#worm plays y5
i'm actually surprised i haven't seen any hanahaki minedai fanfic (in english at least). it just seems like such a fitting idea for them, but mb i wasn't looking hard enough, though. but i also have a lot of things blocked in minedai tag on ao3 for reasons you are well aware of, so, idk, might've missed something ✌️😔 also hi! i'm the ay3 anon. i've decided to stop being shy about my brain worms, even though i'm currently taking a break from playing rgg because i got overwhelmed with all the melodrama and prison gameplay sequences (i'm in the middle of saejima's part in y5). sometimes a girl gets tired from running from one corner of the box to another
HEY HOWDY happy to see you off anon homeslice breadslice :]
and yeah, there's a LOT of potential minedai has that people just.. ignore and it's so upsetting because they really do set up a lot of shit that no one seems to want to capitalize on
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sainokawara · 2 years
random end game Y4 musings
Actually using my Tumblr because I wanted to say some shit and didn’t feel like blasting it all over Twitter for once. This is all end-game Y4 so beware of spoilers, unedited ramblings, and a ton of screen caps.  Also I maybe talk about j-dramas a little in here because some fandoms you never truly leave.
* I always like playing through all of the hostesses because you get fun flavor out of that, and I continue to be smug about the fact that I called Kiryu being an enka guy way back when I was still mid-Kiwami. Having him explicitly say it is just a victory lap at this point. 
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Shizuka is my forever wife. More positive portrayals of deathcare workers, please. 🙏
* Although on the subject of hostesses, I always feel a little bad getting them to a full 20, taking them to the batting cages going to a hotel, and then dipping, but it’s ten times more heartbreaking with Kiryu. Because the guy replies like he legitimately feels strongly about the girls as the hostess game goes along (as opposed to Akiyama and Tanimura, who both replied with a “Thanks” after being told these girls were in love with them dflkjsf THANKS.) I dunno, it could be because of my own sad feelings around Kiryu’s disastrous love life, but the hostess minigame just hits different with him. 
* That said, he did basically out himself as not being a neat person in one of the hostess interactions, so use that as you will, Kazumaji cleanliness debate people. 
* Also this. Gotta love Kiryu hurting me at every turn: 
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* Moving on to things other than me crying over hostesses (and Kiryu)... I cannot choose between which end game substory did more psychic damage to me: the baby one or the kappa one. Both gave me brain worms, however, so thank you for that, RGG Studios. 
* This Saejima face deserves a bullet point all on its own:
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* Not going to go too into the end game plot because honestly, I kind of expect the inevitable procession of twists and backstabbing by this point (although I am still sore about the Yasuko thing, even if I saw it coming.) I will say that I laughed hysterically at the pyramid of money on top of Millennium Tower, and then Date showing up in a helicopter for the nth time. Never change, RGG. 
* Ok, actually, one thing about one of the final battles: when Kido started mouthing off to Saejima, my initial thought was “this boy has such ‘Step on Me’ energy.” And then Saejima said this and... 
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) not gonna lie, I’m into it. 
* Actually, on the subject of Kido... It took me until the very, very end of the game to realize where I recognized his actor from - he was the shitty DJ/Ryuji’s sidekick in Tiger & Dragon, aka one of my favorite j-dramas of all time. 
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I’ve been thinking about rewatching T&D for a while now (mostly since people pointed out how Kiryu has Nagase vibes, to the point of thinking Nagase might’ve been inspiration for Kiryu) and this isn’t helping that urge. I went ahead and pulled up the Special, so here, have fun imagining Kido’s dumb ass making these faces:
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Also bonus because Nagase as Tora really was peak Kiryu, appearance-wise:
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(He even has the silly ass white loafers, though you can’t see it from this angle.)
At the end of the day, Y4 was... alright. It felt less rushed than the ending of Y3 even if the plot felt even more needlessly convoluted, but at least it didn’t actively make me mad like the ending of Kiwami 2. That’s a pretty low bar to step over, however, so make of that what you will.  
And now to go work on some of the ideas that the brain worms deposited and maybe install Y5. 
