#yisoo ft. youngjo.
fadinglights · 3 months
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even  though  it’s  something  yisoo  often  chastises  in  him,  it  is  in  her  nature  too  to  reject  help  at  first,  not  wanting  to  burden  others  with  her  trouble.  but  after  the  evening’s  events,  it  seems  absurd  to  turn  down  his  offer  when  she  knows  there  is  no  way  she  can  still  stay  in  her  bedroom  tonight.  she  gives  a  slow,  grateful  nod.  “thank  you.”  not  only  for  the  offer,  but  for  his  help  throughout  the  unfortunate  events.  she  takes  a  deep  breath  before  turning  the  key  on  her  doorknob  with  her  uninjured  hand  and  pushing  it  open.  “can  you  take  mandu  for  me?”  she  will  have  to  go  get  her  clothes  alongside  a  few  belongings,  with  another  box  for  her  cat’s  daily  items.  it’s  probably  for  the  best  if  she  cleans  up  the  mess  now,  before  the  bloodstains  actually  stain  anything.  “poor  thing’s  probably  terrified.”  she  hopes  mandu  hasn’t  hurt  himself  with  the  shattered  glass  scattered  over  the  ground.  as  usual,  it  is  always  easier  to  direct  her  thoughts  to  concern  for  those  other  than  herself.  / @ameliiorate
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fadinglights · 9 months
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a  thousand  thoughts  race  through  her  mind  as  her  gaze  locks  onto  the  looming  figure  in  her  dimly  lit  kitchen,  and  amidst  the  chaos,  one  thought  screams  the  loudest:  this  isn't  just  all  in  her  head.  it's  ironic  how,  despite  enduring  numerous  self-defence  lessons,  she  finds  herself  faltering  when  faced  with  a  situation  that  demands  the  application  of  those  very  skills.  even  if  she  puts  up  a  valiant  fight,  her  efforts  seem  futile  when  pitted  against  an  assailant  who  possesses  a  significant  physical  advantage.  as  his  hand  closes  around  her  throat,  her  thoughts  scatter,  overwhelmed  by  the  memories  of  that  fateful  evening  that  forever  altered  the  trajectory  of  her  life,  making  it  even  harder  to  breathe.  her  mental  paralysis  is  shattered  by  the  sound  of  a  familiar  voice  calling  out  her  name.  the  unexpected  interruption  catches  both  her  and  the  assailant  off  guard,  causing  him  to  momentarily  loosen  his  grip.  seizing  the  opportunity  by  instinct,  her  hand  frantically  searches  for  an  object  within  reach,  finally  finding  solace  in  a  nearby  mug.  with  a  swift,  desperate  motion,  she  smashes  the  mug  against  the  edge  of  the  counter,  creating  a  jagged  shard  that  becomes  her  makeshift  weapon.  in  a  dire  bid  for  survival,  she  slashes  it  across  the  man's  arm,  causing  him  to  release  her  with  a  profanity-laden  curse.  as  blood  spurts  from  his  wound,  she  finds  herself  gasping  for  precious  air,  the  fragmented  glass  remains  clutched  by  her  hand  with  desperation  even  though  she’s  begun  bleeding  too.  
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fadinglights · 8 months
📸 [ yisoo/youngjo ]
pictures meme / accepting!
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yisoo ft. youngjo / @evocatiive
wouldn't be a youngsoo edit without mandu !!!! their precious fluffy son that brought them together in the first place, the mvp in their lives, the reason why they're slaving away daily is to afford paying for his food and vet bills tbh
i feel like both of them are pretty private people who don't like being in pictures much (even more in youngjo's case) but the pics she takes of him would be mostly when he's being goofy or when he's trying out something new she cooks to capture his genuine reaction hahaha ('what do you mean you DON'T like it??? while you're in MY house??? wow the disrespect' 'i didn't say it!!' 'bUT YOU FROWNED!!!!!')
they're the kind of domestic homebodies couple that have groceries shopping dates and chill at home watching movies for the most part, but occasionally go on cute dates riding bikes and having picnics by the river
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fadinglights · 8 months
you take the bed, i'll take the couch. [ yisoo/youngjo ]
relationship prompts / accepting!
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yisoo  is  grateful  that  youngjo  has  offered  to  stay  without  her  having  to  ask.  isn't  it  a  little  embarrassing,  though?  not  being  able  to  sleep  in  your  own  apartment,  even  if  she  has  a  perfectly  justifiable  reason  to  be  startled  after  the  incident  that  occurred.  she  still  finds  herself  in  shock,  but  fatigue  is  slowly  sinking  in,  luring  her  weary  bones  to  rest.  unpacking  her  emotions  can  wait  for  another  time,  when  her  head  no  longer  feels  so  heavy  and  her  heart  no  longer  overwhelmed.  she  vehemently  shakes  her  head  at  his  words  —  there  is  no  way  she  will  agree  to  that,  not  when  he's  already  going  above  and  beyond  out  of  the  goodness  of  his  heart.  "you  take  the  bed,  i'll  take  the  couch."  her  tone  is  firm,  leaving  no  room  for  discussion.  however,  the  expression  on  his  face  tells  her  he's  holding  his  ground  no  matter  what.  "how  about...  you  take  that  side  of  the  bed?  i'll  stay  right  here."  she  points  to  the  other  side  of  the  bed,  hoping  he  would  agree  to  the  alternative  offer.  "you  know  i  won't  get  any  sleep  if  you  take  the  couch.  i'll  be  kept  awake  by  guilt  the  whole  night." / @evocatiive
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fadinglights · 9 months
💕 + yisoo/youngjo
send "💕" + a ship for me to fill out this. . . / accepting!
