm the dangers of biosolids from their persistence in the soil to their ability to enter the very crops you eat. Triclocarban, an antibiotic similar to triclosan (found in toothpaste and other consumer products) "remained years after biosolid application" says research in Environmental Science and Pollution Research.3
The antibiotics amoxicillin, ampicillin, erythromycin, oxytetracycline, sulfadimethoxine and others were detected "in sewage sludges after nearly a decade in frozen storage," says research in Science of the Total Environment.4
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), man-made chemicals the EPA admits have "adverse human health effects"5 and flame retardants (HFRs and PBDEs) were detected in spinach, tomatoes and corn from biosolid-treated soil, according to research in Science Direct.6 Pharmaceuticals were believed to enter radish tissues according to Water Research,7 and lettuce readily absorbed estrogens, according to a study published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research.8
Antibiotic Resistance Is Also a Risk From Biosolids
It should surprise no one who reads my newsletter that using sewer sludge to grow food increases the already pressing problem of antibiotic resistance. The over-prescription of antibiotics to humans and livestock has created superbugs that kill thousands each year. The combination of human waste — which contains both antibiotics, pathogens and antibiotic-resistant pathogens — with hospital and industrial waste only worsens the deadly problem.
The accumulation of a metabolite of the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole "in the solid phase is less bioavailable and is hard to be desorbed in the existence of microbial activities ... and may lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and genes after discharge into the environment," warn researchers in Environmental Science and Pollution Research.9
"Ampicillin-resistant bacteria increased in [biosolid] amended soils four months after amendment and remained at least one log 10 higher 24 months later," says research in Science of the Total Environment. 10
The ubiquity of antibiotic use in medical, veterinary and agricultural practices "has instigated great environmental concern due to the toxicological effects associated with these compounds," says research in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.11
"Some of the effects of antibiotics include development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, making it difficult to treat diseases, variation in natural microbial communities, and enzyme activities especially in aerobic and low and intermediate anaerobic plots due to small rates of decay."
Strong Economic Forces Are Behind Biosolids
How did the deceptive term "biosolid" replace the more accurate term toxic sewer sludge? It was coined by the Water Environment Federation, says PR Watch.12
"The Water Environment Federation (WEF), the sewage sludge industry trade group that invented the Orwellian PR euphemism 'biosolids' for toxic sludge in 1991, is now 'rebranding' sewage treatment plants as 'water resource recovery facilities.'
The PR spin conveniently glosses over the toxic sewage sludge removed from the water and then heated and dumped on land for crops and grazing as 'fertilizer' or misleadingly called 'compost.' The toxins in sludge can then bioaccumulate in the meat and dairy we eat and be taken up by the food plants that feed us."
Sludge is big business and waste giant Synagro leads the industry. According to its website:13
"[Synagro] provide[s] solutions for all aspects of biosolids and residuals management needs, from land permitting and soil analysis by our nationwide technical services team to facilities development by our in-house engineering staff. Synagro provides a comprehensive scope of customer-focused solutions. We have built a reputation as a trusted provider of breakthrough, cost-effective solutions for biosolids and residuals management needs."
Selling sludge as "fertilizer" is the least expensive way for municipalities to get rid of their biosolids and make room for more, says In These Times .14 Corporations that sign contracts with municipalities to remove and haul the sludge are also fans of the lucrative status quo, as are farmers who appreciate inexpensive "fertilizer." But some communities are resisting.
We Don't Want Your Poop, Say Community Activists
At a hearing held in November 2018 by the Pennsylvania State Council of Farm Organizations, Darree Sicher, founder of the United Sludge Free Alliance, said one of her main concerns is that biosolids are contaminated with pharmaceuticals and flame retardants, which could lead to birth defects in livestock.15 Much of Europe incinerates rather than spreads such waste, said others at the hearing.
