#you can follow aki to the kitchen or be the one jupiter speaks to at the table if you want to reply :P
brknghrts · 5 months
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                 the only good thing about thanksgiving was the fact that gossip girl took a break from doing any blasts for the holiday weekend. they were safe. but for how long, aki wasn't sure, && aki was getting tired of holding the information in, but hearing everyone just vomit their information, their drama, their suspicion on others, he laughed. ❛ audrey, max && i are D A T I N G . and it was nobodies business, but since you all like to whisper about it. it's out. we're official. ❜ he said before getting up && going to the kitchen.
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                 jupiter strained his face. the fact that someone wanted to have sex with more than one person, let alone date two people, he could never understand that. but they continued to talk, && more information was being spilled, the drama only increasing. ❛ alright. when i said that i was excited for an E V E N T F U L thanksgiving, i was not expecting all of this. ❜ he said as he turned to the person next to him.
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