thoughtlessjunk · 5 days
Download this easy DIY clothing repair guide (only 10 pages) from Uni of Kentucky
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thoughtlessjunk · 5 days
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thoughtlessjunk · 7 days
so what if i'm pretentious. sometimes things are simply beneath me it's as simple as that
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thoughtlessjunk · 22 days
an angel on letterboxd just dropped a whole playlist of films free on youtube I was filled with so much love and light I had to share with you guys
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thoughtlessjunk · 25 days
all my advice about using real athletes to learn drawing bodies beyond hard abs, and my particular pref being wrestlers, also applies to women btw. you can draw women who r strong and not an hourglass shape. fucking do it.
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kris statlander, rhea ripley (look at her SHAPE), willow nightingale, ruby soho, these r just four off the top of my head that have obvious musculature and different body types. skye blue and julia hart have more slim cheerleader style bodies as well, i REALLY wanted to put emi sakura who is fucking STOUT (adoring) in this post but i couldn't find a good demonstrative pic, the list goes on
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thoughtlessjunk · 27 days
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Homestuck Browser
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bottom text
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thoughtlessjunk · 28 days
Some day I want to see a show that does the “no filler episodes” thing from the opposite direction. Just a whole season worth of low-stakes character pieces that seem to move the overall story absolutely nowhere, then episode 26 pulls all the triggers at once and this massive Rube Goldberg machine of a plot the show’s been quietly setting up in the background the whole time hits you like a truck.
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thoughtlessjunk · 1 month
1, 3, 30?
1: What song makes you feel better?
This one:
30: What reminds you of home?
Y'know that horrible, horrible sour-sweat smell pear trees give off in the springtime? There were so many gosh darn ornamental pear trees back where I grew up, it just instantly transports me back to 2000whatever and wandering off into the woods to get away from my problems.
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thoughtlessjunk · 1 month
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Glade of the Fairies by Simon Lewis
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thoughtlessjunk · 1 month
you guys know you can get USB connectable CD, dvd, and blu-ray players right. and you can buy external hard drives with crazy amounts of space for an amount of money that would make the average person from 2009’s head explode bc of how cheap it is. and if you do this and get ripping software such as handbrake for CDs and DVDs and makeMKV for blurays you can both own a physical copy of whatever media you want and make it accessible to yourself no matter where you are. do you guys know this
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thoughtlessjunk · 2 months
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thoughtlessjunk · 5 months
Doctor Who is celebrating 60 years by releasing over 800 episodes on BBC iPlayer.
The sci-fi fantasy show first premiered in 1963 and has cemented itself as a permanent fixture in pop culture history. This fall, fans will be able to stream the entire 800-plus episode series along with spin-offs like Sarah Jane Adventures, Torchwood, and Class, and the behind-the-scenes series Doctor Who Confidential.
Each Dr Who episode will be made accessible for all Whovians, with subtitles, audio description, and sign language options available for the very first time.
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thoughtlessjunk · 6 months
Feelin nostalgic
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thoughtlessjunk · 6 months
inspired by a convo in my discord server with @kissingrhi !! cw ; daddy kink, perversion, pussy slapping, pussy eating
WILLIAM AFTON who is an absolute panty freak. he rummages through your panty drawer, looking for masturbation material and sniffs them, inhaling each scent that varies from one to the other. he likes to stroke the fabric on his cock until he brings himself to orgasm, sometimes even daring to do it next to your sleeping form. after sex, when you've fallen asleep, he'll carefully snatch the garment and slide them up and down his dick. sometimes, after fucking in his office he'll end up keeping a pair in his drawer. he has quite the collection there, and sneaks his person favorites in there frequently.
during your encounters, it's about 50/50 if your panties come off or not. absolutely one of his favorite ways to make you come is either by snapping the fabric against your cunt or slapping his hand against it. the way you whine and beg is just too delicious for him to not do it to you! before eating you out, he loves to tease you by smelling your arousal, pressing kisses and licking stripes up and down your clothed slit. he just loves when you wear light colored panties, revealing that darker wet spot. "all for me, baby? you shouldn't have," he coos with a knowing smile. you can't bear to respond; it's too embarrassing. he likes to make you hold them to the side while he tongue fucks you, knowing damn well your hands aren't steady. sometimes they snap out of your grasp which promptly earns you a rough smack on your clit and a tsk. "do that again, doll, and i just might have to stop," he warns.
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thoughtlessjunk · 6 months
Bunny Ears (Part 1) ~William Afton X F! Reader~
~Hey guys! Since 'Mechanised Devotion' has finished, I thought I would play around with a new story. Still about our favourite murder-man, but set a little further back in time and before the murderin. I hope you like it!~
Cw: CW: Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), Female Reader, legal age gap (Reader- 20's, William - 30's), divorce/processing divorce (more tags will be added later in the story)
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The alarm clock on your bedside table sounded way too loud as it trilled next to your head, groaning as you kept your eyes closed and tried to hit it with your hand before reluctantly opening them, glaring at the thing and scrunching your nose up before hitting the button to turn it off. Mornings were never your thing, but you had to get up early for something important and you knew you would have kicked yourself if you missed it.
Scraping yourself out of bed and padding through your house, you began the day. A breakfast of cereal because you didn't quite trust the new cooker, or your cooking skills, that had been fitted by your landlord a few days before, quick shower and navigating the stacks of boxes you had yet to unpack despite moving in two weeks ago to find where you had put your laundry down. Because of course you still hadn't built your wardrobe yet either, plus you didn't own the tools to make it.
You finally found the pile, thumbing through it until you managed to find a nice pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a plaid shirt to pull on top. You managed to get changed quickly after that and pulled on your black ankle boots, lacing them up quickly before finally heading out the door. Closing and opening it again as you realised you'd forgotten your keys and to brush your hair. The downside to not being a morning person and having to do things.
