poweresides · 23 days
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@winterreigned sent : ❝ you are too hard on yourself. you always were. ❞ For robb!
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SOMETIMES HE FORGETS JUST HOW MUCH SANSA HAS CHANGED - when he looks at her he often makes the mistake of seeing her as that young girl who had been excited to reach the capital with their father. He remembers her sitting with the septa , perfect stitches , listening intently. THEY ARE NOT CHILDREN ANY LONGER. The Lannisters had seen to that. Yet here she stood , Lady Stark of winterfell and now Queen in the North. Earning the respect of the other houses , earning their loyalty.
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"I broke the oath i made." Words hang in the air - the images of that night blur within the young wolf's mind. He cannot even recall how he had survived ; although the scars certainly prove it had happened. He remembers their mother ; her screams & then her silence.
" I condemned my wife...and our mother to their horrifc deaths. I condemned my own child..."
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theyoungwclf · 5 days
it wasn’t very nice when you pretended my friend margaery wasn’t even in the room when she came over last night
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Robb was not unlike the cat with the canary when Sansa rounded the corner of the kitchen, his hand stuffed in a box of cereal, a look of utter confusion passing onto his features after a moment. He had expected her to tell him to grab a bowl, not bring up something that didn't make a lick of sense.
He chews for a moment, staring at his sister as he pondered her words for a moment before swallowing. "Who is Margaret?"
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neithergodsnormen · 1 month
@winterreigned starter from Theon
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Theon's eyes follow Sansa as she paces the room that was once the study of Lord Eddard Stark, a room that he had once paced himself when he had taken the castle during his turmoil. A room where he had once had to attend to Roose and Ramsey Bolton, before he was once more able to find himself. Now Theon was himself once more, no longer was he Reek.
Over the last few years Theon had started to look more and more like himself. He still limped around, no longer smiled due to the missing teeth and missed being able to use a bow. His hair had darkened once more, though was not as strong and like silk as it had been in the past. Theon had also regained the weight that he had lost and looked relatively youthful once more.
He had changed so much, regained so much of himself, and he was glad for it. He was far from the same man that had grown up alongside the Stark children, but he was also no longer the hollow shell that he had become under the thumb of the Bastard of Bolton. No longer did he fear and obey out of fear.
He had once vowed loyalty to Robb Stark as his king, an oath he had broken. He did not intend to break his vow to serve at Sansa's side. No, he knew now the price that was to be paid for breaking an Oath, for betraying those who had been his family since he had arrived nine years old and scared. He was a Kraken that would forever long to be a wolf.
"Is something causing distress, your Grace?" He asks, as her pacing continues. "I am here if you need." Wolves never paced around unless there was something that had gotten them in some level of distress.
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adreamofsilk · 1 month
@winterreigned sent in for a random starter
This was the most boring day in her life.
Addie had been “requested” by her father to join her four brothers to watch the squire tourney at Runestone. She was never one for tourneys, finding most of them tedious and she typically could tell who was set to win by the first joust due to how the other knights reacted to each other. While this might be for squires the same rules applied and no one would think to unhorse the ward of the home and take the knighting for themselves.
Still the boys seemed to enjoy themselves as the tourney happened around them, three of them having found knights to bully information out of on how to become squires themselves while the fourth was hanging around the unmounted horses. They would occasionally run back to where she sat, but they wouldn’t stay long. Thankfully the men were being kind to the boys, the reputation of her home not affecting them. Upcliff was a sinister home due to the witches born in it, and Addie’s own tragedy in childhood.
Turning her attention from her family she looked over at the other women in the crowd, nodding to those she knew and marking faces she’d have to introduce herself to. One face caught her attention since the girl looked like none of the people she knew. Standing from her seat she walked over to the new face, pausing only when she was grabbed by another.
“You’re new.” Her family was known for being rather blunt “Lady Adryana Upcliff. The little terrors running around are my brothers. Who are you?”
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astormofsilk · 1 month
@winterreigned sent in for a random starter
Lyarra in her age was slowing down, feeling the years and grief from years ago weighing on her and causing some aches and creaks when she got up in the mornings. Still her second born had given her plenty of grandchildren to chase after and keep her in relative strength since her son was refusing to let her go out and hunt with the men and the men were listening to him about letting her ride off alone. It caused her to grumble about having been the ones in charge of them not that long ago, and if they had all forgotten that.
Still she deferred to her son, not wanting to step over the lord of the house.
The benefit of being the old lady of the house was that she was allowed to wake whenever she pleased and go down to the kitchens for her breakfast. She was always up with the sun and done with her breakfast by the time the servants were rounding on the rest of the family to wake them up. With creaking steps she had waved off one of the servants and headed to the hall herself, intending on waking up one of her grandchildren on her own.
There were lessons that northern children needed to learn, and while she respected Catelyn as a wife and mother these were lessons that she just couldn’t teach. So with soft steps, and a small click from her new cane, she entered the room of her oldest granddaughter and came over to the bed. Sitting on the edge of it she gently reached over and shook the girl’s shoulder. “Sansa, Sansa pup time to wake up.” Lyarra said softly, not wanting to startle the girl awake.
