kingwu · 2 months
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sharing a little thing that @worldly-diversity​​ (writing as Mako) and i (writing as wu) did back in 2020 through tumblr IMs so it’s pretty short and rough, but it ends up really cute.
it started off as like us jokingly talking about wu just being dumb and not knowing boundaries like of course wu would just straddle mako's lap because he's a dumbass and then we started to rp it out lol
"Would you stop it already?" Mako huffs softly. 
 "Stop what exactly?" Wu hummed. 
 "Just-" He groans annoyedly, trying to put at least some distance between them but failing. It's making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end and he doesn't know what to do about it.
Wu huffed back and shook his head as he climbed off of Mako's lap and plopped next to him instead, crossing his arms. "You gotta learn how to use your words, Mako." He wasn't going to admit that he enjoyed the tension there, but he didn't really want to push it if the firebender was actually uncomfortable about it.
"Yeah? Well you use too many of them." He retorted mullishly, arms crossed. It's a weak blow, really, but there's this itch he doesn't know what to do with, and Wu wasn't helping, it's making him frustrated. It's not that he really minded though, the warmth of the young king on his lap surprising but not negative. But it did make him uncomfortable in his inability to understand what the hell was going on.
"Because I know how to use them!" he waved a matter-of-factly finger in the air. "How else am I supposed to hold the position of the Earth Throne if I didn't, hm?" But to Mako's point, he was still talking too much. After another huff, Wu glanced sideways at his companion, noticing he was still red in his cheeks. The royal peered up at his face as he placed a concerned hand on Mako's knee. "Sorry. You okay?" he asked, his tone softer this time.
The sudden touch jolted Mako from his internalized thoughts, to the point of loosening the arms that had until then been tightly crossed in front of his chest. "I- Yeah, I'm fine... Thanks." He felt a little bad for snapping at the prince now, the urge to make it better manifesting, though he has no idea how to go through with it.
As quick as a switch flip, Wu's mood changed and the smug expression he wore most of the time was back on his face. "Good. Like I said, worry and all that gives you premature wrinkles," he remarked, lightly papping Mako's face again. He totally missed Mako's flinch as the oblivious king he was. "But like I said, you really need to say what you mean. How else is someone going to know?"
The sudden change brought an annoyed twitch to his brow, the strange urge now easily squashed. He refrained from retorting though, only giving half a shrug. "I'm just not very good at expressing myself, I guess, but I haven't really needed to either."
The king let out another huff -- the firebender brought out a lot of them --, a little exasperated at how much in common Mako had with a brick wall emotionally. "Then how do you know what you want, huh? You gotta treat yourself sometimes!" He accentuated the last few words by lightly slapping Mako's knee along with them. "Don't you just ever want to reach out and grab whatever you want in the moment?"
Mako jolted slightly with the touches, though Wu's little speech went in one ear and out the other. He was the one with restraint, the most of it next to Asami when it came to the new team avatar, so no... He never did things like that. In fact, following such desires sounded like a monumentally bad idea... "Well... Don't you ever know how to hold back?" Not knowing how to answer, he returns with a question of his own, despite silently admitting to himself that Wu's open behaviour is part of the other's charm. Ah, not that he's actually charming or anything--!
"Of COURSE I do!" he admitted with a scoff probably a little too quickly. "Do you know how large my wardrobe would be if I didn't?" To add to his dramatics, he rolled his eyes. "But youuuu," Wu jabbed a finger at Mako this time, "didn't answer my question. When was the last time you did something for yourself, hm??"
He couldn't help the mildly amused snort that escaped him at the other's comment, the superfluity of it so very typical of Wu. Still, he tsk's softly under his breath at being called out. " I guess... not since I dated Asami and Korra..." His job didn't leave much time for personal frivolity and neither did he have the means for such things. And ever since he'd been contracted to work for Wu, well... Time to himself or privacy were concepts he'd had to say goodbye to... Still, not being left to wallow in his thoughts was good for him, he figured. "I'm not really the type of guy to just do whatever anyway though... I've got responsibilities."
In the moment Wu was exercising his ability to hold back as he tried his hardest not to sigh again. Sometimes he just felt like shaking Mako as if it would jostle some sort of wake up call that would let him know it's okay to not always be on-the-job. "Look, I know that being my bodyguard is, like, a round-the-clock sort of thing, but since you've started, nothing wrong has happened while we were here," he motioned with a hand at the Presidential Suite that they were in, Wu's place of living for the past couple of years, "so you can just relax, you know? Take it easy. You deserve it."