YISOO & YOUNGJO for @evocatiive
first details.
how did they meet? they're neighbours but they really got close after that night they went looking for the missing stray they'd been feeding
who flirted with who first? yisoo though it's taken them a Good While
was it love at first sight or a slowburn romance? slowburn :'>
did they start dating right away or were they friends before things became romantic? they're friends before! the mutual crush lasted for a good while until any of them dared to end the pretence
what was their first date? maybe it's that kbbq place yisoo made him promise to bring her to as compensation for tending to his injuries
who kissed who first? yisoo, probably at the heat of the moment cause she's done with his emotionally constipated ass
who started the relationship? i feel like they didn't have That talk until much later on, but it's clear that they've been exclusively seeing each other for a while. poor yisoo doesn't have much time to date between her work n her troublemaker neighbour </3
next steps & hardships.
monogamy or polyamory? monogamy  
are they/do they plan on getting married? they aren't thinking that much ahead tbh
who proposed? was it a yes or no? again, it's too early to tell and i don't think yisoo is someone who values the idea of marriage that much anyway, it's the idea of family that she innately yearns for
do they want kids? who brought it up first? yisoo has enough caring responsibilities already lol, but who knows, she might change her mind in five years
do they already have kids, together or from previous relationships? none that they know of
how often do they fight? what about? it's never that serious. she'll chastise him about the dangerous situations he gets into, he'll frown about how she's not taking care of herself well enough for someone who's always doing that for others
have they ever broken up? no, unless youngjo decides to pull a disappearing act out of panic at some point... i don't think he will though, they have a fur baby together after all <3333
messy breakup, amicable split, remain friends, ride or die or til death do us part? ride or die but let's hope none of them is actually going to...
in the bedroom - vanilla, a little spice, or kinky af? they can be spicy, though sometimes it's sweet and tender between them
for applicable ships - who tops/bottoms? youngjo tops most of the time, but ocasionally it's yisoo
for applicable ships - who is more dominant/submissive? depends on the day
what is their favourite sex position?  lotus or missionary, they like looking into each other's eyes during :'>
do either of them enjoy bringing sex toys into the bedroom? not often, but she's open to it
favourite place to have sex? her bedroom, though can you imagine mandu just being confused out by the door worried about his hoomans from the sounds they're making akdsadkhad
most adventurous place they’ve had sex? his car or a caravan cause i can see them taking a trip along the coast
do they do anything else in the bath/shower other than wash? how often? sometimes!! ok but... imagine them bathing together and yisoo just gently running her fingers over his scars 🥺
what are some of their favourite things about their partner sexually? i think yisoo likes how responsive he is.... god knows he's not like that with how he feels in other times, but i think he'll be trying more once they're a couple???
do they have any routines/rituals in their relationship? does her patching him up count? they're just looking after each other in their own way
how do they take care of each other when they are sick/hurt? definitely, yisoo is extremely nurturing by default and youngjo has grown to be so protective over her
who is the better dancer? she's not much of a dancer, but i still think yisoo is better lol
how do they like to spend time together? staying in, playing with their cat, watching movies, going to the farmers' market together, just cosy things
what are their favourite non-sexual forms of intimacy? casual physical intimacy, her head on his lap when she reads, his fingers casually playing with her hair when he's scrolling on his phone
what are some of their favourite things about their partner? she likes how strong he is and she doesn't mean his physique (which... she appreciates as well...), but how he's been through so much yet persists :>
how do they comfort the other when they are upset? hugs and warm meals
who buys the other spontaneous gifts? neither of them is a big shopper, but i think yisoo does it a bit more often
what position do they sleep in? maybe yisoo is the little spoon
what are their favourite things to do on date nights? movie dates, sometimes she takes him to things that she wants to do, ice-skating rinks, museums, bowling, karaoke etc, her interests are quite diverse
do they still go on dates after being together for a while? yes, but they're less planned but more done on a whim
what is their love language? yisoo's dominant one is definitely acts of service!! i think it's the same for youngjo too?
who’s a cat person and who’s a dog person? they are both cat person, though i can see yisoo loving dogs too, she just doesn't have the spare time to keep one tbh
who likes the outdoors more and who likes the indoors more? yisoo likes the outdoors and same for youngjo
who’s more social? yisoo, for sure, her social circle has grown smaller since she became a full-time nurse, but her colleagues and patients adore her
who makes the bed every morning? neither does, i think
who likes to keep the house cold and who likes to keep the house warm? they both like it warm
who takes longer getting ready? yisoo, but she doesn't take that long really
who likes scary movies and who likes funny ones? they like both, they probably judge the hell out of dumb horror characters n yisoo will fixate on things like 'no way, that can't kill him. there's no major artery there' haha
who screams when they see a bug and who ends up killing it? neither screams, but youngjo is more proactive in killing it whereas yisoo just avoids it lol
who is more technology challenged? youngjo
who would be more likely to burn something in the oven? youngjo
who talks in their sleep? yisoo does, but it's very rare
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? youngjo probably and it irritates her a bit >:(
who likes getting dressed up more? none of them dress up often, but i think yisoo likes it more than he does
who’s better at tying ties? yisoo 
who recorded the answering machine message on the house phone? they just use their mobiles so there's no house phone message
who’s better at planning romantic things? yisoo, hopefully youngjo will catch up???
who takes up more space in the closet? yisoo, i think youngjo's wardrobe probably leans on the minimalist side
who has more of a sweet tooth? yisoo, she has a habit of stress eating lol, which she combats with buying (mostly) healthy snacks only
who drinks more often? youngjo. yisoo is mostly a social drinker.
who is most likely to laugh during a serious situation? neither does, i think, though it's a bit more likely for youngjo to do it than yisoo
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