In January, Florida state representative Erin Grall (R-Vero Beach) introduced a bill that would allow landowners to keep spreading imported biosolids if the landowner "can affirmatively demonstrate that the nutrients in the biosolids will not add to nutrient loadings in the watershed," which was greeted by citizen resistance.16
Residents in Washington state have similarly spoken out.17 "There's a saying that the biosolids flow downhill — I live downhill," said James Brigham, who lives near the proposed biosolids site. Delivery of the biosolids would involve 50 trucks, it was revealed at the meeting.
In Michigan, the application of biosolids are suspected of containing the "forever chemicals" PFAS, linked to numerous health hazards and contamination of drinking water.18
Gardeners Beware
Toxic sewer sludge is not just an agricultural risk, "Biosludged" points out. Biosolids are also sold as lawn and garden fertilizer to homeowners despite their dangerous components.
Both Dillo Dirt and Milorganite present themselves as eco-friendly and environmentally-sound soil treatments, yet both carry warnings of serious risks to human health in their fine print. Dillo Dirt contains toxic sludge from Austin, and Milorganite is made with toxic sludge from Milwaukee, says Mike Adams. Both should be avoided at all costs.
Unfortunately, companies do not have to disclose when biosolids are used in their compost or potting soil. Composted products can even have the USDA organic label on them, and still be loaded with toxic biosolids. Milorganite is just one example.
If you grow vegetables in your garden and want to avoid toxins contained in biosolids, your best bet is to buy organic potting soil and/or compost from a local nursery you know and trust that can guarantee no biosolids have been added.
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/02/23/biosolids-scam.aspx
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jerrytackettca · 5 years
The EPA's Biosolids Scam Threatens Us All
The use of sewage sludge as fertilizer for your food, renamed "biosolids" by slick industry PR firms, is a growing and under-publicized threat to human health. Sewage sludge is the residue generated during the treatment of domestic waste and contains a cocktail of hazardous substances from industry, hospitals and humans — anything that is discharged into the sewage system.
Today, city sewer lines run right to the factories, allowing them to dump their waste into the city's sewage treatment plants. This saves industries a lot of money because once a regulated chemical or waste enters the sewer line, they're suddenly exempt from EPA regulation.
While many, including myself, have highlighted the serious dangers posed by wide application of sewage sludge for decades, new awareness was created by a recent report from the U.S. Inspector General's office (OIG) titled, "EPA Unable to Assess the Impact of Hundreds of Unregulated Pollutants in Land-Applied Biosolids on Human Health and the Environment."
Beware the Biosolid Scam
A recent video, "Biosludged,"1 from the Health Ranger/Natural News, added more concerns to the already recognized biosolid threats of heavy metals, drugs, hormones and antibiotic resistance, namely bioterrorism. Anyone could introduce deadly substances into the sewage system, such as the Ebola virus, which would, courtesy of wide biosolids application, be disseminated to harm a large amount of people.
What people put down their toilet comes "right back on their dinner plate a few weeks later," warns the video, citing the discovery of the blood thinner Warfarin, the toxic herbicide and endocrine disrupter atrazine, pesticides, fungicides, pharmaceuticals, recreational drugs, industrial drugs, chemical solvents, plasticizers and disinfectants in biosolids.
"If you wouldn't put it in your garden, don't flush it down toilet," says Mike Adams, known as the Health Ranger, who adds that biosolids are the greatest environmental crime in America that most people have never heard of. While there is a Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act, a Clean Soil Act is sorely needed says Adams.
Adams and his website are admittedly controversial, but it's indisputable that the application of massive amounts of biosolids containing nitrogen and phosphorus, combined with other nitrogen-rich fertilizers, have contributed to the growing algae blooms along U.S. coasts. This environmental destruction harms human and animal life as well as water quality. Unfortunately, many of the southern states experience greater use of biosolids as they accept excrement exported from other cities.
Serious Questions About EPA Regulation of Biosolids
In November 2018, the U.S. Inspector General's office released a scathing indictment of how the EPA regulates — or more accurately, doesn't regulate — the biosolids industry. The OIG charged that:2
"The controls over the land application of sewage sludge (biosolids), including laws, regulations, guidance, policies or activities, were incomplete or had weaknesses and may not fully protect human health and the environment.
