telegraph-news-station ¡ 2 years
Gaming gods
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telegraph-news-station ¡ 2 years
Hey if you’re borderline and your favorite person left you, read these;
- It’s okay to vent about them when you really need to, you’re not annoying and if a friend thinks that of you, they’re not your friend.
- I promise you, you will find someone way better. There’s billions of people who would love to spend time with you.
- Please Please Please don’t sh over them. Please talk to someone about your self destructive thoughts. It’s not worth it and it’ll make you look really toxic if you hurt yourself over them. You don’t deserve to get hurt, it’s okay.
- You are not a freak or creepy for your obsessive thinking, you can’t control how your brain is wired please be kind to yourself.
- This is a hard to swallow pill but, If your favorite person left you first that means they do not wanna be with you period. They left for their own reasons and its their issues not yours.
-  If your fp really wanted to come back they will, don’t worry. You moving on isn’t going to ruin anything or hurt your fp’s feelings. When you’ll move on it’s a win win if they come back or not. If they come back you’ll be in a good head space to talk and if they never come back you’ll just be mentally better all together. It’s easier said than done so take your time to process and heal. It’s okay you’re not a burden and what you’re feeling is just how your brain works.
- DON’T stalk their socials, cliche I know but stalking them will make it way worse. It just fucks with your anxiety and makes it harder to heal. If you really need to look back, just look at saved pictures of them you have.
- If you fr did hurtful stuff to them in the past, talk to a professional or close friends. Its hard but please forgive yourself, bad people don’t feel bad for shit they do. We all make mistakes and if you’re working hard on your toxic behaviors you are fr sorry. Sorry by definition means that you will never do it again.
Having a fp as a borderline person doesn’t make us bad. It’s something we struggle with and we shouldn’t feel ashamed for it. We’re not freaks, “yanderes”, creepy, or embarrassing. This is a disorder we fight against everyday and we deserve love and compassion.
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telegraph-news-station ¡ 2 years
Hm yes using the ask feature so you don't know who I am (more to just not interrupt anything tbh -) but yes is it ok to interact if we believe that "bad" paraphilias are fine as long as you don't act on then at all (I've done a lot of research on the subject XKXJDKD I can explain my reasoning if you& need me to)
Mhm 👍 I forgor if it was stated in our pinned but yes . That is fine
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telegraph-news-station ¡ 2 years
Hey now, you’re an all star
listen to what I orchestrated
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telegraph-news-station ¡ 2 years
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telegraph-news-station ¡ 2 years
“The Dusk Empire rises”
Shi- (starts coughing)
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telegraph-news-station ¡ 2 years
Just checked on twitter for the first time in years /hyp
Now why the fuck is “he farted” trending 
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telegraph-news-station ¡ 2 years
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Look buddy, i’m just trying to make it to Friday.
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telegraph-news-station ¡ 2 years
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[id: a light pink userbox with a pastel purple border, and pastel purple text that reads “this system loves their friend with bpd”. on the left is an image of a pink heart with a white bow tied around it. /end id]
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telegraph-news-station ¡ 2 years
*is at a school dance* hekp /lhj
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telegraph-news-station ¡ 2 years
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telegraph-news-station ¡ 2 years
Me instantly blocking people that have their hogwarts house in their bio
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telegraph-news-station ¡ 2 years
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telegraph-news-station ¡ 2 years
narcissism/NPD recovery resources, because there’s like nothing good out there
Books and things to read:
Borderline, Narcissistic, and Schizoid Adaptations by Dr. Elinor Greenburg - Aimed at providers but apparently super great for self-help too
How Do You Develop Whole Object Relations as an Adult? by Dr. Elinor Greenburg - Tips on how to stop seeing yourself and other people as only either all-good or all-bad
10 Stages in the Treatment of Narcissistic Disorders by Dr. Elinor Greenburg - Goes through the stages of treating NPD
Rethinking Narcissism by Dr. Craig Malkin - A book about promoting healthy narcissism instead of unhealthy narcissism
Antisocial, Borderline, Narcissistic and Histrionic Workbook: Treatment Strategies for Cluster B Personality Disorders by Dr. Daniel Fox - what it says on the tin. May be best done guided by a therapist
Shame in patients with narcissistic personality disorder PDF - What it says on the tin.
Narcissus and the Daffodils - an essay about NPD by someone with NPD. Probably the best description I’ve ever seen
Things to watch and listen to:
Recovery FOR the Narcissist by Dr. Eric Perry - A compassionate podcast to provide insight, support, and encouragement to anyone who exhibits narcissistic tendencies. Very in-depth
Early Morning Barking - A YouTube channel by someone with BPD and NPD about coping with and educating people on BPD and NPD
Recovery from NPD by Dr. Todd Grande - A video about this provider’s experience with helping people recover from NPD
Narcissism Self Help Therapy website - A daily program for people with NPD (may have some triggering aspects in Part 2 of the program)
NPD Safe carrd resources - More resources for NPD (I have not gone through all of these so I don’t know how good they are)
NPD Recovery Comics by The Ego System - A bunch of fantastic comics about recovering from NPD.
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telegraph-news-station ¡ 2 years
Back by unpopular demand: headache 
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telegraph-news-station ¡ 2 years
*shakes brain* hey what’s your refund fee for personality disorders
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telegraph-news-station ¡ 2 years
is it okay to interact if we support pedos/zoos/necros/etc getting help/therapy and believe that they aren't inherently harmful just for their thoughts?
Ye sure
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