therapardalis · 10 hours
"Oh," Thera teased, taking a quick glance around to get their bearings, "and you're a gentleman, too!" Age was a bit of a thorny subject for her, just not in the way it might be for anyone else. "Let's just say I watched the Beatles perform when they were new."
Before Dan met the Doctor he might have thought that was a lie, or just plain weird; since then, however, he was likely more open to concepts he hadn't been back then.
Heading in toward shore she pulled a face, chuckled a little. "I'm not able to time jump on my own ... I'm on what the Doctor calls 'the slow path'. But I'm sure we can get her to take us if we ask nicely."
“I don’t know! ‘Supposed to be rude to ask a woman that, anyway?”
It was unclear if that was a question or a statement. Dan leaned to hard on the end of that sentence with his accent, but he didn’t think it much mattered. Some people just passed by the greatest band that ever lived.
But for the matter of time travel…
“This isn’t a time ship as well? I thought you did all that, too.”
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therapardalis · 14 hours
It had actually been meant as a compliment - and definitely not excluding that Indy could be (had been) a jerk in other ways. But they'd figured that out now, or so Thera believed, and he truly hadn't been in the 'women are inferior' vein.
Which was part of what led to her remark, and she grinned back at his laugh. "Maybe not right this minute, but ... one day? I mean, you know enough already that you could probably teach a class or two." And he might be more encouraging to female students, which could only be a plus.
Well, he was glad he was given that assessment...even if it did seem slightly patronizing. But he supposed it could be forgiven considering the times he'd managed to put his foot in his mouth and make things worse not better when it came to their friendship.
Thera’s observation, however, did serve to surprise and amuse him. "You sure about that?" he asked with a laugh. "I mean, do you really want to see me teaching, let alone teaching here?"
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therapardalis · 17 hours
If she thought about it, manipulative isn't quite the right word. Or rather, it carries a stigma to it that doesn't really apply. Jim coaxes, he wheedles, every so often he puts on a sad-sack routine (see that pout he's wearing right now?) that runs close to a guilt trip. But it's usually about something at least partly ridiculous, like doing his paperwork for him or helping him get around whatever regimen Bones has put him on now. Maybe escorting visiting dignitaries so he doesn't have to deal with them himself.
But if there's one thing she knows about James Kirk, it's that he'd never try any of that when there's actual danger involved. Then everyone will be trying to convince him not to go.
Mind you, knowing that isn't going to stop her pulling his chain. "I didn't need to find out, I just had to observe. And fortunately," A sunny smile, "I'm immune."
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@therapardalis asked "You know, you're very, very cute. You're also very manipulative." [Jim]
"i'm insulted by that Thera but your one hundred percent right about it even though we will never speak of it again." Jim smacks on a pout turning to her " How did you find out? i've worked so hard to keep that manipulative side to myself. Have i been spreading it on a little thick this week? Or have i just been bad at hiding it the entire time?"
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therapardalis · 17 hours
Ohh, logistics are probably going to be an issue. She's guiding Mansk back to her own quarters, which are decidedly human-sized - but it's the only place she can think of where she can open up those diagrams and they're not likely to be disturbed by anyone, human or Recom, asking what the hell they're doing.
Besides, she needs him to sit down so she can reach the braid, anyway.
It takes a minute to notice the way he's holding it, but once she does there's a mental nod - good thinking, and she can compare the pictures to the real thing to do the job right. And there she is, thinking on it like a scientist! The thought almost makes her laugh. But the fact is that underneath all that she's someone who helps. It's an unfortunately 'cornball' idea for a lot of people, and putting it in words ... well, she never has. But maybe it's a crumb of something good about the word 'human' that it's always needed but even more so now.
Devin might have to start stooping a little soon, as the RDA is too cheap to put especially high ceilings in anyone's housing except the top brass. And the Recoms themselves, of course. Thera glances up as they round a corner, a little surprised he's asking.
"My main is linguistics," She follows with a shrug, "plus some sides in archaeology and forensics. Applying techniques we used at home to learn more about Pandora." To learn more about the Na'vi, their languages, and maybe try for an echo of what Grace Augustine had hoped to do. But that was going to be one of those points where Sci and Sec weren't likely to meet. "So, most of my 'hands on' is with writing and rocks."
   That smirk says everything he needs it to. She'll help him. That's a relief, because Mansk was worried an aimless wander through some SciOps labs would have been next. History shows that SciOps and SecOps don't always get along -- and maybe for good reason. After all, the Avatar program's first iteration failed and yielded all of their current Sully problems. But Mansk doesn't take SciOps' failures as a personal slight the way Quaritch had all those years ago. He sees no reason why he should enter every interaction with hostility or distrust, and something tells him Pardalis is of the same mind if she's willing to assist him.