Grabbing your bike, the journey was pretty short to where you were headed, the heated Utah air making you puff slightly as you cycled, but it was no trouble in the small town since everything was fairly close by.
Parking up your bike, you looked up at the building and smiled, feeling a sense of nervousness coming over you and making your pulse quicken. The face of the smiling, waving bear wearing a hat and bowtie looked down at you with the bold words 'Freddy Fazbear's' in colourful neon, watching as kids excitedly dragged their parents inside to play in the arcade, eat greasy pizza and watch the animatronic shows you knew they had inside.
Not that you had had a chance to go before.
Heading inside, a woman with curly hair and a bright smile greeted families as they came inside the restaurant, the smell of fresh pizza and sickly sweetness washed over you like a little kid's dream. The woman wore a bright red jacket with a little name-tag, and a blouse with a confetti pattern beneath it, black slacks and black shoes stepped out from behind her little podium as she saw you looking slightly in awe and lost at the same time. Still grinning as she tapped you on the shoulder, making you jump slightly.
"Hey there, you look like you're new to Freddy's! Is there anything I can help you find today?" Her voice was chipper, but you smiled as you recognised the friendly tones of a customer service voice. Nodding your head and looking about curiously as you spoke.
"Um.. Sort of? I heard there were some jobs going and I wondered if there were still positions open?" The woman seemed to light up as you asked and nodded, gesturing to a man nearby who wore a similar uniform, plastered with the same customer service smile.
"Garret, can you watch my stand pretty please? It seems like we have a new friend for the Fazbear family!" Watching as the man, or rather that he was closer, spot-faced teenaged boy, nodded after looking you over.
"Sure Stacey, just don't wander off too far, you know how the bosses get when front isn't covered." He didn't seem to have Stacey's enthusiasm for the company, but you allowed the woman to lead you to a door marked as 'employees only' through a sea of hyper-active children, spilt drinks and arcade ticket ribbons that fluttered about like little flags behind excited children.
The robots on stage were singing a song, kids gathered around the stage and making the kids scream in delight each time they moved and blinked. One thing that you hadn't anticipated was how loud the place would be, and stepping through the employee door, you were almost sure you had gone deaf with quiet everything suddenly was.
"They make the doors mostly sound-proof in this back area." Stacey explained, tilting her head back and forth to crack her neck and shoulders dropping as if she had taken a burden off. Turning her head and revealing a slightly pissed looking face which threw you off guard. "Don't worry if I'm not smiling, my face just hurts from being on the front of house. It's great to see all the kids, but fuck will I have better jaw muscles than the football team by the time I'm finished here."
You couldn't help but laugh at her calloused humour, walking besides her so that you wouldn't have to make her crane her neck more.
"So that whole 'Fazbear family' thing?" You enquired, making her hum as she thought about it for a second before realising what you were asking about.
"Oh! One of the owners is super family oriented, so he wants us to be a 'family'. So you know, we're not staff unless we're talking to a parent, if a kid asks you're 'A friend of...' well usually we say Freddy's, but you can pick whatever animatronic you like." She explained, navigating the distinctly plainer back-halls of the establishment, more concrete than the colourful explosion of the room itself. You supposed being surrounded by that much colour all day everyday was probably not good for you.
"So I'll be taking you to see Mr.Emily, he's the really nice one. He operates Fredbear occasionally too, but not so often now that he hurt his shoulder." Raising an eyebrow at her as you couldn't help but ask a question.
"So there's a not-so nice one?" Stacey snorted as you asked and rolled her eyes, giving you a tired smile and pausing in the hallway, looking both ways before speaking lowly to you.
"Yeah and no. Mr. Afton is... well he doesn't seem to be much a people person, stays in the workshop most of the day and occasionally comes out. But he's also like, the sole operator for the Spring Bonnie costume."
As she set off together with you, you couldn't help but wonder if Mr. Afton was perhaps just sick of being surrounded by screaming kids all day, but you thought about the fact that he was one of the bosses and found it admirable that both of them seemed so dedicated to remaining involved in the restaurant. Eventually you reached a set of doors, one on the left and the right, both with name-plates. The one on the left had a window next to the door, letting you peer inside at the jumble of paperwork stacked everywhere as well as a wall filled with children's drawings of the various animatronics, including a yellow bear and rabbit that you didn't really recognise from any of the information you had found about the place.
Stacey knocked on the door and waved through the window, smiling brightly as she opened the door after a moment's pause.
"Hey sir, sorry to bother you but this young lady was asking about a job."
You got your first glimpse of Henry Emily, his hair was dark and curly, kept relatively short, but he was tanned, his eyes green eyes begining to crinkle at the edges as he broke out into a wide welcoming smile. You could tell that he was a fairly slender man, dressed in a white shirt and yellow tie, his left arm in a dark blue sling but adorned with various stickers that you figured had been placed there by plenty of kids over the time it had been on. As he stood up, he was around average height, if slightly taller, extending his good hand out to you to shake.
"Sorry if you're a lefty, I'm on light duties whilst my shoulder heals up." He grinned, a warm mid-west accent creeping through before he gestured for you to come in and made a motion towards an unoccupied spot on a small fold-out chair near all the drawings.
"Stacey, you can take your fifteen now, grab yourself something to eat if you want. You must be tired already today, busy busy busy!" Henry smiled and you watched as Stacey smiled graciously, nodding before heading back down the corridor, giving you a little wave as she left.
Henry turned to you, giving you a warm welcoming smile as he took a seat again, leaving the door open and moving back and forth in the spinning office chair with his foot. Giving you a general look over as you tried to sit and make yourself presentable.
"What's your favourite animatronic?"
"Sir?" You asked, confused by the question initially, blushing as he chuckled and shuffled in his chair, gesturing to the image on his desk, one amongst a clutter of photo frames of him with what looked like a wife and a cute kid, and just the kid. But he was pointing to a photo with seven mascots in it.
