#why do I write like this? just total chaos gfgfg
huffle-dork · 1 year
Greetings! I’m not sure how this works, but I wish you would write about the first time Jackie met Zara please. P.S. I think that your art and writings are amazing. - The Cinnamon Roll Anon
(God like 2 years later way to go me |D but I’m trying to get back into writing so I’m doing older requests! I wish I knew who to tag for this one- I hope they can find it 😭)
Jackie nervously picked at his gi as he studied the others in his class. God- did he pick the right sports bra? Were people staring at him? He had just decided before coming to Uni he was gonna try passing more… he started taking T as soon as he turned 18. Still- it felt like someone would be able to see through him… He felt eyes on him while he tried not to panic.
He really wanted to take this class though! He used to be in a dojo when he was younger. It’d be nice to connect back to the sport he loved- even if parkour had become his bigger love as of late. Still, that means he’d be good at this right?
Jackie snapped out of his thoughts as the class began, his sensei started the class and introduced himself. Jackie looked at the teacher with starry eyes. What a cool dude… could he look like that someday?
After going through warmups, Sensei asked how many of them had been in a martial arts class before. Jackie slowly raised his hand and saw one other hand shoot up. He met eyes with a girl with short cropped hair and violet eyes that smirked at him. Jackie felt his cheeks flush.
Sensei wanted to see what their level was- so while his teaching assistant led the rest of the class through the first lesson, Sensei took the two aside.
“Alright, why don’t you two show me what you can do?” He asked, watching as Jackie and the girl eased into fighting stances.
Jackie felt more nerves creeping up his chest, thick in his throat. He shouldn’t have said anything! He hasn’t been in classes since like primary school! But… men don’t show weakness like that. He had to prove himself… right?
He squared up his chest and smirked at the girl.
“Promise I’ll go easy on you,” He boasted, even though he was screaming at himself for saying that right after.
Especially when the girl’s eyes flash with anger. She takes the first jab, punching near Jackie’s chest. Luckily, Jackie remembers how to block and side steps away with a hushed, “Woah!” escaping his mouth.
Jackie steps back and tries to aim a flat hand strike to her collarbone. But she side steps and grabs his arm and shoulder, yanking him towards her. He’s immediately thrown off balance and cries out. She goes past him and hooks her leg around his and then scoops and pushes down, driving him hard into the ground onto his back with her on top of him, still gripping his sleeve while her fist hits solidly on the mat next to his face.
Jackie has to blink stars out of his eyes as the girl smirks down at him. The lights of the practice room backlit her like an Angel. Jackie could hear his heart beat in his ears as his chest and stomach seemed to fill with butterflies, leaving him even more breathless.
Then she bursts into laughter and Jackie feels his face turn bright red.
“God! The look on your face was priceless!” She giggled.
Sensei’s voice drawled disapprovingly from behind them, “That might have been too much, Zara.”
She glances at their teacher then groans, “c’mon teach! He was begging for a humbling moment!”
“H-Hey!” Jackie squirms, feeling more and more ashamed. Plus… she was very close to his chest…. She couldn’t tell could she?
Sensei raised his eyebrow, “Be that as it may, your humbling moment didn’t give me enough time to see his skill set.”
The girl, Zara it seems, blows hair out of her face and sighs. “Alrightttt-“ She lets go of Jackie and hops to her feet, offering Jackie a hand. Jackie hesitates but then takes the hand as he’s unsteadily pulled to his feet.
The girl takes the opportunity to shake Jackie’s hand and smiles. “Sorry about that… cocky guys get on my nerves here. But… that wasn’t fair of me. I’m actually another student assistant here… cuz I frequent Sensei's dojo. Or- I used to… got caught up the past summer so… Sensei wanted to see if I was still sharp. Wasn’t cool of me to do that to you though… you’re a bit stiff for someone who’s done this before.”
Jackie blushes again, looking away. “I… might have fudged my knowledge… I haven’t really been since I finished primary school…”
He cringes, like he’s expecting to hear the girl’s cruel laughter at him. But instead she beams. “Well hey! You got a pretty great start for being so rusty! Still loads better than the beginners here! I can give you some tips, if you’re okay with trying again?”
Jackie blinks in surprise but Zara does look a bit more apologetic. He grumbles and looks away, wishing his cheeks would stop turning so red. “…as long as you don’t make fun of me…”
“I won’t. Promise! Now… show me your stance again!”
After a while, their session ended as the rest of the class packed up. Sensei said he’d probably give them a few more one on one sessions until they got the rest of class up to speed.
Jackie watched as Zara grabbed her shoes and bag as he carefully went over and coughed slightly, getting her attention.
She blinks and cocks her head at him, “Yes..? Did we forget something?”
“N-No! No I… I just…” Jackie played with the back of his hair as he tried to work up the nerve to say, “…m’sorry… for earlier. I… I didn’t mean to come off like that and I… I just want you to know I… I’m not that kinda guy… you know?” His cheeks flushed red again as he avoided her gaze.
Zara is quiet for a moment before she smiles warmly. “Well, clearly.” She replies bluntly.
“Huh?” Jackie looks at her in surprise.
She laughs, “A cocky guy would never admit he was wrong! They’re all tough and macho and big headed! Total meat heads I tell ya.” She slips on one of her shoes as they talk, “That’s why I stuck with martial arts for so long. Ain’t nothing sweeter than knocking a meat head down a peg for underestimating a girl.”
She straightens and gives Jackie a slight knowing look, briefly glancing down before meeting his eyes. “…you get that- right?”
Jackie doesn’t quite get what she’s hinting at though. But he quickly blurts out, “Y-Yeah totally! That’s why I… I didn’t want you to think of me like that… cuz I’m not- I swear!”
Zara finishes slipping on her other shoe as she giggles and lightly punches Jackie’s shoulder. “Well, you didn’t need to but… thanks… uh-“ Now it’s her turn to blush as she nervously laughs. “God I- I totally forgot to ask your name!”
Jackie laughs, “it’s Jackie… Jackie Mann.”
Zara seems to laugh a bit loud at that and claps a hand over her mouth as Jackie looks at her in confusion. She quickly tries to recover. “S-Sorry! Just… wasn’t expecting that last name.”
“Yeah it’s- kinda weird.” Jackie admits with a laugh.
“Sounds like a superhero name!” Zara chuckles.
“Oh huh… guess it does.” Jackie blushes, feeling his superhero nerd wanting to come out but he eagerly pushes it down. He was trying to make a good impression, not scare her away. “And you’re… Zara, right?”
Zara nods with a smile and holds out her hand, “Zara Caley, aspiring marine biologist and certified ass kicker.”
Jackie feels his chest and stomach flutter again as he takes her hand and shakes it. “…nice to meet you officially then, Zara.”
She grins, “You as well, Mr. Jackie Mann.”
She then grabs her bag and looks down at his still bare feet. “I dunno if you have another class soon but- this room is about to be filled again, I think. And I got a lecture halfway across campus.”
“O-Oh! Right right I… I won’t keep you then.” Jackie stammers quickly, going to grab his shoes and jam them on.
Zara giggles and waves at him. “See you next class, Jackie!” She then hurries out the door.
And Jackie can’t help but stare at her as she leaves, his breath taken away again.
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