#what a sad point we reached in life πŸ˜” still tho on the back there's a smiling piece of watermelon like :D and with the 🀟🀟 that says
lestatlioncunt Β· 2 years
really reached the sad point of italian middle aged man with a shirt with various cabbages on it and the words "thanks to the cabbage" printed on it
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guruan Β· 1 year
Triple Frontier
For some reason some of you reaaally wanted a commentary of this πŸ˜†
Sorry if I get too superficial, I got distracted πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ
It was nice hearing so much spanish even from the start of the movie. From Santiago, it helped me imagining how would Jake sound πŸ˜†πŸ˜† Though I wonder if he's going to change his pitch for Jake. I tried to mentally compare the post credit scene with Santiago's pitch and I think it's slightly different.
(Here between the two Santiago's scenes, in Colombia and US, I said to my friend "He shaved... not that I'm paying attention to that"
To which my friend answered "I am" 🀣🀣🀣 and that "he looks better with stubble")
It was kinda sad how they presented their lifes, struggling so much to live after years serving. But it was funny seeing Pope trying to convince them all like "but we deserve this tho πŸ‘€"
(When they were back in Colombia Pope had a stubble again and I pointed it out to my friend πŸ‘οΈ "it grows fast" he said)
I thought the movie was going to be a lot about the planning phase, so when they changed scene and were already there talking about the plan, only 30 min into the movie I was like "uuuuh, alright, something's going to go wrong".
When they didnt find the man nor the money I thought it was going to be about escaping, then trying again.
Then they found the money.
And the man.
So welp πŸ˜…πŸ˜†, it's going to be about the money then, I thought.
At this point I was still calm, but from here everything started to stress and annoy me.
When Redfly got so excited about the money that he wanted to keep getting more of it, both my friend and I sent a message at the same time saying the same words: "Nooooo, greed!" (it was kinda funnyπŸ˜†)
Considering how much of a great mind for planning they considered him to be, he fell pretty hard. It wasnt just about the time to get it out, but how 😩 and I was so mad that they listened to him and decided to change the plan.
There's no point of grabbing a lot if there's only so much you can take with you 🀑
And yeah, through the movie we can see how that was just a terrible idea, and that anyway they need to get rid of bits and bits of it.
I don't understand the way Redfly goes through some kind of corruption? First not wanting to get involved, then only wanting to be there with the minimum, then wanting to participate but following his plan, then fuck his plan, then killing people but with a weird double shooting...
Like, it feels out of nowhere, I don't know, maybe it was justified but I got distracted by "someone's" cheeks πŸ˜”πŸ˜’
As we expected, there's a lot of money and even before riding the helicopter Fish warns Redfly that it's going to be a problem to fly above the mountains with that much. But he listened to him? NOoooo
Them listening of what he says I don't know if it's blind trust because "he's so good at his job", or plain stupidity/greed
Then the crash, then again Redfly being weird about killing people, then getting out of the village with the mules.
Then they're found and Redfly dies. First I was sad, because I was thinking about his family and the scene with the daughter earlier in the movie. Then I was mad because it all was the consequences of his actions πŸ˜‘πŸ˜’ Both wanting to bring too much money, and then killing that people
So anyway, RIP. Now they have to drag his body too 😩
And they can't reach the boat with that much money anyway, so YEET money, and only bring as much as each one of them can pack. Godammit, all of this only to have even less of what they planned because they wanted to bring more than they planned 😩 And the man with of that brilliant idea is dead, ok
(Here one of my friends had to leave because it was late, he had already watched the movie and said "I just have to say: this is the 4th one, you'll see what I mean"
To which I was "You're joking☠️"- because we've been counting how often Oscar dies in everything we've watched. Fortunately he said he was actually joking, but I didn't like the joke 🀣 You don't play with my feelings like that)
So, the scared kid in the jungle finds them (and sorry, but I was πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘„πŸ‘οΈ at how Santiago was talking there. Can't explain). Then they get to the boat not before having a "meaningful" scene of how they didn't want to kill more people πŸ˜”πŸ‘Š
So then the end of the movie
Tbh I was really mad at it
Even with the few money they could bring with them, and what they spent washing it, they had 1 million each, even Redfly
When Will ripped the paper, I was confused for a second thinking what he was ripping was Redfly's agreement to send money to his family. So I was angry for a second, and then I was, oh ok.
But then everyone stared at each other and I was like "Pls don't" but they did
I was ok with Will donating his part to Redfly, his goldenheart and all
But the other ones felt like just plain moral and social pressure
And in restrospective, what is money compared with the life of a loved one. If only they had followed the plan. Now it doesn't feel like a difference if the family gets 1 million or 5 million.
I said to my friend, they ended the same way they started. But wait no, Santiago is even worse, because he spent 100K to start the mission 😩
Then Benny gave Santi the coords for later and I was EVEN ANGRIER
Like, if AT LEAST Santiago OR Benny kept their part, they would have had the money to try to find the rest later. AND THEN they could be all benevolent and give the family even more than 5 million, if they really felt that bad πŸ˜’ but no
Now they are all with no money and hoping "some day" the coords will be useful
Fck u aaaaaaaall
So yeah, anyway, this movie is very frustrating, and I dont think they really learned anything from it LOL
But excellent OI content, a lot of spanish and butt frames πŸ‘Œ
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