#wef filth
viljaangelica · 1 year
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I was wondering what kind of filth the super wealthy had in store for us this year... 🤔🍎
WEF threatens Elon Musk to follow orders "or else". @thejimmydoreshow youtube
Novara media: The BBC Tory stich up keeps getting worse. (When the rich demand to choose head of British Public Media)
Katie Halper Show:
The hidden poison in everyday things (it was recorded but they're not releasing the film)
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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The Great Reset | Pfizer CEO "I'm Hopeful to See Other Vaccines Other Than COVID-19 with mRNA." Thrivetime Show: The ReAwakening versus The Great Reset Published  May 29, 2022
Yuval Noah Harari is a lead advisor for Klaus Schwab, and a best-selling author who has been celebrated by Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates.
Watch the Original Full Length May 25th 2022 Video At: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ccd3LMNMl8
Who Is Leading the Great Reset? Yuval Noah Harari - Learn More Today At: https://timetofreeamerica.com/behind-the-great-reset/#scroll-content
Connect the Dots and Follow the Timeline Related to COVID-19 / The Great Reset At: https://timetofreeamerica.com/revelation
[The WEF (and PHARMA) are fools aiding the CCP. The mRNA concoctions are trash in the hands of fools -the same for their ill-imagined notions of humanity.]
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The Hunter Laptop story at the time it broke was without a doubt the biggest story/scandal ever to be broke in the history of news reporting. The fact that the WEF was able to squash it with zero difficulty should concern the hell out of everyone. If this incident doesn’t tell you to get prepared quickly for the worst case scenario you can’t really talk about on the Internet without getting red flagged then absolutely nothing will.
The New York post should sue all of the big tech companies and the associated press for helping it disappear. They would’ve made hundreds of millions of dollars from the story and all the exposure and marketing revenue, etc. As far as I’m concerned that money was stolen from them by these filth.
Problem is all of the lawyers and judges are liberal now and the ones who are not foolishly allow themselves to get blackmailed into not making waves. What few conservative judges and lawyers we have remaining all seem to fall for the same cocaine/stripper honey pot trap. These Marxists practically throw it at you so they can hold the evidence over you forever. Text book procedure carried out by intelligence agencies for as long as civilizations have been around.
Even a big chunk of people reading this right now should be aware there is probably a little dossier out there about you from some thing you did one time that should never be made public or it would spell your downfall. I would never run for office but if I did I think from day one I would just have to make a declaration, "yeah I banged this girl and this girl and this girl and I tried to bang this girl‘s mom but she said no no let’s talk about policy."
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Ben Ful Links | July 19/2021
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Source: benjaminfulford.net
Ben Ful Links | July 19/2021:
OK let’s get a bit more concrete here.  Sources in Western intelligence, including MI6, the P3 Freemasons, and Mossad tell us they are waiting for court cases to prove the pandemic is a war crime before taking full military action against the Cabal.  They say they support the various legal actions being taken by Reiner Fuellmich and his colleagues around the world against the pandemic and vaccine pushers. https://www.bitchute.com/video/jmftRSEAzudj/
In the testimony at the link above Dr. Fuellmich says that if you told him a year ago that a small cabal wanted to kill a huge portion of humanity and enslave the rest, he would have suggested you need to go to a mental hospital.  Now, having obtained testimony from hundreds of experts in various fields, he can and is proving in courts of law that this is exactly what has been happening. https://www.usnews.com/news/business/articles/2021-07-14/spains-top-court-rules-pandemic-lockdown-unconstitutional
It is no coincidence that freedom day was declared in the UK today, July 19th as all restrictions related to the fake pandemic are lifted. https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/pm-johnson-pleads-caution-freedom-day-arrives-england-2021-07-18/
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Also, fed-up Americans are now refusing to take low-paying slave jobs. https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/what-reasons-do-unemployed-give-turning-down-job
Last week also presented us with the spectacle of White House spokestrans Jen Psaki/Zuckerg confirming she works for Facebook when she said the Biden administration is “in regular touch” with the platform to ensure correct “narratives” are promoted. https://nypost.com/2021/07/16/psaki-white-house-in-touch-with-facebook-to-push-true-narratives/
Then there is the fact that nobody in the Pentagon wants to take jobs for the fake Biden regime. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/07/16/pentagon-weapons-vacancies-china-499838
“Our common target is safe and secure games for everybody; for the athletes, for all the delegations, and most importantly also for the Chinese people — Japanese people,” International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach said. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/other/olympic-size-gaffe-in-tokyo-ioc-chief-bach-calls-japanese-people-e2-80-9cchinese-e2-80-9d/ar-AAM6AkL
The Japanese have also found out to their disgust that Olympic officials have their own sovereign passports and are above and beyond any laws.  They found this out in June when the Japanese Olympic Committee’s head of accounting Yasushi Moriya, 52, was murdered and they were forced to label his death a suicide. https://www.theweek.in/news/world/2021/06/07/japan-senior-tokyo-games-olympic-official-dies-after-jumping-in-front-of-train.html
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Here are signs of the food shortages Schwab and his fellow KM mafiosi are trying to engineer: https://gizmodo.com/the-u-s-wheat-crop-is-in-trouble-1847281693
Here meanwhile are threats made at the WEF cyber terror rehearsal earlier this month:
“A single data breach across the ocean could trigger a chain reaction and spark a ‘digital pandemic’ across the globe.  People, organizations, and entire states may fall victim to the catastrophe…Information and money remain the main target of cybercriminals.” https://cyberpolygon.com/upload/Cyber_Polygon_report_results_2020_EN_v1_1.pdf
Their latest crime appears to have been a failed Stuxnet attack on a Belarusian nuclear power plant. https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1449365/belarus-disconnects-nuclear-plant-near-lithuania-after-safety-systems-activated
These people are mass-murdering terrorist psychopaths and need to be removed ASAP.  From a military point of view, destroying the KM world headquarters as seen below, may be the only way to remove this parasitic filth from our planet.
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For example, the South Africans are waking up to their Mandela psyops disguised pseudo apartheid regime. https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=176715
“Following the events in the aftermath of former president Jacob Zuma’s arrest, his son Duduzane has appeared in a video in which he says: “the people that are protesting and looting, please do so carefully and please do so responsibly.” https://www.iol.co.za/news/politics/zumas-son-duduzane-appeals-to-looters-please-be-careful-while-looting-and-protesting-73a88e6d-826b-411c-a324-769c721d29f9
There are also protests in Canada, France, Germany, etc. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/french-police-quell-protest-against-covid-health-passport-rules/ar-AAM9u8w
Poland, for its part, gives the finger to the KM’s EU by refusing to accept EU court rulings. https://notesfrompoland.com/2021/07/16/polish-government-not-planning-to-implement-eu-court-rulings/
There are also more signs of a regime change in Saudi Arabia, formerly a pillar of the KM petrodollar. https://www.leaders-mena.com/saudi-female-presents-hajj-conference/
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