#wygig: world building
ladysomething · 21 days
Can you have sex in the dream world?
given the previous depravity of the fic, I'll give you one guess.
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ladysomething · 13 days
Hey Madssss, I know you've talked before about how much of Charles' feelings Max can really feel too, but I wanted to clarify, what with Charles' new master plan for sexing Max up. Like would Max be able to feel the smugness or the scheming feelings that Charles is having that could alert him to what Charles is supposedly up to, or is that too complex and he's only able to really sense the broad emotion?
well firstly I’d like to say that your ask presupposes that Charles is going to feel smug. Maybe he’s going to feel guilty 😊
But it depends on the emotion - smug would be an emotion, but it probably feels a bit more like satisfaction. Whereas the scheming … I’m not entirely sure what emotion would be associated with that.
And of course, even if he feels something, it doesn’t mean he knows why. For example, maybe after they have sex Charles feels satisfied, but for all Max knows that’s because he came really hard haha.
@saiyanwitcher and I have also talked about whether things like pleasure and desire are even emotions, or whether they’re urges/physical feelings. It’s very complex.
But assume that if it’s a basic feeling (happiness, sadness, fear) Max can feel. If it’s something more complex, he likely doesn’t.
Hope that helps!
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ladysomething · 15 days
There's so much in this fic to dig your teeth into, genuinely its so meaty I love it and your brain. The main storyline is amazing but hints of Pierre, Kelky, Lando, Carlis, Fred etc are everything too.
One thing I don't quite understand about Charles’s plan to break the contract though is the fact that he's already mated to Max- that's not going to change. So what all this manipulation actually accomplish? Incidentally it may be a long way off but I'm waiting for Charles to bite Max back and actually feel his emotions too even if the miscommunication is everything to this emotional but very much not physical slow burn!
Hope you're still enjoying your holiday but v hyped for the next chapter when it does come!
I think I kind of answered this in another ask somewhere but I can’t be bothered to scroll back hahaha
But basically, he can’t do anything about Max being his mate, but the contract is what gives Max the ability to make Charles live with him etc. Charles is hoping that if the contract is broken, then Ferrari won’t force him to live with Max etc.
As for the biting back … well … maybe it won’t happen at all! But if it does … hypothetically … it would be a long way off.
And I am! I’m working again almost full time now, but still enjoying it. And then back home next week! So hopefully things will go back to regular.
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ladysomething · 18 days
another thing I forgot in my last ask, this one is fully fic-related. I was lounging on my couch with my roomie and this tiktok about Alex and Charles today with Leo showed up and I started wondering. like, I think we all have seen the wag's paddock walks, when they just wander around the paddock looking all good and that, sometimes with their boyfriends, specially when they first entry the paddock in the morning or whenever the day starts in F1, like that one video. does this applies also to Charles? like, he's a driver yesyes, we all agree. but is it correct to refer to him as a wag? or is it hob as in husbands and boyfriends? you get the idea. I hope.
hahah I think you're asking whether he's a WAG or HOB right? not whether he'd be referred to as a wag/hob over his actual profession?
honestly, I think you can do whatever you want. within the fic, I'm sure the greater society would take any opportunity they can to feminize/dehumanise Charles, so probably to them he'd be a wag. but I feel very confident Charles would hate that and would prefer to be a hob ... or, more likely, he'd not want to be associated with Max at all 😂
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ladysomething · 20 days
In your world, can omegas only get pregnant when they are in heat?
And does it make any difference if an alpha is in a rut? Are they more likely to get someone pregnant then, even outside heat?
nope! they can get pregnant whenever, it's just easier during a heat.
also, it depends on the primary gender of everybody involved too.
e.g. male alpha with male omega - most likely to get pregnant during a heat, but could theoretically get pregnant in other times, it would just be harder. can ONLY get pregnant by an alpha.
female omega - again, mostly likely to get pregnant during a heat, but could easily happy at any other time. think of it similar to ovulation: when you're most likely to get pregnant, but can of course happen at other times. but they can get pregnant by any man. (maybe even a male omega? I have to think that one through, as they still have penises and sperm ... interesting thought.)
as for the rut, I think probably. it doesn't make their sperm, like, stronger or anything, but obviously there would just be more of it because their bodies would be creating more for their rut, and obviously their refractory period would be almost non-existent. so yeah, they would be more likely to get somebody pregnant then, by sheer mathematics of how much they're fucking.
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ladysomething · 26 days
Maddie, to be completely horny on main, I must know...
Charles talked a lot about feeling really full when Max was inside him but can we confirm that Max has a massive cock cause I need it to be true. I am a 'Max has a big dick' truther
And like in general are all alphas cocks gonna be bigger than betas and omegas, and all above average anyway?
please be horny on main, this is not even the worst thing that has been sent about this specific chapter.
but yeah obvi it's huge. and I would say that generally alpha cock (lmao) is gonna be bigger, but there are always exceptions! (Max is not one of them. obviously.)