"Which is your favourite? Everybody has a favourite whilst working here, or for a young lady like you, you surely had a favourite growing up and coming here!"
"Oh, I um.. I'm from out of town, I never grew up with Freddy's." You explained, somehow feeling embarrassed about the fact, watching as Mr. Emily's eyes went wide and he placed a hand over his heart, leaning back and making you concerned before he dramatically placed his hand on his forehead and then grinned at you.
"Don't worry about it kiddo, I know not everybody grew up around here. How about we walk around and I can show you them. Maybe you'll pick up a favourite!" He seemed genuinely to be excited to show you, so you followed him out of his office, glancing at the door opposite and reading the name on it, hearing a chuckle from Henry as he noticed you looking.
"Ah, that's my partner's office, William Afton. Unless you have a technical concern or issue, I'd keep out of his way. He's...." He paused as he tried to find the word to describe him without painting him in a bad light, his hand waving in the air in a small circle as if that would fan the word into his mind.
"He's more technology inclined?" You offered up, making the man besides you laugh and pat your shoulder in the way that a proud dad would.
"Yes! William is certainly more into robots than people, so unless you want to interview to join the workshop, I won't introduce you to him today."
Making your way back through the halls, you both came out into the pizzeria and the noise almost knocked you over. Henry smiled at you reassuringly though and kept close to you so that you wouldn't get lost on the floor, stopping and talking to people as he went, making them smile and laugh and you couldn't help but do so too. His happiness was infectious. But he spent the time infront of the stage and explaining who each animatronic was, a little bit of their backstory fore their 'lore' and what they did, including a stop by Pirate's Cove where you were introduced to Foxy, the pirate animatronic who was looking a little worse for wear compared to the others.
"He's been meaning to be fixed up, but now some of the kids quite like how he looks since apparently he 'looks like he's been on adventures'." Mr. Emily chuckled as you left the area, making you smile too.
"That is incredibly cute."
"So miss..." you gave your name as he trailed off, giving a nervous chuckle, him repeating it back to you with a sheepish smile. "when would you like to join the Fazbear family?"
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thoughtlessjunk · 6 months
Mechanised Devotion (Part 12) FINALE ~Steve Raglan/William Afton x Female Reader~
~Thank you so much for all your support on this project of mine guys! I really am blown away by how many of you have been enjoying the story and I can only hope that my first attempt of 'X Reader' has been written well! Also this one gets spicy Sorry this one is so chunky!~
Word count so far (all parts:) 25,162
Tag List!: @ruh--roh-raggy @likoplays @perfectlycraftychaos @kawikami @dilfity
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
CW: Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), Female Reader, afab reader, legal age gap (Reader- 20's, William - 40's), mention of crimes and violence, blood, mentions of child death (it's FNAF, what did you expect?), past trauma; abusive relationships. Stalking. Religious imagery? Dub-con if you squint, knife play? Biting. Torture? BDSM? Oral (female recieving), multiple orgasms, creampie
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William Afton stared at the mugshot that had been placed on the table in front of him. His younger, less bearded self who didn't need the glasses as much and had less lines to betray his stress. A cock-sure grin on his face even back then, it was undeniably him.
"Where did you get this?" He asked, swallowing dryly as he managed to tear his silver eyes away from the flash from the past. Seeking out yours as he held out his arms, palms up as he took a slow and deliberate step towards you, feeling his own stomach turning as you took an equal step back from him. It hurt something inside of him as he watched you purposefully avoiding his eyes, keeping your distance. "Sweetie-"
"Don't call me that." You snapped, choking on your words as you hugged your arms around yourself. Feeling yourself shake as you realised you had been clinging onto some scrap of hope that he would deny it, or joke about how it was some stupid prank he'd pulled when he was younger to try and appear tough to his friends. But there was nothing of the sort falling from his lips.
He sighed your name, taking another step towards you and side-eyeing Vanessa whilst he moved. Scowling his disapproval at her as he knew she must have been something to do with it all. He felt cornered, trapped by his own actions. Afton did not like to be prey.
"I asked, where did you get this? That's all I want to know." Trying to keep his voice as the warm one you knew, but you could hear some of the bass and gravel breaking through as the mask slipped further from the image you knew.
"I'm not going to tell you that Ste-..William." You fumbled over his name again, but spat his name with venom he never would have expected. Like it soured your tongue just to say it. He'd dreamed of hearing you say his name, his real name, but after that kiss that you had initiated, he only thought it would be spoken with tenderness or cried for when he introduced you to his pleasures and pains.
It really riled him up that none of this had gone to plan.
"Please, please just tell me. I just want to know where you got it from, and I can clear all of this up. It's a misunderstanding! A silly little thing gotten out of hand, but we can't have stupid things like going around and ruining my, our, reputation can we?" He cooed, taking another step towards you and feeling that stabbing pain in his chest as you continued to move one back.
"Our reputation?" OUR REPUTATION?!" You found yourself shaking in fear and rage as he tried to pin it on the both of you, weasel his way between the cracks of your question and turn it back onto you. You realised now that it had always been that way with him, how much had you even known about the man before you before you kissed him? You knew what he said his favourite pie was, you thought you knew he was kind and considerate. You thought you knew he was real. "Fuck you, my reputation was with a man who never existed." Feeling your eyes prickling with hot tears, turning your back on him after a few steps, noticing Vanessa giving a sympathetic smile as she gestured towards the door with her head.
Following behind the blonde, you heard the heavier footsteps behind you, calling your name softly, then firmly. Growling it when the sweetness didn't work on you anymore. Hearing him say your name was almost too much, almost made you want to stop and tell him you were sorry. But you kept putting one foot in front of another. Vanessa already outside the front door and waiting for you, her hand extended slightly as if to guide you back out into the forgiving night air.