After a few moments of shaking she let the girl’s shoulder go and stayed sitting, waiting for her to awaken. After breakfast she had plans on taking the girl and showing her all of what it meant to be a northern girl and lady. Lyarra’s mother had been mountain clan so there were lessons that would be taught that no one else could.
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steeleokami · 6 months
@wintereign from X
"Oh, I'm perfectly aware of all that, princess. I'm just saying that all this scrambling isn't going to get us out of this any quicker." Steele answered coolly as he stood up. He doesn't know exactly how he ended up getting locked up with Weiss Schnee of all people, but having his guitar taken away wasn't helping either.
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morereigntoo · 1 year
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Snowy Reign ❄️👑 Watch on @thecwapp #Reign #CWReign #ReignSnow #WinterReign #SnowyReign #AdelaideKane #CaitlinStasey #CelinaSinden #AnnaPopplewell #TobyRegbo #TorranceCoombs #JonathanKeltz #RachelSkarsten https://www.instagram.com/p/CmhTLrVgORA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scndor · 26 days
HOW IS YOUR SOUL PERCEIVED?                                  
the strong-willed
your soul has touched darkness and so you learned to wrap yourself within it. you felt fear and decided you would never let it control you again. you're not always all sharp edges and cool stares, but you refuse to be prey again. you turned your teeth into fangs so you would be the one to bite. you learned to growl louder than all the predators who stole your innocence. it may seem like you don't care, sometimes you try to pretend you don't, but i see the way you sharpen your knives when the ones you care about are hurting.
TAGGED: @blossomhcir (ty <3)
TAGGING: @winterreigned @imaginarianisms @call-2-arms @velcryons @stormbcrn @cleganesurvivor + anyone who wants to do it say i tagged u
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poweresides · 19 days
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@winterreigned sent : ❝ there’s something wrong here. can’t you feel it? listen to the darkness. ❞ For Jon!!
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HE HAD ONCE THOUGHT THAT COMING HOME TO WINTERFELL WOULD PROVIDE HIM WITH SOME SORT OF COMFORT , a sense of relief. Yet ever since they had returned he feels nothing but absence. This place , it's walls and courtyard had never been his home. IT WAS A BITTER THOUGHT & A BITTER TRUTH.
"Aye." His whisper carries on the wind , warm gaze focused on the sky - the absence of stars as of late has unsettled Jon. Even at the wall he could find them , covering the sky like a glittering blanket and providing guidance to those who were lost.
" And i fear it's only going to get worse." IT WAS COLDER NOW - he'd felt it the temperature lowering at the wall. Within Winterfell however , it was near lethal. The people had doubled in their furs , if they could afford it and Jon had instructed his own men to find some for those who could not. FIREWOOD SUPPLIES WERE GOING DOWN FAR QUICKER THAN WINTEFELL HAD PREPARED FOR & food too.
"We can only do what we can , Sansa. Our Lord father...he warned us." 'WINTER WAS COMING' - Winter was here and it had come with a swift vengeance.
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theyoungwclf · 6 days
how do you think theon would react to seeing a dragon
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flcralis · 2 days
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𝙼𝙰𝚁𝙶𝙰𝙴𝚁𝚈 𝚃𝚈𝚁𝙴𝙻𝙻 : a study in calculated risks, kill them with kindness, never let them see your next move, a continuous game of chess, ambitious beauty, and powerful femininity .
𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐓𝐘𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐋 - immense wealth and beauty. strong armies galore, wardens of the south - the realm's golden rose.
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an independent and highly selective margaery tyrell, studied by nicole. 27. she/her. extremely low activity (can be found mainly on @winterreigned ). mix of show/book canon and heavily head canon based. heavily affiliated with @prodigum / @scndor , @theyoungwclf , @stovmborn rules/verses below the cut until i cbf to make a doc.
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i'm 27 and will not write with anyone under the ages of 21! i'm really sorry about that, but i just feel more comfortable this way.
i only write with mutuals. i've had bad experiences in the past, so i like to maintain control of my writing partners.
don't do any of the crappy stuff god mod/force ship/be a racist, sexist, transphobic/homophobic bigot, etc. this ain't the place.
i'm a teacher so i'm active on weekends and breaks mostly, please be patient i will eventually get to you.
i tag all triggers but if i don't tag one of yours, lmk!! i have none i can think of but be mindful, this blog is in asoiaf and it is an extremely trigger heavy fandom. proceed at your own risk.
i'm mostly headcanon based, but am working my way through the books so a character study is to be had!!
i'm open to ships, just please approach me first! i like to plot things out before just jumping for ships due to bad experiences.
psd is silk by kingsleigh
i'm sure there are more rules i can think of when they come to me and i'll add them then lol #lazy
margaery's main 2 verses:
1) follows a mix of book and show canon. Margaery is the Queen of the Seven and plotting Cersei’s downfall. I personally don’t love the plot of the Faith in either medium, so I try to avoid writing it unless necessary. 
