tfrp-thana · 9 years
Blood. There’s blood on your arm.
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tfrp-thana · 9 years
     “Got it.” Thana said, quickly nodding her head. The person would come into the car and she would do whatever she wanted. Absolutely anything. Her fingers curled around the hilt of her knife and she stepped out of the car and into the cool air. 
    Wren was already waltzing towards a curb like a kid going to a candy store and as she watched, a man made his way over to her, exchanging inaudible words. He was tall, taller than both girls but slim, built less like an ox and more like a bird, with thin bones. Bones that would be easy to break underneath her feet. As she peered through the tinted windows, Wren pointed over to the car with a crooked smile and he said something in laughter back. 
    This was it. He was going to walk over here, and Thana was going to get her first taste of blood. She idly wondered what she would keep, his fingers, or maybe an arm. The best prize would be his head of course, but there wasn’t much you could do with just a head. 
Wolf Like Me [Wren + Thana]
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tfrp-thana · 9 years
     Craning her head around to look at the night sky as they drove silently, Thana smiled at the old sight of the full moon far above her, surrounded by inky darkness that was only punctured by little points of light. As everything around her changed, this stayed the same. This was familiar. Change from where she had been before was good, but she still found herself clinging to this one thing, this one thing that hadn’t changed. 
    Soon, the bumpy road changed to one so flat and smooth, it looked like it went on forever and Thana’s excitement started to grow. She closed her eyes--just for a second-- and red rivulets streamed down her eyelids, forming rivers, oceans. It was that girl’s blood, the one that Wren had killed. It was seeping through her every pore, running down the back of her neck, pooling in the seat. She wondered if Wren even noticed all the blood surrounding Thana, noticed the red haze she was in. Not real. A tiny voice told her, but it was wrong, it was so wrong. She could see it, feel it, taste the metal on her lips. She was bathed in blood, and soon she would have more.
Wolf Like Me [Wren + Thana]
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tfrp-thana · 9 years
All right. Well if you do later, I hope I’ll see you at the bottom. Maybe your neck will be all twisted.
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[ pauses, glancing back at her ] Not when you’re here to annoy the crap out of me.
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tfrp-thana · 9 years
No. Maybe. I don’t know.
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Wasn’t even that good anyway.  [Sticks her tongue out to mimic disgust] Hey, do you like animals?  Like bunnies and stuff?
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tfrp-thana · 9 years
Are you not going in?
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[ ignores her, continuing her walk away from the building ] 
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tfrp-thana · 9 years
[Leans on the windowsill, squinting in at Queenie] You should step there. [she pointed to a spot on the floor that looked old and weathered, eaten away by rain and bugs]
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tfrp-thana · 9 years
I’m not going to cry. [walks past her, then quickly turns back and snatches it away] Get your own.
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Finders keepers, losers weepers.
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tfrp-thana · 9 years
...it was in my hand.
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Didn’t see your name on it.
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tfrp-thana · 9 years
That was mine.
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Sorry, did you want some?
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tfrp-thana · 9 years
You’re going to die. A lot of people die in there.
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Thought about it. Why?
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tfrp-thana · 9 years
           Sliding around the corner of the bathroom Thana heard Wren talking to someone and she smiled with recognition. Wren wasn't talking to anyone in particular, just herself. Thana knew that well. Though, in Wren's case, she probably was really just talking to herself, not little voices floating around in her head. 
           "Is it time?" Thana asked softly, not wanting to interrupt. Wren's eyes flicked to her in the mirror and for the first time since she had ran away from Dullahan, Thana looked at herself in the mirror. Dark eyes stared out from what seemed to be a mixed layer of dirt and maybe blood, surrounded with limp rivulets of hair that matched her eyes. She look wild, feral, everything she hadn't been at Dullahan. At the asylum, everything was always neat and polished, the smell of disinfectant rising from every surface. If her face wasn't scrubbed clean than she would get punished, solitary maybe. And solitary was living hell, with no real voices to break the silence, the voice in her head just got louder and louder, to a horrible, shrieking level until she couldn't take it anymore and bashed her head against the wall so the guards would have to come in and restrain her and she would hear same human voices. But this Thana wasn't locked up in solitary, this Thana was absolutely free to do whatever she wanted.
       And right now she what she wanted was a severed head, just like Wren had showed her.
Wolf Like Me [Wren + Thana]
     Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt. The fluorescent light above one of the mirrors flickered annoyingly. All the doors of the stalls behind her were open. Wren was alone in the bathroom.
     She leaned closer to the glass and placed her fingers on her cheek for support, dragging the charcoal makeup pencil along her eyelid just above her lashes to darken her eyes sufficiently. When she was pleased with the result, she stepped back, tilting her head at her reflection.    ”I’d fuck you,” she said to no one, and then, with a slight, innocent change in her expression: “Are you lost, honey? Let me take care of you.” The blonde got closer to the mirror again and blew a plum, glossy-lipped kiss. Her black dress was tight, with a neckline that plunged to her sternum; she’d stolen it from a store by putting it on underneath her regular clothes, buying another – cheaper – item to throw off suspicion. She was wearing patterned stockings, and shiny black heels that were so high and sharp they almost looked like a weapon.
   ”Whore,” she told herself, turning around to look at her backside. She really did look the part. Falling quiet, she turned back around and began ruffling her white blonde hair, contemplating what to do with it. Probably leaving it down would be best.
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tfrp-thana · 9 years
Are you going in there?
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It’s rude to creep up on people.
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tfrp-thana · 9 years
Thana nodded silently, brimming with excitement. She was going to get a head. From a person, a real live breathing person. The world outside of Dullahan was even better than she had thought.
   ”Oh,” the blonde added, as she picked up the bag and hoisted it onto her shoulder, “and don’t tell anyone. Our secret, okay?”
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tfrp-thana · 9 years
"Yeah. Yeah, I will."
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   ”I’ll take you,” Wren said after a moment’s thought, dropping the head back into the bag with a loud thunk. She could come to appreciate this new recruit. “Come find me tomorrow, okay?”
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tfrp-thana · 9 years
"Sorry." Thana said with a grin, stopping in her place but never taking her eyes off of the head. She had seen grotesque injuries and horrifying deaths before but she had never been able to see a severed head up close. 
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"I wish, but I can't." She sighed, looking longingly at the head. "Sage took away my knife. I tried to stab her."
     Whatever reaction Wren had expected out of the newcomer, it was a stone’s throw (or more) from morbid fascination and starry eyes. As Thana came closer, the blonde held the head further away from her. She by far wasn’t tall enough to get it out of the other girl’s reach, but hopefully she’d get the idea.    ”Hey,” she tutted, “get your own!”
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tfrp-thana · 9 years
"Woah." Thana breathed, the word leaving her mouth in glee. She stalked closer to the dismembered head, wanting to be close enough to touch it, to feel the sticky blood.
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     When it became evident that the strange girl was either too stupid to pick up her threats, or just actually didn’t care, Wren sighed and pursed her lips. Then, she started across the abandoned room to a wet bag that was lying in the corner, and pulled out the severed head of an olive skinned girl, no older than herself, pink hair stained red and clotted together by the blood. Her mouth and eyes hung open in a grotesque grimace. Wren held it up for the girl to see.
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