Behind you, William collapsed to his knees, hitting the wooden flooring with a heavy 'thud'. Feeling his eyes become hot and stinging in a way he didn't enjoy. He hadn't cried many times in his life, and he wasn't sure why he wanted to now, not entirely. Having you ignoring him was frustrating, but it also hurt. There was something undeniably attractive and charming about you, even when you weren't afraid or in pain. He had found himself drawn into your own web when you kissed him and to have that sensation suddenly ripped from him was almost too much.
But he was an Afton, he was William Afton, and that meant he endured.
He put his hands on the floor, head bowed and his breathing turned ragged and shuddering, eyes closed for a moment before he looked up again, watching as your foot was about to cross the threshold out of his home. Out of his reach.
"Doll please, please I-" He choked on his own words as his deep voice began to crack with emotion. "I wanted to tell you. Please," he called your name again, watching as you paused and turned your head, watching over your shoulder. His hands raising up and pointing to his own chest, feeling the rattling breaths in his chest as he tried to blink back tears. "don't make me beg. I never meant for it to go this far, but you.. oh you my doll were too precious for me to lose." He let his guts spill in his words, voice continuing to crack as he fought to hide his shaking hands as he reached out to you again.
"Don't you see? I knew you would see the monster everybody thinks I am, that I- that you deserved better than me. Some freak who felt for the first time in years when you kissed me." He couldn't see you clearly anymore as his cheeks and beard suddenly ran warm with tears.
It was almost pathetic, watching him on the floor with his arms upstretched towards you like a man in prayer. Begging for some deity to save him from himself. Something broke in your heart as you watched tears spill down his face and listened to his voice cracking, babbling between begging you to understand and painting himself in pity. You could see the way his calloused hands trembled, and in that moment, he looked frail, broken and lost.
"He's lying, come on. If you stay you'll die." Vanessa whispered harshly, tugging at your arm as you watched the giant of a man behind you curl into himself on his knees, hands covering his face and taking deep rasping breaths as he tried to contain himself. Rocking back and forth slightly in place.
"Please, please just tell me why you want to leave?" He begged you, and you felt Vanessa's grip tighten on your arm.
"Come on! You can't seriously believe anything he's saying."
"Why have you left me here like this? Why now?"
"Please, he's having a tantrum, he'll wipe away those tears as soon as you turn your back."
"Didn't you love me, even just a little bit?"
His final plea broke you and you began to cry openly. Tears streaming down your face as you looked back at Vanessa, freedom from the monster on the floor just footsteps away.
"Forgive me." You whispered as you wrenched your hand from her grip, causing her to gasp out as you stepped back and locked the door. Hearing her pounding it from the outside before you turned to look at the mess you had made. Drowning out her voice as you cautiously took steps towards William.
He heard you steps approaching, his glasses fogged up and streaked by his tears, sniffling as his hands moved from his face, holding them open to you once again almost in prayer. To be saved from himself, from the loneliness that such a life of sin had led him into. Carefully, as if he might bite, you took his glasses and placed them to one side. Looking clearly at his face and placing your hands on top of his open ones. Feeling the callouses beneath your smooth, soft hands. You were the saint to his sins, uncorrupted, soft and hurting.
But who in all the centuries of religion had anybody prayed for the devil?
He pulled you in as your hands touched his, unable to resist his strength as your body slammed into his. His strong arms wrapping around your smaller body in a tight embrace as you felt his hot, sticky breath against your head and neck, one hand cradling against the back of your head so that your forehead rested against one broad shoulder. Your hands pressed against his chest, trapped between your bodies as he squeezed you tightly, shaking softly and taking deep, rattling breaths as he tried to compose himself.
"Didn't I tell you once, I wanted you to answer my questions when I asked them?" He whispered into your ear, his lips brushing the gentle curve and letting his breath move across you skin to create Goosebumps. Although you took a moment to recognise the words, you had heard them in a more demanding tone before.
He's been there since the very beginning. And suddenly the fact he had found you wondering the roads didn't seem like luck, but cold calculated planning. You began to struggle against him, trying to separate yourself from the embrace but he only held on tighter, his thick fingers moving through your hair as he made soothing noises.
"Do you really think after everything you've made me feel, after everything I have done for you...Everything I will continue to do for you, doll, that I would let you go?" He asked, feeling the grief of loss turn into a cold, hungry anger in his chest as he had you pressed against him.
"Please I-"
"Please what, my darling?" He cooed, still gravelly and voice more even, cracking less as he turned his head and bit your earlobe gently, making you gasp and jump, eliciting a satisfied hum from the giant man.
"Please William, please just let me go. I-I promise nobody will know about-" Another bite cut off your words as he progressed from your earlobe to along your jaw, causing another gasp to fall from your lips as you tried to push him away, yelping as he bit harder as a punishment for not remaining still in his arms.
"You see, I really want to believe that doll, I really do. But I have too many things I want...no, I NEED, to do to you. I told you that you were too precious to me, and I meant it." He pulled back from his attention on your jaw and smiled ruefully at you, fingers tightening in your hair and forcing your head back for him. Groaning and feeling his cock twitch in his slacks as he studied the bruises already showing on your skin from his teeth. "But you hurt me, you hurt my heart, you hurt my trust, and you hurt me physically."
Controlling you by the back of your head, he used his teeth to unwind the bandages around his right arm, revealing mostly healed, sunken pinkish-white scars in a strange pattern of dots and rings like those you had seen on his back whilst he was shirtless. Confirming what you knew about him being the one in the Spring Bonnie costume, the one who had hurt you. Saved you. Made you melt. Made you freeze.