"Yeah, but..." He lightly gnawed at his lip, arms uncomfortably at his sides, not liking being idle unless they’re crossed. He sighed, finally glancing over to the other, though whatever emotion is in his eyes is difficult to make out. "I feel like whenever I take my eyes off of you, something bad happens. I mean, remember the incident at the restaurant where Kuvira's goons captured you?" That was supposedly safe, and yet... He can't help but worry.
While Mako's concern was very touching, the king rolled his royal eyes instead. "Yeah, that's because you weren't with me. I'm right here right now, clearly in your sights." This time he didn't hold back a frustrated groan as he slumped down in his seat. "Look, what I'm saying is that when we're here, alone, you can loosen up! Take it easy! It's a Presidential Suite, for spirits' sake, Mako! Unbutton and unwind!"
Wu did have a point... In an attempt to appease the other, mako uncomfortably slumped in his seat before raising a brow at the other. He wasn't about to unbutton anything- "Happy now?"
Of course 'unbutton' was just a saying and he wasn't expecting any buttons to move, but in any case Wu also wasn't expecting Mako to slump down with him, so immediately he burst into laughter, clutching his stomach as he did.
Naturally, the laughter immediately caused the firebender to bristle, posture growing tense again as he glared at the other. "What's so funny?!" He certainly didn't appreciate being laughed at... Especially not when he was trying to humor the other and making an effort.
It took him a bit to come down from his laughing fit, wiping an imaginary tear from his eye as he finally did. "Nothing, nothing! You just caught me off guard is all," Wu said, still trying to stifle some giggles. "I'm just so used to seeing you all straight-laced and everything that seeing you sink into the couch like that was, uh," he paused for a moment not knowing what word he wanted exactly. "Kinda cute, I guess?"
He was frowning at the other with mild annoyance right up to the moment Wu coined the term he'd been looking for, catching Mako entirely off guard and even making the usually stoic male blush slightly, although he'd brush it off as surprise. "Cute. Seriously?" He rolled his eyes, brushing it off as a joke, or trying to at least.
"Yeah! Cute! Like, you know when a ferocious polar bear dog basically turns into a little puppy when it's not being on guard? Like that." Once again, Wu was rambling too much to notice the soft pinking in Mako's cheek at his words.
Mako can't help but snort at basically being compared to Naga. Still, clearly Wu has a high opinion of him, to liken him to a ferocious animal... "Uhh, thanks, I guess? I'm no puppy though..." The petulant comment slips out unbidden despite himself, not having meant to give Wu any extra ammo.
Imagining Mako as an actual puppy almost made Wu dissolve back into giggles, but, again, he exercised his restraint. "What are you then?" the king leaned an elbow on his knee and his chin in his hand with a mischievous smile gracing his face as he awaited Mako's answer. If anything he was glad to see him loosening up at least a little.
"Uhh..." Well fuck. He's no good at this whole analogy thing, but 'puppy' itches at his pride. Wu staring him down like this, all expectantly is making him feel nervous somehow, and he doesn't have an answer to offer...
"I'm jooooking-- you don't have to answer that," he snorted and waved the hand his chin was on as if dismissing it. "You're Mako and that's all that matters."
Somehow... That easy certitude into who Mako was to him brought another small blush to tanned cheeks, not having expected the honesty of the comment or his own reaction to it. "Thanks Wu... You're a good guy, y'know.." He's not usually one to dole out praise, but the strange feeling demands some sort of recompense it seems
Through this oh-so-casual conversation focusing on Mako's need to loosen up, the last thing Wu was expecting was to be thanked and then complimented, which made him pause a moment from surprise. Immediately he grinned back at the firebender. "I know. You're not so bad yourself," he joked as he lightly elbowed Mako in the side.
He chuckles softly, letting Wu jab at him before reasoning over to ruffle his hair, kind of like he'd done to Bolin like a million times. It's the most relaxed Wu had probably ever seen him.
Normally, the king would've batted away anyone's hand from touching his carefully styled hair, but Wu let it slide as he was too distracted by Mako's soft laughter, barely even noticing the warmth in his cheeks as it was his turn to blush. "S-See?" he stuttered a bit. "You do know how to relax!"
He had expected a small playful tirade about messing up the royal hair, but he instead spots the blush, wondering why Wu is having such a reaction. He lets it slide with a small grin though. "Well of course, I wasn't born in work mode." He teases with a small smirk. "Hell, I used to be in the triads way before we joined pro-bending"
Wu gasped dramatically, holding his face with both of his hands as he did. If him being silly was an invitation for Mako relax a little more, he was going to play up the theatrics. "You? A gangster?? And they let you be on the Police Force?"
