#yisoo — threads.
fadinglights · 3 months
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even  though  it’s  something  yisoo  often  chastises  in  him,  it  is  in  her  nature  too  to  reject  help  at  first,  not  wanting  to  burden  others  with  her  trouble.  but  after  the  evening’s  events,  it  seems  absurd  to  turn  down  his  offer  when  she  knows  there  is  no  way  she  can  still  stay  in  her  bedroom  tonight.  she  gives  a  slow,  grateful  nod.  “thank  you.”  not  only  for  the  offer,  but  for  his  help  throughout  the  unfortunate  events.  she  takes  a  deep  breath  before  turning  the  key  on  her  doorknob  with  her  uninjured  hand  and  pushing  it  open.  “can  you  take  mandu  for  me?”  she  will  have  to  go  get  her  clothes  alongside  a  few  belongings,  with  another  box  for  her  cat’s  daily  items.  it’s  probably  for  the  best  if  she  cleans  up  the  mess  now,  before  the  bloodstains  actually  stain  anything.  “poor  thing’s  probably  terrified.”  she  hopes  mandu  hasn’t  hurt  himself  with  the  shattered  glass  scattered  over  the  ground.  as  usual,  it  is  always  easier  to  direct  her  thoughts  to  concern  for  those  other  than  herself.  / @ameliiorate
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itsacriime · 2 years
“[NAME]? hey, hey, hey, what’s the matter? are you okay? what’s wrong? oh, come here…” yisoo being a supportive colleague for benz 🥰 yes she exudes older sister vibes ( @fadinglights​ )
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“—don’t hug me unless you want me to start crying.” Benz had immediately put his hands up in surrender the second those words left Yisoo and he could see the concern etched in her face. Of course he was teasing but he wasn’t necessarily lying. He debated texting her to ask if he could come over. And before he could talk himself out of it, he hit send. “I just really need, um... a night. Away. I don’t know.” Benz’s smile faltered as he tried to blink back the tears suddenly threatening to fall. Work stress, and Minjun... “I promise I won’t be a mess the whole time.”
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nouvelis · 2 years
” you shouldn't be here. ” yisoo & sejoo 🥺
angst, i guess / still accepting
it is supposed to be another normal shift at work — well, as predictable as it can get in the emergency ward — before she catches his name on the record and a sigh leaves her. she is already out of her uniform when finds him again this time around, intent on checking on him one more time before she goes home after a long, arduous shift. "i work here, you idiot." she reminds him, before her brows knit into a frown as she watches him wince from the sudden pang of pain. she is nowhere this composed the first time she found him here, but this is long past the first time. “you, on the other hand — ” do not belong here. her hand, still warm from the cup of hot chocolate she bought for him, does not loosen its hold on his frozen one. the scene that unfolds in front of her is not something unfamiliar, still the same shock rushes through her every time until she can see that his conditions are stable. gentle fingers reach to tuck away the stray strands that block his vision, before they shy away again and her eyes linger on the nasty bruise on his cheek. they’ve really done a number on him, haven’t they? but he’ll live. he always does. “worrying about you is taking ten years off my life. i’m going to send you all my medical bills one day, just wait.” 