The EPA consistently monitored biosolids for nine regulated pollutants. However, the agency lacked the data or risk assessment tools needed to make a determination on the safety of 352 pollutants found in biosolids. The EPA identified these pollutants in a variety of studies from 1989 through 2015.
Our analysis determined that the 352 pollutants include 61 designated as acutely hazardous, hazardous or priority pollutants in other programs. The Clean Water Act requires the EPA to review biosolids regulations at least every two years to identify additional pollutants and promulgate regulations for such pollutants."
What are some of the harmful pollutants the Inspector General found in biosolids?
"Unregulated pollutants identified include pharmaceuticals (e.g., ciprofloxacin, diphenhydramine and triclocarban); steroids and hormones (e.g., campesterol, cholestanol and coprostanol); and flame retardants.
The agency also identified perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) in biosolids research ... 32 are hazardous wastes under RCRA (four of which are acutely hazardous). 35 are EPA priority pollutants. 16 are NIOSH [National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health] hazardous drugs."
Scientific Research Confirms the Dangers
Faced with the IOG's 60-page paper detailing the dangers of biosolids, the EPA had few defenses beyond, "Hazard alone does not indicate risk," and "Not all 352 pollutants found in biosolids lack data to evaluate risk. Those pollutants with sufficient data will be evaluated for risk" in the future. Is anyone relieved?
Scientific papers clearly confirm the dangers of biosolids from their persistence in the soil to their ability to enter the very crops you eat. Triclocarban, an antibiotic similar to triclosan (found in toothpaste and other consumer products) "remained years after biosolid application" says research in Environmental Science and Pollution Research.3
The antibiotics amoxicillin, ampicillin, erythromycin, oxytetracycline, sulfadimethoxine and others were detected "in sewage sludges after nearly a decade in frozen storage," says research in Science of the Total Environment.4
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), man-made chemicals the EPA admits have "adverse human health effects"5 and flame retardants (HFRs and PBDEs) were detected in spinach, tomatoes and corn from biosolid-treated soil, according to research in Science Direct.6 Pharmaceuticals were believed to enter radish tissues according to Water Research,7 and lettuce readily absorbed estrogens, according to a study published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research.8
Antibiotic Resistance Is Also a Risk From Biosolids
It should surprise no one who reads my newsletter that using sewer sludge to grow food increases the already pressing problem of antibiotic resistance. The over-prescription of antibiotics to humans and livestock has created superbugs that kill thousands each year. The combination of human waste — which contains both antibiotics, pathogens and antibiotic-resistant pathogens — with hospital and industrial waste only worsens the deadly problem.
The accumulation of a metabolite of the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole "in the solid phase is less bioavailable and is hard to be desorbed in the existence of microbial activities ... and may lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and genes after discharge into the environment," warn researchers in Environmental Science and Pollution Research.9
"Ampicillin-resistant bacteria increased in [biosolid] amended soils four months after amendment and remained at least one log 10 higher 24 months later," says research in Science of the Total Environment. 10
The ubiquity of antibiotic use in medical, veterinary and agricultural practices "has instigated great environmental concern due to the toxicological effects associated with these compounds," says research in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.11
"Some of the effects of antibiotics include development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, making it difficult to treat diseases, variation in natural microbial communities, and enzyme activities especially in aerobic and low and intermediate anaerobic plots due to small rates of decay."
Strong Economic Forces Are Behind Biosolids
How did the deceptive term "biosolid" replace the more accurate term toxic sewer sludge? It was coined by the Water Environment Federation, says PR Watch.12
"The Water Environment Federation (WEF), the sewage sludge industry trade group that invented the Orwellian PR euphemism 'biosolids' for toxic sludge in 1991, is now 'rebranding' sewage treatment plants as 'water resource recovery facilities.'
The PR spin conveniently glosses over the toxic sewage sludge removed from the water and then heated and dumped on land for crops and grazing as 'fertilizer' or misleadingly called 'compost.' The toxins in sludge can then bioaccumulate in the meat and dairy we eat and be taken up by the food plants that feed us."
