#whole arcs and important OC characters we aren't even close to yet
ghoulliojr · 3 months
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Meet Ghoullio Junior! I figure if I'm going to be live-blogging my new game+ playthrough it'd be good to a do a little intro for my beloved bun. Get ready for lore
Ghoullio was raised with the name Havi in a village not far from the edge of the forests of Othard, where the trees started to thin. As such, his village and the Viera in it were among the first line of defense when it came to protecting the forests. They took this responsibility very seriously, in their words they defended not just their own people but all living things in the forest from the dangers of the outside world. All boys brought to the village were trained to be soldiers from the time they could hold a spear.
Havi was not a fighter. Not yet. He was a sensitive boy, often caught reading when he was meant to be training, or hiding away crying after (badly) losing a spar. The men of his village thought he was weak and uncommitted, and he came to be shunned by them. He was alone, without anyone to call a friend, until he was in his teens. Until he met Dora.
Theodora was from a village not far from Havi's. She was a year or two older than Havi, and she was an outcast, too. She told Havi that she had tried to leave her village and become a City Viera. But on her own, she was helpless. She was forced to return, bloodied and starving, to her village and beg to be taken back. She doubts they would've agreed, but Dora's healing abilities made her valuable. They took her back, but ever since they've treated her with barely-veiled hatred in every interaction.
Havi and Dora, both desperate for a place to belong, quickly became like brother and sister to each other. Over the years, Havi would go to the edge of the village and hang out with Dora, and eventually they started going out and exploring the forest together. Dora taught Havi some basic healing magic, and Havi taught Dora what he had managed to pick up in martial training. Dora often joked about running away again, but having a *real* go at it this time, since there were two of them now. Havi would laugh, but every time she said it, it felt less like a joke.
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