#you mentioned my detective kids and i started editing old docs and then saw this on tumblr LMFAO
twiafom · 23 days
i was tagged by kai @alkalinefrog for this tag meme thingy hiiiiiii
im also following the longer excerpt trend bc sorry mom i would jump off a cliff if my friends were doing it :(
Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
“Hey, Monkey, you got a sec?”
“Probably not. What do you want?” Technically a question, but Monk's voice is flat. He doesn’t look up from his... Well, it looks like some sort of tome. But Owen isn’t really a book kind of guy, so he doesn’t bother trying to identify it beyond that. He’s also pretty sure Monk doesn’t actually want an answer, but if he’s going to—technically—ask, then it’s not Owen’s fault if he gives one anyway.
“Just wanna show you something. Come on, it’ll be fun,” he says with a lazy grin. He leans an elbow on top of Monk’s seat, a ratty recliner in Khatt’s basement that probably had enough cushioning to be comfortable a couple decades ago.
Owen doesn’t need to see Monk’s face to feel the derision of his eye roll; he’s more than familiar with it by now. There’s something comforting about that familiarity—how it was born from the trials and tribulations that led them to the wonderful friendship of their present. He could almost sigh.
“If you take your pants off, I’m leaving.”
“I just wanted to know if I should see a doctor!” Owen pouts and drapes himself over the chair, just enough to annoy Monk to the perfect degree of distraction, but without getting his eyebrows burned off again. It’s a delicate balance. An art, practically. “Anyways, it’s cooler than that. Well, almost.”
Monk sighs and closes his—in Owen’s opinion, comically oversized—book with a loud thump. He turns to Owen, levels him with his most unimpressed stare—looking as unimpressed as Monk usually does is impressive in and of itself—and finally rises from the chair in a way that is actually, genuinely, a little bit intimidating.
“Make this worth my while.”
Owen grins.
tagging @emerialyncodevenice and anyone with a name starting with the letter m, older siblings, people who like festivals, people with kill counts, and cowboys
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