Nowi handed Lissa a Valentine. It said... "A princess with a friendly smile, A healer who shuns all things vile, Like bear meat. Yuck! She hates that stuff. A pretty girl with frills and fluff! Happy Valentine's Day! ~Nowi"
Lissa took the Valentine and took a moment to read it.
"Oh what a pretty poem, Nowi!" she exclaimed.
"I simply must write one for you in return! Just wait a few minutes!" Lissa said as she hurried away to find some paper and a pen. She quickly drew a flower and then tried to think of a poem about Nowi.
"Hmm....I guess that sounds alright!" she mumbled to herself.
Once she was done with the poem, she hurried back to Nowi and gave her the paper. "It's not a very good poem Nowi, but I hope you like it!"
This was what Lissa wrote on the piece of paper:
"A little manakete so sweet. With big green wings that make her fleet. She likes playing all day long. And turning into a fearsome dragon. Happy Valentines Day Nowi! From Lissa"
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Hey, Lissa! What's up?
Lissa heard a familiar voice. Turning around with a big smile she said.
"Hello Nowi! Nothing in particular. Maribelle let me off my studies for the afternoon, so I've been trying to find something interesting to do. I haven't really had any luck. Everyone seems so busy today...." she said with a sigh.
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Lissa laughed. Morgan looked so confused. "Don't worry Morgan, I only jest. I can wait a few years" she said with a wink, before continuing in a more serious tone, "Fate works in mysterious ways Morgan. I suppose you and all the other children came for the future for a very important reason. Or maybe the gods decided to give you a second chance at having a normal childhood? Perhaps the chance to be with your parents once more is a reward for a great task you must help accomplish. But in either case, I am just happy to have all of you around!"
"Aunt Lissa!" Morgan excitedly hugged the princess, happy to see her again after so long. "I haven't seen you in a while! Uhm, I know that's kinda my fault because I've been kind of busy, but I'm glad to see you. Though, speak of being busy, I have some news you should probably know." Morgan didn't intend to do it at first, but his hands were hidden behind his back as he wrung them nervously. As he realized that they were hidden, he decided to keep them that way until he said what was going on.
Lissa was pleasantly surprised to see Morgan. Thinking back she realized she had been rather busy as well learning new healing spells that Maribelle insisted she should know off by heart. However she noticed that Morgan seemed uneasy about something and she began to worry that something bad may have happened.
"It’s quite alright Morgan! I was busy too… But tell me what is this news you speak of? Is it something of importance to the Kingdom? Has there been trouble nearby?" she asked, her voice a little too anxious than was becoming of a princess.
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Lissa was feeling very confused and the funny floating feeling she felt wasn't helping much either. She was sure the bottle of wine had been right there, but now it was most definitely gone. Lissa could also hear Ephraim saying something, but
"H-hang on a second Prinsh Ephraim. That wine bottle has disappearsh again. I'll find it though, if my name isn't Lissa!" she said as she managed to stand up. However her feet were also being just as naughty as the wine bottle and they simply wouldn't move right. Lissa promptly fell flat on her back.
Everything was beginning to get foggy and she dimly remembered Ephraim mentioning a nap. In fact, she decided that a nap was a great idea.
"Heyy, Prinsh Ephraim. You know, taking a nap wasn't a bad idea after all." she mumbled before falling asleep.
"Uh...I think I'm lost."
The prince furrowed his eyebrows at the stranger. She certainly did seem lost. Her clothing seemed rather fancy, somewhat regal even. If he had to venture a guess, she was likely not from Renais…or from Magvel for that matter. Well, Ephraim had seemed to make a habit out of helping lost ones who wound up in Magvel by random chance, particularly because he kept wounding up in other places by random chance himself. Why stop now? He sighed before henstepped toward the lady. "Excuse me miss," Ephraim started, rather politely. "Might I help you? I believe you said you’re lost?" Luckily the creek running through the area wasn’t very wide or loud so the prince didn’t have to speak over it. "I might be able to help you navigate yourself or at least figure out where you are."