"So how about this? I get to mark you up and show the world who you belong to really. Steve Raglan would never do such a thing to a pretty cry-baby like yourself, but I, William Afton, am a great believer in symmetry." his voice was husky as he unfolded himself from beneath you, making you cry out as you were dragged up by the back of your head, feeling his heavy footsteps carry you easily across the floor despite your kicking and fighting protests.
He led you up the stairs, still holding onto you before taking you to the end of the hallways which you recognised as his bedroom. You struggled against his vice-like grip, but he was far bigger and stronger than you as he opened the door and flung you on the bed like you were nothing to him. Not quite recognising the yellow tube that bounced as you hit the mattress, but as he quickly straddled your thighs as you tried to sit up, you saw the dark hunger back in his eyes. Grabbing something from behind the headboard as he loomed over you.
Pulling out a length of rope, he worked quickly, pulling on your left arm and sliding the thick heavy tube over your arm. Cold metal filled the inside and you swore that you felt what you would have called knives lining it, his large hands expertly tying your smaller wrists above your head and leaving you no option for escape from him.
Leaning in, he brushed his nose against yours, speaking slowly and softly, but in that hungry tone that made your core heat up even as the hairs on the back of your neck stood up.
"That doll, is part of a springlock costume. You've seen me wear it before, well, inside of that beautiful piece of kit is lots of metal holding back the animatronic parts. You should remember what happens when you set it off." He chuckled, gesturing to his forearm as you got the cold realisation that he had placed the same thing on your arm. "So what I'm going to do, is I'm going to give you matching scars with me darling. Consider it a belated punishment for hurting me." He smirked, his breathing hitched and excited as he looked at you, vulnerable and helpless beneath his larger body.
You sobbed as you tried to pull against your bindings, but William looked down at you and felt himself aching, you looked so pretty beneath him. Manoeuvring off of your thighs, he seemed to drink you in with dark eyes, almost all of the sweetness you had know gone from them. His large hands gripped your thighs, lifting them easily and sliding them along your body, across your hips and pausing as his thumbs slid up your hoodie, feeling your warm skin beneath them and he took a moment to look back up at you before his fingers moved deftly, unbuttoning your jeans and pulling them down in a swift motion. Another tug and they were thrown into the corner of his room, and you felt the shame burning in your chest as the cold air hit your body that you were turned on by him. Your hands clenching into fists as you tried to squeeze your thighs together and hide yourself from him.
William was stronger and faster however, levering them back apart at the knees and taking a shuddering breath as he looked at the black lacey thing you had on beneath. Growling lowly in his chest, his rough hands moved up the inside of your thighs, setting the skin afire despite your sobs and the fear burning through your mind. Feeling small parts of it replaced with arousal as you looked down at the man, watching him lean in closer to your body.
"W-William please, what are you doing?" You sobbed, watching as his eyes snapped away from your core to your face, giving that warm, lopsided smile that made your heart flutter as he crawled up your body, hands either side of your chest and his hips sliding into place between yours, letting his weight fall against your smaller body as he leaned in and licked your cheek following the path of one of your tears. One hands reaching up and wiping the rest from your cheek with his thumb as he seem to contemplate what to say.
"I'm proving to you I'm not as much of a monster as you think I am, sweetie. See, if I was a monster, I would have brought the whole suit and let you experience everything all at once! But instead, I'm only letting you have a tiny bit," tapping the suit piece on your arm and making you wince as you imagined it going off then and there "and I'm going to give you pleasure even. Won't that be nice? Pleasure and pain all mixed together so perfectly?"
His hand snapped to your throat, holding it up and humming, squeezing just under your jaw and making your head spin as he avoided crushing your windpipe and instead just restricted the blood-flow to your brain. Making your head spin and throb as you were forced to stare into his silvery eyes, trying to figure out what he was waiting for when you recalled something from earlier. Swallowing desperately as you tried to speak.
"I-I'm scared William, this i-isn't how I wanted it to be." His eyes softened for a moment as he released his grip on your neck, allowing blood to rush back to your head and see stars once again as he lovingly stroked your neck, trailing down your chest and gripping one breast through your hoodie, rough and harsh, making you cry out as he hummed again.
"Good girl, you remembered I hate having questions not answered. I know you're scared sweet girl, but I don't want that feeling to go away. This isn't how I wanted to take you either, I mean, I had so many plans. There was going to be a whole time-line, stripping away pieces of myself until you fell in love with the real me. But you had to ruin my fun and make me act, didn't you? You pretty little thing."
William pressed himself against your core and watched as you bit your lip, fighting back making noise as you wanted to moan for him. Your shaking body beneath him was exquisite, and he began to kiss down your body, taking time to feel through your hoodie how the valley of your breasts fell along your sternum, the dip and curve of your stomach as you tried not to hyperventilate. The flare of your hips under his hands as his fingers hooked into your panties and pulled them down swiftly. A mix of eager and patient that seemed just right to him given the circumstances you were both under.
Even under the low light, William could see the slick coating your lips and shuddered as he knew you had been being turned on by his sick actions. Grabbing your hips with a growl, he lifted you up, barely supporting your lower back with one massive hand as he swung his body round. Pulling at your restraints as he positioned himself correctly, just how he wanted it to be. Laying on his back with his mouth beneath your dripping pussy, breath hot against your skin and his beard tickling the inside of your thighs. He grinned as he noticed how your back had to remain arched, pulling up his knees so you could lay your back against them should you fall back.
You jumped when his tongue slowly, teasingly lapped against your skin. Biting back a moan as he paid attention to the sensitive folds and unable to hold back a gasp as he pressed his lips to your swollen clit, kissing and sucking the sensitive little bundle of nerves and making your body shake more above him. His hands on your hips and holding you in place as he watched your expressions intently, arms still somewhat extended above your head by the rope. The older man focused on your pleasure, letting his tongue flick across and roll around the bud just to hear your gasps and repressed whines of desire.