Mako couldn't help but be amused at the other's antics, raising a brow at him playfully. "What, you think I don't look tough enough to be a gangster?" He shook his head with slight amusement. "To be fair we only did minor jobs for Shady Shin and his ilk, we were never really members. It was a long time ago, either way. I don't think Chief Beifong really gave a damn unless I was actually fucking up on the job." He grinned fondly. For all that she was tough as nails, Mako did respect her greatly.
The king furrowed his brows a little, trying to figure out what he meant by a long time ago -- the two of them were in their early 20s and it didn't occur to him that the Triple Threats would hire teenagers; he wasn't deeply interested in the underbelly of the city. "I mean, granted, you're the best on the beat, which is why I hired you after all."
Mako rolled his eyes slightly at that comment, the atmosphere seeming to change a little again. Maybe this whole opening up thing wouldn't work out very well... They've certainly gotten closer over time, but being hired because he was the best on the force? It makes him a little uncomfortable... Maybe it's the thought that Wu wouldn't have given a shit if someone had been 'better' than him on paper, he'd have picked someone else for the job and Mako would just be doing same old... He's been looking after Wu long enough now that not doing it was weird to him. "I guess so..." He muttered, realising he was supposed to answer.
Quickly sensing the mood change, Wu's royal brow wrinkled under his still-tousled bangs, confused to how his accolades about Mr. I-Have-Responsilbities' work ethic made it seem like they had taken two steps back. "You 'guess so'?" he echoed. "That was compliment, Mako! A pat on the back for a job well done!" He accentuated it by literally patting him on the back of his shoulder -- since the rest of his back was still against the couch. "Back then I didn't know that I'd gain a treasured companion as well," he said a little softer.
"Oh..." He honestly doesn't know what to say, realising his mistake. Wu sometimes said thoughtless things, but that didn't mean there was thoughtlessness in everything he did, and he sometimes still managed to forget that. Never mind Mako's not exactly good at any of this stuff, talking about his feelings, whatever. It's just not his game, and way out of his comfort zone besides. He looks much calmer now, but he doesn't know what to say either.
The king let the silence between them hang in the air a bit. He then gently nudged Mako's side and whispered, "Psst. This is the part where you go: Yeah Wu you're awesome too wow." As he said the second part, he stuck his fingers through his curls, pulling them up a bit to mimic Mako's hair, furrowed his brows, and made his voice a little more gravely in a poor attempt to sound like him. Once it was done, he let go of his hair, which just flopped in front of his face as he laughed at his own impression.
Mako chuckled softly and playfully poked him in the side, a small grin on his face. "A dork is what you are." He teased, not feeling the need to bloat Wu's ego any further than he already did today. Still, this is nice, and he does appreciate Wu making an effort to not be annoying, if that makes sense. He knows Wu can be mature and sensible if he wants to be, it's just that he doesn't usually want to be that.
He couldn't help but laugh along, folding a little as Mako poked him. Wu retaliated by bumping his shoulder against his. "That's 'Your Royal Dork-ness,' to you, good sir," he said, putting on a faux pompous air that didn't last very long as he grinned again, just knowing the fact that he made Mako laugh again.
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questionablemuses · 1 month
worldly-diversity asked: It took Angel a moment to register that he wasn't in fact seeing things— Was that fucking Asmodeus in Val's studio? Will wonders never cease... "Well hello there daddy~" Angel purred, sashaying up to the sin with confidence he didn't feel, but fueled by burning curiosity nevertheless. "I didn't know Val ran in circles this influential." Whether actually speaking with the sin would provide him with any sort of leverage against Val is unlikely, but at least he could brag that he'd spoken with The Asmodeus, if need be. Ya take what you can get when your options are limited like this after all. "What's a hotshot like you doin' all the way out here~?" || Angel to Ozzie!
Asmodeus can't help but admire the aesthetic Valentino had going for his studio. A nice color scheme he could appreciate. Truth be told, he was even taking a curious peek at the film he was currently working on. Finding himself staring a bit longer at said scene than he intended to before he heard a purring little voice calling to him.
"Hm ? " His head automatically lifts at the daddy nickname. Old habit. 