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Lissa in all of her class outfits!Disclaimer: Reclassing Lissa to any of these classes in-game will probably yield a different palette. “Ally Blue” is boring so I took liberties with that.
this series of images is now sectioned in a tag on my tumbl called class change!!
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As Morgan began his explanation, Lissa could already tell it was nothing bad. He was blushing and fiddling with his hands. However as soon as he mentioned Amelia's name, Lissa quickly put two and two together and realized that something romantic had finally happened between Morgan and Amelia. She had noticed the two had gotten close, but the fact that they were already talking about marriage took her a little by surprise. However when Morgan had finished his explanation, her face wore a big smile and she gave the young tactician a great big hug.
"Ohhhhh! I'm so happy for you Morgan! I noticed you two seemed to be growing close and that you make each other happy! Though your engagement did take me a little by surprise, I am giving you my blessing!" she said proudly.
Donning a serious expression, Lissa continued. "Morgan, I am sure you well know that I am quite talented at many things, including pranking and healing....but what you may not know is that I am also Ylisse's best Wedding Planner. You simply must let me help you youngsters plan your wedding in a few years time. I can picture it already....the flowers, the cake, the balloons." as she spoke she did a little dance of excitement.
"Aunt Lissa!" Morgan excitedly hugged the princess, happy to see her again after so long. "I haven't seen you in a while! Uhm, I know that's kinda my fault because I've been kind of busy, but I'm glad to see you. Though, speak of being busy, I have some news you should probably know." Morgan didn't intend to do it at first, but his hands were hidden behind his back as he wrung them nervously. As he realized that they were hidden, he decided to keep them that way until he said what was going on.
Lissa was pleasantly surprised to see Morgan. Thinking back she realized she had been rather busy as well learning new healing spells that Maribelle insisted she should know off by heart. However she noticed that Morgan seemed uneasy about something and she began to worry that something bad may have happened.
"It’s quite alright Morgan! I was busy too… But tell me what is this news you speak of? Is it something of importance to the Kingdom? Has there been trouble nearby?" she asked, her voice a little too anxious than was becoming of a princess.
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"Aunt Lissa!" Morgan excitedly hugged the princess, happy to see her again after so long. "I haven't seen you in a while! Uhm, I know that's kinda my fault because I've been kind of busy, but I'm glad to see you. Though, speak of being busy, I have some news you should probably know." Morgan didn't intend to do it at first, but his hands were hidden behind his back as he wrung them nervously. As he realized that they were hidden, he decided to keep them that way until he said what was going on.
Lissa was pleasantly surprised to see Morgan. Thinking back she realized she had been rather busy as well learning new healing spells that Maribelle insisted she should know off by heart. However she noticed that Morgan seemed uneasy about something and she began to worry that something bad may have happened.
"It's quite alright Morgan! I was busy too... But tell me what is this news you speak of? Is it something of importance to the Kingdom? Has there been trouble nearby?" she asked, her voice a little too anxious than was becoming of a princess.
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"Weeeellll. As legendary as I am sure I am.....mastering that axe is not an achievement I have yet attained!" Lissa lamented. Then suddenly she smiled cheerfully.
"But that's where you come in Owain....I was hoping you could teach me how to wield it in battle. I've been practicing a little, but I'm really not that good. Here let me show you!" Lissa called back to her son as she began to drag the axe out of the tent.
She headed over to the log she had set up earlier for practice and after making sure that Owain was watching, began her umpteenth attempt to hit the log. However in her eagerness she had put a little more strength into the swing than usual. The axe began to slip out of her hands and instead of hitting the target it flew rather gracefully into the air and buried itself in the ground a few meters away from where Lissa was standing.
Lissa grumbled a little, but then headed over to the axe and began her attempt to free it. "Do you have any ideas for how I could improve Owain?", she called back over her shoulder as she struggled with the excessively large weapon.
"Ah! What is this light I spy yonder? Wait, it is but my legendary hero of a mother! How do you fare in this morning?" Owain greeted the petite princess as he walked into the med tent.
