#yeah yeah i'm watching the gay firefighter show and i'm even having thoughts about it
comradesummers · 28 days
just got to the buck backstory episode on the firefighter show and i understand why people mostly talk about the buckley parents' horrible behavior in relation to buck, it is his episode after all, but my god the way they treated maddie is also deeply deeply fucked up. so this nine year old has just watched her little brother slowly die of cancer, and her parents proceed to pretend said brother never existed and force her to never speak of him to anyone ever again. it's not just that she doesn't have any support during the grieving process, it's that they explicitly forbid her from grieving at all. and on top of that, they then go on to parentify her and have this traumatized kid raise a newborn on her own. and on top of that, when she's a teenager, they disown her for getting into a relationship they disapprove of, so that when that relationship becomes abusive, she doesn't have a support system to fall back on. i get that they experienced a horrible, unimaginable loss, but so did maddie! only maddie didn't have the luxury of refusing to raise a baby due to her grief, despite the fact that she was a child and her parents were the grown ass adults who chose to have that baby in the first place.
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singlethread · 5 months
Sooo I'm finally watching 9-1-1 after becoming a Buck and Eddie shipper just through seeing all your stuff about them on tumblr lol My sister thought it looked good when scrolling through Hulu the other week, and I'm just like yeah sounds good- pretending I know nothing about this show, stopping myself from saying that's the gay firefighter show
Anyways, I was totally expecting the Buck and Eddie to be slow burn. And then when I watched their first scenes together, I was like oh okay, it's going to be a full enemies to lovers slow burn. But by the end of Eddie's first episode they are already buddies and Buck already seemed all excited to be buddies with him. And by episode 4 he's already gone with Eddie to go pick up his son twice!!! And there's no like logical reason he had to either time! (unless I missed something) It wasn't like Buck and Eddie got separated from the rest of the team and Buck had go pick up his son. The whole team is together in one scene and then the next scene, Buck's just tagging along to go pick Christopher up from school like no big deal, perfectly normal. Like he didn't even wait in the car for Eddie or anything! He's fully just coming with him into the school and then into the hospital with his coworker that hardly really knows yet. And Buck's sister has already teasingly called him out for having a crush on Eddie! It's only been 4 episodes with Eddie! This is crazy! 4 episodes out of 18 and then there's a whole nother 4 seasons after this where they don't actually get together. I feel like Buck is already ready to ask Eddie to move in with him at this point, he's so smitten. I'm used to it being like yeah I could see why this is a popular ship, but also it doesn't seem like that's the show writer's intentions, even though it is cute and fun. But this is not that! There's no logical explanation for it! And Buck was already taking interest in why Eddie's not interested in dating. Like I thought it would take at least a season to really see it, but 4 episodes in and it's already obvious. I'm kinda blown away
Welcome to the wee woo brainrot bestie. I’m so sorry
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shyvioletcat · 4 years
Ooh what about "You needed a ride home so I gave you one, but now we're stuck in traffic with nothing to do but talk" for lighting sparks! I'm so so so excited for literally everything you write for it ahhhh
I neglected this for far too long. So please be kind if it’s a little iffy. 
Light the Sparks Masterlist 
Elide stood just inside the doorway as she waited for Lorcan to bring the car around. He told her it was a big black 4WD and that he’d only be a few minutes. Elide tapped her foot nervously, she had asked him again if he didn’t mind dropping her off telling him she was fine to get the bus. But when they had got to the door the rain showed no sign of letting up and Lorcan had insisted. Putting people out of their way was not Elide’s favourite thing to do.
A big black car pulled up and Elide darted out into the rain, biting back a squeal as the thick heavy raindrops landed on the back of her neck. As she got closer she saw Lorcan reach over and open the door for her. It took her a moment to literally pull herself up into the absolute tank of a car, she even lost her balance for a moment but managed to keep the transition smooth.
“What’s your address?” Lorcan asked. 
Elide was wiping at the wet hair that was sticking to her forehead as she quickly told him. He put the address into the screen on the dash and they both waited for an awkward moment as the GPS calculated the route, but then before too long Lorcan was pulling out onto the road.
For a few long moments neither of them said anything, just the sounds of the moving car and the rain were the soundtrack for their drive. 
Elide cleared her throat. “So, you go to that place often?”
“No, that was the first time actually,” Lorcan said. “It was Fenrys’ idea.”
“I don’t mind it, drinks are a bit expensive but they taste good,” Elide said.
“Yeah, the whiskey was good,” Lorcan agreed. 
Then there was the silence again, Elide wasn’t going to let it last, so she asked,
 “How long have you been a firefighter?”
“I started my training straight out of school,” Lorcan answered. 
Elide was preparing herself to ask another question but the Lorcan surprised her by asking one instead.
“I know you work at the school, do you teach?”
“No, I’m a teacher's aide,” Elide explained. “Aelin got me the job.”
