theroundkarma-blog ¡ 5 years
2019 – “The Non Cliched Year”
We all live in the world where we struggle with things, we’re not even sure of. Our life revolves around “what if”. Imagine if there wasn’t a “What if”. How would life be? Bland? Boring? Predictable? Without Risk?
Risk for that matter is very important and essential for the very existence of human life. It’s the most basic need of any human, which should actually come under the very first level of Maslow’s Hierarchy.
Risk is about spending whole life with someone without getting any assurance of surviving the whole journey together and not departing in the middle. It’s about being strong and avoiding outflow of emotions to people who actually deserve to know the true side but the fear is people knowing the dark side. The true risk is who you want to actually share your dark side to.
We all have been hearing that life is all about risk and even if you want, it cannot be avoided. It’s the most common thing among humans. Talking about risk reminds me of Bitcoin, the bubble is going to approach and it’s risky to invest. People are so scared to take the ownership that some countries have illegalised it’s trading, I mean seriously? It’s all sheer luck and also logical calculations which if taken as an opportunity can help an individual rise from ashes and emerge as a star in just a moment, and also has the power to destroy the person to the worst.
Faith is the only thing which has the power to subside all the negative effects of risk, to change the stereotype that the society has build in us that risk is dangerous, as if it’s some kind of illness which one should stay away from. It’s FAITH which actually has the power to work in favour of people believing it.
So guys, going forward with this thought I would want you all to make 2019 – “The Non Cliched” one and turn on to FAITH. A year of Faith and happiness and peace which will eventually bring all goodness come running towards you.
Cheers to The Non Cliched 2019!
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