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tiredtangerines · 2 years
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 i’m  fine.  it’s  nothing.  it’s  just  a  little  blood.  “the  naivety  of  you  to  show  up  and  expect  me  not  to  ask  questions  is  beyond  me,  sejoo.”  yisoo  points  out  calmly,  despite  the  worries  etched  between  her  frown.  yes,  the  original  agenda  is  dinner  with  the  best  friends,  though  it  isn’t  all  that  surprising  when  kyungsoo  ditched  them  for  the  secret  someone  he’s  just  begun  to  date.  perhaps  she  should  sound  more   distraught  than  she  does,  but  it  just  so  happens  to  be  her  luck  that  she’s  surrounded  by  hot-headed  men  and  injured  patients.  disregarding  sejoo’s  protests,  she  takes  a  closer  look  of  his  face,  before  she  leaves  the  sofa  to  pick  up  her  first-aid  kit  in  the  cabinet.  “it  would  have  been  better,  if  you’d  come  in  for  stitches.”  as  far  as  nasty  wounds  go,  this  is  far  from  the  worst.  still,  it  doesn’t  mean  one  should  just  treat  it  with  neglect  and  act  like  it  doesn’t  exist.  practiced  fingers  begin  to  clean  the  wound  with  the  dampened  gauze  and  she  has  to  remind  herself  not  to  look  at  his  lips  more  than  what’s  needed  —  the  proximity  is  nothing  new,  but  why  has  her  heart  been  acting  like  this  lately?  she’d  rather  stay  blind  to  the  reason.  “so,  you’re  really  not  going  to  tell  me  what  happened?”  she  asks  at  last,  a  puppy-like  pout  added  for  effect.  “i  thought  we’re  friends.”  
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ncnversations · 5 years
“I want in.” Yisoo didn’t give a flying fuck about the blog before, but now that he’s had Kyrie in a compromising position, he figured—why not? He was bored these days, and he knew the other hated his guts, which meant that it only made this all the more entertaining for him. Kyrie managed to annoy him on a regular basis. It was time to return the favor. The grin on his face was wide, smug. “I’ll let you think about it, but honestly, there’s not much to think about. I don’t think you’ll like what happens if you refuse.” // @bicvrious​
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hrjungrin-blog · 5 years
setting: dal café in maindong with: @hryisoo 
After moving to Hwaryung, Jungrin quickly found that Maindong was her favorite area of the city. With the large amount of shops the area had to offer, it gave her plenty to explore. Dal Cafe quickly became a favorite of hers, the drinks they serve there having become a popular feature on her Instagram account. At this point, the cafe warranted nearly a daily visit from her. 
She steps into the café early that morning, intending on simply grabbing some coffee to-go before she gets her day started properly. After ordering a nonfat white mocha latte with 2 pumps of sugar free hazelnut syrup, she patiently waits by the counter, gaze focused on her phone as she scrolls down her Instagram feed. Normally, she would be looking to strike up a conversation with someone next to her, attempting to form a new friendship, but it’s simply too early in the morning for her to function properly yet. First things first, she needs her caffeine fix.
Finally, her order is announced. Jungrin mindlessly grabs for it, not looking up from her phone as she does. It’s not until she takes a sip from it that she realizes there must be a mistake. The liquid in the cup tastes like warm milk, with a slight aftertaste of coffee. She turns around to face the counter again, intending on letting the barista know they’d definitely gotten her order wrong, when she sees someone else standing there, a cup in his hand that has her name on it.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” she quickly apologizes. “I must’ve grabbed the wrong cup. I’ll buy you a new of... whatever this is.” Giving the cup she had been holding one last suspicious glance, she places it back down on the counter. 
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gcttago · 5 years
♡「  YISOO * 」
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hostofaghcst · 5 years
i love how yisoo legit has two threads with male muses and the other 15+ are with female ones and i haven’t being called out for supposedly having a preference. but if yisoo was a girl interacting with this many males, i would have being totally called a thirsty hoe long ago.
anyways i made this post to ask for more male friends for yisoo, even if he has proven a little bit difficult to plot and interact with males so far.
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kindredxhearts · 5 years
@asabvsoblw --asked:
“How many of them were there? This doesn’t look like one man’s doing.” - ( from Yisoo to a muse of your choice )
Sayuri looked up at Yisoo, face bloodied body bruised, and clothing torn. She was trembling from the shock "I-I don't remember, maybe two or three." She said fighting back tears. "I don't know how I got here...Yisoo...I'm scared..." she said as she finally broke down sobbing falling to her knees now from exhaustion.
