thedivinecrow · 3 years
Hello! Hope you are doing well hun.
I wanted to ask about my future spouse, how is he gonna be or any detail will help. I'm just very curious to know. I'm HH, she/her. Pisces sun, gemini moon. Thanks a lot ❤️✨
Hi! I hope you're doing well too :) x
So I don't really have any details on who he is as a person but I was told what he was going through right now. Poor guy. He is going through it. I think he recently broke away from someone important to him, could be a close friend or a significant other. He's kind of drawn into himself and just... figuring it out. Figuring himself out, and figuring out what went wrong. Or figuring out what took them so long to break away from one another. He's feeling very vulnerable, and just has low self esteem right now. Kind of this hopelessness like "will things ever get better?". And I think he's slowly starting to heal... like no, the world hasn't ended yet. Things are still okay. He's starting to look towards the future, and what's in store for him. Albeit he just started kind of healing, so it'll take time.
Onto details about him.. he has some air in his chart, too. Also the number 5 is significant, maybe you guys will meet on the fifth day of the month, or in May.
Cards I Pulled: The Lovers (Reverse), 5 of Pentacles (Upright), 5 of Swords (Upright), Queen of Wands (Reverse)
Thank you so much for requesting a reading! If at all possible please send in feedback! Have a great day! :) x
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thedivinecrow · 3 years
Welcome back!!! :)❤️
Hi Thank you so much!! I'm glad to be back! :) x
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thedivinecrow · 3 years
Hello there can I have a tarot reading???
How will the rest of the year go for me please? Thanks so much
Initials- MO✨♉️
Hi! Of course you may! :)
So for the rest of 2021, you may be jumping head first into something new. Currently you may be planning to start fresh, you. may be leaving a situation that was causing your pain and heartache. This might be difficult for you for some time, trying to heal and let go of the past. If this is about leaving a significant other, you might immediately jump into another relationship to speedup the process. While the journey of leaving this bad situation will be hard, and you may regret it at times, it's ultimately the right thing to do. There will be better and greater things ahead for you. Just make sure you aren't impulsive and get yourself into another poor situation. Think things through before going in on a plan.
Cards I Pulled: Knight of Wands (Upright), 5 of Swords (Upright), 6 of Swords (Upright)
Thank you so much for asking for a reading! Please provide feedback if at all possible! Have a great day! :) x
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thedivinecrow · 3 years
Tarot Readings are Open
Hi everyone! Tarot readings are open! As a reminder, I have two tarot decks. I have Mystic Monday Tarot as well as Crow Tarot. If you have a preference as to which one I use, feel free to specify in your ask! I also will not answer NSFW or medical questions. Also, please only include one question in your ask if its open ended. You can ask multiple yes/no questions. You can also send in multiple asks, but please keep each one to one question. It just helps me focus! Thank you guys so much, and feedback is also appreciated! 
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thedivinecrow · 3 years
Accepting Free Readings Again
Hi everyone! It's been months and I apologize for that!! I'm going to be deleting old asks and starting accepting new questions. I will also now be accepting pendulum questions- so feel free to send in yes/no questions as well! :)
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thedivinecrow · 3 years
You guys should check this person out- they offer free intuitive readings as well!!!
Reading Rules
3 questions max within every ask you send
No health questions
If it says closed in the description don’t send any ask. Wait until it says open
Always try to give feedback if you can.
Make sure all your questions are as clear as possible, preferably write them in the form of a list. Don’t jumble them all together.
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thedivinecrow · 3 years
Pick-a-card: Why are you feeling drawn to them?
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Hi. I got a request to do this topic so here it is. This is a short reading that will explore why you are drawn to whoever you are thinking about and what connection it may be. Only read this if you really have an unexplainable attraction toward someone. And I only made 4 piles because I’m sleepy as fuc so pls ignore grammar or spelling mistakes I expect it to be worse lol thank.
Aand I just made an instagram! Do follow me there for mini pick a card readings and random tarot messages and pretty graphics (i try) 🥺💗. 
My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/helianthustarot/
Disclaimer: Click Here!
Center yourself and focus on the topic. Choose a number/picture that you feel the most drawn to, as if it is calling out to you. Try to not choose too many (less than 2). Trust your intuition & read the message under the cut.
May the message resonate. See you in the next reading!
Visit my tumblr for more readings!
Keep reading
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thedivinecrow · 3 years
I’ll answer the rest of the readings tomorrow! My requests are still closed! Thank you guys for your patience! :) x
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thedivinecrow · 3 years
Hii! I wanted to say thank you for the reading!! You did the reading a couple of days ago!🥰🥰
Of course!! xx 
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thedivinecrow · 3 years
*feedback Hii!! I'm truly sorry for sending my feedback until now, but I just saw the reading you made for me and I didn't got a notice or something:( Anyways, thank you so much for making a reading for me and for your time!! You are so good!! Keep going!! -Sandra Anon🌺
Hi!! And you’re okay, no need to apologize at all!! Thank you so much for the feedback!! :) xx
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thedivinecrow · 3 years
Hello, I am the anon from the soulmate channeled messages. Thank you so much, it truly resonates. Lately I have been dreaming and remembering them every single day. A very curious thing that is also happening is that, sometimes, while I am studying, focused on another thing, kind of comes images in my head about dreams I had, some even from quite time ago. But thank you so much for the reading, it really helps me keep going <3
Thank you so much for the feedback!! That’s so kind of you! xx
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thedivinecrow · 3 years
How will Nicolas react/feel when I tell him about what happened with VJ? Thank you so much love!! Your readings are a blessing, truly 😊
Of course!! Thank you so much!! 