Your eyes stung from crying, your shoulders and arms hurt from the position he had pulled you into. But the pleasure running through your core and sending shivers up your spine as you tried not to give him the satisfaction of hearing you made you melt.
Denying yourself to him was an almost fruitless exercise.
He growled into your body as he slipped his tongue from your clit to your hole, pressing it in and moaning as he fully tasted you for the first time. The grip on your hips tightening to an almost bruising force as you failed to stop a moan falling from your lips. The hungry fire in his eyes sparking at the sound and making him almost feverish to hear more, redoubling his efforts as he subtly pulled your hips back and forth, grinding you across his face as he lapped at your walls, wanting to hear you. To feel you give yourself over to him.
You tried to hold yourself together as William Afton worked to unravel you on his tongue, somehow knowing that as soon as you came undone, you would never be able to leave him again.
"William." His name fell from you like a whispered plea, a bitter prayer to an unfair god and you felt the vibration running through your body as he growled beneath you hearing his name in such a way. Removing his tongue from you and causing you to whine needily as the pleasure stopped, your legs forced apart further as he moved and slipped you over his shoulders, laying you back against his legs.
"Say my name again, doll." He demanded, sitting up and licking at his lips, letting the taste of you linger on him unlike your first kiss with him, his hands stroking your thighs as you laid against his legs, feeling your back being forced to arch by his slightly bent knees.
"William." It slipped out without thought, the walls of your resistance crumbling as your fear was replaced with arousal. You knew it was wrong, you should be attempting to escape, fight, anything but-
The thought was cut off as he slid his middle finger inside of you, making you moan as the thick digit stretched you with a rough intrusion. Hearing his shuddering breaths as he admired you under his control, under his spell once again even as you tried to deny it. A grin spreading across his face as he forced a second finger to join the first, relishing in the cry that came from you. Eyes watering as the stretch was painful and oh-so-good at the same time, your walls clamping around his fingers as he seemed to stroke at a part of you that made your body convulse and his fingers become crushed by your insides. William bit his lip as he too held back, trying not to snap and lose control as he watched your expressions, how your brow furrowed and your eyes fluttered for him, your lips parting and quivering as you gave him his own symphony of noises which only served to encourage him more.
You could feel your orgasm rapidly approaching, and your eyes fluttered back into your skull, clenching tighter around his fingers and more frequently, the lewd sound of your wetness finally reaching your ears as your brain finally gave in, desperate for release even if it was at the hands of monster.
"William I-... Oh god please I want to..."Your words cracking and broken, making William smile as he pushed his bottom lip out in a fake pout, looking down at you and the mess you were in his lap. So pretty. So vulnerable. All for him.
"Can't you use your words sweetie? Tell me what you want." He cooed, making you whimper as you tried to pull enough breath into your lungs so you could answer him.
"I need to cum, please William, please make me cum?" It had meant to be statement, but the whining, breaking tone in your voice made it sound like a request. One that the man was all too happy to oblige.
Rapidly changing his position, he laid besides you on his side, making you shake and gasp as suddenly the heel of his large hand had a chance to meet with and grind against your clit and you cried out. Feeling his warm breath against your ear and making you turn your head, the other arm snaking around your back and squeezing onto your shoulder, pulling you closer as he whispered against your lips.
"Give yourself to me."
And you came undone.
Your back arched as you cried out, hands clenching and unclenching as you squirmed, your wetness coating his fingers and hand. As the dopamine and euphoria washed through your body, you suddenly screamed as pain shot through your left arm, making you spasm harder and your eyes snap open, your hand clenching against it as you looked up, watching the white pillows become red as blood seeped from within the springlock suit. William's fingers pressing a thin rod into a small hole on the sturdy outside structure. You realised as your body convulsed from the searing pain and the orgasm that William prolonged by continuing to finger and palm your clit, that he had waited for your euphoria to inflict the pain on you.
He removed his fingers from you and brought them up to his face, cleaning them off and moaning as he tasted you again, looking down at your pained, confused expression as your body registered more pain than pleasure. Cuddling his face into your neck, he kissed along your ear as he whispered sweetly to you.
"That wasn't so bad was it? And you did so well for me. You make me feel so fucking hard when you call my name like that sweetie."
Moving again, he forced your legs apart again with with knees, reaching back and forcing off your shoes before focusing on you again. His large fingers worked deftly to tie your wrists, admiring the roped pattern they still held in pale bruises afterwards, then working on removing the springlock from your arm. Careful and considerate as he managed to move the pin and get them to reset, freeing your now bleeding arm. With your arms free, he made quick work of pulling your hoodie off and unclasping your bra, throwing both articles of clothing off into a corner to join the rest. His hungry gaze wandering your naked body as you cradled your injured arm against your chest and quietly sobbed.
And now, you were just like him. An angel and the devil bearing the same marks, more bonding than any ring or vow.
He took his time removing his shirt and undershirt, revealing his broad, muscular and scarred chest to you again. Your eyes naturally following the trail of hair down his chest and to his waistband before you even realised what you were doing. The smile on his face was almost cocky as he noticed it too, and his hands quickly worked on undoing his slacks, watching with relish as your eyes went wide at seeing his bulge for the first time.
Standing for a moment, he stripped off fully, his erection pulsing even without touching it, although as he looked at your bleeding, bruised body laid out before him, he couldn't help as he gave himself a few languid strokes. Groaning as his eyes fluttered before he finally crawled back onto the bed.
His knees forced your legs apart again, and he laid his weight against you oh-so carefully, like he was afraid he would crush you despite the fact he had just hurt you. Letting you feel his size lined up against your stomach and where it would reach inside you as he pulled your arms from your chest. Making you shiver and squirm as he licked up your bloody arm and he eyes darkened, moaning as he tasted you in a different way.
"Is there a part of you that doesn't taste good?" He asked, whispering your name as his nose rubbed against yours sweetly before he brushed his lips against yours.