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fadinglights · 8 months
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a  thousand  thoughts  race  through  her  mind  as  her  gaze  locks  onto  the  looming  figure  in  her  dimly  lit  kitchen,  and  amidst  the  chaos,  one  thought  screams  the  loudest:  this  isn't  just  all  in  her  head.  it's  ironic  how,  despite  enduring  numerous  self-defence  lessons,  she  finds  herself  faltering  when  faced  with  a  situation  that  demands  the  application  of  those  very  skills.  even  if  she  puts  up  a  valiant  fight,  her  efforts  seem  futile  when  pitted  against  an  assailant  who  possesses  a  significant  physical  advantage.  as  his  hand  closes  around  her  throat,  her  thoughts  scatter,  overwhelmed  by  the  memories  of  that  fateful  evening  that  forever  altered  the  trajectory  of  her  life,  making  it  even  harder  to  breathe.  her  mental  paralysis  is  shattered  by  the  sound  of  a  familiar  voice  calling  out  her  name.  the  unexpected  interruption  catches  both  her  and  the  assailant  off  guard,  causing  him  to  momentarily  loosen  his  grip.  seizing  the  opportunity  by  instinct,  her  hand  frantically  searches  for  an  object  within  reach,  finally  finding  solace  in  a  nearby  mug.  with  a  swift,  desperate  motion,  she  smashes  the  mug  against  the  edge  of  the  counter,  creating  a  jagged  shard  that  becomes  her  makeshift  weapon.  in  a  dire  bid  for  survival,  she  slashes  it  across  the  man's  arm,  causing  him  to  release  her  with  a  profanity-laden  curse.  as  blood  spurts  from  his  wound,  she  finds  herself  gasping  for  precious  air,  the  fragmented  glass  remains  clutched  by  her  hand  with  desperation  even  though  she’s  begun  bleeding  too.  
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fadinglights · 3 months
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out  of  all  the  places  they  could  have  run  into  each  other,  this  has  to  be  the  worst.  her  eyes  widen  when  rex  comes  out  of  nowhere  and  situates  himself  next  to  her,  opposite  to  the  man  her  friends  have  secretly  set  up  for  her  to  date.  it’s  awkward.  what  does  stuff  like  this  keep  happening?  in  a  way,  it  makes  sense  that  he’s  asking  what’s  going  on  considering  that  she  was  asking  the  exact  same  thing  twenty  minutes  ago.  “i’m  so  sorry,  but  i  need  a  minute.”  she  apologises  to  the  stranger  before  dragging  rex  away,  her  hurried  feet  doesn’t  stop  until  they  reach  an  empty  —  for  now  —  corridor.  “...  are  you  stalking  me?”  she  shouldn’t  feel  guilty  about  getting  caught  when  they’re  not  dating,  just  as  he  shouldn’t  be  feeling  jealous,  but  here  they  are.  / @iinvu
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fadinglights · 3 months
closed starter / @vvhimsicals
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yisoo  was  unsure  if  she  should  show  up,  but  despite  her  better  judgement,  her  heart  compelled  her  to  come.  she  takes  a  deep  breath  before  entering  the  room,  surprised  when  she  finds  herself  alone  with  them  instead  of  the  couple.  with  a  placid  smile,  she  attempts  to  greet  them.  "you  look  great."  however,  her  emotions  begin  to  overwhelm  her  the  moment  their  eyes  meet.  “i  was  just  going  to  come  in  and  say  my  congratulations  —  then  i’ll  go.”  she  tightens  her  fingers  around  the  sides  of  the  invitation,  inhaling  deeply  once  again  before  placing  the  invitation  back  in  their  hands.  her  gaze  is  too  teary  to  meet  theirs,  so  it  remains  on  their  lap.  "promise  me  you'll  be  happy."  from  this  point  onwards,  they  will  go  their  separate  ways  —  but  is  this  what  she  truly  wants?