Lissa was up bright and early because she need to catalog how much of the medical supplies had been depleted that week and then to figure out how much she could restock using the funds that Chrom provided her with. It was tedious work, Lissa never really enjoyed working with numbers. Today was going to be a very, very long day.
Suddenly she heard a very familiar and comforting voice. Owain’s visit was a rare treat and she was always happy to see her son from the future. Owain had a bright and cheerful disposition, which never failed to cheer her up, though his eccentricities were oftentimes quite confusing. Lissa dropped what she was doing straight away and ran up to Owain giving him a big hug.
"Oh, hello Owain, my legendary hero of a son! Hee hee. I am very well today, but rather bored. Have you been keeping safe Owain? And…have you perchance grown a little? You seem a little taller to me…" she grinned.
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Walking into the storage tent Lissa glanced over it's contents. There were no vases. In fact, there was nothing resembling a vase. There weren't even any empty glass jars. Just pots and pans. Enough pots and pans to provide Donnel with headgear for the rest of his life. Lissa thought with a smirk.
"Weeeelll, I guess pots and pans will just have to do!" Lissa said, as she began to pick up the smaller and less dented ones and attempt to stack them. Once she had eight of them, she picked up the stack, which wobbled precariously and slowly made her way back to the dining tent. When she got back to the dining tent, she realized that she wouldn't be able to get into the tent.
"Oh Moooorrrgggaaan! Be a dear and help Aunt Lissa so she doesn't fall over for the second time today!" she yelled out, a little anxiety audible in her voice. The pots were rather heavy and she wasn't sure how much longer she would be able to hold them.
Lissa put the last bunch of wildflowers into the already overflowing basket.
"There….that should be just about enough!" Lissa said with a satisfied smile. She then picked up the basket and began to head back to camp. Unfortunately, the heap of flowers in the basket completely obscured her field of view and just as she the edge of the camp, she accidentally tripped over a tent peg. Her first priority were the flowers, so she managed to keep the basket from tipping, but fell in the process.
"Pheww….thank god the flowers are fine…." Lissa said after she surveyed the damage…."If only there was someone else I could trust with such an important task" she added loudly for the benefit of anyone that was around.
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Lissa's eyes went wide with surprise. Was she mistaken....or was there a hint of regret in Gangrel's voice? Lissa knew never to judge a book by it's cover, but if Gangrel was a book, then his cover practically screamed don't read me and run away while you still can.
"All Emmeryn ever wanted was peace. You know that after my father died she ended the war. Was it that hard to leave well enough alone? If you had wanted the Emblem that badly, then you could have sent Emmeryn a missive and explained your reasons for wanting it. Emmeryn was a just ruler, she would have considered your request without bias. Though if Plegians truly are as blood thirsty as you make them out to be, I guess that would have probably ended with you jumping off of the cliff." Lissa said with a sigh, before shrugging.
"Let's leave the past in the past. However....I think it's unfair for you to say that the views of Ylissean people are one-sided. I heard that you rose up through the ranks, originally a street urchin. I think that is a commendable achievement. I truly did nothing to earn a royal title, but I try my best everyday to live up to the job. As for parents....I never knew my mother. As far as I am concerned Emmeryn was the closest thing I ever had to one...." she trailed off quietly and then frowned.
"As for my father. I wouldn't wish for anyone to have a father such as he. I saw him maybe once before he died. As for his legacy...."the butcher king". Emmeryn had to work so hard to undo his wrongs. I think it was the fact that he had all that power that corrupted him. Power is truly a terrible thing if one does not know how to handle it. Now if two kings who earned themselves titles like " the mad king" and "the butcher king" ain't enough to prove that I don't know what is."
Chit Chat | Lissa & Gangrel
"Well, if it isn’t King "My hairline is receding and I’m not even 30". Pleased to see you too."