2)takes place with show timeline events. Margaery is able to escape the sept and flees with her grandmother’s most trusted men. They remain in hiding until they hear the Starks have reclaimed Winterfell. Margaery arrives to Winterfell to seek refuge from her old friend, Sansa Stark, and vows to help the North seek independence and offer the Tyrell fighters she has to fight the Dead. After the Dead are defeated and Daenerys Targaryen sacks Winterfell, Margaery goes to King’s Landing with all the other heads of the noble houses, reclaiming Highgarden for the Tyrells. She becomes Lady of Highgarden. This verse assumes Willas and Garlan died in the siege of Highgarden, or they also went to the Dragon Pit and represented their house, whereas her brothers claim lordship over the reach and she offers support to this claim.
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neithergodsnormen · 24 days
@winterreigned starter from Margaery
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A smile graces full lips, dark brown doe eyes gazing through long lashes as she gazes at the younger girl. Sansa Stark was a girl who had her whole world ripped out from under her, something no girl should have happen, and Margaery did not want to see the girl suffer anymore. No, now that Joffery was betrothed to Margaery it made finding ways to maneuver all the easier.
Loras would have been a better option, as he was closer in age, but he had a different taste and had joined the Kingsguard in order to protect Margaery. If she wanted to marry her to a Tyrell close in age she had options with her cousins, Elinor's brother Luthor and Alla's three brothers were all closer in age to Sansa. She wanted the girl as a sister, however, so no ambitious goodfather could use and abuse the girl.
No, there was only one option left to her, Willas. He eldest brother was far older than the Stark girl, but he would treat her with respect and kindness and would never force himself upon her to take his rights as a husband. Marrying her to Willas would solidify that if the Stark king managed to crush the Lannisters that they would be safe.
The young wolf would not dare to kill those who had protected Sansa and whisked her out of King's Landing. She had been taught since she was young by her grandmother that the greatest asset was to ally yourself to any potential threat. "Come, sit and tell me about yourself. I want to know everything."
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clockworkhero · 3 years
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Check it out friends!!! First show in 3+ years Ticket link in bio!! Go get em now!! #clockworkhero #sacramento #holydiversac #asummeralive #winterreign #98rocksacramento #michaelgrantandtheassassins #rockmusic #musicians #artist #supportlocalmusic (at Holy Diver) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQiptZGF42J/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cpring · 7 years
Snow and Spring
The two were working together because they’d found each other in similar circumstances and had successfully escaped a super-bad threat. At least, that was how it felt to Cerulean, who was currently in the middle of putting the tea on the stove and listening for the umpteenth time about the white-haired woman complain about the laundry.
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“I said we could have done it by hand but you wanted the washing machine!!” She calls out in their little hideaway--a modest thing, two bedrooms and one bathroom but it was warm and, importantly, safe. 
“Really though...” she murmurs, turning back to clean up the dishes by hand, “She’s a big girl...and a Huntress, didn’t she have to do these things in school?”
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scndor · 1 month
where should you be kissed ??
it feels as though you have fought every day of your life. sometimes, you cannot even tell how much of the blood on your hands is your own... and how much comes from those who've tried to hurt those you defend. you deserve the gentleness of a kiss to your bruised knuckles and broken skin, a reminder that you are not only made of violence.
tagged by: @stormbcrn
tagging: @winterreigned @blossomhcir @maidmyth @devilsnare @stovmborn @shireentheunburnt @xarisku + anyone who wants to do it say i tagged u
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poweresides · 1 day
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@winterreigned sent : ❝ nothing is evil in the beginning. ❞ // for Jaime
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HE HAS TO WONDER - HAD THE MAD KING ALWAYS BEEN AS EVIL AS HE HAD PROVEN HIMSELF TO BE LATER ON IN LIFE? Sansa's words bring up more than the Kingslayer would like to admit. Evil was oft in action ; his own actions , whilst oft immoral - he cannot help but wonder...
Jaime's gaze flickers to her for a moment , and then back to the flames. "It would depend on your definition of evil." HE REMEMBERS THE GREEN FLAMES - the smell of burning flesh , the screams of her Grandfather , her Uncle and countless others. For a moment , he recalls something strange , something he had not thought much of at the time. IT FELT SO LONG AGO THAT HE HAD SEARCHED THE UNDERNEATH OF THE RED KEEP FOR HIS BROTHER , FOR VARYS, only to discover a skeleton , aged by the years that had passed. A coin , from a King's time that was long gone.
He's not sure why it comes to his mind , yet something about Sansa's words draws him to the moment.
""When we were children , Tyrion enjoyed retelling books he had read." If only because Jaime was not capable of reading them himself , words dancing off the page - swirling around in his mind and making no sense. "He spoke of dragon riders , honorable kings and princes, and of course, noble knights." A snort leaves him. "At fifteen, my lady, i learned that the songs...the books - they cannot prepare you for true evil. " He glances down at his golden hand , lip twisting.
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