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kasugas · 3 years
Ok now that I've finished Yakuza 5 I gotta say I think it's probably my favourite game out of the series so far, obviously excluding 0. That finale chapter was just so well paced.
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partylikemajima · 2 years
hope you enjoyed your bday! whenever you get the chance, can you answer the remainder of section C for the rgg game? if it's too many and you're not up to it, only answer the ones you want! <3
Thank youuuu!!!!!! its crunch time rn at uni sadly so didnt do much exciting stuff (≖͞_≖̥)  But omg hell yeah i’ll answer these!! procrastination for me at its finest at least it isnt me staring into space. btw idk if the spin offs are included in this so I just kept it to the main games. also kinda long so under the cut
C.1 What was the most infuriating moment?
Recently for me its something big that happened in Y7 im sorry lol I kept talking about Y7 but its just aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhdilshilwnivw
C.2 Which game had the worst plotline?
Ok so saying Yakuza 6 has the worst plotline doesnt mean i hate the game, just wanted way more from it for it to be the last game focused on kiryu. I have my own gripe with Yakuza 5 because it felt all over the place before it came together but yakuza 6 to me felt like the biggest let down considering plot line overall just because so much felt missing from it.
C.4 Which character would you like to see as a protagonist?
Not sure if you mean playable protagonist or someone not really a main character so I’ll answer both ways lol why not
Playable protagonist I want Haruka again, because theres so much more they can do with her interactions etc can you imagine her fighting? learning from miss tatsu?? lol but more so more activities available to her
As a protagonist I want to see a story with Minami or Nishida or both heavily involved as main people in the story, I think sega has the potential to do that with them but i mean they failed a lot of other potentials loool Minami they spent time giving him such a cool design for only him to appear briefly in the whole series. Nishida has appeared so much more but I agree with others that he is the most puzzling how he got involved in the majima family AND hes a lieuntenant??? (btw looking at his model form Y2/Y5 he looked way cooler and sad in Y2 Kiwami i like that)
I hear a lot about rgg online but idk if its translated or.....
C.6 If you could revive any deceased character, who would it be and why?
Now we can say yeah Nishiki should be alive but idk thats a can of worms. Who should be alive is the someone from Y7 but I know you haven’t played it yet so we can discuss that when you have! ├┬┴┬|•⊖•)├┬┴┬|
C.8 What was the worst plot twist?
I think its been too long for me to remember how I felt when plot twists were revealed because now I only remember every reveal was like a plot twist in these games lool
I remember I didn’t like the reveal of Masato Aizawa and who he really is but reading up again about it i think its just the way sega executed it I didn’t like. On the wiki it sounds epic, my memory? not so much but again its been a while
C.9 What was the most emotional scene in the series?
I was very traumatised when they revealed how Majima’s eye was taken out, the way they animated it and the slow panning out as it happened was intense. I don’t think its the most emotional scene as there are many but its one i kept watching. My answer may change everytime I play a game again. Also a scene from Y7 comes to mind too.
C.10 Which game do you think should get a remake?
A proper remake, like Kiwami style, Yakuza 4 should be remade. Its such an epic game. The remaster is fine i guess i still need to play it but a remake like how they did Y1/Y2 is needed and i choose Yakuza 4.
C.11 Which character has the best taste in clothing? Who has the worst?
If you think about it, they all have pretty bad taste but majima does it pretty well to keep it consistent with his snake theme. The one who has the worst is uhh,, they all wear the same outfit most of the time id say that side quest guy who wears only underwear constantly in Yakuza 0 whats his name, if you compare all the characters to him then hes the worst
C.12 Whose voice do you enjoy hearing the most?
Idk if all the Yakuza games have dubbing but I always prefer the original voices for any media tbh (still remember my bro playing y1 in english it was hilarious)
So, Shin Oguri who plays Someya i like his voice. Idk if its because i loved the drama Hana Kimi so its a familiar voice but its niiceeee hella nice, love it. When Majima’s VA speaks in a lower tone, love it *chefs kiss*. Love Kaoru’s VA too felt strong but sweet. Makoto’s VA god she knows how to make me cry.