But a lucky one on his behalf since it seemed like the arachnid swaying up to him seemed to be calling for his attention. As he should. A soft, deep chuckle escapes his lips as he finally tears his gaze away, giving the spider his full attention. "Well, hello to you too, gorgeous." he smirks down at him, his name on the tip of his tongue. 
"Angel Dust, right ? " he moves to sit down, patting the spot beside him had Angel wanted to join. Why not offer?
Considering it might take Valentino a bit to even get to him. Eh, hey, if he had time to kill, he may as well enjoy the present company he has now, right? 
He offers Angel a warm smile, giving a small shrug of his shoulders. "He wanted to discuss business, though he didn't really give any details. So I'm just waiting for him to actually start the meeting." He was sure Val would fill him in once he showed up. He had better have shown himself soon, at least. Asmodeus didn't really like to be kept waiting. 
Glancing back over at his current company, he couldn't help but smile more. Angel was ... interesting. Surely Valentino was treating him right, wasn't he? "A shame you have to be stuck here. A beauty like yourself would make it even bigger in my ring." 
He could flirt with Angel in the meantime, right? Of course he can. As if Val would even deny him the right to.       
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hclluvahctel · 3 months
"I'm sorry— I must've not heard you correctly. Did you just say extermination is fun?!" || Charlie to Adam! || i just watched up to and including episode six and i'm feral x3
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"FUCK YEAH, BITCH! Didn't you listen to my song? That shit is the BEST!"
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corditeheart · 15 days
"Uhh, how'd I end up roped into this again…?" || Zell
answering very old memes hour!
"I asked you while I was naked," she reminds him, trying a different pick in the lock.
But he'd agreed, and that's really the important part here. And why they're in the lowest basement level of Garden, breaking into a door that looks far more industrial than the rest of them.
"Besides, don't tell me you're not just as curious as I am."
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kinglyisms · 3 months
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"I don't approve of your 'friend.'"
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Friend? His friend list is rather small it has--what, three people max? On it. There can't be many that is upsetting Eric. "Hm..."
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"The bratty one that is obsessed with rules. They're a bad influence. I don't want you hanging out with them."
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Oh. Riddle. "I don't know how someone can be a bad influence on an already bad person. Riddle is a good person who tries to do the right thing. His ability to, apparently, see the good in anyone is a rather alarming trait but one that allows him to make friends." With even, apparently, someone as rotten as him. "Besides, I enjoy tormenting Dire's new toys."
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vrepit-sa · 11 months
@worldly-diversity for keith
Blue, Yellow, Green. And still no Red. They were operating off estimates now, the only tangible leads far and few between. Sendak found it less than prudent to waste time they barely had since waking from cryo-sleep, but for the life of him he could think of no direction to find the missing Lion required to wake Black from her slumber.
Yet it's a day after the Princess confesses to him of her father's plans for Red Paladin does Sendak reflect on a past conversation he had with the Altean King, decaphoebs upon decaphoebs ago. The new lead they follow is little more than a memory — he barely knows what he's doing, and he has to drag the alien child with him. The new prospective pilot. The belligerent one, of whom he was currently (lightly) bickering with on their way to their destination.
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“I said it was just a feeling.” The kid kept asking stupid questions. Where are we going, for example. Why are we going there. It wasn't as if Sendak had solid evidence for it. Just a hunch. And that was as aggravating to him as it was to Keith. “Don't tell me you went through all that to get here, and now you want answers that make sense.”
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cryptidsncurios · 3 months
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museguided · 3 months
@worldly-diversity sent (ages ago): “So sour… Relax, René, it won’t kill you. Hmm, maybe I should try finding you a date, what do you think?” || Lacus being a menace at ur service uwu
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"... No."
René refused to even consider it on his own. He held no interest in love, dating, or relationships—or anything else for that matter. It wasn't necessary to him and he held no desire for it. His continued existence as the city watch, silently serving their lords, and watching over livestock with Lacus was enough for him.
Moreover, Lacus playing as his wingman sounded like a recipe for disaster. While their personalities seemed to get along well, René wouldn't believe they held the same taste in romantic partners. He found himself lingering on that specific thought, curiosity pawing at him until his attention slid back to his brother-in-arms.
"If I was at all interested," he murmured, already regretting it when Lacus met his gaze, "what kind of person do you think my ideal date would be?"
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delusionaid · 4 months
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@worldly-diversity sent: "Why hello there cutie, were you looking for something specific to read?" || Lisa to Freminet
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Freminet is good at staying out of sight when he has to but when he's not actively trying to disappear into the shadows he gets noticed more often than he'd like to be. Perhaps here it makes sense; Mondstadt is a small city and he's a stranger, thus more likely to draw looks - especially with his attire that's very different from what he's seen the kids here wear. Fleeing from curious gazes is not the main reason that led him to the library but it's an added bonus.
