#with troy wanting to hang out with abed but abed doing the two dates trope. Which is the exact conflict he has with rachel
traybornes · 7 months
The episode where abed is going on a date with 2 girls (s4e8) is weird because hes kind of blowing off troy in the beginning like troy wants him to help him with brittas dance but he says No im going on 2 dates yay wacky hijinks and then he meets Rachel who is now the the girl he Actually liked that was under his nose the whole time Trope . LIKE in my opinion rachel here is a stand-in for troy.. troy was the actual one under abeds nose the whole time who wanted to do hijinks with him and then abed meets this random girl who Also likes movie tropes and hijinks and abed Also blows off like.. also crazy how abed never talks to rachel again until After troy leaves. LIKE OKK
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