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A mirror in the palm:
Julianne Swartz
Placement (Family), 2007 14 x 28 inches c-print
Placement (White Moon), 2007 14 x 20 ½ inches c-print 
Placement (Sunset Blue), 2007 14 x 20 ½ inches c-print 
Placement (Two Moons), 2007 14 x 20 ½ inches c-print
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hah actually according to my internalized homophobia i’m not allowed to be okay with it
I’m a girl
I love a girl
And I’m ok
With that
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the feminine urge to kiss her every time her boyfriend isn’t around, to write more lovesick poetry about her, the drown myself in words between the pages of a book, to dance in my room at 3am, to tell all my friends i love them, to hug my brothers, to watch the sunset, to drink too much tea, to put her photo in the locket around my neck, to fall in love with every pretty girl on the bus
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Queer Culture is questioning your identity at least once a month and then feeling like you're faking it. /lu
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idea: scene with two characters eagerly stripping each other clearly about to bone, but they keep getting interrupted by finding carefully concealed weapons in each other’s clothing, so they keep just unholstering, revealing and unstrapping increasingly ludicrous amounts of hidden guns and knives as the clothes come off, and it’s lowkey killing the mood a little
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I want to spend the rest of my sunsets with you darling
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I love you but I
Your lifestyle
That’s not love
If they can’t
Love you
For you
Including who
You love
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I’m a girl
I love a girl
And I’m ok
With that
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I want someone to sit on the kitchen island and drink tea with in the middle of the night while we talk about everything and nothing and fall more in love
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Oh to carry a dagger strapped to my thigh
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Please Don’t tell me it’s a sin
to be in love with her
Instead of him
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I need a book where the main character is a lesbian villain in love with the straight passing hero and causes problems just too get her attention but never actually hurts anyone
And than they fall in love and the « villain » turns becomes a double agent or something for another evil organization and they have too pretend to fight each other
This goes on for a while and one day the hero has the villain pinned too a wall (gently) everyone is cheering because they think the hero has finally stopped the villain
The villain flips them around and whispers « will you marry me? »
Obviously the hero says yes and starts crying,
Everyone is insanely confused with the sudden turn of events
Thé villain starts crying too and pulls out an engagement ring
They fly(?????) home hand in hand
The world is freaking out because the two well known enemies are apparently engaged????
Okay that’s all I had too say someone please write this
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That’s absolutely what happened but it’s hilarious when you see it like that
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185K notes · View notes
Girls are amazing and so goddamn pretty
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I can’t decide if I want too work hard and become a lawyer than prime minister and be half of a lesbian power couple or move Into a cottage with my wife and our two cats Draco and Harry
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Me???? An insomniac???? Who hates sleeping???? Willingly???? Going???? Too bed???? Early???? What’s happening???? Has the world???? Ended????
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