#yeah this mainly applies to whump series obviously
whump-in-the-closet · 15 days
Do you have any unpopular opinions on Whump?
ah. i have a few, i think
my biggest one would be that is that i kinda believe we have enough “whumpee and whumper are two gay boys uwu”. i’ve seen it enough times and while i get it. it’s a favored trope. the people like it. etc. but guys it’s been done so many times. whumpee is just this white boy who’s gay and sweet and innocent and whumper is also white and hot and gay but evil :((( and that’s it. like that’s the whole plot with whumpee in the basement and tortured. there’s no nuance. or fuckin diversity. if we’re going to be dealing with heavy content such as torture and suffering and how the human mind breaks, the dynamic should be deeper too imo. like they should be just as complicated and human and messy as the actual whump is. i think it’s the archetypes that are just copy and paste that bother me. they’re just roles to fill and that’s it, without any actual thought or character development behind it. characters should be more than what you think your audience wants to see. fuck the audience and complicate your characters. whump is messy and the dynamics should be too.
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