tattooedechoes · 1 month
Burnt Memories
autumn smells more
of smoke and fire
than summer ever has
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tattooedechoes · 1 month
A Lesson
healing is not
something you complete,
it is something
you continue to do
and again.
you will keep healing
I promise you,
you will keep healing
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tattooedechoes · 1 month
it was genuine and nice
sitting beside you on your bed
the gentle autumn sun
cast across us,
and I understood in that moment
that you are exactly
what peace feels like.
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tattooedechoes · 4 months
I want to scream I want to cry To do both until my lungs give out Until there's nothing left in me Of whatever this is. . . . How much longer will this last? How much deeper will this gouge itself into me? I can't take it. I can't take the silence or the awkwardness of not knowing what to do or to say . . . You are still my everything but it somehow feels like I've already lost you even though I know that's not true What happened to me? What happened to you? . . . I can't wear the ring and it makes me panic it feels like I'm saying I'm done with you Saying anything to you feels like I'm annoying you Everything feels wrong. What happened? . . . I love you It feels like I need to say it Like I need to repeat it Like if I stop it will no longer be true I don't know what happened. . . . I'm sorry. I feel like I'm ruining us. Like I already have. If I could undo it I would. By gods above I would.
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tattooedechoes · 4 months
Something happened on Friday. I don't know how to define it but the tension since has been eating away at me and I don't know how to fix it. . . . Please tell me how to fix it...
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tattooedechoes · 5 months
The First Night
that first night without you
is the hardest.
the night that comes
after we part ways
for the however many-th time,
to our seperate houses
because living together
just wasn't in the cards.
no matter how well it worked
in every way except financially.
that first night without you
the bed feels the most empty
the sheets feel the most wrong
the world feels the most incomplete.
my thoughts are too loud,
even now.
you bring a peace and calm
i have been unable to replicate
regardless of how hard i try.
god i miss you.
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tattooedechoes · 5 months
Songs of Storms
the child inside me
who loved storms
is gone.
all that remains
is tatt,
who hears the thunder
and droning sirens,
sees the white flashes
of quick sharp lightning,
and can only think
of the horrible future
we are destined to live.
of storms worse than this
of upended lives
and ruined nature
drowning streets
in unending rivers.
all i have now is fear
of a future i have yet
to bear witness to.
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tattooedechoes · 6 months
Spring Showers
the gentle sound
of rain
hitting roof tiles
reminds me of you
it fills me with longing
to be in your arms
surrounded by
the scent and warmth
of home.
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tattooedechoes · 7 months
Golden hour
Of the warm sunlit room,
The afternoon sun
Breaching the windowsill,
And scorching the candles.
There is a soul here.
No blank white walls,
Harsh fluorescent lights,
Or dark shade.
Just warmth
And life.
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tattooedechoes · 7 months
Finding peace
To sit so calm in the backyard,
Feels once more like home.
The green grass,
The purr of a cat,
The soft hum of bees,
The sounds of familiar birds.
No more deafening traffic,
Or low flying planes,
That had started to make me
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tattooedechoes · 7 months
Australian sunsets
The sounds of corellas,
Or a gang of cockatoos.
A flock of large specific birds,
I can’t quite identify,
That always depart,
So late in the afternoon.
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tattooedechoes · 7 months
How do I explain
That it feels as though I have
To trigger warn my timeline,
Put a content warning
On the very body
I’m walking around in.
Because my scars
Are both outside and in,
And I know that can be confronting
And scary,
And unwanted.
But I hate this feeling
Of being unwelcome
In safe spaces
Made for those like me.
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tattooedechoes · 7 months
Seasonal hits
The hot muggy air,
The persistent cool breeze.
A memory long lost,
Comes right back to me.
Of autumn,
Or summer,
Or hell,
Maybe spring.
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tattooedechoes · 7 months
I did it.
I finished the first chapter of my novel,
And in a giddy rush
I shared it with everyone I could.
And now there’s only silence,
Empty nothings.
And I am suddenly 8 years old again,
Giving a hand made gift to my father
And getting nothing in response.
Finding it later,
Cast so carelessly aside.
There I am,
Sitting alone,
Clutching it,
Because I thought he would love it,
Love me,
If it was good enough.
If I was good enough.
I’m not good enough.
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tattooedechoes · 7 months
Old hints of homes
The air by the window tonight
Smells like my grandparents house.
A melancholy memory.
Wondering if they know me,
If I will ever see their house again
And catch this same scent
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tattooedechoes · 10 months
Colour Stains
An overwhelming colour
A simple colour
I can’t stand the colour blue
It was a beautiful colour once
Now all it ever does
Is remind me of you
Of how destructive we were
Of how much I truely loved you
Of every awful thing
I somehow lived though
I hate the colour
I hope you hate the colour
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tattooedechoes · 10 months
The Intermission
Living with that
Suffocating feeling
And eventual sting
Of the failed performance
Was easier than confronting
The feelings I had about who I was.
I had been so caught up
In that gender performance,
Comforted by the safety
It promised to provide.
I hadn’t noticed it killing me
Softly and slowly
As I failed to connect
And failed to do it right.
It started to feel like the stage
Was screaming at me.
The audience judging me
Ready to ridicule
When I set foot on one side
I have abandoned the stage.
Curtain call
I’m done.
I can’t keep doing this
When it hurts me so much.
Now I’m face to face with my demons,
And they all share my teeth,
And dark saturated eyes.
Their anger resting so close to my flesh
They demanded one thing.
A name.
So I spent some weeks
Thinking about me
About who I am
And who I want to be.
Thought about trying something new
A new name
New ways to be addressed
Something that fit more
Than what I’d been
So obsessed with.
It took days
It took time
But I found something that fit.
A placeholder really
I had told myself;
Until I used it one day
To order a drink
And the way my soul felt
When they said my new name
Is something I don’t think
I can let go of
So easily.
So let’s give this a shot
Fuck it
Why not.
Oh how I wish it were that easy.
Instead every new person I tell
Feels so anxiety inducing,
And I find myself waiting
For someone’s negative reaction.
For the disgust
And rejection
And it’s so utterly terrifying.
I’ve been able to get by
Quite easily really
Before now
Before it meant something.
Because I could pretend,
I could put on that performance,
And hide my orientation
Behind the sex of my partner.
I could hide and remain
Secure and safe
But now to be my true self
I have to take that away.
I’m so scared
Change is terrifying.
But I know it gets better
So I guess I’ll keep trying,
Hi my name is Tatt
And my pronouns are they/them
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