#you deciding to consume smth or not on the individual level and hoping others individually do so is not an affront to power
queen-mabs-revenge · 2 years
noah fence but when ppl's political imagination begins and ends with their individual actions as a consumer it becomes really clear how thoroughly neoliberal ideology smashed any sense of class consciousness over the past 40ish years whew
like we can't be this far into imminent climate catastrophe and still think that diffuse and disorganised boycotts of products or events do anything? and that holds for other injustices and oppressions too... like boycotts absolutely can work but they have to be well organised and publicly stated with demands or else it's just moral masturbation i'm sorry. and that's not knocking those actions bc i get how doing them can make ppl feel like they have a tiny crumb of power in this capitalist chaos, but you can't conflate an individual decision with a political movement with stated intent to force a specific effect. it has never ever worked that way.
ideally boycott is an arm of a workers action - a strike, a sit-in, etc. workers actually stopping the gears of production and consumers not crossing the picket line. or at the very least a consumer boycott that works in an organised manner with that stated demand - at least that shows a consumer decision being made with deliberate and collective intent.
but making diffuse and disorganised consumer choice your metric for political action and a way to judge someone's political purity is just.... nah bro that's just a way to feel superior and have a moral bat to whack ppl with, bc any wider effect beyond that is negligible.
thinking political power is concentrated in someone's individual ability to consume or not consume is the kind of bleak shit this system relies on.
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