   His eyes follow the direction of her nod. Well, wherever she takes him he hopes the ceilings are tall enough. Devin begins walking with her.
   Thera's admission has his tail twitching with surprise and intrigue. So she doesn't know how to do the braid? Then he asks himself, why would she? Seems like the only ones who would realistically need this skill are the scientists who had tended after these recom bodies during their growth in the amnio tanks (someone had to braid their neural whips.)
   As they walk, Mansk's blue forefinger keeps a protective hold right above the unraveled plait, as of a barrette, to preserve the remaining weave. Maybe she can reference from it too.
   Curiosity pulls his eyes down towards the woman, "What.. do you do for SciOps? Clerical work? No hands-on?"
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therapardalis · 19 hours
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This was not how she'd expected the day to go. Ironically enough she had anticipated ending up ashore on an island, but that island had been Key West and more specifically the villa they were renting by the westernmost beach.
Her first clue had been the way the boat's handling became a bit sluggish, a warning that had her easing them onto a course toward 'home' a little sooner than planned. Not, however, fast enough, as the engine hiccuped, stalled ... summoned back to life for half a mile before dying completely. And remained so, despite any amount of coaxing or swearing they may have tried.
Fortunately other vital parts of the Cat were working fine; namely the navigation and the radio. Thera had been able to raise the Coast Guard on the emergency channel, but given she and Miguel were neither injured or in danger, no estimate could be given as to when help would arrive. Which meant it wasn't going to take long before what had been a cozy, intimate onboard space became cramped and irritatingly dull - not for herself so much, but for a man of Miguel's size the novelty would wear off fairly fast.
That's when the idea of the island came to mind. The chart told her its likely name, and that they'd find no human assistance there. But it was pretty, it was nearby, and would give them room to move until help arrived. And honestly, a further break from 'civilisation' suited her just fine.
Dropping anchor and activating the boat's beacon, she pulled a body-board from the locker, packed some necessities into a duffle bag - and then with bag carried on board she steered both to the shore, wading up onto the beach alongside Miguel.
"Oh, I don't know ..." A tropical island, with no human habitation might not appeal to him the way it did to her, but that wasn't too much of a surprise, "It could be worse." She planted hands on hips and studied the surrounding terrain. "I'm gonna take a look around."
@therapardalis asked; 🏝️ for our muses to get stranded on a desert island together
bad situation starters
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Undermined at every step, it seemed that the universe itself was conspiring to thwart their attempts to go on vacation, dissuade them from taking complete leave of the city and their own slew of responsibilities. Thankfully, refusing to be deterred, they had managed to catch the train from Penn Station to Miami, where they had spent the night before departing for Key West the following morning, merrily coasting along the highway until reaching their destination.
From there, they swapped from car to a chartered boat, with certain parties-- namely Miguel himself -- settling in with as much enthusiasm as a perennial landlubber could show, intending to spend a few days sailing around and exploring various spots dotted around the archipelago... only to be beset by further issues!
This time, the duo had managed to enjoy a peaceful afternoon spent on the sparkling waters when the catamaran's engine gave its first concerning sputter, before dying out completely, immobilising them. Its demise, much like their delayed train, had earned familiar, multilingual remarks, followed by a tired exhale from Miguel himself as he tried to come up with a plan.
Fortunately, to her credit, Thera was quick to direct his attention to a spit of land, well within swimming distance. Providing more cover than their stricken vessel, after a brief discussion, feet were seen plunging overboard, making for the nearest beach. Alighting upon the shore a short time later, dripping wet, he stopped short of a row of mangroves before lowering himself onto the sand, looking back towards their boat and the situation that they were now set to face; marooned on an uninhabited island, for an unknown span of time.
Keen to not let the moment pass without comment, though, with the sounds of waves gently lapping against the shore, Miguel offers; "We've got the worst luck, huh? Either that or we're cursed."
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therapardalis · 19 hours
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She wasn't going to think about it now. She might later, when the immediate problem was passed and the empty playground with the random squeak that maybe didn't quite match the gusts of the wind had time to settle into her thoughts. And, yes, when she was rid of poor Javert, who for all his intelligence and keen wit was more like Horatio when it came to 'heaven and earth'.
For the moment, however, Thera was going to walk away with the French detective at her side, and she was not going to look back; if she did she feared she might see something that would require her to deal with it, and this simply wasn't the time.
It was also not the time to yield to a baser urge, to bark at him for the suggestion of a mink. It was a joke on his part, and besides that not as if he knew the full extent of who and what concealed itself beneath her deceptive skin. But all the same, there was a tightness to her tone that warned of a nerve severely touched - just enough that he would know in the future. "I don't wear real fur. It goes against my principles."