He's been walking between the neatly sorted book shelves of the library, looking all the way up to read the titles on the top and recognizing none of them. Some older looking books are locked behind glass doors, carrying golden titles on their backs that are written in languages he can't decipher, which makes him curious - but not enough to overcome his hesitation to ask. He was hoping to find the section he's looking for without any help but before he gets the chance to do so, the librarian's kind voice disrupts the silence he's just begun to feel quite comfortable with.
It startles the words right out of him as he turns to her and his head drops, blond hair falling over his reddening cheeks. All he sees now are her shoes and while he musters the courage to respond he keeps his eyes on the delicate purple gemstones dangling from them. "I was.." he starts but trails off. She doesn't know him nor will she see him again after today, so would it be so bad if he just asked..? Mondstadt, the city of freedom, a land of ruins and dragons, a wolf spirit and the winds themselves carrying stories.. they must have wonderful fairytales here. As embarrassing it may be to ask for them now, Freminet knows he will regret passing on the opportunity if he doesn't.
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"I was looking for fairytales.." he admits, quietly. Half through his sentence he forces himself to look up, remembering the lessons he was taught about the politeness of maintaining eye contact in a conversation. However, his eyes only meet hers for a moment before they're drawn further up to the beautiful hat on her head. She looks like a witch, the kind that brews tea that makes you dream of other worlds and says spells that turn bad little boys into deer. It doesn't make him frightened, but rather incites a strange excitement that he doesn't know how to place. "I won't take any of them..I'd just like to look at them." He only has an hour or so before he'll meet up with his siblings which isn't enough time to read a whole book, but maybe if he remembers a few titles he can ask Father for one of them when he's back home.
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2p0int0 · 6 months
Oh fr, esp if he got subtle about it? Man would be unstoppable xD (skulker in the bg going 'oh for fuck's sake—' hahaha)
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"Wow, you'd think none of these people had seen Terminator or I, Robot with how the FORWARD MARCH OF TECHNOLOGY HAS DOOMED THEM ALL!"
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primowishes · 7 months
"You've grown into a strong woman, I'm proud of you." || Jebrael to Jeht
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Her father's words resonated deep within her chest, with coals that glowed hot, stoked beneath the highest praise she ever could hear. A softened smile played across Jeht's lips--light, buoyant, a bird flitting from one branch to the next.
Though she could see the weight of the past upon her father's strong shoulders, there was no one in this world that she trusted more than Jebrael. His words were few because each hung heavy with importance. Jeht knew that, because of all that he kept from her, what he did say to her was more valuable than all the Mora in the world.
Her hand curled against the coarse bandages around her abdomen. The wound would leave a scar, among the others, but thus far no man would have opportunity to leave mark on her twice.
At times, it may seem that Jeht's thoughts belonged to the clouds. Yet, in the midst of a job, not even the scratch of a scorpion's tail in the sand, nor the tiniest flutter of vulture's feathers would slip by her unawares.
"You can rely on me, father," she said, her face glowing beneath the acknowledgement of her growth.
Between the two of them, not even the riskiest jobs could overcome them. And Jeht was determined; she would work hard, meet his skill with her own. She would never be a weakness to endanger him, so that her father may never worry about covering for her at his own expense, and rather trust that they both would make it through safely.