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ladysomething · 1 month
When people like Charles' family see Charles running around in bites and marks, do they think that's a good and normal thing? Or is it something embarrassing like a hickey is in "the real world"?
I mean we know that Max loves it and Charles will also come to love it I guess, but how does the general public see it?
ooh love this question!
kind of a combo. it's not embarrassing, but I imagine it's more shameful. one single mating bite is one thing, but the thorough and complete possession Max haas done of Charles .. yeah, he finds that pretty humiliating.
and I think anybody who knows Charles - and how much he didn't want to be mated - is probably a bit freaked out by seeing them all, because it goes against everything Charles said he ever wanted.
but the GENERAL PUBLIC .. probably don't really think too much of it. what happens between alphas and omegas isn't their business.
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ladysomething · 1 month
okay first off hi Mads!!! How are you?
My brain is reeling with all these other anon theories, people are way smarter than me who just eagerly waits for everything to be revealed cause I'm so bad at connecting things. But... the Charles to Red Bull theory makes a lot of sense to me
Also I had a couple questions about how Max and Charles' bond would affect things. So I was rereading the heat chapters again today cause I literally love them so much and I was thinking, how intense will Charles' heats be normally? Cause obviously that one was a stress heat and made so much worse by the new bond, so will he be a lot less delirious and more in control for the next one? But will it still be quite bad if he doesn't have Max's knot? Cause I have to admit as much as I feel super bad for Charles, his desperation is kinda (very) hot.
And there was also a mention of mate withdrawal in there, that made me wonder about if the whole touch starvation/deprivation thing exists in the wygig world? Like is there any biological demands for mates to be in close proximity or have physical contact with each other in order to keep the bond healthy?
But thank you so much in advance for responding to my random trains of thought xx
I'm fantastic, thank you for asking!!! I'm on Santorini right now and my tan is really looking 👌
I'm the same as you anon, when people send me asks with theories I'm like ... oh damn ya'll are actually thinking about this. cuz I hardly ever do, I'm always just along for the ride when I read hahah
Charles' desperation is hot. And while you're right in that the stress heat was definitely a special case, his normal heats will still be desperate and delirium filled!
as for your other question ........... well you've already said that you're not the type to connect dots from previous chapters (that sounds really mean but I'm not trying to be I swear!!!!), so here are some facts from previous chapters for you:
Charles was affected by a case of mate withdrawal during his heat
Jos and Sophie are mated but now live separately, and Max specifically said Jos couldn't see her "despite what that means for Mum's mate withdrawal."
so I'm not saying ANYTHING, but .... you might be able to read between then lines a little? with that bare minimum information haha
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ladysomething · 1 month
If omegas have cocks, could Charles theoretically fuck max???? With lube of course
he could!!! theoretically. I mean he's been fucking female betas before Max, so why not alphas?
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ladysomething · 1 month
Estoy completamente de acuerdo con esto https://www.tumblr.com/ladysomething/748650661772689408/honestly-i-think-what-max-is-doing-to-charles-is?source=share.
There is psychological and economic violence from Max towards Charles and yes, that is how the world treats omegas and Max just goes with the flow. However, from Charles' perspective, Max is the person who restricts his freedom and independence, things that Charles has had most of his life and is now just becoming aware that the rest of society does not consider him a worthy person, simply for being an omega. Although I agree that Charles crossed the line with his lie, I don't blame him for wanting to escape from who he considers his abuser, because all that "kindness" that Max shows, from Charles' perspective, doesn't even reach the basics and that's not to mention all the psychological stress you are going through. Definitely the one I blame the most is Max, since he is the one who has the broader perspective of the whole situation and for some reason is not able to express himself. Because of all this, I think that falling in love will be very difficult for both of them because of this toxic and abusive environment and if this weren't a fic I wouldn't even want them to fall in love.
But since it is a fic, I have full faith in the process and my hopes are placed in your wonderful mind 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️. Anyway, just tell you that you have done a wonderful job with the creation of the world and with the narration of the characters, since it is clearly understood by the situations and difficulties they are going through.
no notes anon.
oh except that I appreciate your faith and I promise that it will be rewarded! (or at least I hope it will!)
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ladysomething · 1 month
Could you maybe explain the contract a bit more?
Since Max has already maited Charles, why should he care that the contract is respected ? Even if it was broken Charles would still legally be his because he claimed him right?
I get why Ferrari want it to be respected to make sure Charles is fit to race, but Max has the power here no?
