thedustymage · 1 month
The VLC in VLC media player stands for Vagina Labia Cervix
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thedustymage · 1 month
So no clit?
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thedustymage · 1 month
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thank you doraemon <333
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thedustymage · 1 month
I have an end-of-life patient to whom I spoke today. She burst out laughing and said, "It was all such fun. I just had so much fun." I wish this for everyone. I wish that we each would meet death laughing, with little regret and even less fear.
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thedustymage · 1 month
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thedustymage · 1 month
the fact that “the vibes here are rancid” is a power that the jedi actually have is insane to me
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thedustymage · 1 month
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thedustymage · 1 month
Sometimes self-care is, actually, NOT getting onto the computer and little treats and watching youtube videos. Sometimes those things are self-care, but sometimes they're also avoidant behaviors.
Sometimes self care is waking up and just. Fucking getting in the car. And driving to the bank. And the store. And buying the cat litter. And changing the cat boxes you've been avoiding because your brains been stuck in a hole. And picking up the trash you've been piling up. And getting a load into the wash. And mowing the lawn before the village council sends you a formal complaint and potential-fines warning.
Like its hard and annoying to do because it sucks. It sucks so much. But if I don't start working on this pile of bullshit I've let build up because it stinks and i was stuck in deer-in-headlights mode, I risk letting it turn into fuckery. I do not have the patience for fuckery that I once - foolishly! - thought I had.
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thedustymage · 1 month
i dont like most engl fan chants but these two are hilarious
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thedustymage · 1 month
you need to get it out of your mind that psychosomatic illness is just “making up symptoms” when it’s actually much more like your body is being actively poisoned by chemicals released from your brain
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thedustymage · 1 month
A co-worker of mine was standing outside with me during a break from customers to share a cigarette with me, and told me about how he had lost his brother that he was close with some years ago. He told me about how they used to be in a band together with some friends, and how ever since he'd died, he hadn't played any music because he'd been too scared and anxious. I told him about how I'd lost my brother to suicide some years ago.
I went home and pulled out an old tiny wooden box my brother had given me before he'd died. I'd been using it to store guitar picks I'd collected over the years, including one guitar pick that used to be his. I haven't played the guitar since he'd died, my hands are too small to play some of the chords, so I play bass and piano instead.
I went to work the next day and gifted my brothers old guitar pick to my co-worker. I told him that it'd been sitting in a box for ten years unused, and would probably sit there for longer if I kept it there. Told him that I thought he deserved to have it, because I bet he could put it to better use than I ever would. Told him I didn't feel like it was coincidence that me and him would cross paths with each other in our lives, and that it seemed suiting that we had these similar experiences but split in two halves. That somehow, I felt like he was meant to have the guitar pick. I told him that I knew he'd not played guitar since his brother died, but that if he ever decided to play again one of these days, maybe he'd be able to honor both of our brothers by using that guitar pick.
He almost cried. He thanked me. Then he went home that night and for the first time in years he played the guitar.
I don't know what the meaning of life is or what my purpose is, but I do believe that love and human connection is one of the most important things in life. It's finding ways to tell strangers you love them and share experiences with others. I think it's all just about love.
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thedustymage · 1 month
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A patron of terrible things. Face of the void, head of the sun. Finally finished this guy!
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thedustymage · 1 month
When somebody tells you that a certain view of a deity or certain method of practice is wrong or historically isnt relevant you should always remember that modern paganism is NOT ancient paganism. The beauty of paganism is that it changes very easily throughout time, it changes from household to household. It's very difficult to assume exactly what ancient people believed in, particularly because those beliefs changed rapidly over time and geographical location even within the same civilization.
So do what you like, take history as a guide if it helps, learn from it and love it, but try not to think of it as gospel, it's just the way things were at one point and it's ok if they're different now.
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thedustymage · 1 month
how it feels rn with THREE separate deities attempting to reach me to tell me about my car’s extended warranty
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thedustymage · 1 month
The Star
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a follow up spread for when you pull The Star and want to understand more about what your deck is trying to tell you
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thedustymage · 1 month
15 More Enchantments for your Day-to-Day
Enchant your glasses to help you focus and "read between the lines” or see what wants to remain hidden
Enchant your charger so it doesn't break and so you don't lose it. Enchant your phone too while you're at it
Enchant your curtains or blinds to protect your home from prying eyes
Enchant a bell and hang it from your bedroom door so every time you walk in or out, it cleanses your space
Enchant your pet’s collars to keep them protected
Enchant your keys so you don’t misplace them
Enchant your guitar pick to stay where you put it
Enchant your air purifier to transmute negative energy to positive energy
Enchant your blankets to keep you calm and comforted
Enchant birthday cards with extra good fortune for your friends and family
Enchant your breakfast or morning coffee or tea to help you feel motivated throughout the day
Enchant your socks so they stay in pairs through the wash
Enchant a fidget toy to help you focus and receive fresh ideas
Enchant wrapping paper to release joy when ripped (I have a spell for this one coming soon!)
Enchant your bookmarks to help you remember what you’ve read so far
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