Eyes that had cast down as she spoke lifted again - information given, the subject now let lie. "So you're saying you'd be driving anyway, just the back seat kind?" Car door opened, she climbed in and settled, waiting for him to follow suit. "Where are we headed, then? Hopefully there'll be coffee and maybe a nip to go in it?"
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She answered his cynicism with something else, just faint enough that he didn't scoff. Javert was casual acquaintances with hope himself these days and he knew just which former jewel thief to thank for it. But he'd never been able to adopt the attitude wholesale, just picked up scraps from people who ought to know better and therefore he paid close attention to their deviance. He respected them, so their take on things had to be worth something.
Not that Javert had ever been as good at valuing as he'd thought. He'd held up the police as paragons until they'd rejected him, he still couldn't pinpoint why. So he snorted rather tellingly at her reaction. "I did, once— but then I thought better of it." Which could be part of it. He didn't see why it should bother them, if he was taking cases they never would and therefore their work was less demanding. Humans were funny, unpredictable creatures, the least favorite aspect from his perspective.
Senses always seemed heightened at night. For Javert sight was keenest, especially in contrast to others who had to squint uncertainly in the dark, so he missed the squeak that caught her attention but caught a flutter from the same source. In answer to Thera's question his hand was already delving around the recesses of his coat pocket for keys. "What, you don't like being driven around like a countess? We can get you a mink stole to go with it." Not really, on his pay. But it was amusing to say. "Besides, you wouldn't like me giving directions. I'm very exacting."
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therapardalis · 20 hours
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[Random sweet thing from @alootus.]
an  assortment  of  naboolian  sweets  had  been  packed  carefully  in  a  present  box,  tied  with  a  pastel  green  ribbon.  ❝  it  is  not  a  reward  for  your  assistance,  no.  it’s  a  gift  from  me  to  you,  titles  aside  ❞,  padmé  shaped  her  thoughts with confidence  and  offered  her  bringings  to  thera.  ❝  it  would  make  me  happy  if  you’d  accept  it.  things  could’ve  ended  very  differently  if  you  hadn’t  been  with  me  on  that  mission.  ❞  /  an  unprompted  thingy  for  you  !  ♡ ------------
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"I ..." Thera blinked, brushing an edge of hair away from a face that was the picture of frank surprise. Blinked again, eyes focused on the elegant box as if she didn't ... well, she did know what it was, that was the point. Also the point, albeit hidden beneath, not something Padme would know and sounding remarkably sad if it were ever admitted out loud, she simply wasn't used to being thanked.
Not like this, at least. In the field, yes - nods from the Troopers, pats on the back, an impulsive grasp of her hand by a man on a stretcher as she ferried them home. Senators, on the other hand? Jedi? She flew under their figurative radar as much as the enemy's literal ones. But then, hadn't Padme proven herself so very different from the rest?
"I ..." Should she be formal? Polite? A quick mental war of words before she shook herself and a bit of sense in along the way. No-one else was close enough to hear, and between them they'd dismissed 'formal' very early on the way. "Thank you!" Thera chuckled, "I won't say the job was a pleasure, but working with you certainly was!" She took the box, gave it a tiny shake.
"Are these chocolates and such? Come share them with me."
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therapardalis · 21 hours
//OK, I've got 20+ drafts and asks sitting here, and I'll try to get a few of those rolled out today.
My mood and energy just haven't been happening the last little while, so apologies for the delay :p
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therapardalis · 1 day
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"Hit me with your best plot - fire awaaaay!"
So here's me posting this at a time when lots of my not-Australian peeps have already gone to bed! Go me XD!
But yeah - plotting call!
Come jump into IMs or like this post and I'll come up with some ideas.
Or we can talk about where to go with threads/plots we already have :).
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therapardalis · 1 day
"Ah, no, sorry!" Thera clicked her tongue, doing her best not to chuckle, "Too late now, you've spoiled it all!"
She was also feeling the suspicious tickle on the back of her neck that thought they might be being watched, and let her glance slide sideways in most directions as they crossed the street, gave a soft sigh of relief when they made it across without anyone taking a shot.
"I admit you make the scenery a bit more pleasant." She tilted her head to study him a second before taking a look around the bar. "All I got was the basic description of who we were looking for, same as you." For what little that was worth, "And some code-phrases for making contact. So. You wanna buy me a drink, and I'll get us a table near the window?"
"Tell you what, if this goes tits up then we can both put all the punches in all the faces and if you'd like to have a drink and start a bar fight, i'll let you punch whoever you're fighting with right in the face, i'll even hold him still for you." Poe chuckles and shakes his head, looking in both directions before he actually goes out into the street, he steps out. "i feel like i got eyes on me from every direction and i don't like it at all Thera. We need to get out of the street and into the bar right now."