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fadinglights · 3 months
closed starter / @warstains
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a  scream  escapes  her  throat  when  yisoo  realises  she  is  no  longer  alone  in  her  kitchenette,  leaving  her  startled  enough  to  almost accidentally  cut  her  finger  with  the  knife.  another  centimetre  to  the  right  and  it  would  have  sliced  through  her  flesh  instead  of  the  apple.  after  the  man  screams  back,  an  awkward  silence  ensues  as  they  lock  eyes.  she  watches  as  he  gestures  at  them  amidst  his  confusion  before  she shakes  her  head vehemently.  "you  really  don't  remember,  do  you?"  she  could  almost  laugh.  "you  broke  into  my  place  at  3  a.m.  then  passed  out,  so  i  should  be  the  one  asking  questions.  how  the  hell  did  you  even  climb  that  far  when  you’re  that  drunk?"  the  only  reason  she  didn't  call  the  cops  was  that  she  recognised  him  as  a  neighbour she's seen in passing,  though  she's  not  entirely  sure  about  her  guess  either,  given  how  late  it  was.
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fadinglights · 3 months
closed starter / @lovepctions
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yisoo  is  taken  aback  by  the  sharpness  of  their  words,  almost  enough  to  cause  her  to  stagger.  it  takes  her  a  few  moments  to  gather  herself  and  find  her  voice  again.  "yeah,  you  know  what?  i'm  afraid."  she  blurts  out,  her  eyes  betraying  the  vulnerability  she  has  been  desperately  trying  to  conceal  throughout  the  entire  evening.    "it  hurt  like  hell  the  last  time  i  lost  you  and  i... don't  want  to  do  it  again."  but  her  heart  is  a  treacherous,  treacherous  thing.  every  time  they  are  in  a  room  together,  it  still  leads  her  to  wonder  about  everything  that  she  can’t  have. 
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fadinglights · 4 months
closed starter / @iinvu
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"stop  squirming,  i'm  trying  to  help."  yisoo  scolds,  her  frown  contrasting  with  the  gentle  touch  of  her  fingers  as  she  tends  to  the  wound.  it  is  just  one  of  many  that  she  will  have  to  address  tonight.  although  she’s  not  forced  into  this  role,  she  feels  a  deep  sense  of  obligation  to  care  for  them  nonetheless.  it  is  a  mistake  to  let  her  life  entwine  so  closely  with  theirs,  considering  how  vastly  different  their  lives  are.  however,  fate  has  a  way  of  bringing  unexpected  souls  together  and  leaving  its  indelible  mark.  "do  you  know  how  much  money  you  must’ve  saved  on  medical  bills  by  seeing  me?"  she  quips,  attempting  to  lighten  the  mood  while  moving  on  to  another  injury  just  below  their  jawline.  "i  should  make  you  treat  me  to  my  favourite  barbecue  place  more  often."
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fadinglights · 8 months
you take the bed, i'll take the couch. [ yisoo/youngjo ]
relationship prompts / accepting!
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yisoo  is  grateful  that  youngjo  has  offered  to  stay  without  her  having  to  ask.  isn't  it  a  little  embarrassing,  though?  not  being  able  to  sleep  in  your  own  apartment,  even  if  she  has  a  perfectly  justifiable  reason  to  be  startled  after  the  incident  that  occurred.  she  still  finds  herself  in  shock,  but  fatigue  is  slowly  sinking  in,  luring  her  weary  bones  to  rest.  unpacking  her  emotions  can  wait  for  another  time,  when  her  head  no  longer  feels  so  heavy  and  her  heart  no  longer  overwhelmed.  she  vehemently  shakes  her  head  at  his  words  —  there  is  no  way  she  will  agree  to  that,  not  when  he's  already  going  above  and  beyond  out  of  the  goodness  of  his  heart.  "you  take  the  bed,  i'll  take  the  couch."  her  tone  is  firm,  leaving  no  room  for  discussion.  however,  the  expression  on  his  face  tells  her  he's  holding  his  ground  no  matter  what.  "how  about...  you  take  that  side  of  the  bed?  i'll  stay  right  here."  she  points  to  the  other  side  of  the  bed,  hoping  he  would  agree  to  the  alternative  offer.  "you  know  i  won't  get  any  sleep  if  you  take  the  couch.  i'll  be  kept  awake  by  guilt  the  whole  night." / @evocatiive
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