#wtnv ep 93
desert-bluffs-and-me · 7 months
WTNV quick rundown - 93 - Big sister
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Find it in your heart. You’ll need to break past the ribs and then scoop it out. But it’s in there and you need to find it. Quickly. Welcome to Night Vale.
Hadassah McDaniels (Hiram's sister) and several other five-headed dragons have come to town in defence of Hiram. Hadassah has brought her cousin Miriam Adelman and two of her close friends Tara Patridge and Dirk Andrews who are lawyers. They plan to challenge the decision to execute Hiram. Sheriff Sam says they are not welcome and Dana insists that they are and that they are willing to negotiate.
Most of this episode is from the report Intern Kareem is making despite which Cecil speaks as if he's seeing it/being reported to directly as it happens. Ya know, if that classic way which makes it seem like Cecil has special powers.
Weather: "Mary on a Wave" by Okkervil River
Intern Kareem breaks his ankle during his report and is taken to hospital, he's fine but will need to spend some time in a cast. Cecil praises Kareem in this episode for lasting so long as an intern.
Hadassah has five green heads rather than five heads of different colours. They seem to share a similar personality and way of speaking with Hiram's green head though.
The dragons burn down the Pinkberry, which Cecil isn't completely sad about because he asked for mochi on his drink and they gave him crushed peanuts which he hates.
The NV HS Scorpions kick off their season against the Pine Cliff Lizard Monitors. Night Vale's new quarterback is sophomore Mallory Willingham who won the job over junior Henry Lexington. Henry apparently found a third arm in the vacant lot outside of the Ralph's and used it to score five touch downs in a victory over the Stone Meadow Shark Nurses. Despite which the coach says he prefers Mallory's consistency and vision, the vision in which she can see right into your soul.
Tim Langly of the NV NRA says they will be changing all gun related words with the word 'kitten' because the word 'gun' has too many negative connotations. This results in people thinking that City Council wants to take away they're actual kittens. City Council, who eats kittens is initially excited but upon seeing that the people with the kittens also has guns decides to take the guns.
Kareem says that when Hiram was first mentioned, Kareem thought that Cecil was saying 'five headed dragon' as a metaphor for 'very dangerous man'. Cecil insists that he never misuses metaphors and of course he was talking about a literal dragon that whole time.
Stay tuned next for the sound of distant drums and cannons. And as always, Good night Night Vale. Good night.
Proverb: Drive it like you stole it, but you stole it because you really loved it, and you would not like to see it damaged. Basically: Drive carefully.
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Love how they use Hiram's pre-establised heads to make it easier to understand that all heads have a predetermined personality based on their colors through his sister.
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in wtnv ep. 93, it is said that Kareem thinks Hiram is a metaphor of what is a dangerous man according to Cecil. It is in no case true (Hiram is literally a five-headed dragon), but i like to imagine an alternative universe where Cecil is only a bored radio member of a small and normal city of the south of the U.S.
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i-am-the-double · 8 years
Thoughts on Episode 93
Thoughts on the episode. Spoilers below the cut. First, some non-spoiler-y thoughts.
Ok, this title has me really excited. Fingers crossed for something involving Abby.
I am so stoked for these books you guys. They’re goona be awesome.
Books are cool, Joseph.
And now thoughts on the actual episode.
Really solid intro. I like that one. Not sure why, but it was good.
Oh, haven’t heard about the glow cloud for a while. All hail.
That is so nice! The arts are very important.
Wait, several? Several?!
Wait, does that mean they’ll try to get an appeal or something? Get a new trial?
Cecil. Cecil please. You should really know better by now.
Ok, bad service aside, that seems a bit extreme, hon.
“Six one way, half a dozen the other, 1.5 times four another way,” is definitely something I will be using from now on.
Seriously! I am super impressed with Kareem.
…Aaaaaand now I am seriously concerned for his safety. Don’t jinx it, Cecil.
I mean, throwing is important.
…Shark nurses? Not, nurse sharks, but shark nurses.... Sure. Ok. Sure.
Well. That’s not creepy or worrisome. Still, omniscience would be helpful in sports.
Don’t, don’t set kittens aflame. Do not go down kittens blazing.
Well, that was much more direct than they usually get. No screwing around this episode I see.
Oh dear. Poor kittens.
Oh no. Kittens, no.
Well. That took an odd turn.
Oh dear. That is not nice. Not cool, guards.
Thwarted through questionable and unsavory means, but yes, thwarted. Sorry. I still have a lot of feelings about what Violet did to Cecil. He definitely doesn’t deserve to die for it, but I can’t say I’ve exactly forgiven him, no matter how Cecil feels about him.
Also, we definitely know why the other dragons are here now. I’m guessing jailbreak.
Ok, why are we drawing?
I did actually used to watch Castle a lot. Haven’t in ages though. Pretty sure it’s been over a year.
…Why are we stop-motioning this scene?
Ah. TV ad. Gotcha.
…That is a lot. That is very, very tall. Like, Hiram isn’t small, so 10 more feet would be extremely big.
All green? Oh dear. Actually, it does sound like color might actually correspond to personality traits across dragons. Interesting.
Well then. That was an odd aside. Not sure what to make of that.
Oh dear. Poor Kareem. I hope he’s ok. He’s survived so well so far. I want him to continue to do so.
Be careful Dana!!!
Dammit Sam! Find your chill!
Is, is the glow cloud on Hiram’s side? Is Hadassah controlling it somehow? This is weird.
Dana no!
Ok, Ceec, make up your mind.
Also, I am a bit less excited now that I know it’s Hiram’s big sister. I was hoping we might be getting an episode with Abby. Like, this is still super interesting, and I’ve been really eager to find out how Hiram’s story was going to play out so I’m super happy we’re getting that. I’m just dying for more Abby. Especially after Ghost Stories.
Nice weather tonight. Very chill. I like it.
With a slightly more upbeat toned ending to the song. Nice.
Thank goodness! I’m so happy he’s alright.
OMG! Be careful Dana!
Chill Sam. Just, chill.
Thank you, Dana.
Well, that’s reasonable.
Sam, this is not the time.
Ok, but that is so not the point, Hadassah. You know what Dana meant.
Well, that is a pointed message. Again, no beating around the bush tonight.
Why was the Glow Cloud (all hail) here anyways? So weird.
Wait, so that’s nice. I’m glad things have calmed down.
Ok, good. This is good. I’m glad things have been handled non-violently, even if it just ends up being for now.
Seriously, Dana is the best. Just, the absolute freaking best.
Aaaaand, Cecil has missed the point as spectacularly as always. I would expect nothing less.
Excellent proverb today.
So, all in all, a good episode. Like I said, I’m really excited about Hiram’s story progressing, and it’ll be interesting to see how this all plays out now that Hadassah and her group are in town.
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