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questionablemuses · 1 month
Ⓐ Also Striker, have a Moxxie~ x3
Send me Ⓐ and my muse will rate yours:
repulsive || hideous || ugly || not attractive || unappealing || not unattractive || meh || no preference || ok || mildly attractive || nice looking || cute || adorable || attractive || pleasant on the eyes || good looking || hot || sexy || beautiful || gorgeous || hot damn || would tap that || perfect || godlike || holy fuck there are no words
grating || irritating || frustrating || boring || confusing at best || awkward || unreasonable || psychotic || disturbing || interesting || engaging || affectionate || aggressive || ambitious || anxious || artistic || bad tempered || bossy || charismatic || appealing || unappealing || creative || courageous || dependable || unreliable || unpredictable || predictable || devious || dim || extroverted || introverted ||  egotistical || gregarious || fabulous || impulsive || intelligent || sympathetic || talkative || up beat || peaceful || calming || badass || flexible
How likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending || fuck no! || never || no way || not likely || not sure || indifferent || I’m asexual || maybe || probably || it depends || fairly likely || likely || yeah sure || yes || would tap that || hell yes || fuck yes! || wishing that could happen right now || as many times as possible || we are already having sex
Level of Friendship:
never in a million years || worst of enemies || enemies || rivals || indifferent || neutral || acquaintance || friendly toward each other || casual friends || friends || good friends || best friends || fuck buddies || bosom buddies || practically the same person || would die for them || true friends || my only friend ||
First impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
Current impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
How good of a kisser:
worst kisser ever || terrible || bad || awkward || just okay || alright || pretty good || good || makes me moan || excellent || exciting || oh god they’re good || I dream about it || fucking amazing || absolute perfection || we haven’t kissed
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tenebriism · 8 months
Aether peeked over the other's shoulder, a little curious but also not sure how his interest would be received. "Hey, what are you working on?" || Aether to Failbedo x3
" . . . " That which he cannot convey by word, the young man has taken to ATTEMPTING to convey through art. It is, by no means, GOOD art -- nay, one should not expect a MASTERPIECE to be crafted by hands that have been used more to SURVIVE than to CREATE, but in a flurry of ink smudges and ' body parts ' that looked more like blobs than anything else, hopefully the message is still made obvious by the tell-tale braid that extends from the top of one such blob.
A ' thank you ' to the Traveler, for not leaving him to an even LONGER existence of misery and solitude down in the Chasm. For not executing him, when the opportunity, certainly, had been there. He wouldn't have fought back -- it wouldn't have mattered if he COULD -- but it is the first time he has been seen as something more than a ' creation. ' Something more than another FAILED attempt by Gold to create an intelligent, functioning, HUMAN-looking being.
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" . . . A'er . . . " One has to STRAIN to hear him, not an ounce or timber of confidence to be found in his voice yet, but after hearing the Traveler's name a few times, he's trying his HARDEST to get the pronunciation down. Finger extends, first towards Aether, then back towards ' Art Aether, ' then to himself and back towards the BEGINNINGS of himself on the paper, right beside ' Art Aether. '
" . . . you . . . m-me . . . " It's all he says before he goes right back to drawing, wanting to COMPLETE this gift before Aether must set out again on his journey.
@worldly-diversity ;;
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corditeheart · 8 months
What about your muse are you most proud of?
listen this bitch got five minutes of in-game screentime and i have just taken her and turned her into (i hope) a fully-realized character with interests and motivations and a personality.
thank u square for giving her to me but she is mine now <3
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reveromantique · 8 months
❛ you’re not as bad as everyone says you are. ❜ || Zell || heheh~
"Don't let that shit get out."
He's put a lot of work into making people afraid of him at this point, and a brand of war criminal really helps sell the point.
It's how he can do something like prop himself up, feet on a reading desk in the library, a book of Centran poetry in hand, and no one can rag on him for it.
Seifer flips the page, but when it seems like Zell isn't gonna just wander by, and then leave, he looks up.
"Can I help you?"
In a tone, obviously, indicating that he will gleefully do anything but.
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hishedonism · 1 year
[ GAVIN / @worldly-diversity ] :
Grabbing the android by the collar he shot it one of his sharpest glares, leaning in close enough not to be overheard. The others are used to him being pissy at Connor, this shouldn't attract any extra attention. "Look you sack of bolts, you tell anyone you know me and I'll put so many bullet holes in you not even Cyberlife will be able to put you back together, understand?!"
he's rocked back on his heels with the force of gavin's grip, elijah's hands darting upward with the speed of familiar instinct to encircle his wrists, white - knuckled. his gaze flickers past the other's shoulder, skims the varying expressions of the department's inhabitants, but any stray glances that are tossed their way seem to lose interest in the commotion just as quickly, sliding away with the easy nonchalance of people who've seen this a dozen times before. widened gaze returns to meet gavin's, though his brows lift, taunting grin quirking the corner of his mouth.
⠀ ⠀❛     ooh, touchy, touchy.     ❜
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he gives up on his discreet attempts to pry gavin's fingers from his collar, redirects his focus to pointedly fixing his clothes, flicking strands of hair out of his eyes as though it's all been thrown out of place.
⠀ ⠀❛     you could really hurt a guy's feelings, y'know. no, hold on, you don't think i have those. you ashamed of me, gav ?     ❜
he bats his lashes, leans in just a little too close for comfort —
⠀ ⠀❛     didn't seem too worried about keeping quiet last time we met.     ❜
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