    The Nevada desert sun was hot enough to boil an egg, it was high noon in Las-Vegas     They had been briefed that morning about a battalion approaching from the east of the Colorado river. they where under cloaking and impossible to see from space, but up close the shaking and rumbling they cause when they move is a dead giveaway. When you find them, you either need to be ready to fight them, run, or get your ass kicked by them. one would be best accompanied by brute force in there presence.     the team that Joshua was a part of was a team known as Echo, which consisted of a total of 25 androids, 10 where standard class, 10 medium class and 5 alpha class chassis, the last of which Josh is one of, being of the original group of androids of this style --humanoid-- Alpha class androids are big, weighing in at 12000# on average, each at a height of 9'9", they are bulky and slow, but tough as hell, the original prototypes where capable of taking on vehicular weapons such as tanks, proving the design to the Marine Corps and the Navy, after adopting the design they immediately put it to work. however, production cost has resulted in a limited number of androids as well as parts for them. in response to that, the standard and medium class chassis androids where born.     They where sitting in a Super class APC known as "The Viper" which basically is a fast and heavy tank, mainly designed for roaming the desert and open roads, this one was roaring along at 90mph towards the east line of the Vegas border. the plan is for the Viper to keep going as if it is on its way towards the dead zone, while our team bails out at the edge of Vegas Defense lines. if not for a boy who happened to be playing at the edge of the grand canyon and looked down to see an army of tanks and behemoths marching through it, we might not even be on this mission to begin with.     "FIVE MINUTES MARINES!!" yelled Col Matt Riff from the front end of the cargo hold of the loud APC, "DOUBLE CHECK YOUR GEAR ONE LAST TIME!!"     Josh popped the snap to the holster on his revolver, pulling the massive .65cal revolver out to check and make sure it was ready to do damage. as he put the revolver back he accessed the Bluetooth uplink to his Chaingun, telling it to spool up a few times, cycling ammo back and foreth making sure all the actions where working propperly.     as ready as it gets     "FOUR MINUTES!!" Matt barked again, keeping them on there toes. Josh looked towards the back of the cargo hold and found Sam, her big blue eyes where staring right back at him.     although most of the androids on his team wear masks, some androids had the option of skin instead, for the purpose of human-android interaction, but even then a lot of them will still wear a mask to protect the fragile parts in there face. Sam on the other hand did not have a mask, she never wanted one, she was happy with the skin on her face as is, she said her blond hair was enough protection. pluss the fact that she had a face also meant she could express herself, which was useful to Josh, cause otherwise he might not even know how to talk to her.     "TWO MINUTES!!!"     Josh nodded at Sam, they hadn't seen eachother in a few days, he had been training on the gun range for the past week while she was off handling press and dealing with random stray behemoths with a bullet to its face.     Matt got up and walked to the back of the cargo hold, he walked to the control pannel waved his hand across its screen, and hit the button that said 'open door 1' "ONE MINUTE MARINES!" he barked "GET IN POSITIONS!"     everybody in the cargo bay hit a button on there pannel, releasing there pack locks, they all stood up and began to shuffle towards the back door.     josh lost sight of sam in the hustle, he tried to look for her but in the proccess accidentally bumped the eject button to the seat next to him, sending it flying empty through the roof. he looked up at the hole, then looked around, nobody noticed except the two guys standing next to him. he awkwardly stood at attention, prettending that nothing happened.     "GO GO GO GO GO!!" Matt flagged them past.     the whole of them ran out the door and dove onto the ground, practically dogpiling ontop of eachother in the process.     even with the dust billowing around them from the APC, Joshua's senses went nuts, he could see and feel every single little detail, heat signatures, heartbeats, electronic impulses, all of these things, even with the dust, when he has a clear field of view his targetting sysytem can assist him in finding things that might have moved away, or changes that have been made since the last time anybody had seen that particular spot.     "Lets move Marines!" growled Matt as he pulled out his chaingun and jumped to his feet.     They all turned about face and began to move east, towards the edge of the city.     as the dust settled, Josh noticed a huge black cloud to the south, a fire, flames burning wild, and nothing to control them..     they got to the edge of the city and matt held up his fist, signaling them all to stop. he then jabbed his index finger to the right, telling the scout team to break off and get in position.     sam and three other androids broke off and went to one of the abbandoned houses, when sam and them where in position she waved at josh, who tapped Matt on the left shoulder, indicating to him that they where set.     Matt pointed two fingers to his left, then jabbed one foreward, telling the assist team to break off while the main team moves foreward to the next position -- which is basically a pile of rocks in the middle of the desert --     Josh had a bad feeling about this mission, his "gut" was telling him that something was gonna go wrong. he kept checking there six, looking for any sign of a threat behind them, he kept expecting a Behemoth to pop up and blast them.     however, he was not expecting what would happen next... the five of them continued foreward, keeping a sharp eye on the edge of the hills, the whole place was quiet, the only thing that was really making any kind of noise was the wind, which occasionally kicked up some dust, but no birds, no barking dogs, nothing, just unnerving silence and wind..     in the distance Josh saw something move, it was so well camoflauged that if he had not been looking right at it he wouldn't have seen it, however when he zoomed in all he saw was a pile of rocks.     he stopped and turned to Matt, "sir, something doesn't feel right here."     the instant he said that a deep boom went off to there north, and a split second later the ground bellow them exploded into flames, knocking them all off there feet.     "OPEN FIRE!" roared Matt as he jumped back up to his feet, swinging his chaingun to aim at the approaching battalian.     Joshua got up to one knee and looked around, there wasn't just one tank, but atleast three-dozen of them, all spread accross the horizon from north to east to south, all of them accompanied by at least a hundred Behemoth. his gut was right, something bad was going to happen, and it was happening right then and there.     he activated his targeting system and took aim at as many of the behemoth as he could, launching three umbrella rounds into the air. the rounds locked on and launched there subrounds, raining explosive fire down on the behemoths, when they strike, the force is equal to that of a stinger missile.     the other two teams had joined into the fight, Joshua could hear the Ma Deuce throwing hot .50s at whatever its opperator could find as a target, meanwhile the scout team was pegging off behemoths, one after another.     Josh lifted up his own chaingun and began lugging out hot 50s and 30mms at the tanks and behemoths, which hit with satisfying force, taking down the enemy forces one after another..
    but it wasn't enough.
    Suddenly a round from a tank slammed into Josh's left temple, dissorienting him and causing him to lose control of his targetting system, RIPPER missiles went flying everywhere as his system struggled to lock onto anything. the world started spinning and turnning red.     then it all went black...
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In loving memory of my Grandfather, Hugh Maxwell
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Intro... In the year 2015, a KGB unit known as "Red Wasp" went rouge, taking control of the Russian government. they promptly took control of global defense systems and started unleashing havoc on anybody who could be considered a threat to them. whole continents where erased from existence. in the United States, everything within a hundred miles of Washington DC was turned to ash by a new weapon that came to be known as "The Wrath Of God", only one bomb hit us, for reasons unknown..
sixty-five percent of all life on earth was erased...
it is now the year 2032...
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