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Don't you ever wish Sam had kept Riot? Imagine if he lived with Sam and Dean in the bunker
Goodness, yes! All the time! I love the idea of Sam having a dog, and Riot in the bunker would have been awesome. I also not-so-secretly love the idea of Sam raising a hellhound puppy. I mean, hear me out:
Sam could raise his hellhound puppy and it would be a good, loyal dog because it has an amazing, loyal owner. 
You just know it’d be smart as heck.
Sam might slowly come to realize that, you know what? Having something hellish in you doesn��t make you bad. It’s not what you are but what you do and what you choose, and they both have something demonic in them and it’s okay. It doesn’t make them dirty.
Hunters would probably try to kill the dog, and Sam would protect it.
His doggie would protect him, too. It would be an indispensable asset on hunts. 
Sam’s destiny as the Boy King and the fact that he has demon blood in him might make him uniquely able to bond with/play with his more-or-less invisible man’s best friend.
And if not, GLASSES!SAM so he could see his pup
Invisible cuddles and games of catch.
Invisible doggo bringing Sam the newspaper in the morning.
Sleepy Sam leaning on his giant fluffy friend when he’s stumbling and uncoordinated in the morning
Demon tries to possess Sam? HELL FREAKING NO. His dog will eat them.
+10 badass points
Spending less money on dog food! Just let the fella loose on dangerous supernatural creatures!
Getting licks in the middle of the night when he has nightmares and feeling the weight of his dog on his covers and knowing there’s someone right next to him who won’t let anything happen.
Being reminded every single day that it’s okay to have a little bit of “freak” in him. It’s not a bad word, not something by which he should measure himself.
I gave myself feelings send help
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Sam Winchester + personality tests (insp)
infj | melancholiic | type 3 | everyman | taurus | willow | neutral good | ravenclaw | erudite | hades
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destroy the idea that if you have a mental illness you’re not supposed to talk about it
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Whenever I was switching sleeping schedules, I would stay up through the time I would normally sleep until the next night, then going to bed when I wanted. Usually after skipping a night, you're exhausted enough to go to bed early.
how do i fix my sleep schedule?
my circadian rhythm is so bad that even if i do wake up on time i don’t have the mental or physical strength to get up
i tried to go to bed at 1 last night but i couldn’t fall asleep til 5 even though i took some melatonin
i’ve missed all my classes the last two days
pls help
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Sam Winchester
Let’s appreciate Sam from tonight’s episode for a minute.
“I’ve been tortured by the Devil himself. What can you do to me?” Sam Winchester.
How he withstood visions of being possessed by the devil. Watching Dean die. Watching his mom die. Watching Jess die. Watching Kevin die. How he fought through the voices telling him to kill himself- and managed to make it so believable that Lady Toni believed he was going to do it. She is a trained woman of letters- not that easy to trick.
But he’s Sam ******* Winchester. And he was frozen, then burned.
So let’s appreciate just how strong he is. How smart. How badass this weathered down hero is.
I’ll be making a Dean appreciation post like this too.
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I think we need to all sit back and appreciate something real quick after that rollercoaster of emotions.
“Screw. You.”
Sam didn’t back down for one second. He didn’t flinch. He didn’t hesitate. Whatever they threw at him, he spat it back in their faces. “No one could take that much pain without breaking,” except that Sam fucking Winchester did it and lived to tell the tale, and I’m just so fucking proud of him. Through physical torture and even drug-induced hallucinations, he stayed strong and he stuck to his guns and he didn’t stop fighting for one fucking second.
Sam Winchester is just so important and so brave and so strong and I love him so much.
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Because there’s no such thing as too much sleepy Sam, his glorious hair, and the way he smooths it back upon waking.
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Back, Booty, and Bowlegs Porn for Jen 💗
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my favorite way to hang out is so lowkey like u wanna watch reality tv all day in our sweats?? ok. wanna do homework n barely even talk except to complain about how much work it is?? ok. wanna read different books while sharing an entire tub of ice cream?? ok. going out is so much effort like sometimes u just wanna enjoy someone’s company without doing anything “special” and i think those are actually the most special times 
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SO I was rambling with @princesscas about all the shit the boys haven’t told Mary yet (like selling their souls, being a demon/soulless, etc) and then I realized.
The Campbell line is a Lucifer’s vessel line.
Mary is a Campbell.
Lucifer is looking for a vessel.
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i wonder what’s happening right now over at hogwarts
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(9-15-16) I want his eyes. They are gorgeous. He is a gorgeous man. I want to give this gorgeous guy a hug for all he’s done and thank him bcuz I can’t think him enough of what he has done, not just for me, but in general with his career and all his campaigns. Jared Padalecki will forever be a favorite idol of mine.
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