"My sister was a great, no a MAGNIFICENT ruler, and I do indeed want to be just like her, but I would rather….make my mark in history a little less dramatically. But while we are on the subject of jumping off of cliffs…well, I’ve noticed how Plegians are always competing with Ylisseans. I have the better army, I can sow more chaos and dischord than you, blah, blah, blah. And so I was thinking we should also compare rulers. So how about YOU jump off cliff and we will see who did it better: you or Emm?”
Lissa’s anger died a little after her vent and she regarded the king with a mixture of interest and disgust as she waited to see how he would respond.
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Ugh, how rude. Still, he didn’t force Emmeryn to jump of the cliff. Nor did he want her to fall off the cliff. “Now look here you brat!” The amount of agitation in his voice calmed to a much gentler approach. A light cough given off. "One’s fall isn’t as great as one’s rising. Unlike you, I never had a true mother or father. And I never grew up in the laps of luxury. As well as your sister had a choice. It was either for her to jump, or just hand over the Fire Emblem. No problem, yes? Me? The thought of your sister hurt me even more? Do you think I wanted war? Why, I would never harm a Ylissean even if my life depended on it! My motifs were simple. Use your little noble lady to try to convince you to hand over the emblem. Yet my army was so blood thirsty they had wanted to slaughter them all. And a man who refuses the call of his army is seen as week and feeble. So I had only played along with their demands. Trust me, if I had wanted Emmeryn, I would have sent archers to shoot her down on the spot. You Ylisseans are too one-sided, not ever seeing through another’s eyes." Gangrel only gave a simple sigh. In his mind, and in his own opinion, he wasn’t the one whom needed to apologize. It  was those filthy rich bastard Ylisseans.
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Lissa's eyes went wide with wonder. Had Validar truly magicked the normal cards into Tarot cards...or had he been making fun of her from the start? She shrugged, after all it didn't really matter now that she would actually get a reading of her future. Unless.... Lissa's eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"I hope what I just saw wasn't Dark Magic Validar......buuuut I'll overlook it just this once!" she said with a dismissive wave and a mischievous grin. Taking the cards out of Validar's hands she shuffled them and picked out 3 and gave them back to the Dark Mage.
"Here you go! This one is past, this one is present and that one's future!"
Lissa rummaged around in her bag pulling out various items that really shouldn’t have been able to fit in there including an...
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By 「yoruumi」
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The first thing Lissa heard was chirping birds. Bright light was shining on her face. That must have been what had woken her. Yawning and stretching she opened her eyes.
Only then did she realize that she wasn't in her tent and that Lon'qu was sleeping in the bed beside her. Lissa shuddered as she imagined the chaos that would result if he found out that she had spent the night in his tent.
Panicking, she jumped up from the bed and grabbed her healing staff, ready to sneak out quietly before he noticed.
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Edward caught Lissa off guard. “N- no, no, you have it all wrong Edward! I should be the one thanking you!” she said quickly, before blushing at her forwardness.
"All the boys I had met before..well they were like roosters. All puffed up around their stupid titles and fiefdoms, strutting around and trying to outdo each other. What care I for their riches, if they can’t even hold a conversation longer than a sentence if it isn’t about how wealthy they are? What good are all their castles and lands to me if I can’t have fun with them doing the silly things that make me happy?" Lissa said with excitement, almost upending their milkshake.
"Ahh, I’m not making much sense am I? I guess what I am trying to say…is that you are one of the best friends I have ever had. You are kind, caring and intelligent…." Lissa trailed off, too nervous to look Edward in the face. "A-..and I think you are pretty handsome too!" she squeaked out before burying her face in her hands, embarrassed at her forwardness.
"Aahh, you probably think I’m so silly right now!" she said as she peeked out at him.
Edward was pretty sure this was the tenth time he was blushing today. He stared at the milkshake on the table before them, and then back up to the blonde girl. 
Even if he had offered first to buy them milkshakes, Lissa was a hard girl to argue with, and in the end she had left to get them some. Saying something about using Chrom’s money. She had returned with only one, and with a lovely smile on her lips. 
He gave her a warm smile and reached out to squeeze her hands. “Thanks” He mumbled softly and leaned closer to press a gentle peck on her cheek. “Want the first sip?” 