Wow, I pulled four cards and three were major arcana. Okay. 
So initially he may react like “whatever.” He’ll just roll with it, like it doesn’t affect him nor does he care about it. However, that is not how he’ll really be feeling. He’ll feel taken advantage of. He may feel you betrayed him in a sense. He’ll feel like you don’t really care for him, that he’s putting more energy towards you than you are him. (I’m not saying that’s true, that’s just his perspective on things.)  He may distance himself, at least emotionally. He’ll try to reflect and think about everything that happened, his imagination may run a bit wild, too. 
Cards I pulled: The High Priestess (Upright), The Empress (Reversed), The Fool (Upright), Six of Pentacles (Reversed)
Thank you for the question! I apologize for how long this took! xx
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thedivinecrow · 3 years
How can I better align with my soul purpose and fulfill it? 🤔
So I think right now you may be feeling very indecisive in life. You may feel you’re at a loss of control of what’s going on around you. And that may be true, I think you’re letting someone else control you right now. Perhaps there is someone who is always giving out unwanted opinions, and to avoid an argument, you just go along with what they say. Or there is someone you want to impress so you just go along with whatever they want. You need to fix this and figure out why this is happening. Why are you letting others control your life and decisions? What are you afraid of happening if you take control? I think solving this problem will help you find your soul purpose and fulfill it. Or at least, set you on the path towards that. 
Cards I Pulled: 9 of Wands (reversed), 2 of Swords (Reverse), Judgement (Reverse), The Chariot (Reversed)
I hope you enjoyed this reading! I apologize for how long this took! xx
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thedivinecrow · 3 years
Could I get an energy reading please? My name is Aya 😊
Hi! of course you may!!
So I think right now there is a change you need to go through in life and you’re resisting. You need to ask yourself why’re you’re fighting this change, what you’re afraid of you. Stopping this change is hindering you, and holding you back from what you are truly capable of. You may be feeling disorganized, always busy. You need to truly think if what you’re spending your time is truly worth it, and if it’s not, move on. You may be overworking yourself, constantly wanting more success. You need to step back and make time for yourself. Relax. I think once you’re able to embrace this necessary change, you’ll be better at balancing your personal life and working life. You’ll be better at controlling yourself, allowing yourself to take better care of your needs. 
Cards I Pulled: Death (Reverse), The Magician (Reverse), 2 of Pentacles (Reverse), Four of Pentacles (Reverse), Temperance (Upright)
I hope you enjoyed this reading! I apologize for the long wait! xx
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thedivinecrow · 3 years
Hello! Thank you for opening up your readings! May I know what will happen between me and D? I keep having this feeling we're being pulled together and I don't know why or why him lool Thank you! 😊
Hi! of course you may!!
So I think you two may be divinely connected, if you believe in that sort of thing. I think you two may have a purpose in being brought together (romantically or platonically, whichever fits you two more.) I think you two are meant to teach other about tangible reality, and not daydreaming but putting a real plan to achieve your goals. One or both of you may have emotional blockages. You (or them, or both) don’t really want to work on these blockages, either wanting someone else to come along and magically fix it or just not wanting to confront it at all. You two may go through a rough patch at some point, perhaps even stop talking to one another. But you’ll come out stronger at the other end of it, coming back together. You two will learn to heal and become stable (emotionally and financially.) 
Cards I Pulled: The Hierophant (Upright), Page of Pentacles (Reverse), 10 of Cups (Reverse), 5 of Pentacles (Reversed), 4 of Pentacles (Upright)
Oracle Card I Pulled: “Embrace Your Emotions: Allow your feelings to surface and be accepted.” 
I hope you enjoyed this reading! I apologize for the long wait! xx
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thedivinecrow · 3 years
May I ask what my future husband's first impressions of me will be? Thank youuu - BB 😉
Hi! Of course you may!! 
I think your future husband’s first impressions of you will be really stable. He may think you’re very connected with your inner thoughts and emotions, and well balanced. He may think you give too much of yourself to others, to the point where you don’t/can’t take care of yourself. He may find you’re very intuitive. He may find the fact that you’re so connected to your emotions attractive in you. He’ll think you’re really good at controlling yourself, not just emotion wise (although that as well), but also in other ways. Perhaps you’re good with your finances, and you’re good at sticking with your goals. You guys may meet while you’re going through a big change in your life, and he’ll see how well you’re handling things. (Or at least, think you’re handling things well.) He may also think you’re an incredibly kind person, always taking care of and nurturing others. 
Cards I Pulled: The Hanged Man (Upright), Page of Cups (Upright), Four of Pentacles (Upright), Six of Swords (Upright)
Oracle Card I Pulled: “Simple Acts of Kindness: Kindness energizes you and brings happiness to those around you.” 
I hope you enjoyed this reading! I apologize for how long this took! xx
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thedivinecrow · 3 years
Readings are now closed! I’ll start answering them today! Thank you guys for your patience! 
Tarot Readings are Closed
Hi everyone! Tarot readings are closed! As a reminder, I have two tarot decks. I have Mystic Monday Tarot as well as Crow Tarot. If you have a preference as to which one I use, feel free to specify in your ask! I also will not answer NSFW or medical questions. Also, please only include one question in your ask. You can send in multiple asks, but please keep each one to one question. It just helps me focus! Thank you guys so much, and feedback is also appreciated! 
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