Sludge is big business and waste giant Synagro leads the industry. According to its website:13
"[Synagro] provide[s] solutions for all aspects of biosolids and residuals management needs, from land permitting and soil analysis by our nationwide technical services team to facilities development by our in-house engineering staff. Synagro provides a comprehensive scope of customer-focused solutions. We have built a reputation as a trusted provider of breakthrough, cost-effective solutions for biosolids and residuals management needs."
Selling sludge as "fertilizer" is the least expensive way for municipalities to get rid of their biosolids and make room for more, says In These Times .14 Corporations that sign contracts with municipalities to remove and haul the sludge are also fans of the lucrative status quo, as are farmers who appreciate inexpensive "fertilizer." But some communities are resisting.
We Don't Want Your Poop, Say Community Activists
At a hearing held in November 2018 by the Pennsylvania State Council of Farm Organizations, Darree Sicher, founder of the United Sludge Free Alliance, said one of her main concerns is that biosolids are contaminated with pharmaceuticals and flame retardants, which could lead to birth defects in livestock.15 Much of Europe incinerates rather than spreads such waste, said others at the hearing.
In January, Florida state representative Erin Grall (R-Vero Beach) introduced a bill that would allow landowners to keep spreading imported biosolids if the landowner "can affirmatively demonstrate that the nutrients in the biosolids will not add to nutrient loadings in the watershed," which was greeted by citizen resistance.16
Residents in Washington state have similarly spoken out.17 "There's a saying that the biosolids flow downhill — I live downhill," said James Brigham, who lives near the proposed biosolids site. Delivery of the biosolids would involve 50 trucks, it was revealed at the meeting.
In Michigan, the application of biosolids are suspected of containing the "forever chemicals" PFAS, linked to numerous health hazards and contamination of drinking water.18
Gardeners Beware
Toxic sewer sludge is not just an agricultural risk, "Biosludged" points out. Biosolids are also sold as lawn and garden fertilizer to homeowners despite their dangerous components.
Both Dillo Dirt and Milorganite present themselves as eco-friendly and environmentally-sound soil treatments, yet both carry warnings of serious risks to human health in their fine print. Dillo Dirt contains toxic sludge from Austin, and Milorganite is made with toxic sludge from Milwaukee, says Mike Adams. Both should be avoided at all costs.
Unfortunately, companies do not have to disclose when biosolids are used in their compost or potting soil. Composted products can even have the USDA organic label on them, and still be loaded with toxic biosolids. Milorganite is just one example.
If you grow vegetables in your garden and want to avoid toxins contained in biosolids, your best bet is to buy organic potting soil and/or compost from a local nursery you know and trust that can guarantee no biosolids have been added.
from http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/02/23/biosolids-scam.aspx
source http://niapurenaturecom.weebly.com/blog/the-epas-biosolids-scam-threatens-us-all
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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Thinking About China The World Economic Forum Wants Your Face John Mac Ghlionn May 26, 2022
The World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, has just ended. The theme of the five-day event, “Working Together, Restoring Trust,” was both vague and troubling, in equal measures.
Remember, this is the WEF we are discussing here, an international organization actively pushing “The Great Reset.” The theme could just as easily have read: “Suffering Together, Restoring Compliance.”
Among the many issues discussed, members focused on the spread of misinformation and disinformation. How, they asked, can the proliferation of harmful content be combatted? It’s easy, they answered, how about introducing digital IDs?
The WEF recently rolled out the Global Coalition for Digital Safety, an initiative designed to “accelerate public-private cooperation to tackle harmful content online.” In an effort to remedy the scourge of malicious material, the WEF has brought together a “diverse group of leaders who are well placed to exchange best practices for new online safety regulation and help millions of connected citizens improve digital media literacy.”
These “diverse leaders” include head honchos at the likes of Google, Microsoft, Interpol, and a number of government ministers. Another coalition member is Yoti, a company that strives to make the internet a safer place. How so? Through the use of digital IDs.