C.13 Which sworn brothers worked best?
Majima and Saejima for the win.
C.14 What dynamic would you like to see more of?
Akiyama and Hana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Majima with his tojo family!!!!!!
C.15 Who has the most tragic story?
Haruka. She didn’t ask for any of this. I mean listen none of them really did (young age, environment, upbringings) but even everyone is like protect the kid (or use her because she could’t fight back at the time) and she really was forcibly brought into this. Was it in Yakuza 5 when that goon said to her that she isn’t fazed from their intimidation because she’s used to it?
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hazeldough · 3 years
the more i think about it, the more it feels to me that the series really gave haruka the short end of the stick in the end...?
i cant be the only one who thinks they made some weird ass choices for haruka’s part in Y5....... like nevermind the fact that she couldn’t brawl-- though, that’s another can of worms-- i’m talking mostly about how they did things to show how being an idol wasn’t as great as it was, but they didn’t do much to offset it??
Y6 & Y7 spoilers
the main thing that grinds my gears is the running girl mini game where haruka was running around sotenbori and the director was acting SUPER creepy towards her-- and that’s putting it mildly. no one was there-- not park, yamaura, horie, or christina, to watch out for her. the least they could’ve done was have them eye roll at the director.
yes, i’d rather them just cut ties with the program, but i imagine the industry being more complicated than that so it wouldn’t be that simple. but idk, just something to be like, “hey, this guy’s a fucking creep. and that’s not okay.” and to my knowledge, they didn’t do anything about it...? (feel free to correct me if i’m wrong and someone powered through it proving me otherwise)
what boggles me about it is that ever since kiryu (and the player) has met haruka, we’ve known her to be a kid that’s way too mature for her age-- but makes sense considering the type of trauma she’s been through. she’s observant and willing to take a stand. she pranked kiryu, date, and the florist when she played that she didn’t know what a soapland was. she slapped mine when he was ready to wreck her home.
why didn’t she notice how much that director was being a creep????
i get it that haruka can’t know everything and yes, she’s still 16, of course she wouldn’t! but it just feels so...... off, and icky. and i hate that she didn’t get a chance to be a kid or question what happened to her in her childhood in the game.
we saw her grow up, but unfortunately didn’t see her character develop as much.
yes, she has a lot of unsolved trauma from experiences, and i know she can figure it out. but how come we never got to see that??
Y6, comparatively, was a game that broke out of a lot of recurring story patterns when comparing it to previous games. i loved the story, but i also can’t help but thinking that there was so much missing out of it. they were able to fill in the gaps with Y7 with majima, saejima, and daigo, but it’s such a shame they weren’t able to give haruka the same treatment, especially with how her happiness and well being was kiryu’s main motivation in the games.
speaking of, how fucked up is it that kiryu gave daigo a letter recognizing him as his son and reuniting with him, but haruka didn’t get that? like i’m glad it happened for daigo, but why couldn’t haruka get that too? especially when kiryu was the only one from Y6 who faced the consequences for revealing the secret of hiroshima even though the hirose boys were also with him?
it SUCKS that haruka was one of the most recurring characters in the series, but she was never given a chance to really shine and grow like everyone else. like she deserved SO much better than that!!!
anyways, this whole thing started bc i was listening to loneliness loop and thought, “haha, the daigo mod was funny, but isn’t it SO weird they put haruka in that outfit for the sequence...?” 🤦‍♀️
like i love this series and i complain out of love, but also. good GOD i want everyone on the dev team to chug respect women juice like it’s the first drink after a drought. and no, the whole “kiryu won’t hit women” bit is very dated bar. i want them to treat the female characters in this franchise the same as the male characters. (yes, i’m salty that we never got a seong-hui boss fight, but that’s besides the point)
(also do not get me wrong on that brief daigo comparison at the end. i think the series could’ve done better with him too. but this aint about him right now!)
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kasugas · 3 years
Harukas speech at the end of 5
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kasugas · 3 years
Saejima just squared up with a bear huh. And the bear left after it was bested in combat.... Like it had honour
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kasugas · 3 years
Akiyama my beloved
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