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bucky: he called me babe 😳
sam: we have literally been married for 2 years
(click for better quality!)
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Bucky caught an angel falling from the sky
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There is nothing that brings me more joy or more pain than the fact that Bucky and Howard were canonically chaos buddies during the war
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What If…?: StevePeggy || Captain America: The First Avenger: SteveBucky
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In gentle hands
Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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I love you. And I you, Cas.
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So we all agree that spn ended with Dean pulling Cas out of the empty, Sam and Eileen getting together and ep 20 didn’t happen, right?
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Johnny Depp was forced to resign from Harry Potter franchise because he lost the libel case. While his abuser is still employed in that same company. I knew there was so much injustice on this planet but this is beyond sickening. This is literally a perfect demonstration of how male victims of domestic abuse are treated in our world today.
And how the media is ready to put down a victim, shame him and accuse him of abuse simply to live in their own ignorant reality where women are always the victims and it's impossible for men to be ones (as if being a victim is somehow not about a persons experience but about gender). They should be ashamed of themselves.
I'm just so glad to hear that Johnny Depp is still standing strong, won't give up and will continue to fight for the truth no matter what it costs him. He is incredibly brave for standing up not only for himself but also for so many other men who are going through the same thing and being their voice in the world that wants to bring them down.
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Nothing is funnier to me than all of Donald's immediate neighbors unanimously going "you're fucking intolerable, goodbye"
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Happy Asexual Awareness week to all my Aces and Aspecs. Here’s a friendly reminder that:
The “A” in LGBTQIA does not stand for ally but asexual and aromantic as well as agender
Asexuality is on a spectrum so depending where someone falls or how they identify, they may or may not experience intimate attraction
Asexuals are not broken
Asexuals aren’t “cishets trying to evade LGBTQ+ spaces”
Asexual and aromanticism shouldn’t be used synonymously. They have similar principals but different meanings. Both primarily deal with experiencing little to no attraction
Not all asexuals are virgins and that doesn’t make them any less asexual because of it
Asexuality is real and valid
Just because aphobia infrequently escalates to violence doesn’t mean it’s nonexistent
Corrective assault isn’t limited to just bi and gay men/lesbians
A few pro tips while I’m at it:
Using virginity as an insult to asexuals is like using heterosexuality to insult a straight person, you sound stupid
If at one point you believed to be asexual but later discovered you weren’t that’s okay, but using that experience to invalidate others isn’t
Spitefully sending nsfw to people who identify as ace, especially MINORS (and yes this has happened before) is disgusting. Seek help.
Gatekeeping isn’t a personality trait
Oppression isn’t a competition so quit acting as such
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don’t forget 
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Rest in Peace, in Power, in Paradise
Thank you so much for the roles you portrayed and the role model you became to many African Americans and people around the world.
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Jesus: did it hurt?
Daryl: did what hurt
Jesus: when you fell from Heaven?
Daryl: . . .
Daryl: I dunno, what about you?
Jesus: wait what?
Daryl: did it hurt when you Fell Off The Roof Of That Truck You Were Stealing?
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Where the f**** is the Emmy nomination for Tom?! 😡😡🤬
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Tonight the sky looked like the people in charge of skies had got a bit carried away.
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