The dangers posed by digital IDs cannot be emphasized enough. As the researcher Brett Solomon—a man “who has tracked the advantages and perils of technology for human rights” for well over a decade—previously noted, the mass rollout of digital IDs “poses one of the gravest risks to human rights of any technology that we have encountered.”
DOWNLOAD THE WEF 2022 ‘PUBLIC FIGURES’ LIST https://www.scribd.com/document/575082668/WEF-AM22-List-of-Confirmed-PFs#download&from_embed
DOWNLOAD THE WEF GRADUATE LIST https://maloneinstitute.org/s/WEF-GLT-and-YGL-list-04May2022-by-country.xlsx
DOWNLOAD THE WEF PARTNERS LIST https://icedrive.net/s/WQYGhgwbxYyf3RiuwiATzZ6VyGgw
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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Prussiagate! The ReichsWEF Part V read by pgunnels Published May 28, 2022
The ReichsWEF Part V Klausian Kommand Zentral Will Zoll May 27
So, why was Klaus Schwab the one chosen to lead the ReichsWEF?
By 1967, Klaus was nearly thirty years old and had been a student his entire life. Leading a powerful forum of the world’s top globalist companies at the age of thirty, without any practical experience, sounds like a complete joke. However, when one considers Klaus’ family connections, as well as the business activities of Escher Wyss, he emerges as the perfect candidate to head-up the globalist vision, which was foreseen only by Kissinger, in these early days.
Klaus simply required a little work experience to ‘round-out’ his credentials as the leader of the ReichsWEF: . . .
The “Davos Manifesto” captured the philosophy of the ReichsWEF, which simultaneously embraced the fascist principles of ‘big government’ with Marxism. Bringing these two weaponized philosophies together would be the mainstay of Klaus Schwab’s vision, and the key to the Prussian ideology achieving a global reach. Since fascism and communism were two fingers attached to the hand of Prussia, Klaus Schwab was now openly exposing where his loyalty was placed. . . .
One has to wonder, was ‘NAZISM’ ever truly destroyed?
#PrussiaGate contends that it absolutely has not. However, we also contend that Nazism is simply a sub-division within a much larger organization. It is just one finger attached to a larger, invisible hand; the hand of Prussia.
[It’s high-time for these uninformed and misinformed special-interest WEF community organizers and currency manipulators be stopped, and that these perpetrators of scientific and medical preferential disinformation regarding climate change and experimental gene manipulation, who have effected mass murder by the hundreds of thousands of tainted vaccines, be put on trial.]
DOWNLOAD THE WEF 2022 ‘PUBLIC FIGURES’ LIST https://www.scribd.com/document/575082668/WEF-AM22-List-of-Confirmed-PFs#download&from_embed
DOWNLOAD THE WEF GRADUATE LIST https://maloneinstitute.org/s/WEF-GLT-and-YGL-list-04May2022-by-country.xlsx
DOWNLOAD THE WEF PARTNERS LIST https://icedrive.net/s/WQYGhgwbxYyf3RiuwiATzZ6VyGgw
DOWNLOAD CORPORATE FASCISM: THIRD REICH https://icedrive.net/s/TNjiD8Fffaa2YfW6xy8ivvQ23xWP
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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CLEAR ENOUGH? Learn Something New Today
[It’s high-time for these uninformed and misinformed special-interest community organizers and currency manipulators be stopped, and that these  perpetrators of scientific and medical preferential disinformation regarding climate change and experimental gene manipulation, who have effected mass murder by the hundreds of thousands of tainted vaccines, be put on trial.]
DOWNLOAD THE WEF 2022 ‘PUBLIC FIGURES’ LIST https://www.scribd.com/document/575082668/WEF-AM22-List-of-Confirmed-PFs#download&from_embed
DOWNLOAD THE WEF GRADUATE LIST https://maloneinstitute.org/s/WEF-GLT-and-YGL-list-04May2022-by-country.xlsx
DOWNLOAD THE WEF PARTNERS LIST https://icedrive.net/s/WQYGhgwbxYyf3RiuwiATzZ6VyGgw
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