"I-...William it hurts."
"I know sweetie, and you're going to hurt for a bit longer, but I know you're not going to make me hurt you like this again." He reassured, before you felt his lips capture yours again. Biting at your lip and making you gasp as he took to opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. Your arms automatically wrapping around his back and scratching your nails across his skin, making him moan and move his hips against you. His cock sliding between your folds and collecting your arousal, making you shiver each time he moved over your over sensitive clit, moaning into the kiss that tasted like iron and your arousal.
The weight of his body was reassuring, and the way he moved so sweetly against you almost made you forget about how your arm stung and felt too warm and wet. That hand moving into his hair and lacing into his greying hair, holding on as one of his hands similarly cradled your head, the other roaming your body as if committing it to memory. Squeezing and groping with a bruising intensity across your breast and hips. His tongue met with yours and letting them battle for dominance even though you knew that there was no way you could win. His kisses became sloppy, desperate as he growled and moaned, his hips rubbing against you faster as you felt the hot drool of precum smear across your stomach before he reached down from your hip.
Your breath was stolen as he slammed himself into you, a silent scream as he bottomed out in one motion and moaned your name. His fingers tightening in your hair as your nails scratched down his back. You could feel his cock pulsing inside your tightness for the brief moment he paused to savour you before he began fucking you with a burning intensity.
The lewd sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room as both of you prickled with sweat under the intensity. William released your hair to sit up, kneeling on the bed and gripping your hips, pulling them up his lap as he slammed into you, knocking the breath from your lungs as he stretched and filled you in a way you had never felt before.
Even though he seemed to fill you everywhere, each stroke of his cock against your walls seemed to stoke another fire in your stomach, watching where you met for a few moment as his cock disappeared inside you. Hitting the spot that made breathing and thinking hard repeatedly as he moved feverishly, an intense look on his face as his brow furrowed, lip curled up into a snarl as he growled and grunted. Focused on how good you felt wrapped around him.
Noticing your lack of attention on him, he snarled and moved forwards, one arm caging you in whilst the other held your throat again, squeezing tight as he forced you to look into his dark eyes. Wide and wild as he felt himself coming closer and closer to his own orgasm, wanting to claim you utterly as his.
You were his. Utterly and entirely, and he would kill you before he let you go.
"William I'm... I'm going to cum again." You whined out, making the large man snarl. No words escaping him as he held your throat tighter and redoubled his efforts, slamming his hips into yours with furious intensity as he watched your face, glancing to where his cock slammed into your pussy and moaning, feeling his body shudder as he released your throat and leaned in, biting your shoulder harshly and making you yelp between the moans and whimpers that drove him into becoming feral.
"Fucking cum for me,... be mine. Never leave me again." He growled into your ear before biting at your skin again, being sure to leave painful hickeys across your skin as he slammed into you. Hearing you crying out his name as your body spasmed and arched under his, William's name falling from you like a pleading chant as you were wracked by your second orgasm. Coating him in your slick as he continued to thrust into you, becoming sloppy as he reached his own peak.
He moaned your name into your shoulder, holding you close with his arms wrapped around you, pressing you into his body as you felt his thrusts slow and become jerky. Feeling him filling you with thick, hot ropes of cum and making you shudder more as even as the ropes finished, he languidly rolled his hips into yours a few more times.
Laying together, both of you breathless as your bliss washed over you. He began to kiss your neck softly, paying attention to where he had bitten and bruised, trailing it over your arm and onto each deep cut that the springlocks had inflicted, making you wince before he brought his now red lips to yours. Kissing you softly, as gently and slowly as you had imagined your first kiss would have gone before your world fell apart and was rebuilt again by the same man.
Carefully, he pulled himself out of you, watching your body shiver as he reached over to the bedside table and pulled out a roll and bandages and gauze. Sitting on the bed and pulling you carefully into his lap so your back laid against his, kissing your head and shoulder before taking your arm and wrapping it carefully. So gently your heart fluttered that he was taking care of you, making sure he was soft after being so rough with you before.
"Never leave me, please sweetie? I wouldn't want to have to teach you another lesson if you tried to leave me again, I don't want to hurt you like this again. I want you to enjoy me, stay with me." William whispered as you turned your head to look at him, letting your lips meet in another soft and slow kiss before you rested your forehead against his.
"I promise William. I won't leave you again." and you meant every word of your mechanised devotion. Automatic, intense and everlasting, as you remained in the arms of William Afton and whispered sweet nothings to each other between kisses and bandages.
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thoughtlessjunk · 6 months
Mechanised Devotion (Part 1) ~Steve Raglan/William Afton x Female Reader~
~ Please be nice to me, this is my first time writing fanfiction in a while and honestly have just been experiencing the phenomena that is Matthew Lillard as William Afton. Also, first time posting on tumblr! Also thinking of making this a multi-part series, so feedback is really appreciated!~
CW: Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), afab reader, legal age gap (Reader- 20's, William - 40's), mention of crimes and violence, blood, mentions of child death (it's FNAF, what did you expect?), past trauma; abusive relationships.
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When it had been suggested by your previous manager that you should see a career counsellor, you had thought it was a funny joke. You had laughed at the idea of something such as going to see another human being who's job was solely to tell you what jobs you were good and qualified for.
Until the paperwork had been handed over in an unsealed manila envelope letting you know that you had been terminated.
Unemployment had hit you like a truck, but without the pay-out that might have come from the trucking company. Filing paperwork to try and get even a few dollars a week to survive and contribute towards your house-share whilst already struggling to try and push through college had fallen by the wayside and you had been hitting the pavement both physically and online to try and find your next job.
That perfect one that was sure to turn up the next day, or maybe the next week.
