#will byers shaky with the gun. i rest my case
embanxd · 4 years
Missing is What He Is
Bros if you like this you should check out my AO3 thing to see the rest of this https://archiveofourown.org/users/Emba_N
Chapter I: Definitely NOT a squirrel
Steve Harrington was just driving. It was all he really needed, a nice long drive through Hawkins to clear his head. His father and mother had made an unexpected return home, and let’s just say Steve needed to get out of there. Steve managed to get away from another beating this time, but who knows what will be waiting for him when he would arrive home.
Steve was drifting through his thoughts when he heard it. A rustle and a crunch of something. His head perked up and looked around to serve the area. Only then did Steve realize that all street lights were out. Odd. The darkness seemed to consume his vision. Until he heard the rustle again, this time to his right. Steve pulled over, and opened the door and stepped out of the car.
Fear began to fill up his stomach. What was that? 
“It’s probably just a squirrel Steve, your fine. You’re just… crazy.” Steve muttered to himself as he cautiously made his way back to his car. Steve stopped in his tracks when he heard a growl. His breathing began to pick up as he slowly turned around.
“So not a squirrel… great.” Steve whispered under his breath. Then Steve saw a dark lump laying on the side of the road. His breath hitched in his throat as he began to go towards the lump. Steve reached down and picked up a branch, just in case something happened. As he was a few feet from the lump, the lump leaped up from the ground and began racing into the woods making Steve jerk back.
The lump turned out to not be just a lump after all. It was a person. Who was riding a bike? Wait, was that person a kid? Steve looked up from the bike and dropped the branch and ran after the kid.
“Hey kid! I don’t want to hurt you! I want to help!” Steve called to the kid. He saw the child whip his head around and he slowed to a stop, out of breath. Steve caught up to the kid and looked at him. It was Will Byers, the freak… what was his name? Oh yeah, Jonathan’s brother. Steve crouched down to the kids eye level. Will’s eyes were watery and scared, his breathing was fast and panicked.
“Hey,” Steve brought his voice down to a gentle tone. “It’s okay. Do you want to tel-” Steve started, but was cut off by Will slapping his hand onto Steve’s arm and tugging him forward as he strinted forward.
Steve could hear the frightened gasps that Will was making. Steve turned his head around and his heart dropped into his stomach. There was someone, no, something following them. The thing was way too tall for it to be a human. 
Steve didn’t have much time to try and decipher whatever creature that was following them was. Steve turned his head around and saw a house. Will pulled Steve to the door and swung it open. Will unlatched his hand from Steve’s arm and locked the door. 
“Will… what is that?” Steve asked, Will was startled at the sudden voice almost like he had forgotten Steve was even there. Will’s breathing was very quick and uneven. Steve kneeled down in front of him, locking his eyes with Will’s.
“It’s okay, Will. I’m going to keep you safe, okay?” Steve told Will, not sure himself if they were going to be okay. Oh god, Will was only a kid. He shouldn’t be going through this when he’s… how old? 10? Not like I’m any less of a kid. Just a few years older. Will swallowed hard and nodded and let out a shaky breath.
“Okay.” He whispered.
“Jonathan?! Mom?!” Will called as he ran further into the house, looking in the rooms. Steve followed him, but he couldn’t help but keep looking at the door. Oh god, we’re alone. Why couldn’t that fre- Jonathan been here?
The pair was startled when the phone started ringing. Steve grabbed onto Will’s hand and the two boys ran over to the phone. Steve picked the phone up and held it to his ear.
“Hello?” Steve called into the phone, only getting a deafening screech coming from the other line that made him jolt back. What the actual hell? What is happening? Will grabbed Steve’s arm with his other hand and he had his eyes locked on the door.
“Who is this?! Hello? Who is th-” Steve said, until Will started tugging on Steve’s arm and pointing to the door.
“It’s here! It’s coming! Steve look!” Will whisper yelled, his head whipping back and forth between Steve and the door. No. No. No. No. No. Please god, or whatever the hell is out there, please let this all be a dream. Steve tore his eyes away from the phone.
Then Steve followed Will’s gaze to see the lock slowly unlocking itself. Steve’s eyes widened in fear, the phone slipped from his hand and Steve began to run, hand still latched into Will’s, pulled Will with him. Steve found his way to the back door, slamming it open, the door denting the wall behind him.
The two ran through the small backyard and into a shed. Once they were both inside Steve turned around and slammed the door shut. He did even realize that there had been a dog with them the whole time.
Steve turned back around to face Will, who had gotten a gun down and was trying to load it. His hands were shaking so much to the point he could barely get one of the clips inside the gun. Steve quickly started helping Will, well doing so kept looking at the door.
Steve’s eyes kept flickering to the door. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Please don’t let this kid die. Please just be a dream. Please just a goddamn dream. Steve thought as Will shoved the clip inside the gun.
Once the gun was loaded, Steve stepped in front of Will as he lifted the gun up and faced the door. He could hear Will’s frantic uneven breaths behind him.
“Will, buddy. You gotta try to take some deep breaths, okay? In and out. In and out.” Steve said, as loud as he dared not turning to look at Will, Steve wasn’t going to risk it. There was a small metallic jingle as Steve’s car keys fell from his pocket making both Steve and Will jump. Both kids were terrified out of their minds. Then something caught Steve’s eye from behind him. Steve whipped around, this time Steve was able to get a good look at the creature. The gun almost slipped from his grasp as his arms slowly fell down. Will grabbed onto Steve’s arm in a death grip.
The lights began to get too bright, Steve had so squint his eyes. Then it almost seemed like he was looking into the sun as the bulb above their heads got even brighter, momentarily blinding both the boys. Holy shi- The light suddenly dimmed to normal and they were gone. As if nothing happened.
The next afternoon, Chief Jim Hopper had 2 missing cases and 2 pieces of evidence. Steve Harrington and Will Byers and Steve's abandoned car with his keys in the Byers shed and Will’s lonely bike.
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