"You know you would be lost without me and my good looks also may i say that i have a wonderful sense of humor and i'm humble as hell to go with it." He cocks his head to the side then steps up on the sidewalk in front of the bar "Finally, somewhere to rest while we wait for this asshole. What do we really know about them? You know the special shit that only we get before going on a mission, what does it say?"
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therapardalis · 2 days
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I could spend hours reading in here <3
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therapardalis · 2 days
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Multi-fandom original muse, links in the pinned post.
Semi-selective, 18+.
Please read rules before following.
Verses in Modern, Historical, Doctor Who, MCU, Star Wars, Dune, Star Trek, Tolkien, Spiderverse, Witcher, Final Fantasy VII, Fury Road, Highlander, HTLJ, plus more.
[Graphics by me.]
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therapardalis · 3 days
Serving on a starship wasn't like any regular job; fire crews and, ironically, ambulance drivers got close, but it wasn't the same thing. In space, everyone's lives could literally depend on jobs being done, and in the enclosed community on board there were limited options for who could. Days off and down-time were nice and sometimes mandated, but there was a balance between that and keeping everyone alive.
No-one wanted to be the person who demanded their time and then something blew up.
And so, "'Overwork' is a bit of a relative term, but I'll remember." As if she would turn her back on what needed to be done if she was the only one who could do it. "Although maybe you should promote someone so you've got back-up." Sighing, she levered herself out of the chair and turned it to face the right way around. "Two weeks, yeah ... as if I could possibly forget our date."
"i didn't say that you would have to take them if i gave them to you. i was talking about giving you good old fashion pills that you could take as needed but as stubborn as you are, you wouldn't even take them then so i'm not even going to try and give you any. if you have any trouble sleeping you can come by here, there's a couch in my office and the place is quiet except during emergencies." Leonard stretches his arms over his head then bring his hands down to his face to wipe at it. He checks his watch and curses "Well, i have to be here in like fifteen minutes now. i spent the whole night awake so my usual sunny self is going to be even sunnier."
He looks over at her and gives her a small smile "i'm sure this lack of sleep thing among the crew is only temporary and it'll work itself out. i just got to be paranoid about things like this because it could be some alien virus doing it so i'm just being my doctory self i guess." Leonard then gets up out of his chair and walks to the door which leads out to the sickbay "if they overwork you just come see me. They've never seen a doctor when his friend's been over worked but they'll see this one. Oh, and your physical is in two weeks, don't forget about that."
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therapardalis · 3 days
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"Hit me with your best plot - fire awaaaay!"
So here's me posting this at a time when lots of my not-Australian peeps have already gone to bed! Go me XD!
But yeah - plotting call!
Come jump into IMs or like this post and I'll come up with some ideas.
Or we can talk about where to go with threads/plots we already have :).
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therapardalis · 3 days
Yeah yeah, shocked, shocked! Thera listens but doesn't pay too much mind, letting him rant while she finishes more of her meal. Otherwise, she's figuring out how she can sidestep this whole issue; Jim gives her a bit more slack than he does others on the crew (provided she doesn't give him sass in front of anyone), but there's still a line and she doesn't want to cross it.
Also, she doesn't want to end up between Jim and Bones, because she's been there before and it's a mess.
"The difference," She points out, with a lick of her lips after sipping from her glass, "is a bunch of years and a bunch of stress. Plus we need you in shape, and Starfleet needs to looking good in the uniform." Alright, so that last is maybe a joke. "Seriously though - you and Bones both need to learn how to fucking compromise."
"i'm shocked at you Thera, telling your captain that he's full of shit. That should be outlawed in some of the regulations somewhere that you are not allowed to tell your captain that he can't eat much because he's so full of shit. Maybe if i were full of shit this crap would taste better but who wants to eat healthy food when you can have junk? it was good enough when i was a kid, i lived on the stuff then so what's the difference between then and now?" Jim sits there and looks at his meal with a little bit of a frown on his face.
"i eat it because Bones tells me to and sticking to a diet has always been a problem for me and now that i'm on one i know just how hard it is especially with said doctor breathing down my neck every time i eat a bite. it's like a if you like how, it tastes then spit it out diet." He glances over at her then with a serious look on his face "i don't do it because when Bones gets mad at me, he stays mad for a while and that's no fun at all. We talk everyday at least you know that, not being able too would make me sad and if i'm sad i'll make everyone else be miserable with me."
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therapardalis · 3 days
Also, thanks to timezones ...
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"It's not too hot, not too cold ... all you need's a light jacket!"
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therapardalis · 3 days
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April 24th:
Happy Guardian Day to me, and happy birthday to @frigga-theallmother!
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