I just answered another ask that kind of details what the contract is actually for, so defs go read that for a little context.
but there's really two layers here.
the contract with Ferrari, where Ferrari have essentially guaranteed exclusive access to Charles for Max (along with the mating rights).
the binding nature of mates, in which Max now essentially has control over everything of Charles'.
in regards to the first: the presumption would be that if the contract is terminated, Ferrari would protect Charles from Max in some way, because both Ferrari and Charles would have a vested interest in protecting Charles from Max if Max has been terrible enough to Charles for the contract to be terminated at all. If we remember back, that contract has BARE MINIMUM protections in there for Charles - like Max quite pointedly said to Fred, even if Max were actively physically abusing Charles, Ferrari wouldn't care. ALL they care about is Charles being able to race, and as we just saw, Charles has to be in quite the state for them to intervene.
but in regards to the second, this is a little more blurry. it requires a little bit of reading between the lines at this point, because we've got some conflicting information within the story: that Max now forever owns Charles (as his mate) and will always be in charge of his money etc etc. And yet, Sophie and Jos are mated and separated ... so it's clearly possible. of course there have been hints as to how that's possible, but we don't know the entire story there yet.
for your last question: yes, Max does have most of the power. in pretty much every way. but the foundation is weak enough that there is room for movement, and Charles absolutely intends to take advantage of that - even if he still doesn't have a lot of the information that he really needs to be making those kinds of moves.
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ladysomething · 1 month
hey maddie i loved the new chapter!! i do have a question about the contract, so if the contract is terminated does that mean charles cannot race ever again? because he’s still an omega and a mated one at that so if the contract gets terminated charles cant just be passed off to another alpha as he’s mated to max? and what does charles think is going to happen if the contract is terminated because at the moment it doesn’t seem like he’s thought it through😭
as always love your writing!!
hi! thank you, so glad you're enjoying it!
ok so there are a few asks waiting for me about the contract, but I'll answer them all because they're all slightly different.
but to start:
so the auction was for two things: 1) the mating rights for Charles and 2) exclusive access to him. the core of the contract basically outlines that the winner gets to bite Charles, AND keep him as their property for as long as the contract is in place.
if the contract is terminated, he'll still always be mated to Max, but Ferrari won't force Charles to be with Max (because, remember, Charles either does what Ferrari says or he's fired. so it's not really that Ferrari OWNED Charles and could sell him, it's that he does it or he's out of a drive.)
so what he's thinking will happen if the contract is terminated because of Max's actions is that his obligation to Ferrari will have been met: he got them their money, and has been mated, so in his mind there is nothing else they could want from him.
also, the FIA rule is that omegas have to be mated, not necessarily that they have to be with their alpha (an oversight from them, to be sure). so he would still be able to race, because he'll always be mated to Max now, no matter what happens with the contract.
I hope that clears things up a little bit, but the amount of questions I got about this definitely tells me it needs to be explored a little bit more within the story!
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ladysomething · 2 months
Hi! I have a question regarding the „popculture“ surrounding omegas, ate there omega celebrities and influencers? Are omegas featured as love interest/main characters in media? Are there genres that cater to omegas? Love the fic btw snd cant wait for the next update
hmmm .. ok firstly I want to say that I kind of love this question, because it's not something that I've really thought about because it doesn't really have much to do with the main story. but then I get these asks and I'm reminded that world building is so much more than what matters for the story, which is always a good thing to remember so that I can better my craft.
anyway, on to the answer.
funnily enough, I actually think that there probably isn't a HUGE amount of media marketed specifically towards omegas, because they're such a small percentage of the population. it's probably growing a little bit, but I think historically they'd be presented as caricatures of themselves. driven by sex, submissive, unable to think for themselves, needing an alpha to take care of them etc etc.
there are probably a few omega celebrities - as Charles is now one himself, really - but I would think they've probably spent their careers trying to distance themselves from the label. as for influencers ... oh I bet there are a FUCK TON. and on both sides of the spectrum too - ones who are advocating for the 'traditional' life style (having kids, taking care of the house etc), whereas others are trying to bring awareness to the difficulties and prejudices omegas face.
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ladysomething · 2 months
I wonder if Max was contacted by magazines and newspapers for a happy and in love couple photoshoot? Because if you don’t know about the auction, they’re kind off a power couple/ romeo and Juliette of f1
heh. well, perhaps not magazines, but maybe f1 have a social media post or two lined up....
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ladysomething · 2 months
How often do alphas go into rut? Is this similar to omegas and their heat?
so omegas go into heat once a month, but an alpha's rut cycle is longer. a rut happens quarterly, however on top of that they would also have supplemental ruts if they spend a heat with an omega, so that their body can keep up with physical demands.
so e.g. while he's been alone, Max has been having ruts every 3 months. if he spends all of Charles' heat with him, he'll effectively be on a monthly cycle himself and have one whenever Charles is in heat.
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ladysomething · 2 months
Hopefully max has a provider fetish, because Charles having no access to any money can get really terrible really fast
oh absolutely, which is kind of the point, really - and no wonder Charles never wanted to be mated.
(but also ... Max totally does have a kink for it)
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