At the mention of Aelin’s name she saw Lorcan’s lips tightened almost imperceptibly. This animosity between them was a mystery to Elide, especially where it had started. It would be rude for Elide to ask directly, but she couldn’t deny she was curious. Really, she found their interactions amusing. Again silence fell between them, Elide was wracking her brain for something else to ask when they turned another corner and she groaned. In front of them was a very long line of cars. Without traffic she would be home in 5 minutes, but with this, who knew.
“I’m so sorry,” Elide said.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” Lorcan muttered.
“I already ended your night early, now I’ve got you stuck in traffic. I feel pretty terrible about it,” Elide admitted.
Lorcan lent back as they moved at a snail's pace. “I was done at the bar, and I think I would have ruined the night for the rest of them after your quick save there.”
Elide laughed a bit nervously, “I hope you didn’t mind. I didn’t think too hard and I thought that might be the quickest way to deter someone.” 
Elide watched his face and she saw the small hint of a smile ghost his lips.
“You did good. Thanks.”
Elide tried to keep in her laughter as she remembered what the woman had insinuated, but she couldn’t help it. “Aelin really went there, huh?”
Lorcan didn’t say anything and Elide swallowed the laughter that threatened to bubble out of her again. She should cut him a break, she didn’t want to increase his broodiness, and he was doing her a favour afterall. They crept forward a little closer, silence filling the car.
“Music?” Elide suggested casually. 
Lorcan nodded and pushed a button on his steering wheel and the radio turned on. A pop song played that Elide didn’t know, starting from half way through. She looked out the front windscreen, the rain pelted down and the wipers flicked up periodically to sweep it away, the lights of the cars around them glowing. 
Ads played then another song started, this one Elide knew.
I would be complex
I would be cool
They'd say I played the field before
I found someone to commit to
Elide liked this song, and had she been alone she probably would have sung along. But she wasn’t about to expose Lorcan to her sup-par singing, especially when...
There was a tapping noise and Elide turned towards the source. Lorcan’s fingers were tapping on the steering wheel, along to the music. Elide turned back to the front but kept watching him from the corner of her eye.
I'd be a fearless leader
I'd be an alpha type
When everyone believes ya
What's that like?
Lorcan kept tapping his fingers, and then to Elide’s complete shock she heard him mumbling the words under his breath, his voice so low.
I'm so sick of running
As fast as I can
Wondering if I'd get there quicker
If I was a man
And I'm so sick of them
Coming at me again
'Cause if I was a man
Then I'd be the man
Elide grinned.
“You a fan of this song?” Elide asked and Lorcan startled, his mouth immediately clamping shut. He hadn’t meant to start singing, he hadn’t realised what he was doing. 
Lorcan shrugged, “It’s on all the time.”
“That’s not what I asked,” Elide said simply.
Lorcan cleared his throat. Damn him, she had been so still and quiet he had practically forgotten she was there as he had been so focused on the traffic. He had zoned out almost completely, after work, the crawling pace of the cars and sound of the rain filling his brain. “It gets stuck in my head. It’s hard not to know the words.”
“If it's any consolation I like it too,” Elide said, and he could see her smiling.
“I didn’t say I liked it,” Lorcan said.
“Sure, sure,” Elide said. “But I do have a playlist, I could give it to you.”
Despite himself Lorcan felt his lips twitch up. “I’m fine thanks.”
“If you change your mind please let me know, I’d be more than happy to share,” Elide told him.
Lorcan cut her a glare that probably would have sent lesser men running, but Elide just smiled at him. His heart flipped. Lorcan quickly looked back at the road, back to focusing on the traffic.
They had entered the very nice part of town. When the team had been called out to jobs in this part of town the homes had always been swanky and looked expensive. He was surprised Elide could afford a place here. 
“I apartment isn’t mine, well it is but I kind of didn’t pay for it,” Elide said as if she had read his mind. “My parents were insistent that I live here if I was going to be stubborn about living by myself in the city. And with my ankle they didn’t want me to end up in a place like Aelin’s with no elevator, so I thought I might as well.”
Lorcan had noticed Elide’s slight limp, she hid it pretty well, but he wasn’t going to ask about it. That was something that seemed a little too personal, but since she brought it up he opened his mouth to ask the question when the GPS system spoke instead.
Destination on right
Lorcan scanned for a park, but the street was full.
“I’ll just jump out here, we’re practically stopped anyway,” Elide said as she gathered up her things. 
“I can —“
Elide cut him off. “It’s fine, Lorcan. The door is just there. Thank you again, it was a pleasure being your girlfriend. Bye.”
She was out of the car before Lorcan could even say his own farewell. Elide turned and waved when she hit the path and waited for Lorcan to wave back before darting into the foyer of the apartment building. She was through the door when he realised he’d once again lost the opportunity to get her number, maybe ask her out for a real drink.
There was a beep from behind him and Lorcan realised he hadn’t moved since Elide had got out of the car. He took his foot off the brake, using that momentum to ease the car forward. He didn’t know why the car behind him had bothered to let him know he’d fallen behind, no one was going anywhere fast. Just like him and Elide.
Song is The Man by Taylor Swift. Because it’s been a real hot minute since i updated this please forgive me if I’ve missed your tag.
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