thecrippledjoke-blog · 11 years
//I figured this day would come. Huh. Sorry I'm not active. 
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thecrippledjoke-blog · 11 years
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thecrippledjoke-blog · 12 years
"Well of course things have changed now that I'm in this chair. Only things like taking walks or...or dancing...B-But it's okay."
Her brow wrinkled at the thought.
"I just have to be patient. That's all."
Barbara was growing uncomfortable with the subject. Dick had never flat out said "I love you". They shared passionate kisses and tender moments but...no confession.
“My disability has done nothing to hinder our relationship’s development. My friends are still my friends.”
She folded her arms over her chest, narrowing her eyes.
“And all intimate details are my business…”
With a sigh, she continued. “To be honest, I don’t know if we are a ‘couple’ or not…things have lead me to believe so, but it’s hard to decipher at times.”
Come on, take it and go.
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thecrippledjoke-blog · 12 years
"My disability has done nothing to hinder our relationship's development. My friends are still my friends."
She folded her arms over her chest, narrowing her eyes.
"And all intimate details are my business..."
With a sigh, she continued. "To be honest, I don't know if we are a 'couple' or not...things have lead me to believe so, but it's hard to decipher at times."
Come on, take it and go.
“There isn’t anything to elaborate on, Dr. Crane. I mean, it just…progressed; It progressed like so many relationships do.”
It was clear that she was uncomfortable discussing the matter, especially with someone whom she didn’t want to speak to, anyway.
“Is there a point to this interrogation , Doctor?”
Her frustration was apparent. Barbara’s eyes flickered down at the tote bag, wishing she could just knock him out and be done with the appointment.
Of course, it would solve nothing. He had done nothing — yet — to deserve an attack, and if he reported, she would be arrested for assault, even if her father was against it.
Or, would Dr. Crane be too unwilling to risk her as a patient to report her?
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thecrippledjoke-blog · 12 years
"There isn't anything to elaborate on, Dr. Crane. I mean, it just...progressed; It progressed like so many relationships do."
It was clear that she was uncomfortable discussing the matter, especially with someone whom she didn't want to speak to, anyway.
"Is there a point to this interrogation , Doctor?"
Her frustration was apparent. Barbara's eyes flickered down at the tote bag, wishing she could just knock him out and be done with the appointment.
Of course, it would solve nothing. He had done nothing -- yet -- to deserve an attack, and if he reported, she would be arrested for assault, even if her father was against it.
Or, would Dr. Crane be too unwilling to risk her as a patient to report her?
The fact that he was deliberately mocking her made her stomach twist with anger…but she did her best to keep her composure.
“Er…by professional, I meant that we kept the relationship at…er…just friends.”
I’m slipping…gotta stay focused.
Barbara cleared her throat softly and returned her eyes to the doctor, hoping to appear alert.
“It wasn’t until years later that the friendship developed into something more.”
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thecrippledjoke-blog · 12 years
The fact that he was deliberately mocking her made her stomach twist with anger...but she did her best to keep her composure.
"Er...by professional, I meant that we kept the relationship at...er...just friends."
I'm slipping...gotta stay focused.
Barbara cleared her throat softly and returned her eyes to the doctor, hoping to appear alert.
"It wasn't until years later that the friendship developed into something more."
The doctor’s question amused her. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she answered. “No. For him, maybe, but not for me. Our relationship remained professional for quite some time.”
She thought back to their first kiss. It was quick, spontaneous, and unexpected — and Barbara remembered every tiny detail.
They used to fight like cats and dogs, but…something just clicked one day.
Of course, Crane would never know the tiny details.
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thecrippledjoke-blog · 12 years
“I met him at a benefit Bruce Wayne was holding. My father was invited, and I was brought with him. I was ten, I think.”
She started to stare off into space, reminiscing.
She remembered her first few months as Batgirl, how she met the Boy Wonder who had developed quite a crush on her, and the feeling was mutual. She would have denied it then, but now, there was no doubt she would confess her still growing love for him…at the right time.
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thecrippledjoke-blog · 12 years
"I met him at a benefit Bruce Wayne was holding. My father was invited, and I was brought with him. I was ten, I think."
