#werent you just talking about people who have 2000 or 3000 books in theory of ambition
qui-rault · 7 months
Dard on Herault's Library
Updates from Qui live-blogs reading Dard (sort of). I might actually make this into a tag.
After Herault's death, a list of his books titled 'Notice des livres apres le deces du citoyen Herault de Sechelles' was published - as far as I am aware, this notice has not been digitized, but I do intend to figure out a way to see it in Paris.
However, Dard gives a brief summary of some of Herault's personal collection of 4000 (four thousand!!) books, as follows:
A few religious/spiritual books, including, the Bible, 'L'Annee Chretienne' (Letourneux), 'La Conduite de Noailles', 'L'Essaie de Morale' (Nicole), 'La Vie des Peres du Deserts' (Arnauld d'Andilly).
500 volumes of jurisprudence (being a lawyer myself I understand).
Greek and Roman texts both in their language and in translations by the Abbe Auger.
The works of Voltaire in 92 volumes (the edition known as "papier a la Croix").
Rousseau in 34 volumes.
Buffon in 56 volumes.
Descartes in 7 volumes.
Leibnitz (no further info).
Spinoza (no further info).
Bacon (no further info).
Locke (no further info).
Pascal (no further info).
Malebranche (no further info).
Tacitus (no further info).
Thucydides (no further info).
Complete collection of 'Memoires sur l'Histoire de France' (I cannot confirm who the author of this would have been).
'Oeuvres de Frederic II' in 15 volumes.
Montesquieu (no further info).
Raynal (no further info).
'Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece' (Barthelemy).
Various volumes on physics, medicine, and mathematics
Several accounts of travel stories, especially in Italy.
80 English volumes "dans leur texte" (I'm not sure what this means, I am assuming it means that they are in English not translated).
Don Quixote (Cervantes).
Torquato Tasso (referred to as 'Le Tasse') (no further info).
Ludovico Ariosto (no further info) (translated by Mirabeau) (Dard makes awful use of commas so its not clear if translated by Mirabeau refers only to Ariosto or other works).
'LHistoire du Theatre-Francais' in 3 volumes (Demouhy).
'Administrations des Finances' in 30 volumes (Necker).
The 'erotiques aniens' and their Gallic imitators (literally no clue what this refers to).
Also, Herault apparently kept a note titled "Livres qu'il faut relire sept ou huit cent fois" but Dard gives no further information about what books were listed!
Source: Herault de Sechelles par Emile Dard
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