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"I am indeed Ylisse’s prank master and you can be my loyal sidekick. I’ll make a master out of you yet! So, let’s go Edward, time’s a wasting and those frog eggs aren’t going to catch themselves." she said with a laugh.
However she remained seated on the ground, while Edward stood up. Instead she held out one of her hands and turned a little pink. Lissa never really spent that much time around boys her age, only ever seeing them at the annual gala balls that were held at the castle. Her tutors had always warned her to “act like a lady”, but in truth she really wasn’t sure how to act around Edward.
"Could you please…help me up Edward? Hoop skirts aren’t the most practical object of clothing around and well…you know hee hee". she said, giggling nervously.
"I didn’t do it."
"I know you didn’t" Edward said and sat down beside the princess. "But people will always try their best to break you down" He carefully, yet awkwardly placed his hand on her shoulder. "They will always find ways to put blame on people who deserves it the least" He sighed. 
"But you are better than that. We both know that" He squeezed her shoulder gently, hoping it wouldn’t weird her out. 
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"Your suggestion is duly noted Prinsh Ephraim.." Lissa said with a nod.
She had begun to feel a little light headed. She wasn't sure why, but she drank some more of the wine, in the hope that it would make her feel better. Before she knew it, her glass was empty already.
Now where has that wine gotten off to? Don't tell me it ran back into its pitcher again. Naughty wine, I'm gonna go get you back into the glass. Lissa giggled at the thought, before looking around for the offending vessel. I coulda sworn it was standing right there. Or was it here? Or there? Naughty wine.
She finally spotted it next to Ephraim. Stretching out her arm and leaning over her plate, she tried to grab it but missed.
"Ooohh. You are a naughty pitcher of wine aren't you? Trying to run away from Princess Lissa of Ylisse of all things? I command you to remain in one place! Heee hee " Lissa said with a laugh as she tried to grab the pitcher a second time.
"Uh...I think I'm lost."
The prince furrowed his eyebrows at the stranger. She certainly did seem lost. Her clothing seemed rather fancy, somewhat regal even. If he had to venture a guess, she was likely not from Renais…or from Magvel for that matter. Well, Ephraim had seemed to make a habit out of helping lost ones who wound up in Magvel by random chance, particularly because he kept wounding up in other places by random chance himself. Why stop now? He sighed before henstepped toward the lady. "Excuse me miss," Ephraim started, rather politely. "Might I help you? I believe you said you’re lost?" Luckily the creek running through the area wasn’t very wide or loud so the prince didn’t have to speak over it. "I might be able to help you navigate yourself or at least figure out where you are."
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"I think you act exactly as you should! A good tactician really has to be on top of everything going on in the battle. What use would a tactician be if they ran headlong into a battle with heroic shouts of glee, completely disregarding their surroundings? Personally I think that would make you perfect target practice for all the enemy archers. So.....don't you go doing that, alright Morgan?" Lissa said with a concerned frown. She then began to inspect Morgan's work.
"Hmm. I think you are doing a great job! You have worked really hard to make these, so I can finish that one off for your!" she said with a smile as she began to add flowers into Morgan's last chain.
"Phalanges is indeed a very funny-sounding word. You are very learned Morgan. I wish I was half as dedicated to pursuing knowledge as you are." Lissa said absentmindedly as she finished off the last chain.
"You can start draping these flower chains everywhere, while I go get some jars." she told the young tactician, before heading off to the tent where all the cooking utensils were stored.
Lissa put the last bunch of wildflowers into the already overflowing basket.
"There….that should be just about enough!" Lissa said with a satisfied smile. She then picked up the basket and began to head back to camp. Unfortunately, the heap of flowers in the basket completely obscured her field of view and just as she the edge of the camp, she accidentally tripped over a tent peg. Her first priority were the flowers, so she managed to keep the basket from tipping, but fell in the process.
"Pheww….thank god the flowers are fine…." Lissa said after she surveyed the damage…."If only there was someone else I could trust with such an important task" she added loudly for the benefit of anyone that was around.
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