the-real-war-god · 3 months
(isn’t the saying “pookie” or something?)
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the-real-war-god · 4 months
Greetings little pawns, Ares here. Athena is the "wise-know-it-all" typa person, me? not so much. I may be hot-headed most of the time but at least I don't spend hours on end talking about strategy. When it comes to war on the other hand, that i can listen to. Look, I know I don't seem like the 'talk it all out' person, but seriously if you need to get something on your chest just slash a few hellhounds or gorgons, I do that all the time it's a lot of fun!
Look ,Aphrodite was constantly nagging me about whatever this 'Tumblr' thing is, knowing her she'd never stop, what does tumblr even mean anyway? is it shorted for those drink holders? ugh Dionysus will want to hear of that
Unfortunately, I have to be a decent family member and introduce you to the rest of my chaotic and horrific family, right? how wonderful
Zeus @by-the-decree-of-my-bolt he's way too scared someones going to take his throne
Hera:(slot open) she's waaaay too paranoid, although i would be too if i had Zeus of all Gods as a husband
Poseidon: @seaweed-brain-senior your salty way too salty
Apollo: @literally-a-ray-of-sunshine dude your gonna blind me one day so not fair
Athena: @the-wisest-one sup sis just a side note your too formal tf
Dionysus:@boi-with-the-booze PLEASE bring more nectar next time your on Olympus, Zeus hogs it all
Hephaestus:(slot open) dude you actually make the best swords but maybe fix the amount of dirt and dust on ya
Aphrodite: @og-fairest-of-them-all babe the amount of hearts you've broken is more then the amount of weapons i have at home
Hermes: @faster-than-fedex i swear your going to hurl from going so fast one of these days
Iris:(slot open) Hermes she's comin for ya job watch your back man
Nemesis:(slot open) i think your scales are wrong you give out wayyyy too much karma
Hypnos: @sleepiest-boi-ever i swear to gods if you fall asleep on my battlefield again i am going to SMITE YOU TO ASH.
well little warrior, if i'm away for some weird reason then kill some idiots for me kay'? thanks kid.
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