thebookclub · 7 years
Cover Reveal: The Astonishing Color of After
The cover of Emily X.R. Pan’s The Astonishing Color of After was revealed by our friends at Paste! Here’s what other authors have to say about Emily’s debut:
“Magic and mourning, love and loss, secrets kept and secrets revealed all illuminate Emily X.R. Pan’s inventive and heart-wrenching debut.” —Gayle Forman, bestselling author of If I Stay and I Was Here
“This book mesmerized me from page one. With its lyrical writing and heartbreakingly real protagonist, The Astonishing Color of After provides a poignant reminder of grief’s power and the transcendence of love. Emily X.R. Pan utterly transported me to a world reminiscent of Isabel Allende. Haunting at every turn, this is a glorious debut.” —Renée Ahdieh, bestselling author of The Wrath and the Dawn
“The Astonishing Color of After is an elegant, poignant journey that crosses an ocean of memory and great loss to face the ghosts of the past and find vivid love. An extraordinary debut from a fiercely talented writer.” —Nova Ren Suma, bestselling author of The Walls Around Us
Want to know more? Here’s a synopsis of the book:
A stunning, heartbreaking debut novel about grief, love and family, perfect for fans of Jandy Nelson and Celeste Ng.
Leigh Sanders is absolutely certain about one thing: when her mother died by suicide, she turned into a bird.
Leigh, who is half-Asian and half-white, travels to Taiwan to stay with her maternal grandparents who she never met. There, she is determined to find her mother, the bird. As Leigh grieves, she uncovers family secrets, forges a new relationship with her grandparents, and tries to reconcile the fact that on the same day she kissed her best friend and long-time secret crush, Axel, her mother was taking her own life.
Alternating between contemporary and magic elements, past and present, romance and despair, The Astonishing Color of After is a novel about finding oneself through family history, art, friendship, and love.
With lyrical prose in the vein of Laini Taylor, and an innovating structure reminiscent of A. S. King, Emily X.R. Pan’s stunning debut novel is poised for literary appeal and commercial success.
We are in love with this beautiful cover: 
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thebookclub · 7 years
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thebookclub · 7 years
I’m adding new people to the club, but I don’t remember who i’ve added and who i haven’t so If I accidentally send you a repeat invite, I am sorry
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thebookclub · 7 years
New Book
Yo it’s time to vote on another book! I don’t know how many of you are still interested in this but I’m gonna keep on trucking.
The Books:
We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson
Symphony for the City of the Dead: Dmitri Shostakovich and the Siege of Leningradby M.T. Anderson
Defy the Stars (Defy the Stars #1) by Claudia Gray
Vote here
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thebookclub · 7 years
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Happy 📚🎂 to Claudia Gray’s new intergalactic adventure about fighting for what you believe in and finding your place in a dangerous world. Join Noemi and Abel as they explore what it truly means to be human in a daring journey through the stars 🚀💫 
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thebookclub · 7 years
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to read the book this month. I'm currently in two English classes and my academic reading load is taking up most of my free time. I'm sorry and I'll try for next month
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thebookclub · 7 years
How did you guys like Bindi?
I liked it, I thought it was kinda beautiful, but I’m torn between liking how short it was and wishing it was longer so that I could really understand the supporting characters. 
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thebookclub · 7 years
February Book!
Drumroll please!!!
and the book is... Binti by Nnedi Okorafor!!
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Get it at the library or buy it now!
I ask that nobody post anything about it until February 20th, and then starting the 20th, I will post some of my thoughts and then I hope that you all post something as well. (also, Binti is a very short book and the sequel just came out yesterday so I will probably read both of them, and you can too)
If the book you wanted didn’t win, then congratulations you now have one more awesome book to read. I’m planning on reading as many of them as I can so feel free to talk to me about them if you want.
Thanks for voting guys, and I can’t wait to read the book with you guys!
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thebookclub · 7 years
Three Way Tie
There’s a three way tie, so You need to re-vote here. 
I’ll announce what the first book is on February first.
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thebookclub · 7 years
2017 is the year of unapologetic rage and rebirth
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thebookclub · 7 years
Hey guys, I'm Katherine (@spellcastingfans), also only 17 and I'm from Germany. My fav genre would be fantasy but I always seek to educate myself with books too and I'm open for anything, I love expanding my knowledge and view. My current read is Women Who Run With The Wolves by Clarissa P. Estés, an amazing book on the instinctual nature of women and how to heal the soul and oneself. I'm happy to be a part of this book club and can't wait to read with you all!
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thebookclub · 7 years
Vote for the February Book
Vote Here
These are the book titles and links to their goodreads page.
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms (Inheritence, #1) by N.K. Jemisin
All American Boys by Jason Reynolds, Brendan Kiely
Binti (Binti, #1) by Nnedi Okorafor
The White Boy Shuffle by Paul Beatty (Might be difficult to find)
Kindred by Octavia E. Butler
Another Brooklyn by Jacqueline Woodson
As February is black history month, I’ve chosen a variety of books by black authors. I haven’t read any of these books, but they all look amazing to me.
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thebookclub · 7 years
Hi!! My name is Amanda and I am 18 years old. I go to college in New York, and I have been in love with reading since I was a child. I use She/Her pronouns. I like any book that is captivating and interesting. I am not interested in romance novels, but I rather enjoy mysteries or books that have an intriguing plot or characters (I am not really specific about the genre of the book I am reading). My favorite author is Chuck Palahniuk. Some of my favorite books are The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series, 1984, Survivor, Lord of the Flies, and The Bell Jar. I am currently reading the Harry Potter series (shocker I know, this is my first time reading the series).
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thebookclub · 7 years
So I'm Tori! i'm only 17 and I live near Milwaukee in Wisconsin. I'm super super passionate about reading. I'm really into classics, fiction in general, and historical fiction. Some of my favorite books are Lolita, Milkweed, and Gone Girl. I am currently reading The Road. I am excited to read and discuss new books with you all !!
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thebookclub · 7 years
Hii my name is Megan (lazydayreading), I'm from the uk and in my first year of college. I am currently reading The Raven King (the first book in The Raven Cycle). My favourite genres are sci-fi/fantasy and romance and some of my favourite authors are Leigh Bardugo, Rainbow Rowell etc... I'm looking forward to reading books with you all and discussing them!
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thebookclub · 7 years
Hi my name is Melany (kingdomkeytard), I'm out of school and live in NYC. I'm not reading anything at the moment. My favorite genres are fantasy and urban fantasy but I want to read more sci-fi and graphic novels. I don't like reading tragic contemporaries (Me Before You, The Fault in Our Stars) but I open to trying any genre or book at least once. Other things I'm obsessed with Game of Thrones and Kingdom Hearts. I'm really looking forward to getting to know you guys and to talk about books with you all!
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thebookclub · 7 years
Hellos. I’m Monte [mrwhittemore]. Not really anything all that interesting in my day to day life, I watch too many television shows and spend far too much time watching YouTube videos.
I’m not really particular about genre, I just pick up things that catch my eye and then subsequently sound like they’d be interesting books? At the moment I’m working my way through The Magicians Trilogy by Lev Grossman, currently on the second novel, and also reading Y: The Last Man which is a comic series that’s meant to be really good [so far I’d disagree with that assessment, but that’s neither here nor there] by Brian K. Vaughan.
I’m looking forward to reading things with you all and discussing them.
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