She started to stare off into space, reminiscing.
She remembered her first few months as Batgirl, how she met the Boy Wonder who had developed quite a crush on her, and the feeling was mutual. She would have denied it then, but now, there was no doubt she would confess her still growing love for him...at the right time.
No reason, nothing specific,” she answered, sounding as honest as she could manage. “Just a lot of random thoughts. Busy day. Nothing special.” Barbara’s hand twitched towards her bag, as an impulse. Couldn’t she just knock him out and be over with this? Well, that wouldn’t be very effective, and she needed a reason to beat the living nightmare out of him.
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thecrippledjoke-blog · 12 years
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thecrippledjoke-blog · 12 years
"I hope you are doing well," her lips twitched into a smile. "I haven't seen you since training."
thedragonrichard is now following you
“Sensei…” Barbara bowed her head in respect. “It’s so good to see you again.”
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thecrippledjoke-blog · 12 years
No reason, nothing specific," she answered, sounding as honest as she could manage. "Just a lot of random thoughts. Busy day. Nothing special." Barbara's hand twitched towards her bag, as an impulse. Couldn't she just knock him out and be over with this? Well, that wouldn't be very effective, and she needed a reason to beat the living nightmare out of him.
The offer ran through her mind and she quickly rejected it, knowing that, if she let her guard down, he would strike.
“No, thank you.” She would take nothing he offered; no food, no water, nothing. She could not appear relaxed. <p>As she listened to his words, she scanned the room, vigilantly. </p> <p>”Not too well, to be perfectly honest.” His visit had jarred her. Every creak, every drip of the bathroom faucet, every time Charlie moved in his cage — she heard everything. Along with noises, there were a thousand thoughts. Had the doors been locked? Were the cameras running? Was Dr. Crane still in the tower?
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thecrippledjoke-blog · 12 years
thedragonrichard is now following you
"Sensei..." Barbara bowed her head in respect. "It's so good to see you again."
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thecrippledjoke-blog · 12 years
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thecrippledjoke-blog · 12 years
Test test test test test test
test test
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thecrippledjoke-blog · 12 years
I don't like politics. Let's just play "rock paper scissors" instead.
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thecrippledjoke-blog · 12 years
The offer ran through her mind and she quickly rejected it, knowing that, if she let her guard down, he would strike. "No, thank you." She would take nothing he offered; no food, no water, nothing. She could not appear relaxed. <p>As she listened to his words, she scanned the room, vigilantly. </p> <p>"Not too well, to be perfectly honest." His visit had jarred her. Every creak, every drip of the bathroom faucet, every time Charlie moved in his cage -- she heard everything. Along with noises, there were a thousand thoughts. Had the doors been locked? Were the cameras running? Was Dr. Crane still in the tower?
“I will make no promises, Doctor Crane, but we will see.”
She gave Crane a hard stare, a reaction to his apparent slip of the tongue. She knew very well his constant attempts to make her experience negative emotions of sorts, and she wasn’t stupid.
With an impatient smile, Barbara nodded to him. “Thank you,” she replied in a sugary sweet voice, a tone that simply oozed sarcasm.
Once hooking the bag’s straps around her arm rest, Barbara placed her hands into her lap, folding them nicely. She wasn’t here to be degraded. She wasn’t here to play. This was business.
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thecrippledjoke-blog · 12 years
"I will make no promises, Doctor Crane, but we will see."
She gave Crane a hard stare, a reaction to his apparent slip of the tongue. She knew very well his constant attempts to make her experience negative emotions of sorts, and she wasn't stupid.
With an impatient smile, Barbara nodded to him. "Thank you," she replied in a sugary sweet voice, a tone that simply oozed sarcasm.
Once hooking the bag's straps around her arm rest, Barbara placed her hands into her lap, folding them nicely. She wasn't here to be degraded. She wasn't here to play. This was business.
“Hello again, Doctor,” She answered in a strong tone.
Little did he know, her weapons were safely tucked inside her bag. She wouldn’t have left without them. Barbara inhaled deeply and sighed, seemingly content. “What is the plan today, Doctor Crane? Or are we going to fight, like we usually do?” Lifting a brow, she half-smiled.
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