But as somewhat expected, that moment had never arrived and neither did that job. So it was with great reluctance that you found yourself in a drab beige building with the occasional sound of human misery making the area feel like anybody was left alive in the room despite the faint clicking of the keyboard from the receptionist.
'Would it have killed them to put a small plant or something in the room?' You found yourself thinking as you looked around, almost missing the gesture from the receptionist lady who scowled over her glasses at you and handed you a slip of paper.
"Your councillor will see you down the hall, third door on the left."
"Thanks ma'am." your voice was quiet, and the woman scoffed before shooing you away with her somewhat ridiculously long nails. You wondered how she managed to do anything with them, but your thoughts quickly turned to the office you were supposed to find as you set off quickly down the hall.
The walls were beige, the floors were beige and you were minorly impressed that they had found somewhat beige doors as you moved down the hall cautiously. But the door you needed seemed almost comically like an old episode of Scooby-Doo where it was easy to tell what object was going to be interacted with due to the significantly different colours and quality of drawing. For some reason, the one door you needed was a nice deep wooden colour, although you seriously doubted it was real wood in a place like this. It took you a moment to breathe deeply, steeling your nerves and running your hand through your hair to tidy it up a bit, hand smoothing down your skirt before reaching up and knocking.
There was sound of shuffling from inside before a smooth, warm voice that came from inside though slightly muffled. "Come on in!"
Entering slowly, you blinked as you spotted a man sat at the desk infront of you, his hair peppered with greys despite being a cool brown colour and his slightly gaunt face adorned with greying stubble. Glasses perched on the end of his nose, which he looked over the rim of to see you before reaching up and pushing them back onto his face with his index finger, standing up with a warm, lopsided smile. What surprised you next was how tall he was. The guy was easily over six feet tall, and you felt dwarfed by his sheer size, broad shoulders accentuated by a neat by rumpled beige plaid shirt and a neatly knotted tie.
"You're my new client right? Come on in! Sit, sit!" he gestured to the cracked plastic chair opposite the desk with a large hand before extending it to shake your own, hand engulfing yours and allowing you to feel how rough and calloused they were compared to your own.
'How does an office worker get such rough hands?' you wondered as you took a seat, hands automatically tucking your skirt underneath you as you sat in the hard plastic chair. Blushing as you felt the man's grey eyes wandering over your appearance with something akin to disinterested amusement before he opened a folder and made a humming noise as he scanned it.
It allowed you to look around his office, noticing several framed diplomas on the walls, surprised by the amount of colour in the room with the warm wooden bookcase and even the occasional muted purplish-blue folder dotted amongst the shelves. You noted his room smelt like coffee, both freshly brewed and stale grounds somehow, a faint smell of smoke and cologne. Sniffing quietly, you wondered if perhaps the person who had sat there before you had been a smoker and worn some cologne to try and impress. But you supposed that you had gotten dressed up yourself despite your scuffed up converse ruining the somewhat ill-fitting blouse and skirt giving some illusion of professionalism.
"So, what are we going to do with you?" His voice made you jump as you suddenly snapped your attention back to him. Heart pounding as you blushed, realising as he tilted his head slightly to one side that he had caught you off-guard and slightly snooping.
"Pardon sir?" You asked, swallowing softly as you met his gaze for a moment before you looked down at your hands again. Picking slightly at your nails and more specifically the pale blush nail polish you had hastily tried to apply yourself that morning to hide the fact that you bit your nails. He paused before sighing and leaning forwards onto his elbows, chin resting on his hands as he gave you a somewhat lazy smile.
"I asked, miss..." he glanced at the paperwork before letting your name roll off his tongue in a way that made your heart pound slightly. You weren't sure why it did, but some tiny part of your brain was eager to hear him say it again. "what I was going to do with you. You have a clean employment record...aside from all the dismissals due to.." He paused and pulled his glasses down to peer over them to stare the text, his lips moving silently as he read before putting his attention back onto you. "it says here 'staffing issues and personal life interferance'?" Raising a quizzical eyebrow
"I um... I had some issues at home at that time Mr..." Glancing down at the nameplate on his desk, you realised he had never formally introduced himself to you apart from the handshake. "Raglan. I'd rather not talk about it."
"Well, I can't help you find a job if you don't help me help you." The man you now knew as Steve Raglan sighed, giving you another one of those lopsided smiles that made you feel like you were talking to a sweet, disappointed but supportive dad and gave you a pang in your chest that you might be letting this total stranger down.
"You don't have to tell me today, but I want to see you next week and I want you try to open up, tell me about what was going on and I might be able to offer something." Steve offered, gesturing to his pile of potential job prospects. You weren't aware that he was looking at you again, wondering if you purposely had chosen something that obscured your body-type and meant you weren't confident in yourself, or whether financially you had chosen what option was available.
The way you sat there meekly and picking at your nails was somewhat infuriating as he wanted to demand you looked at him when he spoke, but he remained calm. You were probably his most interesting client to date, hunching in on yourself and avoidant of filling in the blanks that your open ended statement had left. He decided he would lay on the charm slightly, see what got you to cave in and perhaps provide some amusement as his mind whirled with too many ideas and desire to move, do something and be far more active than his life as Steve Raglan allowed.
"I guess I'll see you next week then, thank you having me Mr. Raglan." you spoke softly and stood up. Watching as the hulking man stood too and opened the door with a somewhat sad smile, like he was watching a bright student walk down the wrong path in life.
"Of course, please, take this and give me a call if you would like to talk about this matter sooner. I hate to see a young woman like yourself go to waste because of one little hiccup." Another pang went through your chest as he spoke. He really did seem dissapointed in you, and some how, you found that you wanted to please the man you had met barely half an hour before.
As you walked down the corridoor, his eyes lingered on your smaller retreating form and tilted his head to one side, licking his lips to wet them for a moment in thought. He hoped whatever you were hiding from his was worth his time, and would perhaps find him another fun thing to play with.
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